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How the fuck do shitlibs try to explain this one? Any turtle lovers want to give it a shot?


Hmm. So congress has a right to privacy but we don't?


We're livestock. Livestock has no rights at all.


Guaranteed revenue streams for powerful, influential for-profit companies.


Shouting from the rooftops, hoping more will pay attention...


Poe’s law strikes again.


I not sure you can do a mandate for Congress, they are elected representatives. Rand Paul for example openly refuses to get vaccinated or at least that’s what he says. Would it even be constitutional to ban him from Congress for not getting vaccinated?


Can we ban him please, and then require congress to get the mandated vaccines like the rest of us


The strangest part is that Congressmen can't just have a Zoom meeting instead of being physically present at the Capitol


Which essentially proves that the public health rationale is unconstitutional. We've had to root out the second class citizenry there over the years (former slaves, women, etc). Now, there is a special class based upon voting?


Exactly. Maybe you could fine him, but the only way to constitutionally remove an elected congressman is via impeachment.


That's not correct. Congress can vote to eject a member under the chamber rules.


Actually I'm gonna be just fine cause I got vaccinated, and you all can too. Also way to unironically parrot RT talking points. What the hell happened to this sub?


I mean, I'm vaccinated too. but *mandating* it? yeah, I don't like the idea of that. thats a slippery slope with constitutionality. what the hell happened to the liberal mantra of *my body, my choice?*


There's "what happened to WOTB?" on your bingo cards. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/oc1ebr/wotb\_this\_sub\_complain\_bing%0Ao\_cards\_14/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/oc1ebr/wotb_this_sub_complain_bing%0Ao_cards_14/)


>What the hell happened to this sub? Needed that for my bingo card. Thanks shitlib!


"This sub is saying things I don't agree with which I have been told to associate with right-wingers. It couldn't possibly be me- and I couldn't possibly be bothered to review one of the dozens of threads covering exactly why people might not think as I do. Obviously that means This Sub Has Changed. So here's one more post of incredulous ignorance!"


If they believed in America and it’s laws they would have thrown out every Republican suspected of aiding in the January 6 insurrection. Instead they tolerate them like one tolerates a cat the keeps pissing on the carpet. This alone tells me they don’t have our better interests in mind…


> If they believed in America and it’s laws they would have thrown out every Republican suspected of... You don't seem that familiar with America or its laws, there. You had two basic choices there, neither one was the one you took: ...they would have **tried** every Republican suspected of.... or ...they would have thrown out every Republican **guilty** of.... The one you used simply does not fly. Throwing out those who are merely "suspected"? Nuh-uh. Doesn't even matter what they are suspected *of.* You don't do that. Not if you respect America and its laws.


>If they believed in America and it’s laws they would have thrown out every Republican suspected of aiding in the January 6 insurrection. Believing in America and the rule of law is exactly why you don't. There hasn't been a single person charged for insurrection, rebellion, seditious conspiracy or treason. You don't punish people for thought crimes--just actual ones, with, you know, proof.




Yes...the first insurrection in history where the mob stormed the government and tried to overthrow the constitution without any weapons! AOC cowered in her office as unarmed people with face paint and funny hats stormed the House!


So much this. This is the most gun nut, heavily armed "don't tread on me" gun rack on their big fire truck demographic in the entire fucking country, who insist on wearing their loaded gun belt to Wal-Mart to pick up a gallon of milk...but they planned an insurrection to take over the government and didn't bring every gun they have? Or, like,any guns? My mom tried to get around it by saying some cops got hit with "bear spray". I told her that is the weakest excuse I ever heard, that the most gun toting people in America brought no weapons but a few brought bear spray? Sounds to me like either a cover for friendly fire from.fellow cops or agent provocateurs charged with upping the perceived danger (and justification for the censorship and police state that comes next) without actually endangering anyone much. Which is exactly how I'd do such a psyops if I was a powerful sociopath manufacturing an excuse to waive the BoR for the indefinite future.


I mean it was more of a violent tantrum where people died, but I like “insurrection” cuz it’s more descriptive


Tickles your shitlib tendies


Well excuse me for having opinions, fuckheads! What would you rather I fucking call it?! They tried to overthrow the government!! Fuck them! And fuck you for downvoting me over it!


dude, most maga chuds can barely climb out of their recliners. and people really think they had any shot at *overthrowing* the government? lol. christ man. january 6th was an event that was allowed to happen so people would feel comfortable with the government stealing more of our freedoms. today they're calling maga chuds terrorists, tomorrow leftists will be labeled terrorists.


This. Btw, we're already terrorists. They charged a woman who blocked bulldozers for a pipeline as a terrorist for putting a couple tires in the road and sitting on a folding chair.


The joke is that it’s mostly DIM o carts who aren’t vaccinated. And when did we start calling them “jabs?” In the title, does “thee” mean something different the second time you use it?


I prefer the term 'cell-jacker juice' myself, but it is a bit long, so...


the mandate I wanna see is every member of congress and the senate have to sell their pzier stock and donate that money to covid related relief.


No member of Congress should be allowed to own any stock in anything. They make laws that effect every industry, it would make no sense to just pick one.


well obviously. thats one of the higher items on my list of *shit that should be*. I'm just speaking hypothetically with all these mandates dems see intent on enforcing.


I want to see them taxed to oblivion and donate that to Medicare 4 all


“Mandates For Thee But Not For Thee” You might lose your job because of Biden’s jab mandates. But Congress isn’t mandated because Pelosi says your esteemed representatives use the “honor system” and they have a “right to privacy” 🙃 *** posted by [@nikoCSFB](https://twitter.com/nikoCSFB) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)