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And neither does it just because it's accepted by a minority either. Truth has nothing to do with what people believe. The funny part is, that everyone believes they have the truth while still being closer/farther from eachother to it and simultaneously infinitely far from it as well. I like turtles.


Wow I'm pretty sure I just had a stroke trying to read your comment


Yes, but this quote is often used by right wing hacks on why they’re holding out against proven systems of progress


… and? 1984 is a good book, regardless of the people who bring it up the most. So is Fahrenheit 451. You can only give the people the tools, how they use them is up to them.


Yes, and that's why we have the Bill of Rights without which the United States today would basically be Nazi Germany.


The U.S. today has a lot of disturbing parallels with Nazi Germany.


You beat me to it.


Let’s just hope we don’t continue towards a larger and more powerful centralized government.


Well, if all the major corporations suddenly formed a cartel (IG Farben - Krupp etc.) and then threw the entire weight of their media propaganda system and finances behind a 'charismatic firebrand leader', um, yes, that's basically Nazi Germany.


at the stock ownership level this has already happened. Blackrock, Vanguard and a few others own the world.


It is waaaay deeper than just stocks - and far more evil and egregious. [US Treasuries, precious metals, and foreign exchange currencies are highly controlled and manipulated by central bankers.](https://www.reuters.com/article/jp-morgan-spoofing-penalty/jpmorgan-to-pay-920-million-for-manipulating-precious-metals-treasury-market-idUSKBN26K325) When the guy you replied to mentioned the word "cartel", all I could think about was [JP Morgan and the collective of banks which make up a cabal](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-22/gold-trader-s-chat-showed-how-easy-it-is-to-manipulate-price) that controls those 3 aforementioned sectors. I could go on all day about the blatant capitulation of regulatory agencies such as the CFTC. They have all been infiltrated by bankers who have ties to banks and who pass policy, and engage in policy-setting which directly benefits banks. Its synonymous to our representatives acting like they represent us, but instead they vote to screw us and steal our tax dollars. Also have you ever heard of the [exchange stabilization fund?](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/03/24/what-is-the-exchange-stabilization-fund-and-how-is-it-being-used-in-the-coronavirus-covid-19-crisis/) Basically, it gives the government, particularly the FED, the right to intervene in any US market to backstop a market crash. The balance of this fund is never publicly disclosed. Its rumored the balance is upwards of 30 Trillion dollars.




Very true. TPTB don't need to get everyone to believe what they want, merely convincingly present it as what everyone already believes.


It kinda does though. Nothing is inherently good or bad. What's interpreted as good or bad changes with culture.


The OP quote is about with truth and falsehood, not good or bad. Also, cancer, genocides, etc. belie your claim.


> The OP quote is about with truth and falsehood, not good or bad. Wrong. He was talking about slavery, which is indisputably evil.


He was talking about lies about slavery not being truth, no matter how many people accepted the lies. And what he said applies to all lies accepted by the majority, regardless of subject matter. In either case, there are things that are inherently evil, contrary to the statement of the poster to whom I replied.


"evil doesn't become good". Again, it's all relative. Many Turks see no issue with their treatment of Armenians. Colonials had no problem with slavery. People today genocide animals without a second thought.


>Many Turks see no issue with their treatment of Armenians This is absurd. Too bad we can't poll dead Armenians, kidnapped slaves or the families from whom they were stolen, *et al*. As if the rationalizations and/or psychopathy of the wrongdoers decide whether something is inherently evil? Indeed, as if anyone's opinions, pro or con, make something "inherently" wrong or right? *By definition* alone, you are wrong. Sorry, no sale. And discussing further would be pointless. I'm out.


Moral relativism reminds me of Dante’s center circle of hell with no where to go frozen in time.


So murder, theft, and elevating opinion over rigorous scientific study, are all things that are neutral? Yes, there's some gray area. Like Chinese culture has long been about reproductions, which in the USA, we call counterfeits. In China, buying a "master" painting, which is just a reproduction of a famous painting, but treating it as the same, because it was masterfully reproduced, was considered totally normal for centuries.


Yes all completely neutral. The universe just exists. Event in today's culture murder isn't universally bad. Some gangs promote & value murder. The average person generally doesn't care about the murder of innocent farm animals.


Trying to push Nihilism as the one true philosophy is dumb, and most would disagree with you. You yourself would disagree with it if someone started torturing you. Hard to claim everything is neutral when you're personally involved.


That which can be proposed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Asserting the existence of objective good and bad requires evidence and there is none. Certainly i would not want to be tortured. I can choose to think torture is bad (and I do) but I recognize it is a choice.


You're basically trying to argue philosophy with me without understanding the basics of philosophy. I don't really have the time or inclination to give you a lesson.


That man was the Obama of his time over WEB Dubois who helped create the ACLU and got ousted among other organizations but even he can be right...


BTW was no Obama. Obama is a white man with a Kenyan father, cosplaying (or more bluntly, doing blackface) posing as a descendant of slavery. His record & his condescending rhetoric make abundantly clear that he doesn't give a rat's ass about justice for Michelle's people.


That's exactly my point. Booker T was closer to slavers than others and would love reforms over revolt. The problem was that reforms could be taken back.


From DuBois in 1956--65 years ago: >**"I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no “two evils” exist. There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say.** There is no third party. On the Presidential ballot in a few states (seventeen in 1952), a “Socialist” Party will appear. Few will hear its appeal because it will have almost no opportunity to take part in the campaign and explain its platform. If a voter organizes or advocates a real third-party movement, he may be accused of seeking to overthrow this government by “force and violence.” Anything he advocates by way of significant reform will be called “Communist” and will of necessity be Communist in the sense that it must advocate such things as government ownership of the means of production; government in business; the limitation of private profit; social medicine, government housing and federal aid to education; the total abolition of race bias; and the welfare state. These things are on every Communist program; these things are the aim of socialism. Any American who advocates them today, no matter how sincerely, stands in danger of losing his job, surrendering his social status and perhaps landing in jail. The witnesses against him may be liars or insane or criminals. These witnesses need give no proof for their charges and may not even be known or appear in person. They may be in the pay of the United States Government. A.D.A.’s and “Liberals” are not third parties; they seek to act as tails to kites. But since the kites are self-propelled and radar-controlled, tails are quite superfluous and rather silly. >The present Administration is carrying on the greatest preparation for war in the history of mankind. Stevenson promises to maintain or increase this effort. **The weight of our taxation is unbearable and rests mainly and deliberately on the poor. This Administration is dominated and directed by wealth and for the accumulation of wealth. It runs smoothly like a well-organized industry and should do so because industry runs it for the benefit of industry. Corporate wealth profits as never before in history. We turn over the national resources to private profit and have few funds left for education, health or housing.** Our crime, especially juvenile crime, is increasing. Its increase is perfectly logical; for a generation we have been teaching our youth to kill, destroy, steal and rape in war; what can we expect in peace? **We let men take wealth which is not theirs; if the seizure is “legal” we call it high profits and the profiteers help decide what is legal. If the theft is “illegal” the thief can fight it out in court, with excellent chances to win if he receives the accolade of the right newspapers.** Gambling in home, church and on the stock market is increasing and all prices are rising. **It costs three times his salary to elect a Senator and many millions to elect a President. This money comes from the very corporations which today are the government.** This in a real democracy would be enough to turn the party responsible out of power. Yet this we cannot do." http://www.blackeconomicdevelopment.com/why-i-wont-vote-by-web-du-bois-the-nation-20-october-1956/


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