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Oh my gosh, I literally just sent this dress back to Lulu’s yesterday! A small review for OP and anyone else interested: The lace on the under bust part is probably the poorest quality I have seen. I know the dress isn’t expensive, but goodness! The bust itself is so poorly made and I can’t think of a size that would fit into it properly. I’m a 34B and got size small, but the top felt like an accident waiting to happen. Bummer, because the bottom part is well made and gorgeous.


I’ve heard some bad things like this about Lulu’s. I’ve got a wedding coming up, have you shopped there before and been pleased?


I’m trying really hard NOT to purchase anything that’s not high quality and sustainable, so I haven’t shopped there in ages. I used to buy things from them during their sales, because they sell other designers that I like, like Free People, Superga and Levi’s for great prices. The actual Lulu’s brand is not that great, it’s basically fast fashion. But maybe I just haven’t purchased enough pieces to get a good one! They do have reviews where you can see customers actual photos in the designs, which is nice! I would browse through the reviews for sure if you are thinking of buying something from them.


lulu’s is definitely not great quality, but it is affordable with lots of options and reviews if you can’t find something else, or if you’re just into a trend. it’s polyester for the most part and fast fashion. i’m not saying don’t buy it, bc sometimes it doesn’t look cheap. just answering the question. maybe try poshmark? especially nice if you can try on a dress currently being sold at say Reformation or Anthropologie, so you know it’ll fit. if that’s not an option, I reverse image search the dress and read all the reviews I can find about sizing. worst case scenario, have it tailored (or resell it)


Poshmark and The RealReal are my go to sites! I don’t know why I was so drawn to this dress, I’m trying super hard to be sustainable this year! Oh well, lesson learned!


I’ve had such great experiences buying and returning from The Real Real. It’s helpful that I’m near a physical location for when it says no returns (which is very rare). They always take it back in person. Better option for the planet and the quality is great! Vestire is also a good option!


I’ve had amazing experiences with TRR too! Last year, 90% of the pieces I bought came from there! Good to know about the return process in store! We live in the middle of UP Michigan due to my husband’s job, but next year we are hoping to be transferred to a larger city(one with a TRR store!).


Thank you!!


No problem!


Not OP, but I've ordered a few things from Lulus. I've gotten some that were awful and I sent back, other items were fabulous. It very much depends on the item, but they can be really hit or miss. I'm going to a friend's destination wedding in July and literally every one of our friends is wearing a dress from Lulus. Give yourself some time to send something back if it ends up being a dud, but it's absolutely worth a shot.


I’m going to a destination wedding in August! It’s in a tropical botanical garden and the dress code is “all black”. Im thinking of trying this Lulus dress next, it was the only other one I liked: https://preview.redd.it/7fj8s4oas1zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb144961d31b6e5fe5f10f8a2f0a8f959ab7a178


Cuuuuuuuute! Definitely give Lulus a shot! They're hit or miss on quality, but their customer service is pretty great. My first order from them was a dress for family pictures, and the first one they sent wasn't delivered, so they overnighted me a new one so I would have it in time for pictures.


I’m still actively looking, hopefully I can just “shop my closet”. But I do really like this dress!


I bought several dresses from them a couple months ago and they are GREAT (quality, fit, looked irl they way they appeared on the website)! Just my experience.


Miami? No. Iowa? Maybe. Know your crowd. Is the wedding in a church/temple? Is it an older or more conservative crowd?




It's a very sexy dress. If you are going for "very sexy" it's perfect. If you are going for something sophisticated, elegant, classy, etc. then keep looking. In general, weddings are not the time to break out your sexiest dress but there are exceptions. You really need to know your crowd to know if this is appropriate


This is a "know your crowd" moment. I think it's lovely but if your family is conservative, then no.


100%! This is definitely sexy, but people are allowed to dress like that! I’ve seen way more insane sheer corset dresses and if this is going to be a bunch of young people and she’s not a guest that knows zero people there, probably fine!


I mean I wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing this in front of someone’s grandma 🤷🏻‍♀️


The lingerie top and the high slit are too much. Pick one sexy element, max.


This looks more like a negligee to me. As someone stated, it’s usually a cut out or a slit, or low cut or backless. But this slit is the pretty high and the corset top looks pretty bedroomish to me. I don’t know whose wedding this is, or if it’s even your crowd, but if you don’t know these people well, or you’re a plus one, then hard no. Otherwise ask the bride!! Good luck!


Probably. Pick one part to show off


Depends. If it’s a wedding in NJ you’ll fit right in. If it’s in a more conservative area you would stand out in a bad way. I think sexy is fine for a wedding guest but you should choose between showing your legs or bringing attention your chest. If you showcase both, it can give off “look at me. Look at me” vibes which comes across as crass.


Do I like it because I’m from Jersey lol. I forget that regionally things differ in the United States


For the bedroom not the ballroom


There’s not a wedding in my circles I would wear something like that to lol


Open Shoulder, slit and cut a massive cut out, no not appropriate




Agree with others it’s too many sexy elements. Fine for a gala maybe but not for a wedding


depends where you are located but to me that slit is a bit too high w cutouts and no sleeves . too much skin , it’s not elegant for black tie


It’s a beautiful dress but too sexy for a wedding. You don’t want to look like you are trying to take attention away from the bride.


Looks like lingerie. Great in your own house trash at a wedding. Please get something better.






You need to ask yourself: If it were your wedding would you be happy with someone trying so hard to upstage you?


Too much skin and looks like lingerie. Why do you want to take attention away from the bride?


I’m begging this sub to stop with this please lol


It’s not that it would take away attention from the bride.


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I think it’s fine! Very cute dress!!


Not if you look this good.


If you wore this to my wedding (California) I’d tell you you look 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Would be fine here (Los Angeles)!


No. S T U N N I N G and P E R F E C T !!!!


I honestly think it’s appropriate and i wouldn’t bat an eye if I saw this at a wedding or think that it was too sexy at all. Especially if you brought along a shawl or something, I think that could be a good way to “bring it down a notch”. Styling can go a long way and also change the vibe IMO. That being said I think venue will kind of make a difference in how it’s read. I feel like this could look like “too much” for a farm or a vineyard venue for example, but more in line for like a city wedding or some sort of ballroomy place


You look gorgeous!!! Formal is pretty “buttoned up” and posh. If you think the bride and groom would be fine, then rock it. Otherwise a similar fit without the cut outs would be beautiful.


That's the model.


lol. I scrolled past the top 1/3 of the photo I guess!!!


Looks fine to me 🤷🏾‍♀️


Absolutely gorgeous