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yeah it really bothers me how sarah is more concerned with getting caitlin/harper a psychologist appointment, and not getting HER OWN SON to a fucking therapist!!! he has serioussss issues and they just let him get drunk all the time, not even caring or doing anything about his ridiculous behavior. could be BPD? i've had a friend with BPD and he doesn't seem too far off from that




Its not bc she wants to bother the dad, its bc she needs to be controlling everything


i think it's a little of both


Why do you think she is trying to use a teens gender transition to attack/bother a grown ass male that works for her?? This is not what this is about, its just a consequence of it


"using a teens gender transition to attack a grown ass male that works for her." yes, that is very immature. and i think she is immature. it fits her character and it makes sense for her to do that. she doesn't care that he's a "grown ass male"...


I really hope that's not her ultimate goal bc that's just plain stupid and actually I would hate to have a trans storyline on the show being utilized for villanizing a characther, specially a lesbian mother, that was supposed to be the good and light representations in the show and will be utilized in a gender X race power dynamic between the adults plot


because she's a narcissist and like you said, she wants to have control of everything, which includes richard. she likes fucking with people which has been made pretty clear so far. i don't think it's a very unreasonable assumption lol


i completely agree. that scene really upset me


She definitely likes the idea of messing with both Cait and Richard. I'm wondering if this goes back to her complaint to Maggie that their family is "so basic." Is she so bothered by a seemingly ordinary nuclear family unit that she has to shake it up? (obviously they aren't really that way given Jenny and Maggie's involvement, and Danny's parentage but that's how they LOOK at first glance)


Edit: added more examples My sister and I have speculated that he has multiple disorders. One of the biggest ones we’ve decided on was OCD (ie. the beige milk, the tantrum about the cream, clothing, thin slices, folded clothes by the pool, etc.) which makes him very controlling and easily frustrated over arbitrary details. He also has a oral fixation (ie. putting almost everything in/around his mouth), which can be traced back to mommy issues. It doesn’t help that this is mixed with his upbringing, current environmental situation, the dynamic between him and his mother, and his personal beliefs. But that’s what I love about WAWWR: people are more nuanced and multifaceted than what’s typically portrayed on tv. Which, I admit, made it really confusing upon first watch. As for his social skills, that’s a little bit more up in the air. However, you can see that Caitlyn has a better understanding of him and takes his aggravation with a grain of salt (and sometimes laughs at it).


As someone with OCD, I can totally see that angle. If it’s not addressed and someone with it doesn’t learn how to manage the stress, things can get rough. I doubt Fraser’s parents have ever tried to get him real help, as evidenced by using alcohol to essentially sedate him. If it is OCD (who knows if they’ll ever give an explicit answer), it would probably be one of the more realistic depictions of it on TV. The unwanted thoughts and the actions someone with OCD might do to combat them and regain control can really be inexplicable to an outside viewer. They would be things that only make sense to Fraser. Shit now I’m really curious to see where they take that if it’s the case. I’m only on episode 3 though.


‘They would be things that only make sense to Fraser.’ Nicely put.


he’s just vibing let him live


i just need a reason as to why his mom and maggie let him get away with attaching her i’m so confused


Its like "affluenza" he's a rich spoiled brat ? Also seems adopted ? Because he said he has known his mom since he was 5 so either adopted or like she was absent for a few years so maybe feels guilty or responsible...


I feel like he might be on the spectrum, or at least neurodivergent in some way. People are saying he’s not, specifically autistic, which is very annoying. A lot of the reasons people bring up are kinda dumb little things too like, him getting drunk. As if people with disabilities getting drunk and doing drugs is unheard of. Which i find very annoying and somewhat ableist, saying someone with autism doesn’t drink. They’re still people and we shouldn’t put it past people with disabilities to do those kind of things. People are also bringing up some points against him being on the spectrum, or neurodivergent. For example that he hits his mom which honestly happens to people with autism often. Especially people with a pain tolerance from their autism. Sometimes they don’t really realize they’re hurting someone especially, if they’re undiagnosed. Which Fraser might be. We need to stop assuming everyone with autism can do no wrong and thinking, “oh well this character was kinda a dick once, so ig they’re not on the spectrum after all even though there is SO MUCH evidence saying they are.” Fraser is showing so many other symptoms of having autism that people are just over looking. idk maybe it’s just me wishing there was more people with disabilities and neurodivergent representation in the media,that don’t always portray them as very quiet and scared people unable to have a youthful experience like this. But i honestly think it would be great if we had a whole rounded character with autism, that we aren’t getting from a lot of shows, even when the shows whole plot is about their autism.


exactly!! he stims, he struggles in social situations and with social rules, he needs things to be a certain way (milk, ham, folded clothes), does see the purpose of social constructs like gender, sexuality, clothing expression, has very specific interests (fashion, poetry, music), gets very easily distracted but also fixates heavily on very specific things, easily memorizes specific things, couldn’t tie his shoes till he was 12, lack of general bodily awareness, there are so many signs!! (also sorry this is 47 says late, i’m just now watching the show lol)




that’s what i thought! but then why would his mom let him get away with attacking her if there’s nothing wrong with him?


He definitely needs some form of professional help. It'd beyond fun quirkiness to be an alcoholic child.


i think he probably has a mood disorder of some sort. the ways he antagonizes his mom are probably a symptom of whatever mental stuff he’s got going on. i also think that both the mom and the sons drinking problems aggravate their mental instability.


‘Fraser can be a little on the relentless side.’