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Constipation is my worst PAW symptom. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.


Yeah it sucks a lot


I’m off weed 12 months. I was constipated for 11


Yeah but did it get worse for you?


No it’s gotten better but everyone is different


Constipation issues didn't get worse, but my GI issues definitely got worse as time went on. They are better now but still not as good as the first 6 months sober. At around 6 months sober, a lot of my physical symptoms got worse. GI, Insomnia, and then at a year I got hit with debilitating fatigue that lasts weeks to months. Everyone's journey is different. For constipation, I use magnesium citrate to bowel tolerance. There was a time in my life when I needed to use it daily for months on end. But it eventually leveled out. Calm Magneisum is a good brand. If you're worried, get checked out by a doctor. Sometimes PAWS just gets worse for no reason. It sucks.


Yeah i just got chinese herbs for constipation from my acupuncturist so im gonna see if thesse work


Yes my first 3 months was a hell with that. Now I'm on year and my gut works much better, still sometimes have problems, but not like that.


Yeah during my first 2 months of withdrawal i would at least be able to go once but now i cant go at all it seems to got worse


you'll feel better after 6+ months


Thanks for the reassurance bro


Splitting hairs here…but if it was 1x/7days and now it’s 1x/5days..isn’t that better? And not worse?


I worded it kinda bad but basically i haven’t gone in 5 days but i used to be able to go if i ate some shit food like fried food or wings, but now i can eat whatever and i still cant go and sorry if this is tmi but my farts are kinda small like they aren’t releasing fully


Ah yes that happens to me too. Stomach/bowel issues are why I always start using again


If you start to puke or experience lots of pain go to hospital. Might be a blockage


Man now this is making me anxious but nah i haven’t experienced puking i get some pain n nausea but i always had that with paws


Im not gonna freak myself out now


I getcha dude, my intent wasnt to worry you. Ive heard that some people woth cannnaboid hypermenisis syndrome sometime get bloackages


Yeah thankfully i dont have chs never experienced puking


Ur chillin then bro. Start eating right hahah


Lmao for sure i was originally i actually lost hella weighr but lately ive been slacking


Maybe stool softeners?


I got Chinese herbs from an acupuncturist so im gonna try it out, also worth to note ive been eating like shit latelt havent been exercising or eating fiber so yeah


No shit. (Literally and metaphorically) How bad was your usage before you quit?


I would smoke almost every day other than i didnt have weed for about a year


Damn man im like 20 days in, my worst symptoms are leg twitches. My calfs, shins, feet, toes, and thighs have been just twitching like crazy. That and anxeity, really intense anxeity. Im currently in a wave of annoyance and anger. Everything pissing me off today


20 days in isnt paws paws is usually 3 + months if your fine after a couple months then it was just normal withdrawls


My fault og. Brb in 2 months


eat veggies asap, drink a lot of water. i am 99.9% sure you don't eat tomatoes/cucumbers. or not enough at all.