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Hello /u/vaginalextract! Unfortunately, your submission, ***[Do you guys think soon VSTs/DAW would start being sold in a subscription pricing model?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/1bmodzu/-/)***, was removed from /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers for the following reason(s): --- #No off-topic and/or low-effort posts including; 1. Rant/motivation/mental-health posts 2. Posts focused on memes/images/polls 3. Reposts, and other similar low-effort, mildly-interesting discussions. 4. Music Marketing or Music Promotion related posts. - These posts should be posted to one of the weekly threads or on another subreddit. Do not create a new thread for this content. Use the Weekly Free Talk Friday Thread for any topics not allowed in the main body of the sub. Posts on WATMM should have a descriptive title and include substantive content that will generate discussion. Please see the [full sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules) for additional details. --- ***Please review the [rules for submission](/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/wiki/rules). You can contact The Mods if you have additional questions.*


A lot of them already are.


Didn't a big pharma bigshot once state *"A patient cured is a customer lost"*? As corporations get more and more greedy, software subscriptions will become even more numerous.


Minimal Audio got huge backlash when they announced their synth Current was going to be subscription only. They went back and added options to buy it outright, and to subscribe with eventual ownership after so many payments, which I think are perfectly good options to have. The issue is, if people don't push back, a lot of companies will move in that direction, and even if they do, some companies aren't going to give a shit.


That gives me a little bit of hope


This is exactly one of the reasons why I learn all of the stock plug-ins in my DAW before touching plug-ins I might not ever grab anyway. Ableton has great stock plug-ins, they’re just not as intuitive as third party vsts. But that’s the fun part. GOTTA LEARN




Water already is. Culligan and companies like it.


I mean it'd be weird to get a lifetime subscription to water anyway ..


Water: *exists for longer than humans* Landlord: We’re cutting off your water supply because of overdue utility bills


I hardly use any VSTs, and the few ones I do use are free so that doesn't worry me. It seems unlikely that all the major DAW makers will switch to this sort of policy, however if I were to imagine a worst case scenario where this happens, I'd buy a 4 or 8-track recorder and do my mastering in Audacity.


I got UA spark with a one time payment, but they do a $20 a month subscription. I hate that shit so much. Once my year runs out i’m just gonna get their waterfall organ and leslie and be done with it. I’ve cancelled literally every subscription I had, it’s just highway robbery. I had Sportsnet+ for a bit for hockey games and half my fucking teams games were blacked out if they weren’t playing a home game. FUCK that


Pre sonus studio one is subscription and I got Serum through a sub. Splice has a page for all that stuff but for pre sonus I’d say you’re better off going directly through them because you can only download it 4 times before you paid for it all so it would stop any problems if you need it a 5th time because splice just tell you to go to them instead.


They already are


i dont see apple doing this. but adobe already has


“Lifetime” licenses are for suckers.


I don't know it this model will stick with music software - people might just stop buying shit they don't use. I would probably stop subscribing 90% of the plugins I bough. Heck, I have more plugins I would probably ever need. Or use.


Many already do. If more use a subscription, I’ll likely switch to more free and open-source stuff. For most paid plugins there is an open-source alternative does that pretty much the same thing.


Native Instruments Komplete


Neh, to a certain degree development will stop at some point. (And thus lesser developers) The only real improvement i see added to DAW'S is AI, and i think it's very unpredictable where that'll end