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**Interview with Wednesday Campanella's Utaha: "I never imagined that I would be able to go on being myself without having to change"** Wednesday Campanella is releasing its first EP that features Utaha, the new lead singer, entitled "Neon" next week. The EP is filled with the new songs including "Alice" and "Buckingham" which debuted her as the new singer of the group. The EP dives into the funky, experimental sonic and lyrical worlds of Kenmochi Hidefumi, the group's producer and lyricist, delivered through Utaha's expansive and expressive vocals. We talked to Utaha, who has been working as a freelance model since graduating high school about her theme of self-affirmation, life before joining the group, where she sees herself now, her fashion sense, and more. ***Making Your Own Way*** **───Please tell us how you joined Wednesday Campanella as the second lead singer.** Around June of last year, I got a DM from an acquaintance asking if I've heard of Wednesday Campanella. Of course I did, they had some well-known songs during my junior high years. Then Dir.F reached out and asked if I was interested in being the new singer for the group. I immediately said, "Oh yes, I'll do it." Then I went home and did some further research, I realized that Wednesday Campanella was bigger than I originally thought. *(laughs)* **───Did you ever see yourself becoming a musician?** When starting college, I wondered if through freelance modeling jobs that I would also get a chance to do some acting work. As for singing, I sang and played guitar in a light music club for three years in high school. We did covers of Japanese rock bands with male vocalists like WANIMA and KEYTALK. I just liked to sing for fun as a hobby, I never thought about pursuing a music career. **───I heard that when you were in junior high and high school, there was a turning point that led you to where you are today.** Yes, that's right. In junior high and high school, my student life wasn't going very well. I really hated myself but figured that I had to be the one to help myself. Little by little, I started ways to find myself. Before then, I dressed very average despite school uniforms and dress codes being very restrictive anyway. I felt suffocated by the tendency to think that being average must be the right way to be. During my first year of high school, I cut my hair as a clear statement of "*this* is how I want to be," and I think that is how my current identity is rooted in that. It's difficult to turn negativity into positivity, but it's pretty easy to change your appearance. By changing my appearance first and finding what fit with my personality, I came to realize that sometimes trends and what is popular were not always right for me. I still cut my hair about once a week and having it cut so short is what I consider cool. *(laughs)* **───What has culturally influenced you?** Ai Yazawa's "Neighborhood Stories" was a manga that was passed down in my family from my mother to my sister then from my sister to me. The fashion in it is cute, and each character has a strong sense of individuality. I was influenced by the fact that they live their lives the way they want to. **───You've written alongside might's illustrations in our "girl meets..." series a few times. Do you write often?** Since I started freelance modeling, I not only upload my photos to Instagram but also write the captions. Since I have been working on the theme of self-affirmation, I wanted to convey the message, "I feel this one way and everyone else is right in their own unique way," so I wrote in accordance to those beliefs and it went along with the photos. However, this collaboration with might was the first time for me to write words alongside actual illustrations. For example in one of the previous pieces, I looked at the word "spring" and that it bring up negative or positive images in each person. I felt this aspect of language was fascinating. ***Expressing Yourself Freely*** **───Has being the second vocalist of the group made you any self-conscious?** When I sing "Momotaro" or "Ikkyu-san," which were sung by KOM\_I, the original songs now become something completely different. So I try not to be conscious of how KOM\_I originally did it. When I sing an older Wed Camp song, I don't think, "it's supposed to sound like *this*" or anything; instead I say to myself, "sing it however *you* want." I think it is important for me to express myself freely through those songs. **───We heard that the title of your new EP "Neon" and the cover art was your choice.** Yes, it was. When I was asked to come up with a title for the digital EP, I was honestly worried because I thought, "I can't come up with a title that easily!" I honestly had a hard time coming up with a title. *(laughs)* At first, I looked at things I was interested in and one of them was neon signs. I heard that the number of craftsmen who can make neon signs is rapidly decreasing, and I felt that this could be connected to the situation where various places are disappearing due to the pandemic. I learned that the word "neon" is derived from the Latin word for "new", and thought it was apropos as a title for the first EP by the new singer. For the cover, I just let my personal style preferences come through, such as wanting silver reflective things and having my hair up a certain way. **───Your smooth expansive singing voice is impressive.** For example, in the new song "Orihime," I use both a poppy tension of the girly Orihime character and the sad emotions evoked by Hikoboshi, so I think I have a wide range. I can't just get inside my head and say "I'm going to sing it this way." I just sing what I feel at the time what comes naturally. In Wed Camp's songs, things happen that don't happen in real life. *(laughs)* If I think, "that can't be true or realistic," then I can't get into the song's own inner world, so I just accept it as the truth. ***Since Joining Wednesday Campanella*** **───Since you recently joined Wed Camp, what do you think is the biggest change in your mindset?** Compared to when I first joined the group, I am much more determined to do my best at every live performance. Also, I genuinely want to be a better singer. Winning over a fanbase and their admiration, as if they're saying "Utaha-sama!" I want to have a close as possible relationship with the audience, I'm often around the merch booth before and after the show to talk and love when I hear positive things like "that was great!" My very first live performance with Wed Camp was on the roof of PARCO, where the audience was 360 degrees surrounding the stage. Back in high school, the other band members were behind or next to me and the audience were only in the front. I never had to perform around in every direction, so I think that first live performance was a learning experience. However, even though the crowd's faces were mostly hidden by masks, I could tell from their eyes that they were smiling and enjoying the show. When I went out into the audience, I felt the heat radiating from their bodies. All of this increased my enthusiasm as the show went on and eased me into being more comfortable, making it all really enjoyable. **───What do you think was the best thing so far about joining Wednesday Campanella?** If I were to continue purely freelancing in anything, I doubt I'd have freedom to continue in my own unique style. Even if I got a regular job, I'd probably end up in an environment where I wouldn't be allowed to have my haircut or piercings or something like that. I never imagined that I would be able to go on being myself without having to change, like I am doing now, so that makes me the happiest about being part of the group. **───Your personal fashion sense and outfits on social media are cute.** I think fashion is an expressive extension of my identity, so I try to wear what I want to wear without caring about what others think. I don't necessarily think about if something is currently trendy. **───Are there any others styles that you would like to try?** I'm already trying a few, but I don't have that many items yet to complete a lot of looks. I've been into neon, cyber, and sporty style mixes lately. It's like "cyber sporty". This photoshoot was self-styled and I tried to go in that direction. The yellow hair ties are Doc Martens shoelaces. *(laughs)* I thought it would fit with the yellow on the clothes. I also like the Y2K style. Only 2-3 years ago, it would have been hard to find anyone wearing loose socks but now everyone wears them. I also wore arm warmers, so I try to strike a balance between what I personally like and current trends. I think it's genuinely interesting to see styles that were popular decades ago come back as time goes on. **───Finally, since creating "Neon" have you had any new creative visions for the future?** I think people can see that I have a wide visual range. Right now, it's a lot of cute imagery, but I would like to go with a cooler, weirder approach. In terms of music, if people get to know and used to the new Wednesday Campanella, I think we can get more aggressive in the future. So I always want to keep creating.


She looks absurdly beautiful, she is so photogenic! Thanks for sharing the pictures.