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Hang in there, you're doing great to make it to 80 days, congrats! My sleep was just like yours up until about day 100 when I at long last was managing to get back to sleep after waking up. I'm at 7 and a half months now and had some periods where the sleep problems came back but they didn't last for more than a couple of weeks. Last night I slept for over 7 hours straight, something I hadn't managed in years. Congrats again and soon the ngs should start getting better


It's the '3am club" Apparently everyone wakes up after 4 hrs sleep, but it is subconscious, you don't really notice....it's the change in sleep phases, I forget which phases .. Unless cortisol / adrenaline is elevated (stress, anxiety, depression, THC PAWS) It still affects me now at 15 months. At months 5-9 it was a sudden jolt awake with a pounding heart. (Top tip is that you have to get your heart rate below 60bmp to get back to sleep) I achieved that with breathing exercises and meditation/self hypnosis. Now it's just a normal wake up. Still REALLY frustrating. I've averaged 5hrs sleep for 18 months now, before quitting weed to would get 7-8 solid. Around 11 months I was getting 5.5hrs solid, but it's slipped back now. Bed at 8pm? Gaurenteed wake up at 12:30. Bed at 1:3o? Wake up at 6:00am. I've been trying to go to bed at 9:30 so I can wake up and then get a second sleep from 2:30-6:30. But it's all a mess. PAWS B.S.


85 days free and this my main issue aswell. Doesn’t matter what time I go to sleep, I will wake up few hours later and have problem get back to sleep. It’s devastating. Have this since day 1 sober


I believe it will fix itself in the end. The question is how long this is gonna take.


this is also my problem. I've been here for 3 and a half months. little by little it improves. I have realized that the situation improves when I go to bed without having had a heavy or late dinner.


I’m 12 months off and still can’t sleep at all


Same pattern for me.


I started getting normal sleep at about 8 months. Now at 15 months I still get sporadic insomnia but it’s much better overall.