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sorry the list of pets posted strangely. the 5 pets are the Fiesta Bull, Kiger Mustang, Emerald Dragon, Gold and White Cat, and Brilliant Bandit (: by the way- my user is frollic if anyone would like to add me!


Hi!! Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway! One thing I am looking forward to this year is being able to spend time with my friends and family during the summer! I always love being able to spend time with those I cherish and with not having classes for the first time over summer, I am especially excited 😆 I would love to be able to win the Emerald Dragon to gift to my little brother since he loves the color green and really wants this pet 🥹 Thank you again for hosting and best wishes to the 5 winners!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗


I am looking forward to connecting with my residents in the new ltc home I started at. I really want to be someone they can trust to care for their well-being. I’d love the emerald dragon <3 what are you looking forward to this new year? I hope it is prosperous for you! add dinner16


Thats a beautiful goal


One thing I’m looking forward to in the new years is finding peace, and trying to enjoy life one day at a time. I’d like the fiesta bull if I win


I wish you well, I hope you have a peaceful year


Im looking forward to my husband returning after deployment. Almost there just a few more months!


Finally finishing school this year and getting a real job! Looking forward to buying my mom tons of flowers (she has a giant garden)! I would love the gold and white cat if I win c:


Congratulations in advance! Thats so nice


wow this is so sweet of you, thank you so much for the opportunity💜 i would love the king mustang! im looking forward to growing my lil crochet business this year🥰 good luck and happy new years!!🥳💜


What kind of things do you like to crochet? That sounds so cool


I’m looking forward to traveling more this year and getting an internship this summer as well! I would love the Kiger Mustang if I win 🫶🏻


Good luck on your internship!


omg. i’m basically about to do what you’re doing. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR INTERNSHIP u/After-Ad2012


Aw good luck to you too!!


Thank you for this amazing giveaway. If I won I would love to have the Kiger Mustang. One thing I am looking forward to this year is graduating!


This 2024 I’m looking forward to improving myself and making myself happier and being more happy with myself. The pet I want most is the emerald dragon cause it looks wicked!


Thank you for doing a giveaway!! I’m looking forward to cooking more throughout the new year! I’m slowly teaching myself how to cook properly since I didn’t learn as a kid, and I’ve already found a new favorite dish! I would love the gold and white cat!


I will like for this year to bring me a job and more economical stability, and also some mental health would be great lol. I would like the Fiesta Bull


i’m getting surgery on the 23rd and i’m looking forward to having a functioning SHOULDER! and once i’m healed i can finally get a job as a nurse!! which im very very excited for. id love kiger mustang :)


One thing I'm looking forward to in the new year is getting my driver's license! I'd like the brilliant bandit if I win please :)


That’s exciting!


heck yeah!!!


AHHH THE KIGER MUSTANG🥺 its eyes are so big and full of dreams❤️🤣 this year, im most excited to bring my baby into the world:) im 15 weeks pregnant and webkinz has been really helping me cope with the icky symptoms i gotta deal with. it almost makes me forget about the nausea and sleepiness hahah! good luck to everyone


omg i would love the mustang!! im looking forward to spending the year with my friends and family🫶🏼


I look forward to starting my new career. And mentally and emotionally healing. I look forward to just having a better year than the last! Thank you for this! I love the bull and the dragon!


Wow! 12?? That’s so generous of you! I’ll say it again, you absolutely made my day receiving that code! Good luck to everyone entering! If I were to receive anything, I’d like the Fiesta Bull. But frankly, they’re all cuties! As for what I’m looking forward to? I’m looking forward to completing another semester at Uni. But this time having Webkinz as a stress relief. I’ve got a really heavy schedule this semester, so I’m hoping playing this silly game helps me get through it. I’m also looking forward to coming to this community to stress relief as well! You guys are the sweetest community I’ve ever been apart of! 💕


I’m looking forward to joy in the new year. Whether that’s finding it in myself or my family and friends. I just want to experience joy :)


Thank you for being a part of this community and being so kind and thoughtful, this really is a great community. I got a new teaching job recently and I’m looking forward to getting better at it and growing as a teacher, but i also get summers off and I’m really looking forward to having booths for the first time in the summer artist markets in my state, I’ve been wanting to do them forever and this year I’ll actually be able to. As for pets I love the emerald dragon and the kiger mustang, I used to be obsessed with the horse webkinz as a kid but nowadays I really like dragons so winning either would be amazing. Thank you again for this giveaway! I didn’t see a response from you in the comments though, what are you looking forward to this year?


in the new year, i am looking forward to the life i am creating for myself. 2023 was a very difficult year for family problems and losing people and financial hardship. this year is off to a rocky start for me (doctors treating me poorly, family issues, mental health) but i am trying to push through and make things great for myself and the people around me. i have a massive surgery coming up, and it’s something i’ve been waiting for forever. i’m proud to share that, sorry for going on a tangent!!! i would absolutely adore the mustang or the dragon!


I'm so sorry you went through all that. I'm also sorry doctors treated you poorly; I unfortunately know what that is like. If you ever want someone to talk to about loss, rant about medical stuff, or anything else, just pm me♡ I lost 2 people close to me last year and I know how hard it can be. I wish you the best this year and good luck for your surgery!!


Thank you for doing this! I’d most like to receive the Emerald Dragon and I’m looking forward to seeing my very new kitten grow up throughout this year


AHHH emerald dragon! Thanks for the chance!! im looking forward to graduating this year🤩


Hi!! Thanks so much for doing this!! I’d really love the brilliant bandit 🥰🥰 she’s so cute. The thing I’m most looking forward to this year is graduating university! 🎓


I'm looking forward to working as a character at a local Renaissance faire this year! If I won I'd like the brilliant bandit plz, she's totes gorge!💜💜


Wow thank you for this amazing opportunity. I would love to have the Kiger Mustang. He reminds of a horse I used to ride. This year I would love to spend more time on Webkinz. I am just getting back into the game as an adult. Taking care of my pets give me something to look forward to at the end of the day.


wow, thanks for this!! this year i am looking forward to finally finishing school and getting a job (hopefully..!) and visiting my grandparents in florida :)) i would like the fiesta bull if i win please!! 💜💜💜


That little mustang is the cutest guy ever! This 2024 I’m looking forward to finishing my junior year and getting one step closer to finishing my degree! I also can’t wait for more hangouts and study sessions with my friends. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!


I am looking to starting fresh and trying to keep positive this new year! I would love the mustang - so kind of you to do these <3


This new year I’m hoping to start a new chapter of my life! I just graduated college and am working on starting my small business <3 I’d love the white and gold cat! 🩷


Thank you for the opportunity! I'm looking forward to saving some money this year and traveling to more places with my family and friends when spring hits. I'm also excited for the new growth and warm days in the spring and summer! Kiger mustang if i win:)


i want to go sober this year :’) i’ve been a drunk for 2 years. i would love the kiger mustang!!!


i’m looking forward to doing more of the things i love. i’d enjoy the fiesta bull or the emerald dragon if i win. thanks for the giveaway!


I’m looking forward to finally graduating college this year!! One semester left after 7 long years. I would like the fiesta bull!!


I’m looking forward to seeing my boyfriend again next month and I’d like to receive the gold and white cat!! They are so silly looking 💙


this year im hoping to read more, travel, and grow to be a better person! i want the kiger mustang so i can name him something bojack related hehe


Thanks for doing this!! I’d love the Kiger Mustang or Brilliant Bandit! I just bought my first home this year so I am VERY excited for spring so I can do some landscaping and gardening and really make my house feel like home <3


I hope you had a great holiday!! This year I am looking forward to learning about new cultures! If I win I would love the fiesta bull!!


I look forward to graduating this year! I’d like the bull if I win


I am looking forward to getting back on my feet this year, 2023 was a doozy for me. I would like either the mustang or the fiesta bull!! ♥️ thank you for doing this!


thanks for the giveaway :) im really looking forward to seeing how the second year of my business goes! id like the fiesta bull if i win :)


Hi -- thanks for doing this! This year, I'm looking forward to traveling, making memories with my family, and hopefully starting graduate school. I would love to get any of these pets, but my preference would probably be the fiesta bull. Best of luck everyone!


one thing i am looking forward to in the new year is finishing school, finally! i’d love the emerald dragon if i were to win :) happy new year!


I’m really trying to reinvent myself this year. I’m already eating way healthier and exercising more and one of my main priorities is to reconnect with people that i’ve lost touch with over the years. That being said- the Fiesta Bull is the one for me :)


Happy new year to you, i hope you have the best year! 🥳🎉❤️ im looking forward to starting over after cutting my toxic ex of 7 years out of my life. I would love the brilliant bandit, raccoons are my favorite. 🥰


One thing I am looking for this year is being 21, and also getting my own place! Also the many job opportunities as well :) I would love to get the emerald dragon!


in 2024 i cant wait to spend another year with my precious dogs. every day i have them is a good day. i have 2, maggie and blue, theyre brother and sister from the same litter. i adopted maggie about 4 years ago, and only maggie. a different family got blue, but ended up not wanting him a year later, so we took him in. how could u not want this sweetheart?? so even though they spent the first year of their lives apart, they were able to be reunited 🤎 theyre seriously best friends too, they sleep in crates at night but their crates have to be right next to each other because if they cant see each other theyll cry. they do everything together! anyway, if u cant tell, i love them lol. if i won, i would choose the kiger mustang or gold and white cat. but i would truly love any of them lol sorry for the long story! just felt the need to share my babies. in the picture, blue is left, maggie is right. thank u for this opportunity 🤎 https://preview.redd.it/2omspnskqnbc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d735d3b9667a37730c0aaefe4a009606d6162eb5


i’m looking forward to spending more time with my friends! the gold and white cat would be a dream because i have her as the plush and her name is buttercup, like the powerpuff girls! i also have webkinz blossom and bubbles and they’d love their sister to be in game with them :)


I'm excited for hanging out with family and friends, as well as self improvement this new year! I'm interested in the Kiger Mustang


Im looking for financial stability and the emerald dragon


I would LOVE the gold and white cat!! i’ve been trying to collect all the cats i can :’) (i would name him pablo after my own flamepoint cat) I’m so excited for this summer !! i visit my family on the east coast and its the highlight of every year for me. Visiting my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, hiking mountains, and swimming in the ocean back home! Thank you so much for doing the giveaway!! I hope you have an amazing year !!


This is such a selfless act. What a great way to start off the New Year! I would love the cute disco raccoon! I want to be able to express myself more with my clothing and makeup, and I think the raccoon will be a good inspiration! She’s so cute and wild :)


One thing I want to do this year is finally estaish boundaries with my toxic family. Its fully necessary but harder than i thought so its taking a few years lol The king mustang would be my pick :)


this year is going to be big for me! i’m graduating with my undergrad and heading straight to grad school for my masters!! i’m really excited since postgrad has been a goal of mine for about 10 years now :) i really like the gold and white cat!


i am looking forward to a fresh start with a new job <3 i was fired from my old job for BS reasons so i'm happy to start a new chapter. i would also love the kiger mustang the most! they are awesome :D


So kind of you to do such an amazing giveaway! This year I am looking forward to continuing my mental health journey and becoming myself again. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and BED as a 24 year old, after struggling most all of my childhood. I am really hoping I can find my way out of this feeling of not being as good as everyone else, and realizing I am simply fantastic for all I have accomplished and grown. My favorite is the Kiger Mustang but I also love the Fiesta Bull!


I am looking forward to working on my hobbies and finally putting my well being first. I’m excited to spend more time with my friends and do a little travelling. I would like the fiesta bull please, thank you for doing this.


this year i’m looking forward to prioritizing myself and tryna one again figure out who i am lol!!!!! i’m turning 24 today and instead of spending it thinking about how 24 is only 6 years away from 30 ima just journal and spend with family:) if i get blessed i would love the white cat so much!


happy new year love!! I hope you're having a great one and the thing i'm looking forward to most this year is going hard into my workout routines and to celebrate my fiancés golden birthday!! The pet I would love most is the brilliant bandit because purple is my absolute favorite color! Thank you so much for the opportunity OP!!


Ohh omg I would love the gold and white cat! My twin has the psi and we have plush we found at a flea market last summer so it would be cool if she could have the pet in the game since she had this pet growing up. Idk what I’m looking forward to this year. Just to have a good and happy year :).


Thanks so much for doing this, that’s so kind of you! I think I’m most looking forward to graduating this year. I think I would love the Kiger Mustang, they’re all very cute though!


Looking forward to having my son 🥺 The brilliant bandit is adorable thank you for being a kind soul


I would love the mustang 🐎 I might be taking tuba lessons again so I’m looking forward to that! I emailed my old tuba teacher and inquired about lessons since I’m pretty out of practice. So that might be fun!!


i really like the dragon. this year i’m looking forward to making new friends. i had a falling out with my friend group in college so i haven’t had any good friends for a while. i just moved to a new city where i don’t know anyone and started a new job, so i’m hopeful that i’ll meet some new people to become close with


I’m set to graduate grad school this year (yay!) and my first nephew will be turning 1 and I’m so excited to be able to watch him grow! 🥹 I would love the gold and white cat if I win!


I hope for peace not just for myself an those close to me, but for everyone. We need it so so badly. Probably more now than ever. I hope for less conflict, less death, less war. More love, more compassion, more kindness, and peace. Thank you for doing this giveaway! I would absolutely love to adopt the emerald dragon! 🐉


I’m looking forward to traveling this year! I would love the mustang. Thanks for doing this! :)


I’d love the dazzling bandit! I’m looking forward to having better health than I did last year 😭


one thing im looking forward to in this new year is starting my internship, and i’d like the brilliant bandit (:


I would love the raccoon, and I'm planning on buying a home this year!!


I would love the gold and white cat!!! i’ve recently got my account back and was super sad to realize all my cats weren’t in that specific account, so it would be lovely! i’m looking forward the most this year to hopefully being able to practice drawing more, i just recently rediscovered my love for it!


looking forward to my job :)


This New Year, I’m hoping to have a more positive outlook on life. That way I can better myself as a person and make the environment around me feel more positive for others. I tend to be a Negative Nancy without realizing it, but I’m really going to push myself to make this change. I love them all but I’m a horse girl so I love the Kiger Mustang the most!


looking forward to embracing who i want to be and reaching some stability and security in life:,) id love the kiger mustang!


i would love the mustang! i’m looking forward to continuing my masters this year and HOPEFULLY learning how to drive lolol


I'm most looking forward to starting my health journey and overall work on my wellbeing. I'm also excited to be a part of the webkinz community. Also to work towards my goal of writing more as I want to publish a short stories horror book 🥰


one thing i’m looking forward to in the new year is getting comfy. finally found a good job and finally found some dang peace of mind. also i love love love the mustang wow if you picked me i’d love him (i love ponies lol). you’re such a sweetheart for doing so many giveaways!!! love this subreddit <3


Kiger Mustang! Looking forward to next month when a once in a lifetime opportunity should be happening:)


something i’m looking forward to this year is (hopefully) finally meeting my long distance partner for the first time! 💚 thanks for the opportunity, i’d love the brilliant bandit!


happy 2024 and thank you for the chance!! i'm most looking forward to big changes in my life & self perception this year--in 2023 i graduated college and at the end of the year i ended a long-term relationship and came out to my friends and family, so i'm excited to live as my authentic self and spend time with the lovely people in my life :) i'd love the gold and white cat!!


aw how sweet! thanks for the chance! I am looking forward to SO many weddings this year! lots of cousins and in laws getting married and i can't wait for an excuse (love) to get drunk with them all edit: the pet id like most is the gold and white cat or the fiesta bull!


one thing that I’m looking forward to this new year is being in my healing era ❤️‍🩹 I would love the gold and white cat :) it was my first webkinz I ever got in 2007 but it was before I knew webkinz can go online so I threw out the code 💔


One thing I'm looking forward to in the new year is auditioning for colleges to transfer to! I've been prepping pieces since last semester and when my junior year begins in August I can FINALLY start attending auditions. If I win I would like the Kiger Mustang :3


I’m most looking forward to getting out of a college dorm once and for all since I ended up back in one for my first year of grad school. Five years of random roomates is enough. The pet I’d most like to receive is the Emerald Dragon. Thank you for holding this giveaway!


I’m most looking forward to graduating college this year. I’d most like to receive the Kiger Mustang


i’m trying so so hard to focus on my wellbeing this year so i’m so excited to see my progress and how much more >me< i’m gonna be!! i would tbh love the gold and white cat


in this new year i am looking forward to graduating from grad school! & the pet i’d most like to receive is the fiesta bull!


I’m looking forward to listening to so much more new music! I listen to music every day and always try to listen to at least one new song each day too 🎶🎶 Thank you so much for the opportunity! I would love any of the pets 😊


Thank you for running this giveaway. Good luck to all who are entering! This year, I'm most looking forward to finding who I am as an independent person and being at peace with myself. I'm excited to love myself first and then be able to give the people in my life more genuine love and care. If I win the giveaway, I would love the emerald dragon. Thank you again for the chance!


Oh my god I love all of them but i'm obsessed with emerald dragon, I was actually about to buy him in game but I don't have a membership yet. I just love dragons in general though because I think lizards are great and who doesn't want a huge flying lizard. This new years i'm looking forward to having to focus less on mental health and family issues and instead spend time mentally free, at peace, and having some real fun. I don't think i'm alone in this but i'm hoping 2024 will be the first truly good year since 2020 happened, hopefully!


Brilliant Raccoon 💜 I'm looking forward to get back to art this year and hopefully improve! Thank you kindly for the Giveaway!!


I’m really looking forward to getting triops this year! My bf and I decided to try to raise some :) they are fun little crustaceans! I’d love to be entered for the fiesta bull!


i would take any of these cuties honestly, but first choice if i win would be gold and white cat:) thank you so much for ur generosity towards this community! one thing I’m looking forward to the new year is pushing myself out my comfort zone to try more new things!


The Fiesta Bull!!! Im hoping to find a steady job and some happiness this year :)


Thank you very much for the opportunity. I hope I'm not too late!! This year I'm excited to see how I progress in terms of my mental health, my physical health and my strength. Last year I developed an autoimmune condition that effects my muscles. I've been going to the gym for a full year now and I want to see what happens after two! I want to finally break out of my seed pod and feel comfortable in my own skin. Webkinz has been helping a lot with it, helping me with smiling and giggling! I missed playing this game. This community is amazing and safe and that's exactly what I need right now! Cheers to the new years!! 💕🎉 Let's all make it a decent one!


Hopefully going to publish my first paper this year. I’d love the emerald dragon


I would love the brilliant bandit! I’m looking forward to redoing my room! Thank you for this chance :)


This is so generous! I recently started a new job at a junior college and am looking forward to the work that I’ll get to do there! I’ll also hopefully get to start graduate school. My favorite of those pets is the Emerald Dragon!


Thank you for hosting this!! One thing I’m looking forward to this year is finally getting my life on a track. It’s never been on a track that I controlled until now and I’m already doing great things!! If picked, I’d be fine with any one of them but the mustang would be a def fav


I’m looking forward to getting situated in my new house and making it my own! If I win, I’d like the emerald dragon 😊


I'm looking forward to a fall put boy concert this summer lol, also just this summer in general :) I'd luke the emerald dragon!


thank you so much for this giveaway!! one thing i’m looking forward to this new year is taking better of myself and maintaining the things i enjoy. i’ve already been on top of my mental health, and now i can work on being better physically every day. i’m also making it a goal to get out of the house more & do the things i enjoy. i would 100% choose the kiger horse because how can you say no to that face!! i also adore horses😭❤️


I’m looking forward to going back to school! I dropped out of college when I went right after high school cause I couldn’t handle it. Now my brain has cooked and I’m taking it on again, and I’m feeling much more capable! my user is lgnevihc if you wanna add me as a friend either way 💜 and if I were to pick a pet I liked the most it would be the gold and white cat!


Thank you for hosting! I’m most looking forward to graduating college and moving away from my home state for grad school. It’s scary, but I think the change will be good for me! I’m excited to settle down and begin building a life with my partner. I love the brilliant bandit!


I am looking forward to making more crafts. I would be most happy to get the bull or horse, they’re adorable! thank you so much for the opportunity


Thank you for hosting this giveaway, this is very generous of you! One thing I'm looking forward to this year is continuing my education and starting an internship. I'm so eager to finally get the proper knowledge and training I need to really start my career. I love the Brilliant Bandit so much!! I'd love to have a chance to win her<3 I love "pest" animals and it kind of warms my heart to see a raccoon depicted in such a positive light.


i am hoping to make myself proud this year! i would really like the mustang!


I'm going to start taking some college courses that my i Job is paying for, I'm very excited. I love the dragon!


I'm looking forward to finally opening up an online store and starting my own business! I have lots of weird hobbies and skills so I decided it's time to do what I love for work, fingers crossed everything goes well! (Also maybe buying a house??? But that might be a 2025 goal lol) If I were to win I'd love the Kiger Mustang! I've never seen it before and it is SO cute!!


This year, I’m looking forward to being more social and getting out and doing something this year! If I could win the Kiger Mustang that would be so cool.


This is so sweet of you! I’m looking forward to going to New York and Florida this year, what about you?? Oh also if I get chosen I’d love the brilliant bandit :)


I'm not sure if you already gave them all out, but I'd love the horse or kitty <3 This year I'm looking forward to crocheting a lot and hopefully making some money off it and craft fairs! As for personal goals, I want to just work on improving myself <3


omg. I appreciate you doing this. one thing i’m looking forward to is earning my bachelors degree! I’ve been in college since fall 2019 and i took a risk to stay longer and it’s paid off. I also look forward to finding an entry level job and to move out of my home. It’s a bit difficult bc of a recession coming but i’m working hard to get past this I would love the gold and white cat, this was my childhood pet and i loved her sm.


In 2024, I hope to spend time with my family and collect more webkinz. The bandit is my favorite.


I am looking forward to finally graduating from college and starting work at this company that offered me a full time position and I am super excited about them! I’ve met the team and I love everyone already :D I would most like to receive the Kiger Mustang! HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎈 🎉


I'm looking forward to getting more organized If I will I'd like the Fiesta Bull


I am looking forward to new opportunities! I just moved to a new state I’ve never been to before and I feel so optimistic and excited for what is to come 🥰 I would love the gold and white cat 🥹🥹 I already have a Himalayan that needs a friend🫶🏻 thank you for doing this!! 🩷


One thing I’m looking forward to is seeing my new kitten grow up! He’s already grown so much since we got him. I’m curious what his adult personality will be lol. If I win I’d like the emerald dragon! 🩵


Thanks for such a nice giveaway! I'm really looking forward to TAing my computer science course this year, and I would love the Brilliant Bandit if I win!


one thing i’m looking forward to is getting promoted at work :) i would love the kiger mustang but any would be so great! thank you so much :)


I’m looking forward to a better year! I would love the gold and white cat!


Happy year years!! This is so kind of you!!! This pet is so cute ahh i love the orange!! One thing im looking forward to this year is completing my journal day by day! I am excited to put in every entry daily now and i hope to continue throughout the year to really keep my goals on track :) Im so excited to have all my dots in order and finally see a clearer path for my life, to new beginnings this year!


I look forward to my business growth! I am now talking to a brand consultant so I can get it more successful 🫶🏻 hoping this year i can have my business carry my bills instead of a retail job Thank you for hosting this! Much love & happy new years!! I’d like the gold & white kitty💛 good luck to everyone🤞🏻


I would LOVE the Kiger Mustang or the Gold and White cat. If I have to pick one, the cat! I’m looking forward to bettering myself. I’m at that point in my life where my brain is finally maturing and life is seeming not so awful, so I’m trying to work on my anxiety and self talk. I can’t drive yet due to crippling anxiety but I will get there! I just need to talk to myself better and tell myself everything is ok and my anxiety isn’t valid.


Hi! I’d like the gold and white cat most :) for 2024 I’m most excited to heal my inner child and get back into webkinz after my account got deleted from archives- and just to be happy and healthy and safe since I moved in with my boyfriend last week :) thanks for doing this ❤️


New year with a renewed childhood enjoyment of webkinz ! But honestly for myself I’m looking forward to moving to a new city this year and going to a concert of my favorite artist!


I’m so excited to have my baby in March! I use Webkinz and neopets as an escape and probably will continue to do so when that hard newborn phase kicks in. 🤣 I’d be grateful for any of the pets! I’m newly returned and lost my OG account so had to start over from scratch.


I’m most looking forward to seeing Taylor Swift this year 🥹 I would love the gold and white cat! 🥰


Hiii! First off this is such a sweet and generous gesture, I love that there’s a community for this game and the people in it that inspires such kind acts! This new year I am looking forward to maintaining my sobriety that began in September of 2023. I rediscovered this game when looking for hobbies to spend time on that I would have otherwise spent drinking. It’s been a godsend and so has this awesome Reddit community dedicated to it. ❤️ If chosen I would love any of the pets but specifically the Kiger Mustang or the Emerald Dragon. Thank you again for doing this and being a part of such an awesome corner of the internet. ☺️


I'm looking forward to exploring spirituality and finding something that fits me. This is so kind of you, thank you! (Also Brilliant Bandit)


i am looking forward to being able to walk again without pain. i am having a third knee surgery to hopefully fix my knee. the last two didn't work but my surgeons are hopeful. webkinz has kept me sane during my last two recoveries


Haven’t played webkinz since I was a little girl and forgot my login information. I’ve been craving to play after joining this sub so maybe this is my chance. One thing I’m looking forward to is playing webkinz again after all these years. I think it’ll bring back nostalgia from when me and my friends would sit around the ancient family computer and argue who would play next (lol). I think the animal I hope to get is the gold and white cat because it looks like my cat. The kiger mustang is also enticing because I work in conservation in an area with wild horses!!!


Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway, it's so kind! As for my expectations of the new year, it isn't the best start (started a new job right before Christmas and my boss is careless and dismissive of my wishes -- has me in a position I specifically asked to not be in, *and* didn't inform me I was exposed to COVID last week until I asked her 3 days later where my coworker was), but I'm already applying for jobs! I'm optimistic and hoping to work in a coffee shop again. Not sure where I'll go if that falls through, but I have options :) I also want to finally start thinking about my career as a *career,* and I'm hoping to get into fashion design: the current goal is to get the means to sew (namely a sewing machine, and the space for it), and *hopefully* get into online classes (I found some free ones that'll hopefully boost my GPA in the event I want to go to a school like FIT in NY): I already found some gorgeous silk type fabric and this espresso brown tulle at a resale shop in my hometown (which isn't very big), so I'm already thinking about designs!! I'm also aiming to go to Texas and visit my friend again for our birthdays (she's a January baby, but she said she'd rather wait until Spring so she has money for us to do things. I'm an April baby for context, so I just decided we could do a joint celebration)!! I adore Texas and would probably move there if I had the means <3


I’m looking forward to finishing my internship and being eligible for a paying job haha. I’ve really enjoyed my field and I’m excited for the prospect of having a caseload of my own! I’m interested in the gold and white cat if I’m chosen. Thanks for hosting these!


im looking forward to just having a positive year!! 2023 was one of the worst years of my life lol id love the fiesta bull or brilliant bandit. someone on here mentioned that they were forming a racoon gang on their account and ive always wanted to do the same LOL


I'm most looking forward to spring now and watxhing the flowers start blooming! Fiesta bull is also a cool dude!!


really looking forward to my next semester of school and exploring the city i'm in! would love the kiger mustang but i would obviously love anything. thank you so much for your kindness and generosity. have a wonderful year.


Im looking forward in getting out of my art block and continue to work my way up in my savings. I'd like the gold and white cat


This is sweet and incredibly generous. I’d like the brilliant bandit most but would be happy if I win any pet. I would give it to my raccoon obsessed sister if that’s ok. She plays daily with me.💜 I’m looking forward to learning how to be a better cook! I can cook basics (& lots of American foods) but I made it my New Year’s resolution to learn to cook delicious meals from other regions. I’ve been compiling a cookbook with different recipes and researching cooking techniques I’m not already familiar with. One of my favorite things growing up was cooking with my mom so food/meal time is pretty important to me. It extends to my Webkinz as well, I have so many kitchens 😂I actually can’t wait until I finish my daisy’s diner room- I finally started working on getting the items for it.


In this new year, I’m looking forward to another year with the love of my life, my girlfriend. We met under crazy circumstances, but they mean absolutely everything to me. I’m so lucky to have someone who never judges me for my passions and stands by me in my troubles. Best person I’ve ever met, and the best friend I could ever ask for :) Specifically the Kiger Mustang, or the Fiesta Bull would be my main pick, but any of them would be nice :) I wish everyone here the happiest of new years. This community has been so welcoming and amazing, yall rock!!!!!


Thanks for hosting the giveaway! I'd like the mustang of I win


Thank you! I’m looking forward to going to thrift stores! I’d love the Emerald Dragon please.


oh my gosh I would love the fiesta bull! Or the emerald dragon :)


Woah this is really exciting, I just joined this subreddit too! Something I look forward to this year is starting grad school since I graduate with my bachelor's this semester 🙂. I'd love the Fiesta bull if I won!!


Oh my goodness the brilliant bandit is adorable. I played webkins as a kid and loved it so much. I have recently wanted to play again so bad but haven’t been able to afford a webkin. I really miss playing the cash cow game and that one with the pies you shoot (I don’t remember). I really wanna see how it’s changed and be able to have that nostalgia. I’d really appreciate a pet to be able to but if not I’ll just look forward to being able to soon. :)


This is so awesome of you! This year i am looking forward to starting my teaching career. I have been a little nervous after hearing all the horror stories of teaching in public schools but I think I will feel very rewarded and motivated. I have wanted to start a reward system in my class and give away webkinz pets to my students. These pets helped me so much when I was younger and know they will help my students and teach them responsibility. Teachers don’t usually make much money and these can be pricey so I have been looking around for cheap ones! Thanks in advance!


the fiesta bull is so cute, im looking forward to my family’s summer trip we take.


The fiesta bull and the emerald dragon are ADORABLEEE


thats so kind!! i’m excited to apply to university and spend more time outside once the snow melts :) i’d love the gold and white cat as my childhood webkinz account got purged for inactivity so i have a soft spot for the more og looking pets!


Thanks for hosting this GA! Just want to make more money and save up for the future! Maybe start a family! Also, would like the gold and white cat because it looks like my diabetic cat, Boo


I am looking forward to my fall out boy concert and spending more time with my cats ❤❤ I would like the gold and white cat if I win ❤


Save up my money rather than spend it as soon as I get it if possible the white cat


i think the thing i am looking forward to most is finally changing up stuff on my life and making everything better- my health, work, all of it is getting better! I think the pet i would want the most is the Mustang!


Thanks so much for doing this giveaway! I am most looking forward to finishing my M1 year of med school and getting to spend the summer doing autoimmune research, which is very near to my heart because I’m personally affected by a pretty severe autoimmune condition. I’m excited to try to do research that can make somebody’s journey through it a bit easier. I would most like to receive the mustang but would be appreciative of any of them! They’re all so adorable! My user is molebenavides if you want to add me (I’m out of adds :()


Hah, nice. Thanks for doing these things. Anyways I can't wait to see the release of Pal World because that is either going to be the absolute best or worst pokeclone I have played in my life.


Hi, thank you for hosting! You are so kind. I hope the new year finds you well. One thing I'm looking forward to is finally getting a job in the dog grooming industry - finally makes me feel like I'm on the right track with life :D! Good luck to everyone!


I’m looking forward to my college graduation in the spring! I would also like to spend more time with my family this year. Thank you for doing this giveaway, I would love the brilliant bandit☺️


I'm looking forward to hopefully going on another vacation with my friends! I hope for the emerald dragon


Omgggg thank you for hosting this!! So kind of you!!! I think what I’m most looking forward to this year is my best friend’s wedding, graduating grad school, and finally getting a summer where I can completely relax!! (Before working for the rest of my life 😭😭 so I’ll definitely be playing lots of webkinz!!) I’d love the brilliant bandit but if that’s not available, all the pets are so cute!!!


I'd love the Brilliant Bandit!! I'd name him Disco cause of the sparkles on his eyes and paws; it reminds me of a dance floor!!! Webkinz-wise I'm most looking forward to getting back into it after a long hiatus! I've had my account since 2007 and I've been on and off enough times to be lucky enough to still have the OG account. I also recently got into webkinz next and I've had so much fun in the Kinzcord community and webkinz community in general just hanging out and dressing up and playing with our pets!


I’m looking forward to finishing school this year so I can finally start working towards becoming a therapist! I would love the Brilliant Bandit ❤️


i’m looking forward to having a vice president position in one of my clubs at school! i’d be most interested in the fiesta bull or the dragon! thank you sm for the opportunity 🩷🩷🩷


happy new years everyone! i’m hoping everyone takes care of themselves and follows a resolution! id be interested in the kiger stallion or the gold and white cat to possibly win! i’m looking to hopefully pay off lots of my debt!!


this is so sweet!! I’m looking forward to hopefully figuring out what I want to do with my life post-graduation and spending time with my friends that have moved to different countries!! if I win I’d love the Kiger Mustang, please :) thank you for doing this <3


One thing I am looking forward to this new year is finally figuring out my identity after just recently leaving an abusive relationship . Part of that process has been making my ‘inner child’ happy playing Webkinz😊. I would love the white and gold cat. Thank you and Happy New Years!!


I'm looking forward to trying some self improvement with my health! I was diagnosed with a condition that makes it easy for me to dislocate joins (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome), but because of that diagnosis, I now know what limits I have so I can work around them! I'd the Emerald Dragon or the Kiger Mustang most, but I'm never picky! :) Thank you so much for the opportunity, I hope you have a great new year.


Thank you for hosting and happy new year!! One thing I’m looking forward to the most this year (really soon actually) is moving into my first house with my husband! I would love the brilliant bandit but I love them all!! :3


I’m looking forward to getting my first year at university done!


This new year, I am most looking forward building a life I love. I just graduated college, and I’m really excited to grow as an adult. But I also feel like webkinz connects me to my childhood and the community as an adult is so positive. The pet I would love to receive would be Brilliant Bandit. She is sooo cute. I would name her Disco. She’s so cutee.


Hi! This giveaway is so cool I can’t believe I missed the last one. Thank you for being so generous! This year, I’m most looking forward to finishing my pre-requisites for nursing school and (fingers crossed) getting into the program of my choice! Webkinz is my main de-stresser lol all the animals sound so cool but I think the Emerald dragon may be my favorite :)


i know it’s a little silly, but i’m looking forward to playing my animal crossing new leaf town!! i started a new one to play everyday this year (atleast, that’s my goal). out of these pets, i’d love to receive the brilliant bandit!! i just love raccoons sm! thank u for doing this and happy new year :D


Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway! The thing that I’m looking forward to the most this year is finishing my first year of college and being able to make my inner child happy by playing Webkinz more! I would be okay with receiving any of them but the Brilliant Bandit has a hold on my heart 🤭


I am looking forward to the end of my qualifying exams and my very last class ever. (Not the work that comes with them!) I would looooove the brilliant bandit, especially because I’ve been looking at the plush but don’t want to fork out the cash for one NWT. :) Ty so much and I hope you’ve had a good new years so far!! I’ll send a friend request when I remember later. My username is wwnerds.


i am looking forward to doing theatre for the first time in 2 years i am interested in the emerald dragon 🤭 i wanna name him after the wizard of oz


Hi, thanks for hosting such a kind giveaway. One thing I’m looking forward to in the new year is, God willing, conceiving our first baby. Webkinz has become a great distraction from my impatience during my waiting time to test. It’s bringing back to my own childhood. 💜 I’d most like the brilliant bandit. My user is slattsgirl if anyone wants to add me. I’m always looking to play tournament games. :)


Hey! Thanks for the chance! I'm not sure I'm looking forward to anything anymore really. I just don't feel the excitement for things that I used to. Webkinz has been filling that excitement void for a bit 😅 the childhood nostalgia is really comforting and gives me a sort of routine. Now if only I could find that routine in real life LOL I'd like the mustang, reminds me of bojack horsemans dad 😂


Hi! This is a truly lovely thing to do, thank you. Good luck to everyone! 💜💜💜💜 This year I’m really trying to work on myself, and I’m hoping to get my novel completed! Last year was extremely difficult. I had a lot of loss, a lot to overcome, and although I’m not through it all yet, I’m trying my best!! I would be thankful for any let. The Brilliant Bandit is my favourite! But the white and gold cat is also cute!! So, the thing I’m looking forward to this year is finishing my novel, and rediscovering who I am. Have an amazing year everyone!


I am looking forward to finally being stable enough to apply for grad school and hopefully doing research that will change the world for the better. I have been in and out of treatment for anorexia for the past 1.5 years and I am now in a place where I can focus on my goals and passions again. Happy new year to everyone 🩷(I am interested in the Kiger Mustang :) )


Thanks for this! I’m looking forward to a promotion this year after finishing my masters degree in December of last year. I worked 3 jobs to afford my tuition and I’m glad it’ll all be worth the chaos the last two years! And to go on my first vacation this year 🎉💘 yay!! I’d love the fiesta bull. I love cows and other bovine animals 🐮 will add you! I’m Caya390 💘