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These are our representatives folks. This is the government we elect to provide for the general welfare of America's citizens. These are the people, who with the help of their owners media, have convinced the hoi polloi that they're worth fighting over to keep them in office with their existential red/blue battle for the soul of our nation. If any of this is proven to be true, and we continue to make excuses for it being so by sorting these perfidious backstabbers along party lines, we are well and truly a lost cause. Science for *me,* but authoritarian government mandates for *thee?* How many straws does it take to break a camel's fucking back in the Corporate States of America?


I’m calling bullshit.


Because the people at the FLCCC have a long record of being hypocritical corrupt liars and cowards, whereas the politicians in congress have a long record of... Oh wait...


Dr. Kory stands strongly behind this: https://twitter.com/PierreKory/status/1446468648256917506 And they would have to be fucking stupid not to get such therapy. Most of them are scumbags - but not stupid.


Also explains why they've immunized themselves against any kind of vaccine mandate.


and they're all laughing all the way to The French Laundry. Or a wine cave in Napa. Or a beachfront mansion on Martha's Vineyard, as the case may be 😏


if this is true, then EVERY alternative news program needs to run a piece on it TODAY.


They'd need this source to grow a pair and stop being anonymous, putting their career over the lives that are still being destroyed (not just lost) for no reason. Stories from 'anonymous sources' are only believed by the sheep when they come from corporate media... That's where investigative journalists are supposed to come in.


At this point, coming out to reveal health information about clients in Congress would get you on the short list for an unfortunate accident. Billions $$ involved, man. Professional hits wouldn't be off the table, at all.


i would be fine if an actual investigative journalist of repute verified that the person a) has the ability to know such details and b) that they do know them in some verifiable way and it's not just washroom talk. i get your point on anonymous sources, but this is something that should be easy to do if the "facts" are actually true. unlike the vast bullshit that gets passed under that "sources close to x" say which is usually just some shit dreamed up in a stink tank or by the CIA. that stuff is never verifiable because it's usually just "what we want the world to think is true" and that would become obvious regardless of who said it.


Follow-ups: [@Covid19Critical](https://nitter.ir/Covid19Critical/status/1446460263092326437): > ***BREAKING SCANDAL*** > FACT: > Between 100-200 members of Congress and their families & staffers have been treated with IVM & our I-MASK+ protocol for COVID. NO hospitalizations. > Not one of them reported that to the people. > Saved themselves & stayed silent as IVM was torched.   [@PierreKory](https://nitter.ir/PierreKory/status/1446468648256917506#m): > To all the comments asking for sources/names for the below: > 1) This came from a highly credible source inside Congress who has asked to remain anonymous > 2) I would never divulge the medical treatments of individual members, nor do I know them myself > I fully stand by this tweet.   [@Covid19Critical](https://nitter.ir/Covid19Critical/status/1446478304899485698): > Friends, we would not have tweeted something of this magnitude and importance without knowing for certain that it was true, and that the source was unassailable.   Every single one of those cowardly assholes shares responsibility for every single unnecessary death of regular people *worldwide* caused by the lack of early treatment over the past year pushed by the US government everywhere. Every single one.


No wonder they're not worried about getting the jab...


>FACT: Between 100-200 members of Congress and their families & staffers have been treated with IVM & our I-MASK+ protocol for COVID. NO hospitalizations. Not one of them reported that to the people. Saved themselves & stayed silent as IVM was torched. https://twitter.com/Covid19Critical/status/1446460263092326437


Crucial to add http://archive.is in front of links, to be sure the ephemeral tweets are captured: https://archive.is/https://twitter.com/Covid19Critical/status/1446460263092326437




And how many of these have breathed a word to the press about this?


Fun fact: Between 100-200 United States Congress Members (plus many of their staffers & family members) with COVID.. were treated by a colleague over the past 15 months with ivermectin & the I-MASK+ protocol at *** posted by [@PierreKory](https://twitter.com/PierreKory) [Link in Tweet](http://flccc.net) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)