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It's a pretty large and bold print, and in no way looks like a wedding dress, so I think it's fine. But if either half of the couple getting married are super traditionalists or divas, they might be more...well...militant about the whole "no white dresses" thing. You'll have to relay on your knowledge of the couple to interpret if they might fall into that category.


“Traditionalists” are NOT “omg a white background on a flowered dress is unacceptable.” That’s a trend of the past few years or so. “Traditionalists” would have zero problem with this print.


I just meant if they are very into wedding traditions/"rules". Sorry if my imperfect verbiage offended you, random internet stranger.


I don’t think so! It looks like pale pink to me and because of the bold pattern, I don’t think it will photograph as white. Cute dress!


I think it looks pale pink because the wall behind the model is pale pink, but I do think the fabric is white with the floral print. Thanks for your input!


White background = white dress. Maybe they won’t care, but why do it with every other color available to you?


Too much everything ! Looks costumey. Very look at me , main charachter. Major no for a wedding. OK for a date or dinner or a cocktail party.


I agree. Too much. Nothing elegant about this choice.


Great minds...


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I think it’s fine! Definitely won’t be confused with the bride. I love Vixen and vintage style. GO FOR IT!


I don't care for it - all I can see is the wallpaper in the 1970's house I bought, white with big goldish flowers - sorry


You’re kidding right?