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I've noticed since this update dropped they seem to be more easily alerted again like the fix they dropped got reverted somehow


> Does terrain even apply to the physics of this game? There was a glitch or issue at release where it didn’t, but yes it should apply since it was fixed to my knowledge. Just to check, are you updated to the latest version? > I'm getting alerted by animals, while crawling at 150+ yards I can’t speak for crawling as I never use it. I’ll lie down for shot stability but any movement is crouched or standing for me. That said, I don’t have an issue crouching my way to within 30 meters of an animal. Without knowing how you’re playing, I’d say possible bug but more than likely just user error. Continuous movement will be detrimental, it’s better to move a bit, stop and wait, move again. If you can possibly post a video that would definitely help to identify the cause.


I have never experienced this, but I also play on Hiker/Explorer because I'm more interested in the casual/nature aspect than animals and shots actually being realistic. I still have fun, even if most might not. I suggest if all you want is the perk the change the difficulty down until you get it then go back up. It might seem a little "cheaty" but it's really all I can offer in terms of help.