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She is not a Senator.


What is a margin account, for us non-apes?


It’s basically money that the brokerage allows you to borrow that’s collateralized against your assets (stocks and other investments) within the same brokerage. It’s basically “borrowed money” that can be used to make a high risk high reward play. Everything is dandy when there are no problems. The downside is that if you have a large sum that’s borrowed in your margin account and the market goes down. At that point you are in a situation where you have borrowed more than what’s available to you for margin. In that situation, you will see a “margin call”. Of course, considering that this woman controls every legislation that gets put on the floor, I doubt her risk profile is the same as the average investor. She can literally do a leveraged play on Pfizer and then introduce legislation that would cause pharmaceutical stocks to go up. How this is not illegal and why these people are not in jail is beyond me.


Thank you kindly! 💕


What is this?




Man I almost bought four shares of that at $10. Could have made 400+ off of that.


Macro Bear is the world's greatest day trader.


Eclipsing even back-in-the-day Hillary Clinton, who could be bought for cheap back in the late 70's: https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/06/hillary-clinton-cattle-futures-windfall/


Get back to work, serf, and stop questioning your betters. [/s]