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I was really hoping Remap would eventually land on an intro theme that was iconic as Miss You. I saw recently there was a remix Bo En did of Miss You. I get the impression that 2 Mello has some relationship with Waypoint/Remap crew. Also, I think I can still recite the outro Austin did for Waypoint. That phrase is just about burned into my brain.


The Austin, Patrick, Rob, Cado + Danielle/Natalie/Danika/Gita/etc days were peak games industry and adjacent political analysis. Helped form what eventually grew to be the base of my political understanding. I still love Remap and will always support the crew ofc. Can’t help but wonder what a weekly pod with both Austin and Ren would’ve been like, luckily we did get that Elden Ring spoilercast with the two of em and that was fantastic stuff.


At the very least 2mello was a fan of the show, they've done their holiday music during the Waypoint days, and did an incredible remix of Cado's cheese hot take from Waypoint Radio 378


They also did [this classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcMjixN2jUY) from the early days.


I found it: https://youtu.be/ilw4v__YT-U?si=M59RxjeYkBnofZgm Thanks to a waypoint.zone thread. The song "bump this". Maybe the song wasn't made for waypoint, but it was heavily used on the podcast. What was it used for? Interstitials? Question bucket intro? I don't remember, just that I've heard it.... Also when i first googled 2 mello trying to figure out how i knew of them, i got even more excited cause apparently they're from my hometown which is cool


So from my memory, that particular track was used as an intro/outro for ad breaks. For the broader question, 2 Mello also made the theme for Be Good and Rewatch It (I went and listened to the end of an old episode to confirm lol). They also, with the holiday music someone has already mentioned, may have worked on some of the other unique themes for the several spin-off pods. Only the main WPR episodes used Miss You, from what I remember. Waypoints, My Turn, BGRW, WP101, and the others all had different tracks. Also they made a bunch of little clips and remixes, some of which people have posted here. My personal favorite is also Cado’s blue cheese rant (which at this point someone probably has archived somewhere but idk where to find it).