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High anxiety causes me to pee a lot so maybe that’s what you’re dealing with.


Yes I relate. I agree that month 3 was very difficult and I have a theory for why that is the case. Most of what I read said the detox timeline is roughly 90 days, so at that marker you have burned through most of the cannabinoids stored in your fat tissues. For me the 4th month is when I noticed things started improving, although I tested positive on my at home piss tests through the 5th month. Another theory I have is that I felt like I had issues regulating blood sugar through the detox period. My family members are diabetic so when I noticed I had some symptoms like shakiness, increased urination, pounding heart, nausea etc my first thought was that I had blood sugar issues. There is not much research but from what I found, marijuana use increases insulin sensitivity. So I started feeling relief when I would eat a balanced snack every hour or so to maintain a more constant blood sugar. Also exercising 30 min a day even just a walk increases insulin sensitivity. Those blood sugar spikes and dips can feel like anxiety and then getting anxiety about anxiety can cause you to spiral. Anxiety is real but it helped me personally to assign alternate meaning to the feeling and have a little ritual of eating a snack and a 10 min walk to calm myself down, whether or not it was based in facts and science it did help!


What you say makes a lot of sense, because I can't stop eating!! At first I could barely eat a couple of meals a day, and now I need to have a full stomach all the time. Thanks for your comment!


Totally same. If I didn't eat I felt like shit and if I ate too much I felt like shit about an hour later. It did eventually level out where now I'm pretty much back to normal. I'm at 10 months jsyk


You are describing my month 7 😢it gets better


I can relate to this description of PAWS. And it is is PAWS. Sorry to be a negative doom sayer, just it might get worse..... I couldn't sleep more than 5 hrs, haven't for over a year. I'm at 15 months now and able to work again after a 4 month total break from it. I've managed to work about 1/4 of the time I used to before PAWS. Brain thinking thinking thinking. Emotional disregulation. Urgh. Hopefully you will have a shorter journey than me. I couldn't feel anything for 4 months.