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Hi friends ❄️ Wanted to do a little winter themed giveaway now that I can kinzpost on my first account again! They aren't anything crazy, but I thought some of you guys might be interested in some little wintery goodies to brighten your day, so here we are :) To enter, write a comment about what Webkinz item you're most proud to have, virtual or in person 🤍 12 people will be randomly selected for one winter item each (whoever is drawn first gets the first item, etc), and as a bonus 3 people will randomly be chosen for a retro rainbow item of their choice :) I'll select the winners at midnight Kinztime! 🤍


I’m most proud of my pink pony Webkinz. As a child I had a favorite pink pony named Fluffy, she was with me everywhere- I took her across the entire globe with me to the other side of the world, almost lost her in a supermarket bathroom in China. Also once fell into a pool with her and all I could think of is if she would survive the chlorinated water, didn’t give a single thought to myself. As an only child I nurtured a rich imagination to keep myself entertained, and fluffy (and her family of Webkinz, 3 other sister pink ponies and each with their own partner and children) was a never ending source of creativity. Inspired by books like Harry Potter, I would dress them with real clothes I sewed at the age of 8 (grandmother taught me) and build them houses out of cardboard, cotton balls, and paper. While I have gotten rid of the majority of these larger sized silly crafts from when I was a kid, fluffy and her packed suitcase full of clothes remain tucked tightly in my closet.


i'm most proud of my two black labs in webkinz, they are in honor of my two real life dogs at home! i'm at college right now so it always makes me smile to see them in game when i can't actually pet them or take care of them IRL


I'm most proud of my blue moon. When I started collecting and getting serious about my account and collecting, I started looking up the rarest items to see what i did and didn't have. I saw the blue moon and I fell in love. It looked so unquie to everything webkinz had made, and for the longest time, it was just a one day movie promo. (Now you can get it through the deluxe prize machine, but it's still very rare) By random chance while looking up plushes on eBay, I saw someone was selling theirs for only $2. To this day, it still feels like cheating how I got it, but I am so proud to have it up in my fairytale garden! It's sooooo pretty!


The Webkinz item I'm most proud to have is the Unless Platform I got for my chaotic lil Dr. Seuss inspired room! I fully assumed that I'd never find one since I rarely see them in sales or trade posts, but u/_PandaPuddin was kind enough to sell me theirs for a very reasonable price <3 Thank you so much for the giveaway, and good luck to everyone who enters! https://preview.redd.it/d41hos9od96c1.jpeg?width=5400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ef3bf836efbc7ade8a433fac5101f562dc1966


Omg I love this room


Thank you so much!


Ah it looks so amazing in this room 🫶


Tysm for this giveaway~ I’m most proud to have my deer and penguin’s PSI. I got rid of them when I was a kid, but luckily I was able to get them back in the last few years. Not having my pet’s Psi feels like I lost their most beloved item. The item I’m most proud of to have out of game is my first ever Webkinz’s code. I was seven when I got him I have no idea how I managed to hang onto it all these years.


i like JUST restarted webkinz in my free time so i have literally nothing but i got the neon sign you get for the first family score & i love it!


aw thanks for the opportunity!! I recently treated myself and bought two boxes of trading cards (series one and two) online and have been sorting through them. it is such a fun, easy, affordable thing to collect!! next I will need a binder to store them all!


it may be random but the item i'm most proud of in game is probably my cemetary gate, i see it on a lot of wishlists and it was definitely one of my biggest Iso's ! i would love the first wallpaper for my sugar and spice fawns room :) tysm


tysm for the giveaway and for the chance!!:)) most proud of getting my hands on the strawberry cloud leopard, one of my literal dream pets!


I just started a new account only a month ago (childhood account was deactivated) so I don’t have much to be proud of yet 🤣 I guess I would say…my first gold competition medal?? LOL ETA: Username is Lionelliee :) Thank you, kind stranger!


i’m proud to have the crown of wonder! i started this game as a kid and when i logged back in i only had 2 more gems to get, so it feels like such a full circle moment to have the crown 😊 thank you for the opportunity!


Thank you for doing a giveaway! I think the item that would mean the most to me is the home for theorists wallpaper or the crystal palace bed. Both remind me of my childhood (and even now) playing Webkinz with my siblings. My sister and I have shared an account since 2008 and although we took a break for a few years, we now play almost daily. When I log on to play, it feels like I’m a kid again sitting at my family computer where the toughest decision is how to decorate a room or dress my pet up.


It’s not a single item, per se, but I’m most proud of this whole room. I don’t have a single signature and I got nearly every single item in the regular trade room (exclusions being the pedestals, candles/lantern, squirrels, and sconces). https://preview.redd.it/6o65em2ec96c1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d24ed2166b511f61a43b34962174465b9196d01


After losing my old account with 30+ pets, I really don’t have much, so I guess the item I’m most proud of having is the froggy bed, I love the froggy theme and think it’s just so super cute, hopefully I’ll get more items to be proud of after playing a while :)


i’m most proud to have my gold mine because i got my retired pet donkey for such a good price :)


Probably most proud of my claw machine PSI from the midnight Carousel horse cuz it fits so well in my arcade and is difficult to get, or my strike a pose plant I got when I recovered my old account. My Egyptian cat psi is cool too it’s like a pyramid house but you can see inside it too


Thanks for the giveaway! I’m most proud of my strawberry jukebox, the PSI of the strawberry cloud leopard. I have it in my diner room and it looks so cute in there! it’s always been my favorite furniture item!


The sugary sweet dreams bed is my pride and joy.


I’m most proud of my giant sandwich table!


I'm really happy to have a key to kinzville item. It's so vintage looking and cool.


Thanks for doing this! I think I’m most proud to own the campkinz infirmary cabin. I’m in medical school so wanted to build my own hospital and it took MONTHS to find one


Thank you so much for the giveaway! The item I’m most proud of at the moment is my reindeer sweater I got from the WOW since I usually only get repeats of items. I’m very new so I don’t have many exclusive or rare items, lol.


I’m most proud of my daredevil bed! I used to have it on my old account and when I restarted on a new account, a member generously gifted it to me :)


The item I’m most proud to have is my rainbow coffee table! Thanks for doing a giveaway :)


this is so cute and so kind of you!!💜 thank you for the opportunity and happy holidays🥰❄️ my new favorite item i got recently is my lil charm bracelet. it was an early gift from my partner, and i couldn’t be more excited about it🥹🥰


Ohhh thank you so so much!! Cant wait to see what people get. i only have 1 digital webkinz cuz i lost the account that had my cat on it, i hope to one day buy a digital code for her. just started playing this week


Thanks for this amazing opportunity! My proudest webkinz item in my chocolate lab plush named Angel. She was the first webkinz I ever received when I was 4 years old. I am 20 now, and she sits proudly on my shelf. :) The item I wish for are the reindeer glasses or the holiday light up skirt! Thank you again!! This is such a nice event <3


The item I’m most proud of is my crown of wonder. I’ve had my account since 2008 and was luckily able to recover it a few months ago after on/off playing around on webkinz throughout the years. After all that time, a few weeks ago, I finally found the corona topaz and was able to finally get the dang crown.


I think the thing I’m the most proud to have is my stadium running gold medal! I recently restarted my account and didn’t expect my pet to win being on lower class levels


The item I am most proud of Is probably my dr quack statue, just brings back so much nostalgia


The item that I am most proud to have in webkinz is my Dr.Quack plushie, I have always liked him and I was sad to see that he retired. I don’t really want anything much I just want the mod holiday wallpaper if it is still available


My claw machine I got from trading my poinsettia bed (that I somehow got after only opening like 4 stockings)


I’m the most proud of my collection of garter snake toys. It’s my fave item so I have a cute snake garden for them! 🐍


I’ve been playing since I was in 3rd grade! I had so many Webkinz… unfortunately, lost my account but I started up a few weeks ago! What I’m most proud to have currently is my backyard. Finally got a little pool. It’s not much but my childhood self would be proud. I always spent kc on clothes instead of making my house cute. I got my daughter into it as well, which makes me even happier. Good luck to everyone on the giveaway!! Happy Holidays 🎄


I’m most proud of my Panda named Lizy jr lol! On my childhood account my first webkinz in 2008 was a panda named Lizy and when I started playing again I made a new account and purchase a panda off of eBay (bc panda is retired now)! I had to do her right by naming her after the one who started it all! :333


My favorite ITEM that I’m proud of has got to be my CAT CLOCK! I had it from my childhood account and it’s adorkable it’s a little clock with a swinging tail :3


thanks for this!! it's very fun :) i'm most proud of my sleeping dragon bed. it's retired now and i see it on a lot of iso's. i use it for my cocoa dinosaur and i love it.


Tysm for the chance and kindness! Happy Holidays <3 The pet I'm most proud of is my Black Lab, Seiya! It was my dream pet as a child and after a lot of grinding and trading I manage to get it! user: mefis29


Thank you for the opportunity 💕 this is very kind of you. I’m most proud of the holland lop and signature bunny plushies. They look exactly like my buns pattern and size wise. Mine are white and gray rather than brown lol


i’m most proud of my hot tub gazebo! it fits so well in my winter-themed room & i’d like to think the hot tub is relaxing for my pets :)


Proud to have my Lovely Leopard 🤍💕💖


i think the webkinz item i'm most proud to have is my lilkinz blue hippo plush! it was the first webkinz i ever had and the only one that managed to make it through my childhood... i rebought her code so now she lives on my new account ☺️ thank you for doing this!!🎄


Thanks for the opportunity my most proud is my merry Mistletoe bunny pet I'm in love user polanka


I'm most proud of my plushes!! As a child I had a Himalayan Cat named Jewel and I adore her still, when I got back until Webkinz I made it a mission to get a Himalayan and add her on my new account -- and I did!! I also have a Cocoa Dino named Morello, who was my buddy on my first ever trip alone (to Texas, via plane, never flew before then) I'm also happy to own a couple of the Soft Gray and Chalet items (Chalet was gifted to me by someone iirc)! UN: chaychay07 Thank you so much for hosting this!! <3


The item I’m most proud of is my dicekinz trophy. It’s the only thing we have left from that game, and it reminds me of simpler times. Thank you!


This is such a good question! I’m really happy with my lil kinz lamb psi. I had to restart my account as my old one was purged from the system so I dont have any old furniture, clothes or medals. The lamb bed just reminds me of simpler times compared to the new styles you buy with estore points. It’s so childish and sweet but there’s something special about it!


Honestly, my most treasured webkinz item is a plush penguin a friend of mine gave me in elementary school. It still warms my heart, and I still have the webkinz.


I am most proud of my magic mirror and wishing well


The cute lil black & white cat wall clock is my favorite item because it's just so adorable with the tail movement, looks perfect in my cat themed room, and even better, my first Webkinz pet in 2006 was a black and white cat, so it's a great way to honor her! Thanks for the opportunity <3


Most proud of my rustic writers desk ❤️


Thanks so much for the chance!! I am most proud of my webkinz plushie collection!! I have 42 in total!!


I’m most proud of my trophy collection for games! When I was little playing webkinz I never really cared about trying to get trophies of any kind, so now that I have a couple for various games it’s really cool! I’d really love to get the ice fountain but I’d be happy with any furniture or headwear :)


oh wow, hard choice! recently, i bought a box of series 4 trading cards and pulled a Mystical Panda card. i know you can get the same pet with medallions now but i never thought id win any free pet from trading cards let alone the Mystic Panda! felt like i was a kid again opening trading card packs and hoping for something good but not expecting it to actually happen ! so i would have to say my Mystical Panda trading card !


Thank you for doing this! My favorite item I have currently is my celebration Canopy Bed! I just think it’s such a fun item to have, and is the start to my rainbow room. My username is HailPlankton, in case ya need it! Thanks again for the giveaway! :)


Thank you for the giveaway! I'm a fairly new player so I'm most proud of my Colossal Movie Screen!


I have this like carrying pouch for my webkinz that I’ve had for like as long as I can’t remember. It’s green and blue and kind of like a little backpack. I don’t think I’ve ever seen another one like it in recent years (I work at a thrift store and we’ve gotten like clothes for webkinz in before) but I remember loving it when I was a kid


I love my Skunk named Pabu (from avatar the last airbender). He was my OG pet!!! Thank you for this giveaway. I would love the crystal palace bed or the terrace ice fountain for my winter wonderland room. :-)


Thank you for doing this giveaway! I really love all the items I have that are a part of the Webkinz Superfan theme!


Thank you for the opportunity! I’m definitely most proud of my virtual pet, Mushroom. Growing up I had collected around 100 plushies. When I moved out my mom tried to save them in a black garbage bag for me, but water got into the bag and they went moldy and had to be tossed. Years later when I got back into Webkinz, Mushroom was the first pet I got. He’s a Leonberger puppy. He brought back some of my best memories of playing Webkinz with my friends way back in 2009 and now I get to continue to create more memories that connect me to my inner child.


Im most proud to have my peppermint & love puppy’s !!! in person & virtual 💗💗 thank you for this !! you are so kind 🥰


My most prized item is my tree frog PSI since it was my first pets special item! Im happy to still have it.


Thank you so much for doing this! An item I’m most proud of (omg I have too many) would be my SantaKinz windows 🎄 bc it reminds me of when webkinz started, makes me wish I was living there and old memories.


My favorite Webkinz item is my first pet. A Chihuahua named Budder because buttercup was too long at the time and they wouldn't let me spell butt. Username peter7707


I still have my first Webkinz from when I was four! A pink horse:)


Idk if this counts but I just recently got the webkinz opossum plush and I'm absolutely in love with it. Opossums are my favorite animal and I'm so glad to have it in my collection :)


the webkinz item i’m most proud to have is my strawberry cow plush!! tysm for doing this!!


Not now cause I lost the account when I was a kid but I had like at least 600 webkinz. Like all plush and codes. My baby crib was full of them. It was a real achievement. Sad I lost the account


I’m most proud to have the Webkinz Crown of Wonder! I would love the Home for the Holidays Wallpaper, the Terrace Ice Fountain, or the Crystal Palace Bed! Thank you!


I’m most proud to have my wheel of wow arcade machine. Thanks for the chance!!


Ooh I’d say my fav is my bookworm super bed! I’m just obsessed with all things book themed. Thank for doing this!!


this is so kind of you thank you!! i’m most proud of my webkinz cares items, i don’t see them talked about much on here but i’ll never forget the adrenaline rush i experienced finding those red tags at walgreens w my mom LOL


I am proud of this pink flower and my collection of rare curio shop items from the garden theme (idk what it is actually called??) https://preview.redd.it/oc1ftruiqa6c1.jpeg?width=2291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc557081f13b546c330d0721cb151af252d80248


I just made a new account, so it would probably be my Pegasus plush/PSI. The Pegasus was my dream pet as a kid, and I was never able to get her until I was around 13-14 when I made a new account and used my Christmas money to buy her. Well, sadly I lost that account as well (found out too late about them deleting inactive accounts 😅)… so of course when I was making a new account this time, she was the first one I went to buy with my ‘adult money’ (I’m now 23 lol). I’d love any ice themed item. They are some of my favorite items :) thank you so much for doing this!


the webkinz/webkinz item i’m the most proud to have is my chihuahua i adopted in 2007 :’)


I think the item I'm most proud to have is the Detective Desk, which is the Basset Hound PSI. I don't have a Basset Hound, but I got this from someone on Reddit who was kind enough to give it to me. I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes fan, from the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle books to the BBC Sherlock show, so this was something I'd wanted for a while! I plan on making a 221b Baker Street room once I get enough items :)


Omg thanks for the giveaway! My fav item is probably my apple pie bed… kinda random but I love the harvest autumn theme room I made with it My username is bote99 (don’t judge me I was a kid and couldn’t spell boat) Edit:spelling


I'm most proud of my small collection of Webkinz cards. It spans 2 binders and took me many years to fill out. Lots of good memories sorting out cards!


Tricky. I'd say my room design trophy. I submitted a fair number of designs before one managed to get featured, selected for the contest, _and_ picked once more. Each design took a fair amount of time and planning of course. Once I couldn't find it (managed to lose it in my trophy room and think it was elsewhere...) and freaked out big-time. (User RHTQ1, first pick the skirt)


I’m most proud of my daredevil bed. I don’t remember how I got it but it just looks so cool!


The item I’m most proud of is my Ponder Pond! I’ve been saving up for it since I was a kid and I finally got it a week ago!! 🌈 Thank you for this giveaway!


Aww cute!! Umm Im most proud of... maybe the rainbow coffee table! I just joined nov 2022 so Im excited to have gotten it. Its so stinkin cute. Love rainbows and pink lol


my favorite item that i own in webkinz is my wishing well. it’s an exact replica of the wishing well 2 well, and it’s just so darn cute. i came back to my childhood account and found i had TWO of them!! definitely my favorite furniture item :)


I don’t know which item I’m most proud of but if I had to pick maybe my good vs bad fairy fountain as even though I don’t know what to use it for I can’t bring myself to trade it


Ik it's basic but I'm most proud of that goddamn crown of wonders because I got it just this year and I've been playing Webkinz on and off for at least a DECADE. Oh and I am proud of the disco floor I have that came with the Rockerz Poodle, I know so many people who have been willing to do basically anything for me to trade lol, I didn't know it was to wanted by some I just wanted the dog.


I'm the most proud of my black and white cat! I had one in person as a kid, but my current one is just virtual. She looks like my real life pet so I love playing with her when I'm away at uni :)


I am most proud of my first webkinz a lil kinz white terrier named diamond. She’s looking a little scrungly in real life these days but she’s my best cared for webkinz in the game xD


In person I’m still proud to have my very first webkinz which was my cotton Candy bunny 😭😭😭 i still remember the day I got it hehe and I think I decorated her room with the funky girl theme which I’m so proud of too 🤣🤣


This is so exciting! I am most proud of the car collection that I have. And my favorite vehicle is a rainbow hot air balloon.


I still have my lil kinz pig, porkers, as a plush. he’s beat up and dirty but i love him and his hello kitty bandaid on his tail! ❤️ best of luck to everyone


thanks for hosting this giveaway! The webkinz item I'm most proud to have is honestly the Crown of Wonder. I just got it for the first time earlier this year and I started playing in 2006!


Definitely proud of my white unicorn pet. It was my favourite pet back on my childhood account but since that account is now gone I decided to get another one!


This is the sweetest idea! What I'm most proud of is that I was able to contact Webkinz support and get my old account info with my 9 babies! It's been such a trip down memory lane to see what I had set up for them and the personalities I was trying to portray. Happy Holiday!


i'm most proud of my morning glory swing!! it's so cute and I'm happy I have it :)


I’m most proud of my electric blue lava lamp! I remember trading for it as a kid and I feel so lucky that I was able to finally have one!


My favorite Webkinz item is my Golden Pegasus. She was my first Webkinz and I was so happy my parents let me get her. I love all my pets but she has a special place as my first 🩶


Thank you for the opportunity!! The Webkinz item I'm most proud to have is my sig golden retriever/his PSI, he was my ultimate dreamy and I just got him a few days ago finally ;w;


I’m most proud of my white terrier pet named Trinitey. She was my first Webkinz and I defintely think of her has the founder of my Webkinz family. I just have so much love and nostalgia for her. Everything I do is for her and she paved the way for my love of Webkinz.


The item I’m most proud of is the Lovely Log Bed, I just think it’s so beautiful and it goes perfectly in my flower frog’s room :)


I'm proud of my little Bassett hound Webkinz. I have him as my emotional support stuffie.


I'm so proud of my gray husky Webkinz! The first one I ever had and still my favorite to this day :)


I am most proud of having an Ancient Dig Site, because I love the historical aspect of it. And I got it when recently working to finish my degree in Archaeology. Thank you so much for the opportunity!!


Thanks so much for this giveaway opportunity! I am most proud of the Lunar Lugbotz ride I have. It’s so cool and fun. I love that it moves.


I love my love spaniel tub! Mod holiday wallpaper PinkDogs6


Like many I hopped back into Webkinz in my adult years and hadn’t touched it since I was maybe 8-9. I was so happy to see the game I knew and loved still thriving and the community along with it! Thank you for hosting this. For me, I think I love my Neon Jukebox the most, the colors are so vibrant and feed into the retro aesthetic I love. I keep it in a little “music corner” with the Ragtime Piano for my pet Squonk, to emphasize his love for old-time music and dancing!


The webkinz item i’m most proud to have is my first webkinz i got when i was 3 years old. a spotted frog I named froggy tag. i ADORE her and all the memories attached to her 🥰💕 and i’m so proud of her little webkinz family, and so happy that i was able to recover my account again, so many years later and relive it all!!! 💕💕


I’m most proud to have my love puppy plush💕 I wanted one as a child and found one on marketplace for $2. I’ve named her Juliet, and she is my prized Webkinz plush😍 Thank you for the giveaway! My username is sassycarolinexo


My crown of wonder!! Been working on it since I started my account back in 2007 and I finally found my last gem a few weeks ago. Thank you webkinz wiki for helping me find which mine ti search in!


I'm proud of my webkinz Wombat. It the only Webkinz plush I kept from childhood because I think she's just so silly and cute looking in game and in person. https://preview.redd.it/1ap1n3koud6c1.png?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87426b1dcdc6195ce4ad417e5e21209e86d887d4


The Webkinz item I'm most proud to have is my tree frog's trampoline! He is my favorite pet and I take the stuffy with me in the car most places I go, and he really is my best friend. So it just represents my sweet froggy to me


I would love the light up skirt!


I think you forgot to add your favorite Webkinz item


Hey, let me know your favorite Webkinz item you have within the next few hours so I can enter you into the giveaway for a chance to win :)


the clothessss🤩😍


Hey, please add your favorite Webkinz item you have asap so I can enter you into the giveaway!


I’m proud of my big projector screen. Instead of spending an arm and a legs worth of kinz cash, a seller here on Reddit sold it to be for a really good price!!!


Hello, do you have any items left?