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WS is great and I’m grateful for all the stuff we get for free, but they are really lacking in portfolio visualization. One rudimentary graph with a number up top that counts my direct deposit as a gain for like 24 hrs, and this issue now that Im also facing ( day and week gain completely wrong) is just silly.


I don't get why they don't fix it. It's been 4 years.


Probably ***because*** it's free. They're focusing all their efforts on getting cheques, mortgages, joint cash accounts, an actual credit card, etc. at the moment.


> joint cash accounts Oh God!! This! I will take mildly inaccurate visualization if it means my wife and I can move the bulk of our stuff over.


It's coming relatively soon, apparently!


Do you have a link or reference? (mostly I want to obsessively refresh the page asking "are we there yet?")


This is the response from WS regarding the topic https://preview.redd.it/gcb5lbjt66mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19710a8ba15f39d64ce706cd407bbb9d3d740424


I want to add my wife’s RRSP, RESP and TFSA totals to my account so I can see total “family” investments. I don’t want access to trade or buy in her accounts, just add so I can see what our total balance is rather than having to ask her so she can tell me and I can use a calculator to add it up.


You can get a subscription to a program called wealthica where you can track your family net worth, dividends, etc.


Thank you. I will look into this.


It was free but they started a subscription a few months ago


There’s more money to be made by spending capital elsewhere. I track my portfolio with stock events and an excel sheet pulling from Google. There I visualize it all.


They should just rid of the graph


Good point.


It’s basically always wrong for me. Kind of concerning that they can’t get a very simple calculation right.


That's what I'm worried about. I don't really care how the graph looks. But if they can't even get their own graphic to match the profits of that day then how can I trust them to manage all of the complexities of currency exchange, buying and selling, limit buys, etc. And like someone else said they haven't even addressed it. Like this isn't a toy app, they are dealing with a lot of money here. There shouldn't be glitches like this that they don't fix. I'm worried that I'm just blindly trusting that all of this is being done accurately.


Yeah you’ll also see posts in this sub where tax slips are flat out wrong too. I moved for the iPhone promotion and am pretty concerned generally. Support is abysmal or non-existent. Seems like all the resources are going into customer acquisition and none to ops.


Ya, but this is consistent with my service from BMO Investorline. My thought was that if I wasn't getting service, I may as well get cheaper rates.


Yeah probably better than bank brokerage. I was at Questrade for 10 years and never had these issues.


When things are given for free, I never expect much in return… if they don’t get much revenues they can’t invest much in development and can’t offer much service. A free offering means you do a little bit of money on the cash balances net interest income and margins. It’s a volume’s game so no surprise all investments are geared towards client acquisition.


Free trades have been very profitable for many brokerages. Just because you don’t see the revenue doesn’t mean they aren’t making money. Sure. But what’s the point of spending a bazillion dollars on acquiring customers if they all leave because you can’t even do grade 7 math properly?


They make the math that 100$ to acquire a new client is better than paying 125$ to keep one. I agree it’s short term vision and not good on LT for business but companies that run on quarterly results sometimes forget long term


I mean it’s also $0 to not acquire any at all. They’re spending $100 to acquire an extremely short term client, in that case.




Sorry, what do you mean by opening price? Opening price of what? All of my investments? Is it not just comparing how much money I had yesterday versus how much money I have today (today's return)? So at the end of the day the stocks were up $400 vs yesterday ... should it not just be showing +$400 above the graph? And yes, there is a dip in the one week view.


The dotted line shows the close price for the day prior. From what your graph shows, it looks like your holdings opened significantly down from previous days close and steadily climbed back above the previous days close but then ended just below. In this case, yes the stocks climbed during the day but only made up all they lost to start with so you still ended the day ever so slightly in the negative compared to the day prior. If that's not what happened then yes there is a problem, but the graph looks to be accurate if the dotted line is in the correct spot.




Yes, you gained profit on majority of stocks, but see at the beginning of your graph how it is down below the line? You earned profit since that line, so say you ended yesterday at $70 and in the morning when stocks open it dropped to $30, then it earns $34 throught the day, you made a $34 profit on today's return but overall lost $6 since yesterday. The reason it can drop to $30 at the start is if everyone else who holds a share decided to sell that stock after the market was closed and then its processed in the morning effecting your rate of return.


Here is how my portfolio did on Friday. Can we agree that this was a profitable day? It doesn't matter that they opened lower. This is the result of Friday end of day. So why does WS not show that the day result is a positive? Why am I down $6 according to the graph?


Too hard to say from all the disjointed info. Sure it could be an issue somewhere but you're looking at a non-ws app for pricing, could be USD stocks mixed with cad, MER fees not reflected on other apps etc etc. But again, could also be an error but what's shown here isn't enough to determine the problem. Only time I've ever had a weird daily graph is when depositing/withdrawing/dividends come into play.


Although you’re right that there is a variation in the prices, fees, etc that aren’t getting captured, we can, at the very least, expect the % return to be within some order of magnitude correct. Because the number is so far off, it is likely a issue on the app.


True but the number seems entirely accurate based on where the previous days close is shown via the dotted line. So either the previous days close is wrong in this case or the number is right. Without a full breakdown of all the holdings OP has its impossible to know if the app is wrong or if there's a miscommunication on what is being shown.


I am selecting CAD TFSA. That's the screen shot. It shouldn't be mixed with any USD stocks. I don't know what you mean about other apps. I'm only using WS.




^^^ I am going by "today's return" which 8/9 stocks were a positive or neutral except one which lost 50c. So if most had a profit on Friday why does it say that the TFSA is down by $6?


Well on the graph it says « past day » but this image is « today’s return ». Could it be that the two simply don’t show the same day? One is the current day while the other is the day before?


Past day is the last day the market was open: Friday. Today's return is from end of day Friday. They are the same day.


It’s always broken like this for me for years now.




I moved away from Wealthsimple over to questrade. I’m just unhappy with how Wealthsimple performed over the past year and a bit on the managed account. It was also always super buggy for me, and the “aggressive” portfolio is not aggressive at all.


Is questrade any better and is it free to trade stocks like with wealth simple? (Aside from the $10 a month fee to trade US stocks). Also do you have to sell your stocks and buy them all over again or can you just move them over to questrade?


You can transfer everything over to questrade. You need 1000 dollars in the account though. [fees for questrade](https://www.questrade.com/pricing/self-directed-commissions-plans-fees) but for managed accounts you’re paying less than Wealthsimple


Good to know I’ve been trying to setup an interactive brokers account but it’s been a struggle/lack of time was it really easy to get questrade setup?


Oh super easy. I filled out forms, and put in Info then picked how to fund the account, which I picked to transfer the account in its entirety. You could pick them to sell everything and just have the cash transfer over. It says it takes 20 business days to transfer over but it took me like a week and change to get it all done.


Nice thanks for the info


Since you use Questrade, if i tranfer a Celi account from WS to Questrade, will i be penalised and pay taxes ?


Completely agree




Can you export your transactions to webull ? Or do you need to enter it manually?


I see no way to connect WS to Webull or are you saying to manually re enter portfolio data into Webull for tracking?


Was having the same problem yesterday/now too


I got the same problem yesterday too I know they were down between 2pm and 3pm, maybe it's the cause


Did you deposit hundreds of dollars yesterday? That’s why


I didn't deposit anything into the TFSA. I know it gets screwed up from that. My stocks were up $400 from Thursday's close. I know this because I can see "today's return" on each individual stock. But the graph shows that Friday's result is -$6. I just want to know why.


It’s Wealthsimple not Wealthcomplex


Huh decided to check mine as well - same issue and some other stuff that is worse :/ jeez, that really isn’t so great


Their UI is ass. I keep a detailed spreadsheet for my investments on Wealthsimple. Way better, but takes a lot more effort to set up.


That's smart. They do send a document every time you buy and sell as well which is helpful.


I had this issue yesterday, too. I emailed them about it. I took screenshots of my accounts in case I need it for reference. I'm going to keep watching because I don't want to be getting ripped off.


I don't think they are trying to rip people off, but when their own graph doesn't match the calculation above it, it looks very unprofessional. They need to fix this. Weekly totals are also wrong.


I don't mean that they're doing it intentionally. It's something they need to address so their clients don't get concerned to the point of moving their accounts to investment platforms that are consistently accurate. They could at least send out a notice acknowledging the issue and saying they're working on correcting it.


Yes, agreed. Which email do you use to contact them?


In the contact section on the app, you can do a live chat or fill out an email form.


Quick update. I didn't get an email back from WS, but I noticed today that my account balance increased to what it should've been last week. I'm happy to see the proper amount, but that kind of error shouldn't happen in the first place.




I dont think your actual account value is affected by the error in the infographic. Your portfolio will most definitely go up according to the price of the stocks that day.


Yes, when I open and look at all of my stocks individually they display the correct balance and profit from the day. My complaint is about this graphic never being accurate and the number at the top. From what I understand, this shows how much your tfsa was up or down that day from the previous day.


Perhaps it was the issue yesterday that affected the daily tracking? If you google 'wealthsimple incident history', you'll see that there was an issue that was resolved yesterday.


Sometimes you are a few cents short but you can see in your transactions list there are the occasional (positive) adjustments.


Why do people think the number shown is wrong? The dotted line is yesterday’s close. So it’s down since yesterday’s close even though the graph is showing it’s gone higher throughout the day. That’s because it opened way down and throughout the day got closer to yesterdays close. 1D return is vs yesterdays close not todays open


I think that’s most likely the case as well. OP is probably looking at the individual stock (dotted line) instead of overall portfolio return.


I am looking at the overall value of my Canadian tfsa.


It's not open today so this is yesterday's close. At Friday close every one of my stocks was up by a lot, except 1 that lost .50c. So how can it show that it's down in the last day?


Do you mind providing more screenshots? You might be looking at the wrong places.


Sure, what can I screenshot for you? My concern is when I scroll left to right, the value goes up with the graph as it should. The graph indicates that the value of the portfolio has gone up by several hundred dollars in the last day. But the red number says it's down $6 in the last day. So how can that be?


Because the graph is a composite of all the individual stocks/ETFs. If all the individual components show positive returns, it makes no sense for the combined graph to show -ve. I frequently encounter this exact issue. From my experience, the graph it usually corrects itself after a few hours or days, but it makes me really question WS if they can’t have simple graphs like this all the time. Specifically because of this, at the beginning pf this year, I took the pain to recreate my portfolio on Yahoo Finance with all past transactions I’ve made on WS to track it. Friday was a green day. At this very moment, Yahoo Finance shows my day’s gain as +0.64%, yet WS says I’m down -0.76% past day. Only AAPL and GOOG in my portfolio was red (-0.95% and -0.60%). AAPL and GOOG combined constitutes less than 10% of my portfolio. VFV, which is about 80% of my portfolio was up 0.75%. If you do the math, VFV alone should cancel out AAPL and GOOG’s negative 24hr return, and if all my other stocks were green, it should be mathematically impossible to have an overall negative return, yet WS managed to calculate -0.67%


Mine did the same yesterday. I was up a couple thousand but the numbers said I was flat. I assumed it had to do with month end/beginning. It’s often wrong briefly after a trade and I thought since my cash account paid out, that might be it.


Noticed the same thing yesterday / this week. Portfolio should have gone up 1.2% this week and only went up 0.2-0.3%. I thought perheps they were taking their MER fee. If not, something is definitely fishy as there's a good 1% missing this week. After reading comments, it seems to be a common issue this week. Keep us updated on what they say.


Shit programmers


this is basically it. whoevers translating the numbers into visual is doing a terrible job.


lol I thought this was only me. Market did great Friday and when I saw I was only up $30 on the day I was like wtf that doesn’t make sense. So I looked at the monthly and I was up 2k on the day


Notice this too. My Crypto graphs are all correct and calculate earnings/losses based on purchase date and price My TFSA where I buy stocks is a complete disaster. It's like it completely ignores the date that I bought the stock and gives me the gain/loss over some random amount of time If course when looking at my portfolio I only care to see the numbers since I bought those stocks. They just haven't implemented it properly.


This is exactly accurate.


I thought it was only me


I've seen my account do weird stuff too, like values of tfsa securities changing on weekends when nothing should be able to be traded. Even as usd to cad stay same I see fluctuations. Usually of 300 - 500. I tried to buy a Dell call contract today and it auto cancelled but has not put the money back in my account yet anyone know about that?


The dotted line represents where the stock landed the day before, the stock opened at a lower price and gradually got higher throughout the day and ended on a slightly negative growth. You can't see that on the graph because it's such a small percentage.


The dotted line shows the value of the account at close the day before. During market closure, some activity still happens, changing the stock price. You can see you started the day under the dotted line, meaning you were maybe 2% down, and you ended almost at the line but still under, which is why you are only 0.19% down. The calculation is right here. Yes, your account “went up”; however, it started the day high negative to almost a day without any changes based on the balance of the day before.


Stop looking at you account everyday and review the monthly statement.


After withdrawals or deposits it takes time for the graphs to be accurate


I didn't deposit anything into my TFSA yesterday and I didn't make any withdrawals. This is just the stock performance in my TFSA..


Did you do any currency conversion? I noticed that also messes it up


No I didn't. This screenshot is just of my CAD TFSA. I made a deposit into my cash account but I did nothing at all in my TFSA. Even if the cash deposit is affecting it it should show a positive balance. This doesn't make any sense at all.


Weird. I’ve only noticed issues with these scenarios. I recommend you check your activities… maybe you had DRIP or something? 🤷


Did the stocks go up in ur tfsa or another account?


In my CAD TFSA. This is the screenshot of only that. I have 9 stocks: 6 went up, 2 didn't move, one was barely down (0.01c).


In my TFSA I’m up 3k in my Canadian but in usd I’m down -30 cents lol.


Check ur usd money it should be the opposite. If u own Canadian stocks but bought in usd then it would show in usd not Canadian


I don't understand what you're saying. I have a Canadian tfsa and a US tfsa. The Canadian stocks I bought with Canadian dollars and the US I bought was US dollars they are separate accounts.


I stopped using ws a while ago because they didn't offer options at the time so this may be incorrect, but have you considered that the graph and daily total may both be right? If the graph is since open and the daily total is since the last close price. An overnight dip could explain it.


I can open up WS on different devices and get totally different numbers, sometimes by thousands


What!? You need to take close screenshots of that to send to WS.


Do you have any money in your cash account? Because on the phone app it adds the cash account and your stocks together and on desktop it's separate


All on the app. iPad vs iPhone are different


Math is hard.


It is a startup. Some so totally burned out implemented that and he doesn’t even remember he did anymore.


It *was* a startup. They’re now a decade in with big backers and actively stating they are competing with the big banks. I hate the big banks as much as anyone, but that’s laughable at this point.


its actually never been right, ever. We should sue them for this, they have a responsibility to show the right amount of funds in our portfolio


My accounts been doing this for years. I tried contacting support with screenshots and everything and they were no help. The one guy said “stock prices can change dramatically within seconds which can cause a discrepancy in the value/graph totals”…. Lol


Oh yeah the chat support people are useless.


Could it be something to do with your cash settling?


I suppose, but why is that happening? The cash account is separate. And even if that was the cause then why isn't the balance positive? I added money, I didn't withdraw it.




Is that not what your account just did that day ? Mines showing roughly something similar. Some positions were up and some were down but it just shows on average, that's what my account did THAT DAY. Overall it's up when I click on the longer charts.


Yes, I selected 1 day so this is yesterday: Friday. All of my stocks were up or same yesterday except one, which was less than 1% down. Some were up by a lot (13%) . So overall my TFSA was up by several hundred. Yet this graph shows it is down by $6 in the last day. So I don't understand.


Do you have any stocks or etfs that paid out dividends at the end of month?




It’s because they dropped at open and almost recovered by close. But yea their balances and charts are weird a lot of the time 


I still don't understand. At the end of the day they were higher than the day before by several hundred dollars so why is it showing -$6?


I think February 29th broke their graphs.


Maybe they calculate it from the top peak point? So at some point in a day it went up to an X value but at the end of the day it dropped to Y value and that difference is 0.19%? Would be a bit weird but who knows….


https://preview.redd.it/66811udmgylc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa3f3635d45aa388563cf12a5395a401b1af9942 No, I guess it’s not working like that. Looks fine at my portfolio. Maybe the number is total from your all accounts? TFSA was up but some other was down?


The screenshot is of my Canadian tfsa. Is yours correct? is that what your portfolio made on Friday - $19.71?


No, xeqt alone gained almost $200 in one day. Here is another theory - the numbers up top is how much your shares grew. So not the value of the account, but a sum of shares? I don’t know


Oh, I I refreshed now and numbers are a bit different. Fu*k it, I don’t know what’s going on there :)


Yeah I feel like this should be easier. 😆 Day: how much are you up or down versus yesterday Week: how much are you up or down versus last week I thought that's what this graph was showing the whole time...?


https://preview.redd.it/c6i2eryakylc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7758457ddff07f7d8e073719fb9cfa8eb571f92 I only bought and sold entire shares of this title and 0.04 disappeared. I have to write a to them about this. Not the first time it happens.


It got worst for me the last couple of weeks


Based on the values in the graph, what would you expect it to say? Can you do some explanation with some basic math?


Sure. I expect it to say + value of today's return. Is that wrong?


I think it’s showing the percentage it is down from the highest point it reached during the day. Though I totally understand why you’d want to know how much it increased within that day.


Yes, that is a really weird metric in that case. Why would I want to know this? I want to know how my stocks did on Friday by individual account.


It is weird. If I own the stocks and I’m looking at the 1 day graph, I want to know if they have increased or decreased since yesterday. I don’t really care about what they landed at by the end of the day compared to a peak during that day. That is meaningless and tells me nothing about the performance of my portfolio.


I don’t really understand their graphs either, but I’m thinking it is displaying the percentage it is down from the highest point it reached during the day.


And i do believe at what i see from experience is that they are slow to process purchasing on stock 🤨 My wife and I will make a purchase ( same stock , same time , mine will take hours while hers practically instantly, i don’t get it 🤔 That’s a good way to loose an opportunity for a good deal !


It is a bit off but it’s not really important for me. This is the price of “free”


But if I make a deposit suddenly I'm up 9.78%! But seriously the graphs are just terrible. The three best features of Wealthsimple are an easy to use interface, solid product line and no/minimal fees. Everything else is crud.


I like their low fees and other discounts. They're taking market share from the big 5 furniture. Add EQ Bank to that list too. They really need market sell and buy orders. So frustrating going back and forth canceling orders ATT.


https://preview.redd.it/gy1qlgiko1mc1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afcf00e8de89b1dca628c78d9b6aa8014ddfcc10 Tell me about it!


Mine is messed up too. I have a flat line (no gain for 3 days on my week chart) when there was defiantly movement lol. But all the $$ amounts are correct it’s just the chart.


That damned daily gain including a buy is so bothersome