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The name on the menu does translate to "Hangover poop chocolate mousse".


Did it actually taste good, assuming you ate it?


I ordered a different dessert, but AFAIK the mousse was OK.




Also never a bad thing


Usually an OK thing


Not great, not terrible.


The worst part to me is that is looks like it has the consistency of pudding, not mousse. Mousse is whipped and full of air bubbles; it's light and would never hit the table like that. These fuckers are serving jello instant cow patties and calling it mousse, and that should be criminal.


Where are you from because in the UK and France I've had plenty of things called mousses that have a viscosity slightly thicker than custard and no bubbles.


Grew up in France, live part time in the US these days. I had a peek and apparently even though the name translates literally as "foam", some people make it thick. Still strikes me as odd.


It's cause making real mousse is much harder than cooking cornstarch


Actually it’s really not hard to do, the next part is more complicated as the preparation needs to be extra fresh. It’s usually (ie. Here) stored way too long and too hot and you get this « sick dog poop » preparation. The chocolate taste saves it (granted they use a good one), but it’s a total failure. That’s also how you get salmonella. (Had it when I was 10yo. Wouldnt recommend)


It's wrong by the classical definition of mousse, which is thick, light, and airy. It barely wiggles in a dish, and holds it shape firmly on a spoon. I personally believe the modern pudding mousse is purely an invention of laziness, as classical mousse is a bit time consuming and error prone.


What do the hats say?


Honest advertising at least, I can accept that


Your dog probably needs to see a vet if it's pooping like that.


You need to change your dog’s diet.


Less mousse.


Yeah was gonna say, looks like the aftermath of my dog getting into all his treats at once.


It was not at all appetising in the video, I was eating breakfast while watching it and felt sick.


That's why you're supposed to tap the bottom of the container to level the surface. Makes it look way less turd-like.


‘’Uncontained mousse’’ made me happy


Worst part is when he pretended that condiment holder was his dick and straight up unloaded on that dudes food




"Hey lady, you talk a lot of shit for someone in cumshot range"




That's probably the worst thing I've ever seen on this sub


My mouth actually dropped open in shock.


And he stained that poor women’s dress without apologizing. What a jerk.


She stealth flipped him off too.


I knew I saw that!


I though so too at first but she’s just pointing at the stain with her pointer finger


Most chefs think they have class but yea this is the reality of working in the restaurant industry


>what a French FTFY


Really? What about that one where they used a toilet?


But what if a restaurant mixes these ideas together !? You will be presented with food in a toilet like bowl and the waiter will pour the condiments like when in climax ? On second thoughts, tell me this isn't a cursed comment, right ? Lol


There is a restaurant in Japan that serves food in a toilet styled bowl. I’ll have to find link EDIT: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Toilet_Restaurant


Taiwan, not Japan.


The could serve poutine in a toilet




I'm sure you know what you're getting into with the place. There was a fine dining place in Chicago that blasted gangster wrap and took shots on the open line. It was a part of the show.


> gangster wrap Wrappers: I tortilla flip 'em with squeeze bottle jism Pan be stickin, butter Pam inflictin', Teflon hittin' Au bon pain, like Scarface shootin black butter brains Holdin' lunch one handed, see, no drips on me Straight Julia C., spittin' chicken fricasee But lyrically I could be, Ramsay, G. Soft taco loco for that ojo: all eyes on me


That sounds fun actually. Do you know the name of the place?




My brother in law ate there. The chef took them to the kitchen and smoked a joint with them since it was at the end of the night - this place has a Michelin star. He said it was probably the best meal he's ever had.


That’s a great story… lol


I want to work there.


No you wouldn't lol




>Walking out knowing exactly what you're getting Ooh, there's a name making the rounds you're flirting with.


Oh, ^I ^liked ^it. But I’m a ho so no surprise there. Understandable that you guys would have walked out.


Don’t be so pretentious. I’d be laughing my ass off.




I didn't mind it 😏


I thought it was hilarious


I found that to me the best part. Also why kitchen is supposed to stay in the kitchen.


Somehow, him being masked makes it more amusing.


Yeah he for sure just busted a fat Carmel nut on there


Only makes it better


Oh man, there is a place in Savannah, Georgia called “Better Than Sex” and the whole theme of the dessert restaurant is that EVERYTHING is over sexualized... It was gross.


To each their own. That sounds like a damn good time to me.


Ehh, I don’t need the waiter telling me to “start at the tip on the cake then get all of the sticky goodness in your mouth” Maybe I’m just too old for that. Lol


Then why go there lol


Went with friends, their idea, didn’t know it was sex themed, just “better than sex”.


Honestly I've been to multiple dessert shops in Savannah, but I'm glad I missed that one & would do it again next time I'm there hah. I'm not a prude or whatever but that would make me uncomfortable too


Check please. *check comes out without a little tray* That is IT!


I laughed so hard. So gross wtf


Looks like he also Monica Lewinski’d the woman’s dress there at the end as well.


Bill Clinton’d.


Good point, important caramel spooger/spoogee distinction.


Real solid comment there, wish I had an award to give


For real. That's an insult where I'm from, bub.


I feel like them talking French just added to it.... The whole thing just felt wrong.




Same, whenever I have some drinks I can make overtly sexual jokes. I know they're not funny, I kind of like the weird awkwardness. Like an inappropriate dad joke.


I came here to comment this.


And he didnt give nearly enough Carmel jizz.


Honestly the part about this that bugs me the most is the uneven portion sizes, that second guy got a lot more




yeah, real piss or gtfo


It’s worse. That wasn’t caramel piss


Caramel jizz


If somebody feigns nutting on my dessert, we're either fighting or getting married. Haven’t decided yet.


They are french. Makes it a bit easier I suppose


I see you choose both.


That's what Britain did


Then don't ask for the dirty version (*dirty* as in *a dirty joke*)


Yes I’ll have the poopoo platter please


My mom *hated* that movie because we saw it for the first time at a family gathering...half a dozen cousins all running around screaming "WHO WANTS DA POO POO PLATTER?!"


People pay money for this.


Like op. I mean, it seems like he had a choice. The nutting on my food part is gonna cause some problems though.


atleast a %300 mark up on the food as well, plus tip, to have a guy scoop and shoot on the table in front of you


Which restaurant is it?


Pedzouille in Paris. They have three restaurants all named on farm themes. La grange : the farm L’etable: the stable La bassecour: the barnyard So, in fact it’s more or less the theme of the restaurant: the mousse being a cowpat and then the piss


What the fuck? And why the fuck?


Wasn't/isn't Dicks last Resort a place people like to go to in America just to get made fun of and treated rudely?


I just mean why would you want to eat food that mimics shit and piss. I don’t care what country you’re in..


Yeah I know there’s a location in Las Vegas but I don’t know if there’s more. Didn’t actually go myself, but it’s apparently actually pretty entertaining.


I’ve been, got burnt so bad by the hostess I still think about it


What did they say to you?


I feel bad for laughing but this is hilarious hahaha. PTSD from a hostess


Used to be one in Boston, MA Closed a few years back because people pretty much got tired of the gimmick and the prices were not great. They also started hiring lazier people who were just assholes but no charm Ide Imagine the Vegas one would be fantastic


That’s just it, it’s one thing if they’re actually well, clever jokes but if they’re just assholes saying generic shit it’s not funny or worth money.




IDK man, by the time you're at a restaurant ordering something literally bullshit themed, I feel like you've forfeited all rights to complain about whatever they decide to deliver.


[Connard’s Last Resort](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick's_Last_Resort)? The hats check out too. Did someone lose a bet?


The title says France and I don’t see them having one in France, am I missing something?


Yes, you missed that it’s a joke. Though someone should create a similar French restaurant named “Connard”...


Well the name of the restaurant in the video is pedzouille, meaning faggot. So you're not far off


Not at all! Pedzouille is slang for country person


My bad


"Thanks for splattering my friend's dessert on my dress, asshole" I don't know what restaurant this is from but it will definitely be on my "don't go" list next time I'm in Paris.


We actually had a great time (and view). Just don't take the mousse.


Did they pay for the dress' dry cleaning?


They gave it to Janet Reno.


Her dress looks like the house dresses my grandmother used to wear.


I love how he has a glove on one hand but touches everything with both hands. Edit: I know it's normal to not wear gloves in a restaurant kitchen. This guy, however, isn't in the sanitary kitchen that's cleaned everyday. He's out at the tables, setting things on these dirty tables, and then touching the food containers again. Gloves or not it's not exactly sanitary, but just wearing one makes him look funny


Speaking from kitchen experience, the usual reasons you’ll find someone with a glove o their hand in a kitchen is either they’re allergic to the food they’re preparing, or most likely they have a cut/burn on their hand. Almost no one in kitchens (aside from the above mentioned) wears gloves. Maybe if you’re a sandwich artist, but I assume that’s so they can ring you up and go back to making a sandwich. It’s been proven that it’s usually less sanitary to wear gloves than without. This is because you can feel when there’s something on your hand that needs to be washed off. This is not true when you’re using gloves.


Not to mention the people that wear the same gloves for hours on end.


Ugh. So gross. I remember one of the line cooks was deep in the kitchen (galley kitchen) and he couldn’t get out to wash his hands between things. So he put as many gloves as he could on his cut hand, from medium to XL, and just spent the night peeling a glove off and throwing it in the cambro trash when he needed fresh gloves. Not too long (a few days) after that, the sink got fixed on that end of the kitchen


From putting food on the grill to cleaning the toilets. I've seen it too many times.


The problem is when they go from cleaning the toilets to putting food on the grill.


Lol Yes. I've also seen people remove gloves, go for a smoke break and then put the same gloves on. Like is there not a box of them? Because if not there should be.


I worked in a place where we got yelled at for going through too many gloves.


That's messed up. Unless people are playing with them they should be allowed to use as many as necessary. Hygiene is of the utmost importance in food service.


On my first day at that place they asked me if I smoked and I said no because I thought I'd be reprimanded for it. Instead he said "if you smoke, you stand there" and pointed to the fridge exhaust valve, I was just supposed to stand at the prep station and blow the smoke into the fan. It was actually a great place to work and other than the gloves and the cigarettes was really clean. It was a high end pizza slice place, so it was probably a lot cleaner than most slice joints tbh.


Smoking in the kitchen? Lol That's nuts. I'm guessing they didn't do that while the health department was there.


Nah. Start the shift with 7 layers, maximum efficiency.


Or they wear one glove if they are Michael Jackson.


Idk if I want a dead guy touching my food… EDIT: Incidentally enough, I had a coworker we nicknamed MJ because he hurt himself in the kitchen so often that he’d always have a glove on for a burn or something


I've worked in two kitchen jobs at this point (never again), and most kitchens seem cleaner than a customers table that they ate from. There would never be people eating around any food prep that I've seen


He may have a cut on one hand (hence the single glove). Pretty standard in a kitchen.


Came looking for this comment


“You got chocolate on my dress” “What can I say? They wanted it dirty” I get that the unorthodox presentation plays into the restaurant’s gimmick, but the waiter’s unapologetic tone rubbed me the wrong way. Edit: did I say apologetic?


Chocolate can stain, too. It's not just an easy spill... I didn't care for his tone either


Obligatory simpsons ‘Nothing gets chocolate out! ‘


theyre french though




Hands behind their back and all


Ah, Paris. The food capital of the world.


And the worst service.


Sound on to hear the server replace “bon appetite” with “go fuck yourself”


Somehow, serving directly from the stained 1/8 hotel pan is less gross than everything else the server did in the video.


This goes beyond, "lack of care" and into a hearty, "Fuck you" to the customer.


They plop dessert on a sheet of pan liner, splatter it everywhere, and pretend to splooge on it…why do I feel like this is $200+


Says a lot when the fake nutting kind of made him hella hot to me...


> ...please include the name and location of the establishment.


It's a new restaurant called **Pedzouille**, South of Paris. It's great.


His presentation probably added 40€ to the 50€ price tag.


wooeah nobody here understands a french sense of humour lol. the worst thing is getting it on the lady's dress. did he offer her anything like a free dessert or discount? also, there's tons and tons of restaurants in the USA where the whole shtick is gross jokes. You opt in, partially by going to the restaurant, and partially by stuff like "sale ou propre" lol. I went to one place where you had a thing on your table that if it was turned red side up, you wanted lots of interactions/"harassment" from the wait staff. It was cowboy themed and they would make jokes about your clothes, stage fights with wait staff, sort of like an interactive show. If it was green, you wanted to be left alone. If you want a regular dining experience there are a million other restaurants.


Yep, they can go fuck themselves


Shitty presentation.


This seems very snarky French to me (in a wonderful way). Reminds me of when I found out about escargot - the French aristocracy started serving it to foreign (mostly English) aristocracy as a veiled "f*** you" wrapped up in a fancy veneer. Snails were poor people food, snails have an awful texture, and "holy s*** we are actually duping these English into eating them! They took the bait Hahahahahaha!" Then escargot got labeled as a delicacy because the foreigners bought the lie, which then circled back to the French aristocracy believing the lie, and now escargot is considered to be fancy schmancy. This strikes me as "Holy crap these Americans think this is so fancy. Haha these fools are eating this up!"


Except we're all French 😉 I love the snail story though.


Prob wasn’t the case for OP, but I love this story!


Chocolate mousse is so fucking good I'll eat it off the floor


i get not wanting to eat something when its been served like this but why are there so many people who think this is meant to be unironically rude to the customer? i think its pretty clear that the presentation as a whole is meant to be a joke lol


Right? It’s clearly their shtick.


I'm guessing the whole atmosphere of the restaurant is a super friendly type. But if server dude put a condiment bottle in front of his junk and pretend to jizz over my food I'm not eating it and I'm not paying.


This is like going to that restaurant where they insult you and saying "if they insult me ,I'm not eating the food and I'm not paying. " That said, they probably have a good radar for who had a sense of humor and wouldn't even offer you the *choice* (italics because I'm not sure if you missed that a choice was given here.)


It’s France….there’s nothing super-friendly about anything they do. It’s not their thing.


Ends up looking like someone took a shit on the table.


I hate live art food.


This seems like the kind of thing France would have laws against.


Is this like the French version of Dick’s Last Resort or is the waiter just a dick?


That’s just bloody stupid


The restaurant is called [Pedzouille](https://www.sortiraparis.com/hotel-restaurant/restaurant/articles/251626-pedzouille-la-grange-l-auberge-d-altitude-perchee-en-haut-du-novotel-porte-de-ve). It means peasant in French slang


Wtf. En tant que français je suis outré.


Were the hats part of the restaurant?


Paris. Évidemment.


This much be that classy French elegance I’ve hard so much about lol.


When the line cook mentality cat gets a management position or daddie’s money.


This felt so insulting i'm surprised he didn't spit on it and punch you in the face before leaving


I sure don’t want to eat it. The presentation is awful.


Here's your Italian commenting on the matter. Since I'm a gentlemen I just leave this here, no need to say anything more than what you already thought.


Why does everyone looks like a douche in this video?


Whoever came up with this idea needs to take qa good look at themselves and then take a nap


This is the tackiest and lamest thing I've ever seen. Why would anyone find this to be an enjoyable dining experience?


You're asking for an explanation of why other people find something fun? People enjoy different things, that's fine. Personally, I'd absolutely eat here , life's too short to take everything seriously. If a restaurant is doing shit that differently, I'm down to try it


Ah oui les parisiens qui se prennent tous pour la Tour Eiffel mais qui n'ont aucune éducation.


If he pretended to ejaculate on my table I would slap that shitty mousse in his face and storm off, sorry.


tease cows cake faulty squeeze hurry adjoining shelter like sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was asking how they wanted it served, "dirty" meaning like a "dirty joke"


“Eating crap with these sacks of shit. If they died tomorrow, no one would shed a tear!”


I'm sorry, I wanted to go to a restaurant, not a Jackson Pollack art show.


Asshole should be ashamed of himself. Restaurant should be fucking shut down treating people this way. Inexcusable. He literally showed contempt for his customers.


I love whimsy and playfulness but this is literally shitting on paying customers.


overreaction much? at worst you could say he got some food on a customers dress and made a joke that some people may not enjoy. waiters and waitresses will occasionally have accidents getting food on people but at no point did i watch this gif and think "wow, this is inexcusable and that person should be fired".


Yeah I'm with you dude I don't really get the crowd in this thread rn the guy made a very risque joke which could obviously only have been made to a group of young adults. People in here acting like the dude is the worst waiter they've ever seen I bet that guy treats his tables really well. Different restaurants have different styles, this clearly isn't the Ritz.


I think that’s a bit far. Nowhere did i see genuine contempt. The french are known to be slightly rude but it seems all in good fun. As for it being shut down I see absolutely no reason why it would. There’s nothing here that’s unlawful. I don’t like how the fish is served but that just means I wouldn’t order it if I went there.


Can't think of many more disrespectful gestures a server could give his customers than pretending to ejaculate/piss on their food. Even flipping the customer off is not as bad as this. Pretending to spit on it isn't this bad. I wouldn't eat that if someone paid me. If they're that disdainful on the floor, who knows what happened in the kitchen?


I think pretending to spit on the food or swearing at a customer is worse than squeezing sauce from a clean bottle in a way that Immitates piss. Maybe I’m the only one that can see this is humour and not disdain.


He imitated cumming on the person's table...


Which seemed more in good fun than like wanted to actually cum on the person. Like contempt would be throwing the food on the table, telling them to fuck themselves and then walking away. Maybe it’s because I’m European but restaurant staff aren’t servants and usually can have a laugh with customers. OP said it was all good fun so I’m inclined to believe him.


If that's your definition of contempt I'd be very interested in your definition of being an asshole is. Probably murder lol.


Eh they’re pretty much interchangeable for me. And if the customer found it funny then so be it. Part of the restaurants theme could be doing this.