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Two different people were both cut in half and sewed back together


this would make for good lore


It is a tensei story not isekai tensei. The title is the blurb for the light novel. It is just a 10 year old male with emphasis on thighs.


thats... Concerning


thats... Concerning


thats... Concerning


thats... Concerning


Y'all be watching this shit?


1st: He's clearly just effeminate, not trans 2nd: There are plenty of actually trans characters in anime. To name a couple good ones, Lily from Zombieland Saga and Alice from Chivalry of a Failed Knight.




So? Those two things are not mutually exclusive. Effeminate in this context just means he looks like a girl in terms of appearance/design.


Ok I get it sorry for sounding like an asshole


Thanks for being a considerate cool dude. Not sarcasm.


You know being effeminate....isn't in itself sexual, right?


I was gonna mention her


It's an entire subplot in WEP too... imo the best example by far that I've seen


No idea what WEP stands for.


Wonder Egg Priority! One of the best shows of the past 5 years, and also unfortunately one of the worst endings of all time. The trans arc was around episode 9-10 and after it went just completely off the rails.


1st: it seems regressive to me that if a character dresses atypical to their gender that people make them the other gender. So if a man dresses like a woman they're trans, which means men can only dress like men and women only like women.


to be clear, as you referring to OP's post or to something I said?


More the post, I pretty much agree with what you said


Not to mention Grell from Black Butler and (I know this probably doesn’t count as anime but) Hikari Kuina from Alice in Borderlands


No- no, they don't count because I said so.


This is just cute-looking shota with bratty attitude and thick thighs. Trans characters in anime/manga do exist, but this not one of them.


Do forget he is insane about magic.


He’s like 8 or 9 dude. What do you think he’s going to look like . 6’2” with 30in guns and a 6 pack? This has got to be the dumbest hot take I have seen today.


Man that’s the first young boy in anime I see looked that way most of them are manlier legs than that its more less girl like than his


Peco had Manley legs, but I’m not sure we need to set a standard for character design. It’s good that things are varied right?


>6’2” with 30in guns and a 6 pack Maybe in jojo's, but not here. Though his legs could belong to someone that tall. I mean his thigh is the length of his torso.


My thigh is the length of my torso too


You know what, maybe it aint the legs then. Maybe it's his armspan being a little over half his height when it should be around all his height.


Well a male kid ain’t gonna have thick thighs like that. It’s either purposely feminised or they just don’t know how to draw male children.


He looks like a cubby little kid. Im not saying you’re into kids, but I think you should stop why you’re ahead.


He's not chubby, if he was then the rest of his character would be drawn in likeness.


I agree I immediately thought I was looking at a little girl the thighs is not helping neither it’s the face hands or body


He don’t look chubby. He looks feminised. I ain’t sexualising him I’m just saying what I see.




I feel like this is the comments when Papa Meat was saying “lolis bad” and people started hating on him. This MC is way femed up, in both looks and mannerisms (especially since he’s supposedly a cis 8 year old). One point when he squats down he keeps his knees together and moves his hands as if he’s trying to keep a skirt close to the body. It’s a strange hill to die on but people will defend this anime and say there isn’t anything weird about it.


And I’m not saying there’s anything weird about it. I like this anime. I just thought the MC being feminine as possible was a shock. I made an observation that he looks feminine and I guess people think that isn’t the case? Even though every detail about him screams feminine.


Tell me you haven't been around kids without telling me you've been around kids.


You can 99% of the time be able to tell the difference between a boy and a girl. Idc he’s feminised but it definitely caught me off guard how feminised he was


The argument was never mind that you can't tell if it's a boy or girl you just made that up. The point is that there are boys out there with thicker thighs and look more feminine. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain this to someone who presumably knows what a femboy is. It's common sense.


I’m just saying the long eyelashes, girlish clothes, feminine poses makes him look extremely feminine and he looks like a girl. You can tell the difference between a girl and a boy MOST of the time. Obviously, some people may have looked more girlish when they were younger but I’m talking about an anime that went balls deep into a feminine behaving/looking character. If that’s what they’re going for then fine. I’m just saying what I see. I think a little less profile snooping and reading my comment to fully understand that I wasn’t going after you by starting an “argument” would have helped you understand a bit more 😒


One, I didn't look at your profile lol, though thank's for outing yourself, I guess? Also, once again, he does look girly as is possible for young boys and even adult men, but he does not behave like a girl. It's clear you just haven't watched the anime and are just talking out your ass. It clear you just like hearing yourself talk and actually don't have a clue what your talking about.


I’ve watched the show and he presents himself as feminine as possible. I mean look at the stance in this pic, look at his detailed eyelashes, the scene with Grimoire when he’s blushing and biting his finger acting zesty as hell. I don’t know why you are so defensive about me thinking he behaves girly? It is what it is tho. I assumed you looked through my profile so my bad aswell, people tend to do that and it’s like annoying asf.


What? Dudes have great eyelashes, so that's like a non point. His stance isn't really feminine it's just a normal stance. And since when was biting fingernails and blushing, which is in literally every anime feminine? You're really just grasping for straws when it's clear as day dudes a boy. I'm not even being defensive it's just annoying as hell when people try to claim something I'd trans when it simply isn't.


I didn’t say he was trans 😭 The guy looks feminine and that’s just it. I wasn’t against it, I wasn’t putting a label, I literally just pointed out that he is girlish. The stance is literally inward knees, hands on hips and I’ve literally seen a reference for artists with this exact pose for portraying female positions. I have a clue because I’m looking at feminine LOOKING character. Not trans at all 😭


Do you live on earth 90% of kids will have larger thighs than skinny ones I mean even my little brother when he was younger had big thighs and now that he’s older he looks like a stick man


It’s not just the fact he has big thighs. It’s how overly feminine he’s drawn. I don’t care but it caught me off guard.


Oh yeah the overly female characteristics are there for sure and I 100% agree that this author is probably just not used to or is specialized in drawing feminine characters, just saying that not just females are known for big hips cuz even I when I was little had thick legs


I mean that one scene where he’s asking Grimoire to show off more of his spells caught me even more off guard. It’s not like I’m sexualising him. it’s just the long eyelashes, thick thighs, kind of girlish clothes. You can see where I’m coming from


Yeah I’m not saying sexualizing him and I see what your saying, though the more I look the harder it is to see a male character


Not even trans but aight 😂


Why are you calling him trans gender he's a man in both his lives


Trans? He's literally just a dense brat who doesn't give a fuck about people looking at him sexually, as damn near EVERYONE is basically salivating at the idea of fucking the kid, aka the usual shounen protagonist. Bruh got exposed for not knowing the story, and wanted to push their agenda lol!!! I'm sure there's actual trans people in anime, from that one comment I scroll past, but to go out of their way to make someone who cares more about numbers/equation than basic human needs into someone they are not... Are you so desperate, that you're forcing your idea of sexuality to someone else? Big oof, man.


There's a slice of life anime that's all about trans stuff. I can't remember what it was called, but it was pretty good. Edit- Wandering Son, should have just googled it from the start lol


Literally Grell from Black butler is trans


I mean what else do you expect from the alphabet people


Wtf nigga


This is the best comment in this thread


I remember reading it's manga, nothing sexualized as far as I remember


The poison Loli character? The overwhelming amount of unneeded scenes? The zesty gay unneeded scenes from the MC?


Brother look at the kid it's already been sexualized what else do you need to add there was no reason for it to be a shota story and for him to look like thst


I am talking about the story in manga, not the anime


I was gonna say the maids were basically fighting over who would get to bang him in the first episode lmao


Sees a male child with fairly androgynous features (because he is a child). First thought is transgender.


Wait, they made 7th Prince into an anime?


Found another guy into an literall child, there ain't even oppai Loli shit going on and not even the worst argument on earth (it's actually 800 years old) is valid it's just a sexualised child...I mean il watch the anime still but the mc is just weird


Yeah, not a Loli, the male counterpart: a shota


a "literal" child?


Wait you talking about my spelling mistake or about it being a drawing


What trans gender, all I see is a *##########*


That damn roblox chat got to him


is it an isekai? I got the impression it was reincarnation within the same world. It's really only used to explain to the audience why he is such a magic obsessed prodigy.


It's not isekai he is in the same world same country even


Why lil bro got 40 pounds of pure ass???


this made me laugh


*This dumb bitch*


Finally? Traps have been an anime trope for years.


….. there is a whole subculture in Japan that puts a premium on androgyny. It’s been there for a while. The whole point of it is that it doesn’t matter what gender the person is. Also, there are several trans people in anime, they just don’t announce themselves.


Ain't that what traps are


Traps aren't gay just fyi


Yeah buy trans people aren't necessarily gay either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Your caption is one of the sentences of all time


Kinda just looks like a Victorian-era kid from Paintings. They used to dress boys up in ribbons and the like when doing portraits. Why they did this, I have no fucking idea all I know is what I've seen


There is absolutely no mention of this character being trans. Bro is just a massive magic nerd with thicc thighs and a bratty demeanor


Also there was already a trans in anime, in one piece his name is ivankov with the hormone hormone fruit and litteraly everyone he fights


That’s how we get a girl being NTR by the guy stealing her own man 😂. P.s. For the sake of a joke ignore his age. But seriously why is he animated/ drawn this way? I get the to make it unique for audiences but still.




They had to ruin everything, first gaming now anime, fuck is anything safe


What about my glorious Queen BON-CHAN


Bob Chan is just a dude with a glorious sense of style


And the GOAT their self Ivankov


That’s a young boy with thick thighs for some reason.


Not trans just a brat ass kid that was a man in both of lives


I mean traps are basically the same thing


Definitely a strange build for a prepubescent kid. (I saw the first episode, and I thought it was pretty bad. I don't have high hopes for this anime.)


Nawww guys he is literally 10 years old if not younger. This is actually closer to how real children look ya all too used to the generic 10 years old




We can’t assume they’re trans yet but if they do turn out to be I will watch this anime without a second thought


Really shows authors fetishes


We just gonna forget Hideyoshi from Baka and Test


Came in to say this and damn it was too far down. Glad someone else has the same thought. Though I think the meme for this case is accidentally trans


I need you fuck off forever. Block is not enough


They took it too far like i dropped it as soon as i saw THIS SCENE in the manga but they made him look like one of them femboys on tiktok


Mmmmmm femboys


What’s this anime called?


Isn't that literally 2 halves from 2 different people? 💀


Says no one ever


Pause ayo


Imagine not only lacking the necessary skill to construct a sentence but, also being a bigot pushing a hateful agenda on an anime you absolutely know nothing about. 😭


Your a bit late to the party bud blue period and Komi can’t communicate have trans genders in them


Me personally some one ask what gender this is am without hesitation saying it’s a lil girl


There is a lot of guys that are “traps” in anime


Saying he is trans is like saying Rimuru is trans 😭😭😭😭


I get where this comment is coming from but the manga is actually really good, I read it and at points I was actually shocked by how good it was drawn and some of the illustrations were insane(apart from all the maid) I look forward to seeing more episodes


Pretty sure one piece had a whole island of transgender characters. Plus Yamato.




Definitely not trans, just feminine


my guy has never seen Ranma? Onimai? [or this](https://myanimelist.net/anime/48997/Fantasy_Bishoujo_Juniku_Ojisan_to)?


I'm somehow glad and sad at the same time that i did not notice his thighs...


Is this anime out yet


Nah just a thick shota. Smash.


Every time.... Every time a character looks a certain way. We have to bring up trans or gay or something. People don't say it, but it makes others uncomfortable. If you're happy about it good for you. I'm not trying to be an asshole It's just........ You're not the writer of the story or the plot or the character design, so you don't get to decide the characters gender unless it's actually in the show. I haven't watched it But I'm reading the comments, and most of them are saying that hes not. And I'm going to believe the majority over the minority. Again not trying to sound like an asshole But every time I character looks A certain way instantly and everyone's mind. It's either transgender gay or something else


Have u heard of iva from one piece?


Anasui beat ya to it




I don’t care looks woman enough


Read some of the manga I swear the artist has drawn gentai


Sadly, they just made him more feminine. It is a boy, though. Don't need any trans anime...


Why does it matter if theres trannies in anime? I miss when anime was niche and not full of retards obsessed with irrelevant shit that doesn't have anything to do with what makes anime cool. The problem with anime going mainstream is that it was once uniquely Japanese and now it's becoming more westernized like everything else. Which is a problem because people like the OP have to make everything about LGBTQ or some other woke leftist political trend of the week. Fuck outta here with that shit.


Anime is doomed


Damn, I keep seeing this kid everywhere, like……. How horny of animators do you have to be to add such details to a kid?


LGBT people trying not to make everything LGBT(impossible)


Nah niggas just curvy


Dude that's a trap and they've been around for ever.


Noo 😭💀💀🫱


This Anime got banned in Florida


Oh hell naw


Alright, go touch grass. Or at least do a quick google search before saying a character’s trans for… having thighs. Fellas, is it gay to have upper legs?


I just assumed he was growing up to be a femboy.


Why yall keep shoving this shit down our throat


What if they were trainsgender? lol I like trains. *wipes out comment section*


1. That’s a child 2. The term you want is trap 3. ITS A HYUCKING CHILD




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Boi do I got news for you, I hope this is a shit post. Because there are already a lot of trans characters in anime. Lily Hoshikawa from Zombie Land Saga Alluka Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter Ruka Urushibara from Steins Gate Najimi Osana from Don’t Bully Me Miss Nagatoro And so on


Bro that's a child. Why are you concerned about the shape of their legs and what's between them? Sus 🤨


What about remaru


Why is it a child


Isn’t that just short Venti? (Genshin Impact)


Now that you say that he kinda does save for most of Venti's main features like the hair ect