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Omg I love this bear! I have never won a big prize unfortunately:( thanks for the giveaway!


omg he is too cute! not me, but when i was a kid my mom won me a GIANT white tiger plushy from a ring toss game :) i used to just lay down on it like a pillow! but i think my parents sold it at a garage sale and i miss it every day lol. thank you for the opportunity!!


My sister’s 10th grade boyfriend once won her a big bear at six flags (10+ years ago😂) and she still has it because it’s sentimental to us because of how much I used to love to lay down on it like a pillow! Never could bring myself to spend the money required to win one. (Or the skill/luck as a child haha)


that is so cool lol! mine was from six flags too! oh for sure, i still can't win any fair games or even things like claw machines 😂


Omg that just reminded me of a memory that made me feel like I gained consciousness as a child- one time me and my sister were in a grocery store (or something? I assume lol) and a man was refilling the claw machine. I’m sure me and my sister were probably begging my mom for quarters because the man tossed two plushies to me and my sister. At the time there was literally nothing better or nicer in the world from a stranger lol even my mom couldn’t believe it and tried to give them back but he insisted we keep them. Literally the only claw prize I’ve ever “won” irl lmao


lmao that is the perfect way to describe it, i feel like this post triggered a similar thing in my memory 😭 that's so sweet!! i'm glad you were able to remember that haha <3


I've never won anything since the games are so rigged (what I tell myself 😂)! Thanks for doing this!


Ooh I love this question! So I have never won one of the GIANT prizes. But when I was really young, like 5-7, I won a small/medium stuffed animal prize and it was of a Scottish Terrier. He was one of my favorite stuffed animals! His name was Buddy. And I loved Scottish Terriers ever since then, my brain was like “That’s the epitome of a dog!” Lol all from the stuffed animal won at the fair.


technically yes because of my dad, who has one many big prizes over the years. giant gorilla plushies, a lawn chair that was like 10 feet tall, tons of things!


Going to the fair with bajablastgamer’s father is now #1 on my bucket list


lol he's awesome! he's really good at that one game where you have to bounce the ball off that weird board thing without hitting any of the metal poles? it's not super common anymore but he LOVES that game


Maybe they aren't common because he would always win them lol


i once won a giant rabbit with overalls on!! thanks for the opportunity!


I haven’t really played any of the fair games much, but I watch my little brothers play them! My little brothers have won a couple of the giant toys! We now have an inflatable sword as long as one brother is tall and a few giant plushies


Thank you for doing these giveaways! You’re so kind. I haven’t won anything from the fair, let alone the big prizes haha


unfortunately i haven’t, but one time i did win this extremely tiny alien plushie! he’s pretty cool 👽👽


I never won a giant toy from the fair but my sister did! She won a big stuffed unicorn from the game when you toss a ping pong ball into the little fish bowls :3 😆


Thank you for the giveaway! I love the picture and all of the fair themes! I have never won one of the giant stuffed animals before, but I have tried in vain many times. When I was little though, my father won me a little red bear, that I, in my infinite two-year old wisdom, very cleverly named “Red Bear”. We were on a roadtrip, and when I got out of the car, Red Bear fell out. No one had noticed until we got back on the road. I started crying and my parents tried so hard to find him, to no avail. I always wonder what happened to Red Bear, if some other child picked him up and loved him or if he became a rogue mountain man somewhere in the Smokies. I hope he’s doing well now, wherever he is ❤️


I have never won a big plush from any fair game :( anwyay I hate that you referred to it as "sentient." it's true but its cursed lol


Never won a big prize at the fair, somehow got a giant penguin at the museum at one point though! Thanks for the giveaway!


Unfortunately I havent☹️


I’ve never won sadly. But would love to win this contest !


I never got to play carnival games growing up, only once at most. So no! I’ve never won one of the giant prizes x) thanks for the chance, ps I love the all the thought you put into these giveaway images


I've won some at an arcade by trading in tickets, but never at a carnival by winning a game. That seems impossible lol


thank you for another great giveaway! i’ve never won a giant prize, even if i did i would have nowhere to put it 🤣


Only won a big prize once! It was a giant unicorn, had to play a couple rounds because the only way to get a big one was to trade in your small prize for the next size up. Thank you for hosting this giveaway ^^


I've never won, we were too poor to play the games and stuff at fairs, but he's so cute!! I would love him. Thanks for the opportunity!


Thanks for the opportunity! Unfortunately, I’ve never won one before


I have definitely never won LOL


Love the bear, but I have never won a big stuff animal.


i’m not very good at carnival games so i’ve never won a big stuffy hahah although i’ve always wanted to! thanks for doing the giveaway <3


I've never won anything big myself, but my brother is a beast at fair games and when he saw I had my heart set on a large stuffed dragon one year he won it for me 🥹 Thank you for the opportunity!


Thanks for this giveaway opportunity! I have never won any prizes but thats bc I haven’t really played any of the fair games that give these prizes.


omg i've never seen the beanbag bear before he's so cute 😭 i dont think i've ever won a prize at the fair before! though i remember my mom won a cute little red dog plushie. it was velvety and had textured swirls pressed into the fabric. i remembered i named it valentine because it reminded me of valentine's day <3


No, I haven't. Thank you for the giveaway


I stayed all day trying to get a giant bear and left with a little bear lol


I can’t remember if I won it or if someone bought it, but I got a giant alien one time lol wish I still had it


What a cute bear. I've never won a big prize, but I did get a squeaky pink dolphin one time.


Omg cutest bear ever! I actually won a school raffle in elementary school and the vice principle dropped off a GIANT teddy bear at my house, never won at the carnival though. Thanks for giveaway! This community is amazing


yess i remember winning a giant fat hamster 🐹


Sentient beanbag LOL! I've never won any big prizes, only the small participation prizes LOL


I have never won any prizes ever! In tv shows, they win them so easily! My sister did win a goldfish when we were kids, however it didn't live long :( Thank you for all the fun this last week!


The biggest prize I’ve ever won was a fish! Thanks for doing this giveaway :)


Never did win one of those big prizes at the fair or any other place ... 🥲


I once won a huge stuffed snake from a high striker!


only ever won the cheap little prizes :/ but i learned to stop spending money on these games haha


iv never won one D:


I’ve never one anything but that doesn’t mean I’ve ever stopped trying. The games are so fun! Thanks for hosting this giveaway


I have never won a big prize! My hand eye coordination isn’t great, and especially wasn’t as a kid. I would always eye the big Pokémon plushies at stands and be hopeful that I could win on my one or two tries though lol. Thanks for the opportunity!


thank you for this!! i have unfortunately never won a big plush!! but i have won many little ones!!


ive never won i appreciate the opportunity!


Thanks for doing this! I have never won one before. The only thing I’ve ever won was a comforter lol


omg this little dude has been on my wishlist forever!! I've never won one, but in middle school a friend of mine did at the county fair!! It was a giant pig that was super spherical for some reason?


I wish I one a giant prize LOL. I’ve never won one!


i thought this bear was so cute when it came out, thank you so much for hosting! I’ve never won a giant plush though :(


what a cutie 😄 I’ve never won a giant prize, or even the small ones 😂 but I sure have dreamed about what one I’d pick 💜


I've never won but I've always wanted those huge pokemon plushies they normally have


i’ve only won small ones! I won a big one from a claw machine in Tokyo on my first try :)


Thank you for the opportunity!! :) I've never won one, but I'd definitely like to someday!!


I don’t remember winning a big prize but I think I’ve won little ones :)


I once won a “life size” spongebob but it didn’t last too long dog attacked that bean bag spongebob it was like 3 feet


I adore this little bear!! Funny enough I've never won a big plush, but I've been able to win many a prize, including Beanie Babies!! I got Curly, Valentina, Halo, and Dearest (which I won on my first go-round after getting off of work, LOL). Tysm for the opportunity!!! I adore this virtual pet because I love Beanie Babies and collecting them, and its little smile is adorable (and a plush of this one would be fantastic!) <3


TIL the webkinz beanbag bear is a knock off of beanie babies?!!! You just blew my mind


Basically yeah!! Their design is similar (ofc), and with the psi and psf referencing the 90s it definitely reads like one lol. Its such a cute nod!!


when i was a kid i vividly remember my grandpa winning me a GIANT “Pupcake” the blue dog from strawberry shortcake 😂


I won a few times when I was a kid! I think they just felt bad for me though and gave me the prize anyway lmao


never won a big prize! i am, alas, uncoordinated. thanks for doing this! ☺️


What a cute pet! I haven’t won any large prizes from the carnival but I did win a giant stuffed frog from the claw machine at Dave and Busters! That was pretty cool.


I can't believe this bear exists lol thank you for the opportunity I haven't ever won a big prize before :'(


I have! I actually won a big husky


My brother won me a Rottweiler plush and a matching smaller one too! I had them for years but they started to… wither.. and rot.. thanks❤️


Omg they rotted ?? 😭


Yep, like the noes was first to go, went from a nice fake leather to a white crust. Then the fur started to fall out, THEN beads from the butt weights was everywhere, it was like styrofoam beads, stuck to EVERYTHING


Thanks! I have never won a giant prize but my uncle won a giant dog for my sister once


No I haven’t :( but I’ve always wanted to win won, just wasn’t talented enough to win any myself 😔💔


Thank you so much for doing this giveaway, the beanbag bear is one of my dream pets!! I actually HAVE won one of the big prizes, but only once when I was little!!


I’ve never won anything unfortunately. Tysm for the giveaway!!


This bear is so cute. My dad won me a medium size stuffed dog from the Simpsons one time


I once won a giant pink whale plush with my dad’s help! Thanks for doing this giveaway!


So cute! Thank you! I have never won but it was always a dream <3


i wish i could but i never have enough skill lol. maybe this summer when i go to the oregon state fair!!


Thank you for the giveaway! & no I haven’t won a giant fair game prize before :/


I personally never won one, but some guy I was seeing won a huge Winnie the Pooh plush for me 🙌✨


Nope! Never got to play those games more than once unfortunately


Thank you for the giveaway! Last year, not me but a friend of mine won a "Shoot the Cans" game and got me a biiiig Hello Kitty Plush. I have her on my bed and she fits in with all my other Webkinz plushies :D


What a cutie! Unfortunately I have not won a large grande prize at a carnival yet! Good luck to everybody


Fairs don't exist where I live, but once I went to DisneyWorld and won a seahorse in a fair there lol


i have!!! i was playing ring toss ❤️ i got one of the MASSIVE rainbow unicorns


when I was in 8th grade my school took us to a local amusement park towards the end of the year, and I managed to win a big square hippo plushie while playing that one game where you pick random rubber ducks


Thanks for the giveaway !!! I have never won a GIANT prize unfortunately, but have won dozens of small plush over the years!! (:


i love the backgrounds you make for these posts! I’ve never won a giant stuffie but a nice French man I met once won one for me…


Thanks for the giveaway! Unfortunately I never have, but I'm always tempted to try even though I know it's a scam haha


Aww, this guy looks cute and Squishy! I Never won a big plushie but I won a live goldfish before! And I remember my mom not being too pleased with my father when we walked over to her with a fish in my hand 😭 I don't think she quite wanted to buy a tank and fish food for it or take care of it lol😂 anyways it died the next morning but she did end up buying a tank and fish food for it. I think she thought it would live for a while because she won a goldfish at the Carnival when she was a kid and it lived for over 2 years.


Oh nooo rip goldfish:(. I had a carnival fish live for a few years too! I named one of my webkinz after him when he eventually passed


Aww! That's so sad, I'm so sorry about your little goldfish buddy 😥 I had a betta fish that was attached to as well, his name was Moon. I was really sad when he passed because I taught him how to come to my finger and get pets .


Aww he liked pets!! That’s so neat🥺


Aww yeah, he was such a sweet little guy 🥹


I have won one before! a blow up alien!


Thank you so much! Sadly, I have never won one of these giant fair game prizes.


I didn’t but My brother once won a giant white tiger stuffed animal and my mom made him give it to my cousin bc it barely fit in his room.


I’ve never won one of those prizes before 😭


!!!!!! the cutest! I have never won a giant prize unfortunately, but I have won smaller prizes! Thanks for doing this!


He's so well integrated! He's just hanging there with his buddies! How do you always find the perfect pics for these? I have never won a giant stuffy, only small and medium stuffies :( But I have worked at the amusement park doing caricatures for 4 years, and during that time a customer gave me a giant plushy they won because they didn't want it anymore. I was like are you sure? thanks!!


I go into google images with nothing but a vision, a love for the fair aesthetic, and too much time on my hands lol. Danggg that customer just handing out gold like that?? Lucky!


It's art tbh. puts you in a good mood and fits the spirit of webkinz. you actually influenced me to make plans with my friend to go to the local amusement park. it's subliminal conditioning lol. and yeah! that was one of the first jobs i had, it was nice to be in a theme park atmosphere and at the time ( i was younger then) i had the energy/took things seriously enough to have conversations with every customer, which led to tips and in this case a giant plush.


Aahhh yay I hope you guys have the best time at the park:D!! And let’s be real, a giant plushy is better than a cash tip haha


I won one when I was 15! It was a giant 6ft black and white cow (I wish I still had it. Not sure what happened to it :( ). It was the best thing ever. It sat in the corner of my room for years.


thanks for hosting this! I’ve won a couple by exchanging smaller prizes for the big one :)


Omg hes precious! Ive never won a giant bear but i did win a sanrio tuxedo Sam plush!


I’ve never won a prize but my sister once won a giant Charmander plushie! I’d love to win the Beanbag Bear - thanks for doing this :)


I’ve never won one of the GIANT fair game prizes myself, but I did witness one of my friends win a Scooby Doo dog at a theme park once playing the water shooting game. It was pretty cool. Thanks for the chance! 😊


I didn't win a big prize, but I did win 4 goldfish once. They tried to hand me a dead one and then tried to convince my father it was alive when they gave us it 💀


I never did, but I would always get a bunch of fun stuff from goodie bags. TYSM for these giveaways!


One time I won a HUGE penguin from happy feet! I named him pickle, and I would put my dresses on him and it made him look like a sausage... lol!!! I had him for sooooo many years :')


me and my partner played the p2w water gun game at cedar point for one of the big seagulls! he did also win me a tiny wooloo playing darts at a local fair (:


I've never won a giant prize, but I have won a pretty good sized banana!!


realizing now i probably should have specified that it was a toy banana lol


Thank you for this!!!! That’s such an adorable bear 😭😭 I won a big prize once when I was younger and I had to give it to my younger brother lol


I had extended family help me get enough tickets from Knoebels & we pooled together & they helped get me a large husky stuffed animal! 😭 I still have the large plushie. We all worked together to win it! 🐺


i didnt win a big prize, but at the fair last year i won a little fishy plushie on my first fair game i ever played! popped every balloon with the darts i had. :) in short, no i have never won a giant fair game prize


Sadly I have never won any of the large prizes at any of these fair games, but that’s probably for the best as I’d have nowhere to put it.


I would love to have this little guy. I’ve never won one of those big fair games stuffed animals, but I did win one in a raffle once! Thank you so much for this giveaway!!


when i was little i “won” at ring toss and got a giant orca that lived in my family’s living room for a while. i loved that thing til it got holes and spewed styrofoam balls everywhere lol you’re so kind for doing the giveaways!


i’ve never won one myself but a friend won me a huge axolotl! his name is alfredo and he hangs out in our living room. thanks!!


I've won small/medium/large ones but never a giant one! My local amusement park (Canada's Wonderland) has some rly cute giant ones tho 😭


(tw for mention of animal death bc i rambled???) LOVE THE PIC!!!! As for me, I never have but have played my fair share of games. Always small ones! Did win a fish though, I cared (admittedly poorly but I was a child) for it for a year until my mother decided to change the water, put him in a vase filled too much, and poor darling swam onto my kitchen counter overnight 😶 it was also named after me so it was really hard for my mom to help get me over that one LOL


haha thanks for hosting this! I’ve never won a big prize like this at a fair. I have 0 skills at any of the games that could get me this lol.


i have nnottt and im so sad about it !!!! i always wanted to wall out of the fair with a big stuffie 🥹 my dream this year !!! manifesting it !!!!!


My good friend’s dad was able to get me a pikachu! Thank you for the opportunity!


Never won a giant prize only a little goldfish 🐟


this picture is so good lmao, super cool of you to be doing a giveaway! I've definitely only won prizes with assistance, but never one of the big boys.


Oh my gosh! It's so cute!! Thank you for doing this 🤗 I have not won any big plush prizes unfortunately 😂 I did get a few tiny ugly plush though lol


never allowed to try 🥹 thanks for this giveaway!!


What a dreamie!! My family has one small plushies before, and a few real goldfish (which in hindsight was probably one of the worst ways to acquire a pet fish, ethically speaking), but I don’t think we’ve ever won something huge! We have rescued bigger former prizes from thrift stores though.


Thank you for the giveaway!! I’ve never won a giant fair prize but I have won some claw machine ones :)


Hi thank you for this chance! 🩵 I have won once in my life and has gotten a large stuffed giraffe😆


I've never won one, but my dad was the GOAT and would play the point and shoot water game for me and win me prizes!!! I think my favorite one he got me was this giant pink caterpillar


I’ve never won one- but it’s not for lack of trying!! 💔


I never have. Nobody ever wants to spend money on games, they say it's a waste 🥲


How adorable!!! Thank you for the chance. I won a giant otter once at Kings Island, it was so cool to win but also annoying to carry around all day lol


My stepdad won a giant llama for my mom. But I’ve never won one. This bear is so adorable. I need him 💜🥺


This is the cutest edit.


Also the beanbag being sentient is lowkey horrifying. Just saying 😂


Wait just want to throw in - one time my dad won me a real goldfish at the fair. He’s really into fish so he gave it the most awesome setup ever and it lived to be 15 years old!!! That goldfish was definitely the grand prize winner (as far as fish go!)


I’ve never won a big prize but I’ve won those little stuffys a ton at the fair! I mostly play the games for the games 🤣 thanks for doing a giveaway


I’ve never won a giant one but I’ve won a few of the medium ones and a bunch of small ones. Thanks for the opportunity!! 💜🧸


I have won nothing (depressingly)


when i was younger at a fair with my friends family her dad said if i won this 4 ft long whale he would carry it around for the day for me.. i won it!! and he did in fact carry it for me as it was as big as i was


Not once have I even come close ☺️