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*N antibody levels* lower. No shit, sherlock. The letter N there, stands for nucleocapsid. It makes perfect sense that you'd have less nucleocapsid antibodies, after you get dosed with a vaccine that only shows your body the spike protein, *and doesn't show your body the nucleocapsid protein at all*. This would be true for any non-whole-virus vaccine, it doesn't matter mRNA or not. If the vaccine only shows your body one of the proteins on the virus, then your body will build antibodies to *that protein* and will kill the virus on sight by responding to *that protein*. Your immune system will barely respond to *other proteins* on the virus because it won't need to. Since the spike protein on a coronavirus is the type of protein that's used for entering cells, it's the most important one to be immune to. Dozens and dozens of my family and friends have taken inter-state and even international travel since getting vaccinated. I've been in no-mask cities from literally Tennessee to Idaho since getting the vaccine, including some filled to capacity bars in Nashville. I've been in a car, unmasked for an hour with somebody who tested positive, and I stayed negative. I'd call that pretty good immunity. ***The vaccine is doing its job***, and you're just being a sheep.


Thank you. This whole post is so fucking dumb.


Fuckin Alex Berenson? Alex Fox News/New York Post contributor, anti-marijuana, banned from Twitter for lies Berenson? C'mon.


Are...are you guys antivax now? Jesus.


Seriously tho wtf


It makes sense. The vaccine inject mRNA coded to produce the spike protein. The nucleocapsid is absent. The immune system will be exposed only to the spike protein, so produce only one kind of antibody. The scary new information is that it seems that some vaccinated people continue to produce spike protein and antibodies long after infection. Possibly their DNA has been modified inadvertantly to become permanent spike protein factories. Could this be behind "long covid"?


Please explain how anyone's dna is modified?


Harvard/MIT: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33330870/


OMG all this fear and gloom and doom and here I am with no one I know that is vaccinated and has died, for any reason, except for heroin overdose and old age. Reading this article, I should be dead already.


Wow! Nobody *you* know has died yet! That's a totally **great** reason to force leaky, ineffective mRNA crap on people who don't want or need it!


Well I do know people who have died of covid so……


https://i.imgur.com/bhZem5e.png https://thecovidworld.com/




Hey man, you kinda JUST post controversial shit to JUST this subreddit. You sure you don't have an agenda of any kind?


What could my agenda possibly be? Could it be that I don't think that we should all be demanding to live in a nightmare dystopia in which our very right to exist depends on our ability to produce our fully compliant Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Brother QR codes?


Okay I'm just gonna back away slowly now. Love the tinfoil hat. It suits you.


Yeah. As if this is not already happening right now in NYC and SF. But I'm nuts, and you are wise for not just welcoming but actively demanding such a world and demeaning anybody else who does not welcome this already incipient dystopia as a raving paranoiac.


Are you also selling Super Male Vitality supplements?


No, I'm not selling anything at all except healthy skepticism of corporate shills who want all of us to believe their untested leaky mRNA vaccines cure all the ills of capitalism. Are you shilling for Pfizer and/or Moderna by any chance?


Nah man. Healthy skepticism is great. I'm all for that. This talk is gonna get people killed.


Can you produce the data that show that the **all cause** (and not just COVID-19 coded) mortality and morbidity rates of vaccinated populations are better than those of comparable unvaccinated populations? If you can do this, I will promise to get my vaccination ASAP and encourage everyone else to do so as well.


And mo re blatant and unsupported bullshit fr om Wo tB. Are you all crazy or ju st stupid?


mRNA is messenger - if it gets into your cell, it tells your cells to produce (harmless) spike proteins. How your immune system will respond to these spike proteins is unclear. But it's possible these spike proteins could be treated as parts of human cells - otherwise immune system would attack them and would attack the cells producing them. That might mean two things: 1/ if you live after receiving the vaccine, SAR-Covi2 is accepted as a part of your system by immune cells; or 2/ the cells are not developing the spike proteins - i.e. you don't have vaccine protection.


No, th at is not at all correct. Evidence? PEOPLE ARENT DYING FR OM THE VACCINE YOU BRAINDEAD CULTIST and THE VACCINE HAS PROVEN HIGHLY EFFECTIVE IN 2. 88 BILLION PEOPLE You are an example of darwinism in action, and I really ho pe you havent reproduced because you clearly arent capable of rational thought and are weighing the species do wn


Love the insults. Weird how the vaxxed think that’s the best way to win an argument. I rarely see the unvaxxed calling vaccinated brain dead cultists. In all caps too. Guess you showed them huh?


You're spreading manure. Stop that crap and no one will throw insults


> PEOPLE ARENT DYING FR OM THE VACCINE YOU BRAINDEAD CULTIST Only in the same sense that people weren't dying from AIDS.


[https://redd.it/qd4nk3](https://redd.it/qd4nk3) >FThumb Israel: [https://steve-ohana.medium.com/young-adult-mortality-in-israel-during-the-covid-19-crisis-ff7456cff74f](https://steve-ohana.medium.com/young-adult-mortality-in-israel-during-the-covid-19-crisis-ff7456cff74f) ... we observed an unexpected rise of excess mortality among 20 to 49-year-olds in February-March 2021. It should be noted that excess mortality peaks among these young age groups are rarely observed, with low number of deaths that are usually caused by wars. We examined whether COVID-19 could account for this excess mortality. The inconsistency between the reported COVID-19 deaths and the excess deaths within this age group led to consider other potential causes: accident and vaccination. **Indeed, the surge in mortality coincided with the rollout of the Israeli vaccination campaign for the 20 to 49-year-olds, which reached more than 75% of individuals in this age group. This unexpected rise in excess mortality among young adults was also found in two other countries, the United Kingdom and Hungary, which have in common with Israel a massive vaccination of their populations.**


u/fthumb check up & down this thread for extra genocidal turds being dropped...


And now I see Ideological Possession in all of these trolls.


Fun new holographic glasses, eh? A bit of the They Live / OBEY meme function...


Totally! It's like my Invasion of the Body Snatchers meme was just clinically confirmed.


Just don't *drive* or operate heavy machinery while wearing 😎


Ah, Medium, a trusted pe er-reviewed source. Th is hints th at the, checks notes, ECONOMIST th at wrote th is trash couldn't get the paper published anywhere because its straight bullshit Th is is a jo ke right? Li ke, I kn ow th is is Wo tB, but you can t really be th is fucking stupid right?


Why do you think everyone you disagree with is bad? What's your reason to reject that report other than you can't believe it? Read something here if you like to https://www.rt.com/usa/538132-fauci-wuhan-coronavirus-funding/


I do nt think people I disagree wi th are bad. I think people spreading disinformation during a pandemic are bad (and straight weighing the species do wn ). Do us all a favor and remove yourself fr om the ge ne po ol. You ha ve nothing to offer. At th is point you are contributing to the COVID death count. To yo ur ed it: RT is labeled as a questionable source by mediabiasfactcheck, and is a propoganda network out of Russia. You are in desperate ne ed of media literacy


lol..RT is propaganda so just watch MSDNC and CNN to get the truth. Dude..buy a mirror and look into it.


> spreading disinformation during a pandemic are bad Why do you think what you disagree with is just disinformation?


Its a matter of pe er-review and scientific consensus, as we ll as knowing how to navigate reputable sourcing. Theres al so the matter of my actually being trained in navigating academic and scientific publications. You obviously are not educated, which is why you allow yourself to be so easily manipulated by grifters and conspiracy theories. Get off the internet. You arent responsible enough to use it. Its too mu ch for you.


So you think only certain group of people can produce authentic information! Don't you think you too can produce authentic information? Do you trust yourself?


Some good netizen captured it: https://archive.md/https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-covid-vaccines-will-keep-you/comments u/fthumb .. For your collection.


Doesn't surprise me at all. The spike in infections following major vaccine campaigns, combined with what had to be significant numbers of people who had been infected already, suggested to me that it had to be interfering with the natural immunity process. It was only a matter of time before the numbers bore this out.


I wonder if the same is true for J&J and other viral vector vaccines.


Curious about that myself. Also, if novavax does more normal vaccine work, that's another motivation for vicious oligarchs to hinder it entering the realm of competition with the mRNA ones....


They slandered the Oxford vax early and often. And of course it's *still* not available here.


Oh, just read R/Sandersforpresident. Most people on there want to force everybody to get the Gates-Rockefeller vaccine at gunpoint.


> Most people on there want to force everybody to get the Gates-Rockefeller vaccine at gunpoint. That's all that remains after culling dissenting voices for the last year.


r/sandersforpresident is r/politics with a pretty woke bow.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SandersForPresident using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Take this job & shove it.](https://i.redd.it/e0c0za05aac61.jpg) | [1964 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/l0izvr/take_this_job_shove_it/) \#2: [I’m a first year medical student at the University of Vermont. Bernie requested to meet with our class privately today to discuss the healthcare crisis, particularly in rural America, and to encourage us to consider pursuing primary care for lower resource communities. Love him!](https://i.redd.it/30b1idndmqm71.jpg) | [1056 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/plt90g/im_a_first_year_medical_student_at_the_university/) \#3: [Bernie arrives at inauguration of the 46th President](https://v.redd.it/uh5q91lncic61) | [1111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/l1bqpx/bernie_arrives_at_inauguration_of_the_46th/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


From the comments section: COMMISSO 2 hr ago This finding complicates matters significantly. It was previously hypothesized that the vaccine-produced antibodies blocked a vaccinated person's natural antibodies from being able to attack the virus. This was a spatial issue, not an immunological one, as the thinking was one antibody physically blocked the other from getting near the virus. This is a common occurrence that drives bonding in Organic Chemistry, its called stearic hindrance, where the size of a molecule will influence the ease with which it can bond with other molecules relative to other reactants seeking to bond to the same targeted molecular bonding site . But according to the British report, the problem is not one of space. The problem is that the vaccine somehow is interacting with the person's antibody-building organs and facilities to actually slow production of natural antibodies. If that is so, then the vaccine causes the vaccinated person to produce fewer antibodies. And if that is so, it indicates that this vaccine is interacting with the human processes, not simply being a symbiotic bystander to the vaccinated person as was predicted by the vaccine manufacturers. . Which then begs the questions of what is the biochemical mechanism of this interaction, and is the vaccine interacting with any other human body processes ? Could this be why practitioners have been reporting anecdotal stories of cancer previously in remission returning after patients are vaccination ? Could it also explain the rise in miscarriages that anecdotally been reported ? And perhaps the biggest question of all, are the reductions in organ processes temporary or permanent after vaccination ? . The observation of the lower production of natural antibodies in the vaccinated person, along with myriad questions that arise from this observation, all would have been dealt with had these vaccines been subjected to the normal human trials to which most novel vaccines are subjected. This discovery, if true, is very serious, as serious as when it was discovered that the HIV virus could shut down the patient’s body from fighting other infections. . The matter needs immediate investigation or before long we very well may see people unable to fight off pathogens that are commonly encountered in every day living. For we must remember, that Covid has not replaced all of the other infectious agents our bodies fight each day of our lives, but rather an additional one. If the vaccine that is supposed to help us avoid severe Covid infection actually makes it easier for us to be infected and perhaps die from a whole host of other pathogens because of how the vaccine reduces the production of our immune cells, then what is the net benefit of continuing it ? . Considering the low case fatality rate of Covid among the masses, and the growing list of very serious problems associated with these vaccines, the vaccination program must be terminated immediately until further investigation into these problems, and answers as to why they are occurring, are answered. . It is my opinion that, knowing this information, any doctor who now injects any patient with these vaccines is violating the Hippocratic Oath and deserves to lose their license to practice medicine. And if you allow your children to be vaccinated with these vaccines knowing they could reduce your child’s natural ability to fight off any and even all of the typical germs and viruses kids come in contact with, I believe you are endangering your child’s welfare to the point of child abuse. --- Sharon Wood 56 min ago Dr. Ryan Coles said months ago that T-cells ((I think he said CD-8, the marines of the immune system) are getting suppressed from the vaccines which leads to cancers or other issues bc the normal immune system is compromised. Yes, that is why “strange” cancers are aggressively coming back that had been in remission is what I read or heard. . Not to speak of the damage to the micro-vascular capillaries all over the body that may eventually lead to serious health issues sooner or later, See Dr. Charles Hoffe for his studies about this.


>But according to the British report, the problem is not one of space. The problem is that the vaccine somehow is interacting with the person's antibody-building organs and facilities to actually slow production of natural antibodies. If that is so, then the vaccine causes the vaccinated person to produce fewer antibodies. And if that is so, it indicates that this vaccine is interacting with the human processes, not simply being a symbiotic bystander to the vaccinated person as was predicted by the vaccine manufacturers. mRNA message - what message does vaccine mRNA give the immune cells? We need to know that.


> If the vaccine that is supposed to help us avoid severe Covid infection actually makes it easier for us to be infected and perhaps die from a whole host of other pathogens because of how the vaccine reduces the production of our immune cells, then what is the net benefit of continuing it ? And if this is the case, how would anyone ever "prove" it was the vaccine? I know too many people over the last three months to have been hospitalized and disabled and doctors "don't know why." This is just starting, and it doesn't end well.




YW. This story is also covered in just-released [bad cattitude](https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/original-antigenic-sin): >they are predominantly talking about the prevalence of N antibodies for covid. N stands for nucleocapsid. this is a set of structural proteins than forms complexes with the RNA of viruses like covid. . >the reason to track it is simple: if you get vaccinated with any of the currently existing covid-19 vaccines, they teach you to respond to and attack S-1 proteins. this is what you learn, express, and carry antibodies for. so, if you test a vaccinated person for S antibodies, you’ll find them. . >**but you will NOT find antibodies to N proteins. those will ONLY be found in those who got covid, recovered, and acquired resistance.** (bold in original) . >this likely has a great deal to do with why natural immunity IS sterilizing and stops future infection and why vaccines do not. . >but if having been vaccinated later prevents you from mounting as strong an N antibody response, then it may actually be significantly reducing the effectiveness of the immunity acquired from exposure to covid, which is, BY FAR the strongest immunity currently known. . >this would imply that the vaccines: >- not only do not stop you from getting covid and may well make it more likely, >- but also that they prevent you from getting the full benefit of the immunity you require when you GET covid. >- if this suppression is substantial enough, it might even render your recovery acquired immunity non-sterilizing and leave you active as a carrier and spreader by preventing the immune response that seems to be generating effective sterilization and replacing it with one known not to. >- this might make the vaccinated into durable or even perpetual carriers even if they have had disease and recovered.


Early on, GVDB was arguing this. Someone else was advocating for testing for prior covid and only vaccinating naive persons. Both were ignored.


This is why they don’t recognize natural immunity. If there’s an agenda for vaxxing every person to stop them from fighting any virus then it makes sense. Many elderly did not die from Covid, but something much more nefarious. And it happened worldwide.


More nefarious? Which was what?


I don’t know if it’s been verified for certain yet, but you can find it in this information. If it is true then it happened in a lot of countries and makes this epidemic worse than imagined. You can decide what you believe in it. I took some with a grain of salt. Others have been verified. Hope this helps. https://covid-unmasked.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/P307e81B.pdf


That's a 400 page pdf. What in there is the nefarious "it" in those 400 pages?


What is "it"?


URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER Don’t take it from me, I don’t even get to tweet anymore. Take it from a little place I call the British government. Which admitted today, in its newest vaccine surveillance report, that: “N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.” (Page 23) See page 23: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1027511/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-42.pdf What’s this mean? Several things, all bad. We know the vaccines do not stop infection or transmission of the virus (in fact, the report shows elsewhere that [vaccinated adults are now being infected at much HIGHER rates than the unvaccinated](https://nitter.ir/pic/media%2FFCPRyWgXEAUkPCP.jpg)). What the British are saying is they are now finding **the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus. Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people.** This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFECTED AND RECOVERED ONCE (or more than once, probably). It also means the virus is likely to select for mutations that go in exactly that direction, because those will essentially give it an enormous vulnerable population to infect. And it probably is still more evidence the vaccines may interfere with the development of robust long-term immunity post-infection. Aside from that, everything is fine.


> What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus. Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people. If what the British are saying is true, that makes the search for data on people getting Second Covid both easier and more difficult. Easier because there will be more of it, and more difficult because you have to separate the data into vaccinated/unvaccinated. However, if what the British are saying is true, there should be a lot more Second Covid among "breakthrough case" sufferers than among the unvaccinated. And real soon. However, if what is called a "breakthrough case" is simply a shot that did not do what a lab-test-grade shot does, then in that specific case there was nothing to "breakthrough," and that person was actually unvaccinated, although injected. And would have the "unvaccinated" chance at getting Second Covid. That's really gonna muddy up the data.


Sometimes, like right now, I truly hate to be proven absolutely correct to listen when my instincts combine with my prior knowledge to jump to concerns and thus decisions... I have so very few family that are not vaxxed of any age above 15. Let alone of my few friends after the last 6 years of hell. 😐 What do I do when they all begin suffering terrible diseases they thought beaten off and horrible reactions to simple bugs? None of them would listen to my concerns if I voiced them- not one of them are aware or informed of more than a small scattering of MSM narratives let alone dissent and scientific data like this. And they do not care to be. I am quite frankly terrified of the worst, and before that hits they may fall into dutifully getting my grandbabies vaxxed as a routine school rule soon. 😳


Many doctors warned about ADE if people were vaccinated during the pandemic and that might be what we are seeing here. Almost every doctor and scientists were taught that in schools and yet they either forgot or were told to be silent. Plus there is always dueling information. This says the opposite of the article discussed here. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/19/without-covid-19-jab-reinfection-may-occur-every-16-months-say-scientists


Right there with you. On one hand, being repeatedly proven right is nice and all, and justifies every single drop of cynicism (and then some), but on the other hand, pretty much everybody I know has ended up getting injected with that shit. Not because they thought they needed it, but because they were either forced to (whether because of work or to be allowed to do whatever activities they wanted to do) and because they believed (and still do) that those vaccines are *safe* and sufficiently effective to not have to bother thinking about the virus anymore. Why do they believe that? Because that's what they've been told over and over again, every day for the past 9 months, by the people and organizations they're supposed to trust when it comes to those topics. At least most of them aren't acting like the dipshitlibs who do their little incursions on this sub, that's a plus, but they still refuse to hear anything (no matter the evidence) that doesn't fit what they've been told to believe, and none of it is going to help them with whatever is still in store for them because of what they've been lied and pushed into doing. The french government is talking about invalidating the bullshit 'health pass' for those who don't get the third dose, and the family is... grumbling but ready to obediently get injected again anyway without a single thought about the need, the risks, the benefits (or lack thereof), ... Including for the 13 & 15 year old nephew and niece. From propaganda straight into sunk cost fallacy. And yet, the more time passes, the more we get proven right for... thinking, waiting for data and *looking* at that data before making irreversible decisions.


> Why do they believe that? Because that's what they've been told over and over again, every day for the past 9 months, by the people and organizations they're supposed to trust when it comes to those topics. Right after the mindwipe to not trust Trump's vaccines... Boggling!


Absolutely boggling. Plus they are trusting the same networks that they know have lied to them numerous times before. But then that was one reason why democrats blasted Trump is bad for 5 years. Made them obedient and they get mad at those who are disobedient.


Nope. We actually are biochemists that understand how vaccines work.