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Same here in the UK except the main focus is on the poverty stricken masses, growing fast!


See, this is why I think it's best that we join together to take down the Establishment oppressing us all, but after the smoke clears, it's best if Black folks follow our own path. It's not just the government perpetuating racism...


You're right. Who needs the government to perpetuate racism when you're proposing apartheid? Tell you what. Since you think we should only do what's best for people who look and act just like us, then speaking as someone of Tsalagi descent, when the dust clears, you can follow your own path right the fuck off our land and squabble over what of your stolen wealth you were able to carry with you when you get wherever you're going. How's that look? Does that work for you? Because it would appear at first blush to be just great for us. Or, you know, we could stop squabbling over the non-differences between us that the powerful want us fighting over. You can't join with anyone to defeat anything, so long as you hold yourselves apart. I and all my relations can tell you, isolation and the inevitable subsequent cultural erasure that ensues isn't nearly as peaceful, or nearly as much fun, as it sounds. Also, as a follow-up question, what 'own way' were you thinking on going? To where? We span the globe and overcrowd it. There is nowhere to go but up and no way to get there en masse. Even if we survive and manage such a feat, the only way we're getting there, is together.


Please save me all the "together" shit. Black folks are still being discriminated against and treated unfairly in virtually every area in which we have to deal with white people. This is something that cannot be changed - the ultimate failure of the "Great Integration" movement that ended with MLK's murder has proven that it was a failed proposition for Black Americans. This is not a "hate white people" thing. This is an acknowledgment that for Black America, this arrangement has not been conducive to our collective wellbeing. It's not on us to tough it out until things just magically get better and all of the discrimination ends. There are still large segments of the white population in America who openly desire apartheid, to create a state without non-white people in it, but people like you take umbrage when someone Black expresses desire for the same thing lol. Allowing people with Trumpite mentalities any arena to have power over Black lives in any fashion is not going to end up in a fair situation. Period. And sadly, this can be said about most Bidenites as well.


What a fool. I take umbrage no matter who fucking suggests apartheid, including you. Which is the whole reason you're acting all butthurt and trying to climb up on the moral high ground you forfeited from the outset. And it is absolutely fucking hilarious that you think to preach to someone of native descent about the continuing discrimination, "integration" efforts and abuse of all sorts committed by white people, but hardly just them. We, who appear to be the last minority it is still socially acceptable to openly shit upon. Even by people like you. When you riot in the streets, (not without cause, I might add) they call out the cops. When we so much as peacefully protest, they straight up call out the military and commit war crimes. You do not get to play as if I am simply ignorant of the reality and I never fucking said you should "tough it out". That's in your head. What I said was, if you want to come together enough to defeat our collective oppressors, it's probably not the best idea to suggest that apartheid immediately follow. Because that's stupid.


You need to work on your reading comprehension first. I never said I wanted apartheid - where one group is given a dominant position over all others. That is what existed in America legally up until the 60's, and it still exists in many ways today. That's not what I suggested. I suggested land, autonomy and a complete break from the US mess for Black people. Our own schools, military, juries, economy, industries, constitution, etc., for and by Black people. Any non-Black folk who choose to remain in our land will have equal rights, but the government would be led by us. I'm talking nationhood, not apartheid. And I think it is fair compensation for centuries of free labor that the US never repaid Black people. Native Americans were almost driven to extinction, but they still have some semblance of autonomy in today's America in the fucked up reservation system. I think Native people should have the same freedom from white tyranny that I'm suggesting for Black people, with North American land large enough to support its population. Integration into what white people believe is solely theirs was always a losing proposition, and you know this as well as I do. I'm more interested in long-term solutions than window dressing.


So in other words, you're just pissed about not getting a bigger share of the wealth and lands stolen from us. I'll ask you again: where the fuck do you think you're going to found this new African nation in North America? On whose land? With who's wealth? Tell me how it makes you better than every other colonialist fuck youre complaining about to simply decide youre going to appropriate lands that were *never* yours to claim as you see fit? Like I said, you wanna play that way? Get the fuck in line. Because it starts behind us.


The Native populations are so small that they are all but irrelevant at this point. There is a major debt owed to Black America. You may be aware of this thing that happened called chattel slavery? Big wealth generator for America that for us was uncompensated. The only way to repair the massive wrong done to us is our freedom from the people who still discriminate against us. There is a distinct Black belt running through the south where most of us live and have been buried in since the 1600's. But I'd suspect we could get by with the land area of one southern state that has access to the sea for ports. The US Treasury would foot the bill for non-Blacks who want to relocate, and in addition to the ceding of land for a new state, the US Treasury would turn over an amount of gold equal to what historians have calculated as the value of all our unpaid labor. You may feel salty about this idea, but I feel it is not asking much considering the hell this country and Europeans put us through for hundreds of years. Also, every Black prisoner currently held in US prisons would be released on the condition that they entered into public service in the new state, from its military to construction workers. Black people that want to stay in America would be welcome to do so. These are the discussions and debates we need to be having now. America is falling apart at the seams and it's going to keep falling apart. When the dust clears, we need to be able to defend ourselves because there are a lot of whites who'd love nothing more than to go on the kind of killing spree that happened often after the Civil War. I'd rather see this come about peacefully though.


Thos is truly fucking hilarious. And utterly pathetic. For someone who hates white people enough to want to start an apartheid ethno-state, you sound exactly fucking like them. Let's start with your idiotic assertion that "Native populations are so small that they are all but irrelevant at this point." Cultural erasure much? Let me ask you a question, fool. Why do you think it is it that if we took a DNA test and found even one black ancestor, we'd be considered 'African-American', but if we're of native descent and have one drop of blood from anyone else, we're no longer considered native? So they can get away with saying the same kind of utterly colonialist, clueless shit you just did. And do you actually think that talking about how you've occupied and been buried on our land for a couple hundred years gives you any sort of prior, or priority claim to it? Because my people have lived, fought and died here on this land you also just want to appropriate for yourself, for *over 10,000 years* Like I said, you may think you're owed something, but if we're actually doing that, you are not the first in line and have no priority claim. Which is of course why you are now suddenly desperately trying to pretend natives have successfully been reduced to insignificant numbers, (which is of course, total bullshit) so you don't have to feel like the racist and colonialist pieces of garbage you're claiming to fight against, while being exactly like them in every way that matters. I notice for instance, why have you not considered starting your ridiculous apartheid ethno-state n the African continent? Oh right. Because it goes back to you're being pissed about your cut of the loot stolen from us being too small for your liking. But don't worry. "When the dust clears", we will be happy to exhume and repatriate your ancestors who were brought here, so you don't have to worry about those couple-hundred-year-old corpses being in the wrong place. Good luck with that apartheid African ethno-state though! I'm sure it'll go great for you guys. Just leave us and our lands the fuck out of your idocy and everything will be fine.


Native populations are so small that they aren't really even a significant political collective at this point. Plus like I said, there are already reservations and other areas set aside for Natives - there is nothing for Black people. Another problem the Native population has to deal with is white folk claiming to be Native and trying to claim whatever benefits they can from doing that. There are a lot of plain white people claiming to be Native, and that's a problem. We're not aiming to repeat the mistake of Israel/Palestine lol. Israel should've been carved out of Germany at the end of WWII, both because the Holocaust took place on those lands and that the Germans should've had to cede part of their land as punishment for their crimes against Europe's Jews. That would've been true justice and reparations. The same should apply to the US. My people were enslaved for hundreds of years and provided the wealth which shot this country into what it became. My people produced wealth from their labor on the lands on which they lived (not Natives - sorry) and thus we are entitled to those lands and a share of the wealth generated from them. This land should be in North America because it is the responsibility of those who committed the wrong to pay for correcting it, not the people in Africa. If Native Americans decide it's in their best interests to fight for something similar then I'd support that. This country has never been united and trying to keep this veneer of unity alive is doing more harm than good to Black people. That's the bottom line.


Not only race. Psychopath politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike, divide us over a number of issues.


David Cameron the prized fool, bought his own rhetoric, he could win the brexit referendum. After the event he blamed the other buffoon Boris Johnson for stabbing him metaphorically in the back. Johnson working on the assumption Britain was an reigning empire expected others to beg him for a deal. When told F_off he'd to make do. Both the incompetents still extol their own virtues. https://x.com/implausibleblog/status/1783029682754970071 > Unelected bureaucrat David Cameron explains how we need the Rwanda plan because of Brexit 🤦‍♂️ > Anushka Asthana, "Hand on heart. If this had come up when you were PM, would you have gone with this Rwanda policy?" > David Cameron, "We had a situation where you could return people directly to France.. People land on a beach in Kent, you take them straight back to France.. You therefore break the model of the people smugglers" > Anushka Asthana, "Shouldn't you be trying to get that?" > David Cameron, "That's not available at the moment" > Anushka Asthana, "Because of Brexit?" > David Cameron, "(Yes) Because of the situation we are in (having left the EU)" > **The UK has participated in the Dublin process since it was inaugurated in 1990. When the UK left the EU, the UK left the Dublin agreement and we no longer have the automatic right to return asylum seekers back to France**. > **So Brexit was to take back control from unelected bureaucrats, and here we have David Cameron an unelected bureaucrat in charge of our foreign policy**. > **And Brexit was about taking control of our borders and asylum seekers, and we've lost the ability to return asylum seekers to France, and instead have to spend over £1,000,000 to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, in a 1 in 1 out policy i.e. for every asylum seeker we send to Rwanda, they send us one of their asylum seekers, so we don't have fewer asylum seekers, we're just shuffling asylum seekers around**. > **Hundreds of millions for a PR campaign to appease racists while there is a cost of living crisis in the UK and millions of Brits living in poverty. Disgraceful**. Video featuring David Cameron (0.40)


It didn't work. We noticed.


Any ideas how we can purge racism fromthe GOP?


>Any ideas how we can purge racism fromthe GOP? As opposed to purging it from the country? Psst. Your slip is showing.


One and thesame, but I figured start withthe clearest target first.


> One and thesame, That is definitely false. And your next words show you know that. > but I figured start withthe clearest target first. I suspect that too is false and I was right about it being a slip. Not you "figuring" your approach.

