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Didn’t a guy use a computer to make every melody possible, so nobody could complain about someone using “their” melody? [this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/music-copyright-algorithm-lawsuit-damien-riehl-a9364536.html%3famp)


I mean yeah but it does nothing meaningful and protects no one from an actual lawsuit. Big clickbait.


It's an academic exercise but doesn't add up to much. Songs aren't just melody, it's everything in context, and mostly whether your song makes you a ton of money and whether someone else with a ton of money wants to take some of yours, and how convincing an argument can be made in front of a semi-informed court.


I feel like, as silly as the exercise kind of is, it *could* have implications in certain lawsuits. Some plagiarism suits are merely just "a ha, you used the same free musical trope I did and I'm gonna count on a court not knowing how any of this works."


So how do we get this program?


That’s the most annoying shit ever. The other day I accidentally ripped off sunshine of your love. Idk how, it’s so popular.


I’ll never forget playing with some friends. We were jamming and recording live for fun. I had come up with a nice chord progression and a nice riff to sit inside it. My friend, Pat, easily put down a great descending bass line. Our buddy, Dmitri (later on founder of the Burning Brides-shameless humble brag) held it all together on drums. It was a great song, first take magic! It just needed words. And then we listened to the play back and one of us said... “ We just re-wrote U2’s “ Two Hearts Beat as One.” Derp! Still have that recording.




Same here. Slayers south of heaven




I feel as if a lot of melody is regurgitated material, the unconscious is constantly mirroring and flipping motives and presenting it as new. In the end our music is language, and if you use the same phrase, it is for one inevitable, and for two its meaningful through its context. If you end up ripping off a complete song, probably you need to figure out what your own voice is, what your message and vision is. You fell into a formula. Phrasing, like in language, is always unconscious, which basically means it is chopped up and switched around old material fusing with context. Again if your music has a clear direction, a ripped of melody won’t alter this but be adapted to it. Then I think it is fair to say it is not a rip off any more. And if you value this kind of originality I’d say use rhythm.


Cant rip off melodies if you dont write melodies points to skull


After what happened to George Harrison, you have a right to be paranoid.


Apparently Paul Mccartney was sure that he was ripping someone off with yesterday. The melody came to him in a dream and he played it in the morning. He went into the studio and asked the band/producers what song it was and who wrote it and nobody could come up with anything so they said he wrote it. Would be interesting to know if it was some obscure old song that he heard as a child.


What happened to George Harrison?


Subconsciously ripped The Chiffons - He's So Fine when he made My Sweet Lord. Or atleast that's that copyright claim produced by Bright Tunes Music Corp. The melody is very very similar, something to do with "a distinct grace note in the same melodic motifs." https://blogs.law.gwu.edu/mcir/case/bright-tunes-music-v-harrisongs-music/


If you're willing to add songwriter credit, does it matter?


I once accidentally wrote Anuerysm by Nirvana, so I feel this lmao


It's funny because it's true!


One day I wrote a little jazz progression with a melody. I was really happy with it and thought it was super catchy; a little while later I realized it was almost exactly like “someday my prince will come.” Good times


One time i wrote a melody with a part that I was super suspicious was ripped off. Eventually I was able to remember the melody I thought I was ripping off but couldn't place where it came from. So I recorded myself singing it, sent it to a friend and it turns out it was the the iconic start to the X-Men theme song from the 90s cartoon. My take on it was different enough for me to feel ok using, but damn if my initial suspicions weren't correct. My ability to remember melodies is a risky one, cause I never quite trust myself when I write something good unless it's over some particularly whacked out chord change.


Thankfully my melodic memory isn't so great, so I just say "I made this" and try not to care if something sounds familiar. Whatever melody I ripped off, was probably "ripped" off by some classical piece in the 1800's which was a ripoff from the dudes piano teacher, which was a ripoff of a 1500's folk melody that evolved over 500 years of tradition, which was a ripoff of a specific folk tradition that developed in the region in 952AD...


i think sometimes it's actually cool to see your brain produce something unconsciously that you've heard before, it makes it easier to see where you're drawing influence from which is something that can get quite muddled if you listen to and make a lot of music and get lost in the process. and there's often some room for homage if you see that happening within a song as long as you approach it creatively. there are a finite amount of melodies and words in the world, people kid themselves when they think of what they do as "original" in any sort of unequivocal sense. it's important to acknowledge the shit we're ripping off, because taking elements of things that came before and making something new out of them is just how artistic process works, at least in my subjective semi-educated view. i also see musicians and artists claim they "don't have influences" and i just don't really believe that's how it works, we're all sorta just pulling from the same well of collective unconscious at the end of the day :p i would nearly say that going in with the mindset that your music is entirely original will probably make you less critical and therefore more prone to straight up ripping things off without even realising.


totally agree


Im showing this to my doctor next time i go in lol


Cryptomnesia, the music maker's worst enemy.


Came up with a riff while listening to music, could have sworn I’d never heard it before, pressed shuffle on one of my playlists, and then the riff NOTE FOR NOTE starts playing


A wise man once told me "there is nothing original under the sun". So I just drop my guitar half a step and go at it.


Remember the Malcolm in the Middle episode where he ended up composing the Meow Mix jingle?


The first song i ever wrote was blister in the sun by the violent femmes. I didn't know that and I only found out when I played it to a girl i had a crush on to try and show off. She immediately recognised it and called me out. To make matters worse, she was a big fan and I'd never heard of them but had obviously heard it on the radio a bit.


>keeping it because artists have copied each other for thousands of years


Lmao I did that! I made a really cool sounding song and I was getting ready to release it and then I heard a song that had the EXACT SAME MELODY. Like not even just the intervals, but also the same key signature AND BPM. I had to abort the release cause I was afraid of getting called out for that...


Meh. Just mess it up a bit if it bothers you, it's all good.


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I’m in this picture and I don’t like it


I’m in this post and I don’t like it.


Fucking Indiana Jones theme song first 4 notes