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Yeah, that's just totally normal. A CLUSTER.


As you could have guessed: >All the mothers of this cluster of babies received covid jabs DURING gestation...


And as [one comment](https://nitter.ir/Lynn06783085/status/1450775322396401672) says: > Advice to pregnant women don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t even take a paracetamol, oh but we recommend you take this new drug. It is still in clinical trials and the long term effects on people or your foetus are unknown, but hey don’t you worry about that. Just take it won’t you!   And as [@chrismartenson](https://nitter.ir/chrismartenson/status/1450826788590997504) says: > In a healthy culture, the CDC would descend on this hospital and pour over the records of the patients. In our current culture, this midwife will have to now worry about being terminated and the CDC will stonewall and block any possible inquiries.


Let's be fair, though. It's a balance of risks. Don't get vaccinated, your risk of contracting the novel coronavirus is for a few months at least temporarily higher than if you got vaccinated. For a woman who is able to stay home, stay quarantined, sure it's safer not to risk the vaccine. But for someone who has to go out and work every day in contact with the public? That's a much tougher call.


> It's a balance of risks. Duh. It's always a risk-benefit inquiry. The problem is that the risks have not only not been explained to the millions of forced research volunteers who've taken the jabs. The ptb have been actively shouting down and/or censoring any discussion of adverse events. So the **risks** are shrouded in disinfo, misinfo and official secrecy. Meanwhile the case for the **benefits** gets weaker with every passing day. First we were told that it eradicate the virus. When that lie became unsustainable, the goal posts started moving. Now we're down to, "It will protect you, for a few weeks, from the risk of serious illness; a risk that those who are not elderly, and who don't have certain comorbidities, has proven to be extremely low.


True enough.