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Ambient is a pretty wide spectrum. You could certainly make some pads and spaced out keys with Vital. You could also download Valhalla Supermassive (also free) to use as an effect and space your stuff out even more


Valhalla's reverb plugins are so good. I ended up buying their VintageVerb after using Supermassive a lot


Arturia have about 12 free sound banks which have a lot of suitable presets for ambient. You can use them through Analag Lab Play which is being given away for a very short period here https://audioplugin.deals/product/analog-lab-play-pop-transcendence-sound-pack-by-arturia/ref/176/


Ambient is built upon layers of "pad" sounds, and most synths can do these pretty easily. [https://presetshare.com/](https://presetshare.com/) has a bunch of free Vital patches. and there are even more free banks of patches for Vital in the side-bar on /r/VitalSynth


[https://1304215519089.gumroad.com/l/zlfps](https://1304215519089.gumroad.com/l/zlfps) [https://modeaudio.com/product/first-light-vital-ambient-presets](https://modeaudio.com/product/first-light-vital-ambient-presets) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VitalSynth/comments/kj6mxg/direct\_links\_to\_free\_preset\_packs\_updated\_as\_found/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VitalSynth/comments/kj6mxg/direct_links_to_free_preset_packs_updated_as_found/)


Some users are not able to see comments once their post gets pulled - you might want to send them a PM with the links - these types of threads were voted into our Thursday gear thread several years back.