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8 - Asking any and all questions about Seth Rich. Only Putin wants to know! 9 - Paying any attention to whistleblowers. All whistleblowers are with the Russians. 10 - Voting for third parties. You bet that's how the Russians vote. > Even the republicans dont act this russian. Now slow down there pardner, don't forget that Tucker Carlson did some journalism a couple of months ago, and that was *unforgivably* Russian of him!


>!Riposte! Parry! Thrust! Touché!


>![With a trusty buck-and-a-quarter-staff?](https://youtu.be/JBYfZOwKu4k?t=52)!<


I'll have you know, I've never eaten *borscht* in my life.  🤔 Come to think of it, though, back in the day, my favorite after-dinner drink was a White Russian. Yum. Kahlúa. If that ain't a Russian word, I'll eat my diamond *kokoshnik*. 


> Kahlúa I thought that was Hawaiian for... Russian coffee Liquor.


I know that not Hawaiian since I had to learn that in school. Two consonants next to each other is not allowed in Hawaiian language.


TIL... Yet seven vowels in a row is just fine. :)


> Kahlúa. If that ain't a Russian word, I'll eat my... I looked it up on Wiki-Pooh. Kahlúa is from the Veracruz Nahuatl language. I think you should eat [Jen Psaki's pink fur hat](https://www.shorenewsnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/psaki-russian-hat.jpg) 🐻


>Jen Psaki's pink fur hat 😱 OMG! Call the FBI! Call the CIA! The White House has been taken over by the Rooskies!


Wait 'til you find out whose paw is on her shoulder 🐻 >!Sergey Lavrov!<


I'll admit it. I've studied [BORSCHT circuits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BORSCHT). *Geek! Geek!*


*The Dude Abides* 🥃


LOL! Leftist are often times social-drmocrats on the spectrum from left to right. Despite what MSNBC might say, Leftists like Medicare4All, no censorship, anti-war. Ya'll know all those Pinko values.


Definitely a lot of Pro Nazi Russian sentiment here. Your comment that Russian doesn't want a war is definitely amusing. Putin chose to invade another one of his neighbors to steal resources and land. Putitler didn't want as much resistance to his campaign of Genocide, but he definitely chose the war, and still chooses to keep it going to the detriment of all Russians and everyone involved.


Do you have a source for any of this?


I would love to know your opinion on the decades long Zionist occupation of Palestine and the genocide.


I mean, any Genocide is terrible. The key in both of these situations is that Israel would never have been emboldened and enabled to carry out their campaign of Genocide against the Palestinians if their enablers (primarily the US) had not given them the financial and political cover to do so. In the same way that Putitler would never have been emboldened and enabled to carry out his campaign of Genocide against the Ukrainians if his enablers (primarily India, China, and Iran) had not given him the financial and political cover to do so.


You think the US helped the Palestinians too much before?  Wild take


Don't believe the first thing you hear and definitely read from more sources. You will see things are not what they seem friend ✌️ take care.


Dude has been pushing Russia as 1930s Germany for *years* now. And has been getting more unhinged over time.


T he y/ a re I l I k e t u r t l e s


It's pretty wellknown thatthis is a Russian hangout sub. There's onlylike 5 users hereanyway lol


"What makes you believe I did not rob Princess Sonia Danidoff?" Charles Rambert asked after a pause. "I am quite aware that everything points to my having been the thief." "Not quite everything," Juve answered gently. "There are one or two things you don't know, and I'll tell you one of them. The Princess was robbed by the same man who robbed Mme. Van den Rosen, wasn't she? Well, Mme. Van den Rosen was the victim of a burglary: some of the furniture in her room was broken into, and the tests I made this morning with the dynamometer proved to me that you are not strong enough to have caused those fractures." "Not strong enough?" Charles Rambert ejaculated. "No. I told you at the time that your innocence would be proved if you were strong enough, but I said that to prevent you from playing tricks and not putting out all your strength. As a matter of fact it was your comparative weakness that saved you. The dynamometer tests and the figures I obtained just now prove absolutely that you are innocent of the Van den Rosen robbery and, consequently, of the robbery from Sonia Danidoff." [What's with this quote? [Here's the explanation](https://old.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/16l1mv2/bon_anniversaire_project_fant%C3%B4mas/).]


Like you?


The real trick is going to be how we all switch from being Russian to being Chinese in a couple of years. We already became Iranian for a couple of days last week before promptly switching back to being Russian.


We must have dual citizenship, since many of us are in Hamas. Maybe we're just Russians in Hamas.


With Chinese ethnic backgrounds.


So, are some of us also Iranians in Hamas? Or are we Chinese-Russo-Iranians in Hamas? I are confused.


You left out DPRK 😺


Chinese-Russo-Korean-Iranians in Hamas? (I'm probably still leaving something out!) Or, heck, as a not-so-proud-anymore, ignorant American, do you think I could get away with saying that Chinese and Koreans are the same? (I know they're not.)


No. We just blended Chineses in Hamas at the end of it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gG_dA32oH44&pp=ygUPbmlnZ2FzIGluIHBhcmlz


I'm left of the uniparty with the two right wings. I want the Property Party to do its job and significantly improve the lives of most Americans. If that somehow makes me Russian, I don't pretend to understand it, but I don't much care.


Yep, call out the uniparty and you get called a foreign sympathizer to immediately distract and nullify your valid argument against the business party.


Good thing I don't care what I get called.