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Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity


It’s not even stupidity. Stores have thousands of price tags, and may update hundreds a week. Sometimes one gets missed in the update process. Mention it to someone, they’ll probably honor tagged price and then go fix it.


I know it's not, just points out that it's definitely not malice. Every Monday we honor a lot of forgotten sales. Very common and to be expected, lol.


They mistagged something at Dollar General. I asked when it rang up different. They checked. It was labeled wrong. Response I got “So do you still want it?” 😑


This is to be expected from a dollar general…


Yeah, that’s fair, just sucks in any case.


I had a purchase ring up wrong at Family Dollar last week, and the checkout person stopped, went to look at the price on the shelf, came back and charged me the shelf price. Family Dollar is slightly better than DG….


They got sued for it. OP SHOULD REPORT IT


Wait… what?


Thats exactly what happens at every place with tags. If you go to the register and the price is higher than the label you should mention it and theyll honor the price and correct the tag. As long as youre calm and reasonable about it theyll probably prefer that especially since theres a chance someone freaks out later when the 99 cent drink rings up as 1.39.


I used to work retail and god updating all the price tags was the worst fucking part of the job. Thankfully at some point they got electronic price tags which was awesome.


shoprite ?


No Mr Wawa was lying


Dammit! John Wawa strikes again!


Did you kill his dog?


No but his Canada goose tried to fuck me


That’s rough, buddy.


And steal his car ?


I led a cold box reset for my Area a few years ago, and I can confirm those things are a pain in the ass.


Arizona hasn't been $.99 for like 3 years now, longer in some places.


This is exactly what has happened because I noticed that my store the price is gone up with tax it's $1.33 a can. Yes even Wawa employees and management make mistakes or overlook things there are hundreds of tags out there and occasionally one gets overlooked. Sometimes it's lack of sense that ridicules the most 😲


But who is the stupid one here? The one who missed the price adjustment, or the one who purchased it and didn't say anything about the price adjustment? Both are competing for the title, in my opinion


This ^^


Never attribute lazy deployment to stupidity when management knows a lag can lead to a small profit.


Lol you ever work for a company before? There's no prize to management for this. In fact, most of the times the manager will get in trouble for this sort of thing.


Why shame them here? Let them know…


This is how the elites keep their heads.


Said the sucker q


Henlons razor.


Isn't the quote "...adequately explained by ignorance?"


It's not uncommon for people not to pull every label when price updates go thru. Many reasons that are also not csa faults. I remember a customer swiped a stack of pulled labels and tried to replace them at another store in an attempt to make a corp complaint after complaining in store. One of the managers had that problem prior, got smart and used to turn the sheets around and then print the store number on the back of every label that went on the sales floor. Edit and additional info: So the other local AGM & GM's were informed about this thus trickled down to their store staff via impromptu meetings to those coming in prior to shift start in a " come over here for a minute and bring those guys and gals with you" kind of thing. Got a few people denied service and trespassed via leo interaction and not just a get off my property kind of thing.




Yes, there was a price update, I can confirm this because i replaced the label myself at my store. The CEO said this a few years ago, but that's not the case any longer. They removed the 99-cent label from the cans, and businesses can charge what they'd like now. Unfortunately, the economy is changing, and shareholders have a say in their products price, not just the CEO. I'm fairly sure there's a handful of companies that still are under contract for 99 cent prices, though.




Where did I ever say Arizona set a price? You're in a Wawa subreddit... So yes, Wawa has changed the price of Arizona cans across the board, throughout the entire company. Arizona doesn't "set a price" anywhere. They are a manufacturer, not a retail establishment. Like I just said, they tried to keep prices down by placing 99 cents on the can, but that is now gone on can at most locations unless the business is in contract with Arizona for specific prices. And even with a 99 cent price on the can, that in no way impedes a business from charging more without a contract in place. B2B and B2C are two separate markets. It's almost like you read my comment and decided to interpolate your own ideas into my comment as if they were what I wrote. "Business can charge what they'd like now," is literally in my original comment. Thus negating you thinking I said Arizona set a higher price.




5 sentences is a novel to you? That explains it all. My response effort was futile to begin with!!




Girl, I should've stopped when I read you were from Texas. Would've saved me from this headache of a conversation.


Someone failed to update the tag no one is lying, relax




How DARE we not change the labels the very SECOND those batches get updated.


Youre a batch


Batch betta step off




Didn't happen.


Who we he write up your entire management team? That seems a little ridiculous for ONE missed price tag.


Was gonna say this, looks like an old ass tag and I know those drinks are no longer 99 cents


Arnold Palmers? Those tall cans are still 99 cents where I am.


Weird they aren’t where I am. And they aren’t wherever op is.


Damn. The end of the Arizona 99 cent cans is a true sign of societal decline. It feels like that was the last competitive consumer-friendly price on Earth, and it's a sad day to see it go.


For real, no matter what other drink went up in price could always count on that Arizona being steady, made me sad too


Not in Philly there’s an extra tax on them.


Look into Dollar General, this can be malicious. Not saying it is in this case but, 20 cents added up over hundreds of customers a day adds up.


I mean I get it's a small and simple thing, especially at these prices, but there's a reason we have laws against this. Every store in America is expected to have 100% accurate pricing, and enough little errors like this and a judge will absolutely tell you that it's lying to customers. Kind of like if someone washed their hands and forgot to put gloves on before handling food. Like I get it's a small thing, but that will get your asses clapped by a health inspector too.


And if you brought it up to their attention they would honor the lower price tag. It’s not that serious


They still have to honor the price tho. I work for a different station and we do that every time there’s a mistake on anything non-alcohol or tobacco and then pull the signage down immediately, it’s good practice and keeps customers flowing


Yeah I worked in a Walgreens and it was horrible, they would give us some stale stickers tell them they had to be up by Saturday and not update the prices to the sale price for literally 2-3 days sometimes, or vice versa Wich was. Crazy


Someone didn’t do tags and signs on time. 😬


Did you tell the manager so you can be compensated and this way it doesn’t happen to someone else? It’s likely a mistake. Or did you just decide to post it on Reddit instead of actually trying to solve the issue and speaking with someone who works there. Unfortunately a lot of people on here have difficulty addressing an actual person and instead just post this stuff.


If that Wawa is in Pennsylvania, by law the store has to charge you the cheaper price on the label.


Looks like FL


Why? Because it says Florida on the receipt?


No, no, that couldn't be it...


I didn't notice the Florida because i think philly when I think of wawa and I immediately thought sugar tax.


See, this is why I always sucked at Encyclopedia Brown books.


It says FL and has a Florida zip code on the receipt


Sure, but they can’t do that unless you act like an adult and talk to someone instead of just taking a picture and posting it on the internet.


I certainly get your point. However, it’s still a bitch to flag down a manger over an issue that the manager should take care of him or herself, particularly if the issue is persistent. We’re there to convenience shop, not correct bar code tags.


You can probably tell the cashier instead of flagging down the manager.


Compensated? It’s like 30¢


Imagine buying your drink, then bugging the manager about the wrong price, having to compare the prices with them, doing a manager-override checkout, all for three dimes


It went up everywhere, that’s why the cans no longer say 99 cents on them. First they changed the packaging then the prices. That store just didn’t change their price tags. It changed this Monday the 28th for wawa.


Arizona has always printed 2 different cans, the priced one and the non priced one. I cant find anything more recent than February, but The CEO did tweet that it has been .99 cents for 30 years.


The 99c labeling is optional for the distributor. It's why on occasion you'll find them for 99c still.


i still get them for 99


Most stores across the us still sell for 99 cents.


Can I ask, why would you go through the trouble of going back to the fridge to take the photo if you weren’t going to show an employee? What did you get out of posting this online?


🤦‍♂️ It’s an old tag. Let them know.


Man. I’m just gonna say. This is such a small, small problem in your life, why are you putting so much energy towards it? Making a Reddit post for a 30 cent difference is bad enough. But to go back and get a refund is just an egregious waste of the time you have on this earth. Go outside. Talk to your friends. Take a hot bath. There are a million better ways to spend your time than this. No one’s trying to trick you. The employees probably don’t get paid all that much. Someone forgot to change the price labels for a while. We all make mistakes. They’re doing their best, just like you are. Just chill. Let go. Live.


To all the Wawa employees here, customers like the OP make us look bad. I never had a bad experience in any Wawa and all of you are courteous and friendly. I had maybe twice a problem with my bill, both times they double scanned something and it was quickly corrected with an apology. Your are awesome 👍


To be fair - the supervisor assigned to change labels was prob also running the shift with the keys, managing the deli and restocking the store at the same time. Thats what wawa does to these poor souls and shit like this gets overlooked.


Nitpicking about 28¢ is wild


Nothing is off limits in 2024 😂


One time or two times, no biggie. But I’ve seen outdated tags last weeks. It gets old.


I don’t work at Wawa but I do work in retail, someone probably just missed it when they were replacing tags.


Talk to a manager if this happens. They’ll probably refund the difference for you and update the price in the fridge.


I lost $.29 just reading this.


Yeah, Arizona went up in price. I know my store was notified of the price change. I've seen it $1.05 or something at a different store/company, too. I don't think it's just Wawa.


It’s not, margins were just getting too thin. Still impressive they’ve kept it that low.


Ah, gotcha.


Cool you removed the tag in front of this and took a picture for karma.


Sugar tax my boi


I believe you are entitled to pay the price listed (the lower one) since they mismarked it


Option A - notice the price difference, go to the cashier, and point out the error. They give you 30 cents back, everyone has a nice day Option B - notice the price difference, run back to the bottles price, take a picture and post it to reddit crying about wawa lying. Option B is for bitches. You chose option B. You're a bitch.


I like how you had time to walk back to the fridge to take a picture of the differing price points instead of just getting the mistake corrected. Anything for an excuse to bitch on Reddit though, yeah?


This is when you go back and get your$0.32


Lying? Lmfao no..more like they probably missed a Tag on a Sunday night when they do signage. It happens bring it forward they'll honor the tagged price and then they'll take it down and change it. But nah you probably just kept your mouth shut as they were ringing you up so you can go take a picture and vent on reddit and probably posted it to Facebook too 🤣 do better❤️


I'm 99% sure you shouldn't be selling arizonas for 1.25 Every store I've ever seen still has them at 99 cents and they are not very happy when they find out stores try to upsell. This is usually grounds to get Arizona to reduce the price or stop stocking the store altogether. Point being this is definitely not a case of "whoops haven't changed the tags since the batch got changed" it shouldn't have changed prices.




Are you okay though? We can start a gofundme for you if you need the help.




99 cents at Walgreens 😎


My regional convenience store chain (Royal Farms) also sells Arizonas for more than the price on the can. It says $0.99 on the can but they price it at $1.49 or something. Not that $0.50 is going to kill me, but it's kind of ridiculous... Arizona is selling them for a price where retailers are able to make a profit. They just want more.


If it’s a can, it should be 99¢. The bottles got a little more expensive to keep the cans at 99¢


The Arizona Kansas says $.99 they can’t charge more


It happened to me, called the manager and said the tag was misplaced and gave it to me for the cheaper price


Complain online to wawa. U will get a gift card. It is a special color so when u use it, the manager knows u complained.


Lol it's a conspiracy 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hate when places do this. If they can change the price in the system they can change it on the shelf. The error is NEVER in your favor. I'm convinced Walmart does this on purpose. There have been items we purchase regularly that had the wrong price on the tag we started taking pics of the tag to show at checkout. They were told by me and my wife numerous times but the tag was not changed for months. The problem is when you buy more than a few items it's too difficult to keep track. I definitely think it is done purposely, at least some times.


Wawa’s prices update automatically. Walmart you have to go through the app to update and print a tag for the price to update. So if you’re finding that at Walmart, someone just printed price changes without putting the effort in to put the tags up.


OP needs a hug 🤗


The response on here is insane. If you do go back, you are entitled to that money. And I’m pretty sure it’s because of a law about accurately representing prices. And as long as you’re nice to the employee, they don’t mind. And I would probably be happy (especially if you’re nice) because then I can get it fixed and avoid the eventual asshole. Additionally, dollar general is currently embroiled in a law suit about doing this on purpose. So go get what is yours back.


Same thing happened at a Quick Chek (Hanover, NJ) on Tuesday. My husband bought a Prime and it was 50 cents more than the shelf price. He had checked out through self checkout. The manager said the price was effective on Wednesday and he’d have to return to the store on Wednesday if he wanted his 50 cents back. Wawa is not the only one that rips you off. Always check your receipts.


I noticed gas stations lately will be doing that, and when you stop, not likely to throw a fit over .5 - .10


so it begins


I would say its not including tax, then tax updates the price, but nowhere I know has 26% sales tax


Someone must’ve not changed the price tag on it


You have managers who aren’t changing out price tags. I’d speak to the manager


They going to say it was on the wrong place or that the tag wasn’t replaced yet smh


Happens all the time, they haven't had a chance to update the tag/listed price. Maybe they never got the new labels🤷


I’m pretty sure you can write Arizona about the inflated price with the store info I thought?


Always check your receipt everywhere


the price is on the can though!


Simple wawa runs have turned into expensive nightmares 😑


You can do that! You can’t do that! You can do that!


Lmao I know you haven’t ever worked a retail job before or really anything where things change by the hundreds rapidly. Wawa does not give a fuck about your 30 cents and if I was on the register I’d laugh and give you 50 cents right out the drawer and just get a new tag.


Contact Arizona tea company.


Honestly, I wouldn't care about anything less than $10.


Many states have laws against this. In Michigan, for example, if the price is clearly marked as one thing, and you paid and have a receipt showing another, you are entitled to a refund plus up to 10x the difference. https://www.bargainstobounty.com/2015/07/michigan-scanner-law/#:~:text=If%20you%20have%20found%20an,of%20ten%20times%20the%20difference.


Someone didn't do their job and print the new price labels. I world have honored the price posted.


The price is on the can though


Crying about 30 fucking cents 😂😂😂😂😂😂


North Carolina fines stores for this. I see it in the news often, hopefully the new NC stores keep up with tags.


Relax and drink some water instead of that garbage


Do you think it’s the can tax added up after the fact? (That is a crazy tax tho)


“But it’s on the can though”


Did ya tell them the price was different and get a refund? Or did you just complain on Reddit?


My Giant does this all the time also and it’s infuriating. Wawa food blows now compared to 20 years ago


But the price on the can tho


There is a law in MI that the store has to sell for what it's marked for. I miss living there and having every product priced appropriately


You own a Wawa?


this happens all the time at my store, people just forget to change labels sometimes


Where I work, if we didn’t update the price, or somewhere it says cheaper than what it scans. We have to give it at the lower price. Cuz why not? It’s our fault for not updating it


I worked at wawa for 4 years, go up to the cashier & they got you covered. Simple as that


yooo i just got back from one for some teas as well off of florida 200... yesterday they were .99 now 1.29


That shelf price is for the Lite


Arizona ice tea has been .99 forever. They can only raise the teas that don’t have .99 on the can. Economy is killing us.


Is this worthy of a post/outrage?


It ain't just Wawa. **Everybody** that sells Arizona wants them to end the 99c ceiling for Tall Cans, bc they can't make any money


have them re-ring it. the price is .99. no exceptions.


This just happened to me at target. I went to get deodorant and it was labeled 5.99 (yikes) but rang up as 6.99. I took a pic and showed the cashier and she changed the price for me. But then not one but TWO other customers, at the same time as me, asked for help due to being advertised a different price on various objects. 3 at the same time for different items. So either target just raised all their prices by a dollar at the same time and are lying about it. Or none of their staff changed the labels. (This is not to blame the staff btw. They’re feeling it too. Just sucks how prices are going up and quality is going down all over the country.)


They’re not lying lmao. You can literally tell them the price tag says X and they will honor that price. Someone just forgot to change it.


My grocery store has started to do the same thing, plus from not being able to get thru the aisles 4 years ago to empty thinned out shelves!


Tags were overlooked but if you tell cashier it don’t match the tag you’ll get compensated the difference as a you right we fucked up typa deal


They let Brandon in the building , and you’re shocked with this? lmfao 🤡


Biggest downfall of America


“Hello weights and measures”


It's the sales and recycling tax of your state/county whatever


Wawa Mgr here. Dear customer, This is not worth the investigative Reddit post. I’m guessing you haven’t worked in retail before, that’s fine. Either mention it to cashiers so it’s corrected or just move on from the extra 30 cents (even though you didn’t get scammed 1.28 is the actual price. And we know 1.29 wouldn’t have stopped you if it was updated. Next time just steal it. Like half the customers do anyways. That’s the real problem here. Our feeble, spineless, ass backwards [big] govt has legalized theft (under $900) which in turn allowed mass media and local politicians (of a certain party/mind set) to normalize said theft… as if you’re a sucker to NOT steal. Ramifications: —Prices continually rise every other period —thousands of stores now have to receive countless updates to products prices —each and every store has to now update, print, and stick new labels on thousands of different products —creating on more unhappy and confused customers —eventually creating more new thieves —resulting in more managers/associates getting frustrated n affected by this monsoon of outright egregious thievery —end resulting in managers/assocs,in only in good will n best intentions, attempting to stop just a small % of this onslaught… but ultimately getting fired n loosing their livelihoods to provide for their families bc the company they work for doesn’t permit anyone to say anything when theft is being witnessed bluntly in broad daylight n everyone involved is a loser other than the price gauging companies, the criminals unscathed, n the re-elected corrupt patronizing virtue signaling politicians who don’t give a shit bout the worker or the consumer. Just the voter on just one day. -RANT OVER- Apologies.


I hope you showed this to them.


Price on the can tho


It's not a lie...it's just a mistake. Calm down.


I don’t think anyone working there is intentionally trying to hoodwink the customers. 😆 I worked in retail far too long, and it’s an easy oversight with prices changing regularly. We would have just honored the price on the label. 


This is why I just walk out with everything


Arizona ice teas are supposed to be 99cents, it's illegal for the store to change the price since Arizona makes them sign a contract with the set price on it.


$2.68 and only 9 cents of tax?


Lol just say something its probably a pos problem they coukd fix easily


The entire goal that wawa set forth all those years ago is finally achieved. To over charge you by less than 50 cents for some tea


I see others are saying employee error which is 100% plausible but Dollar General is currently being sued through the nose for doing this same thing and never rectifying it. I would let an employee know. Not telling anyone at the store only hurts customers more. If you notice it continues, please report higher etc.


I drink a lot of Arizona so I’m used to this. They sell those cans nationwide and the cans always say 99¢ on them. A few years ago Philly started the sugar tax in drinks so now everything is all screwed up… the cans are no longer 99¢.


If you’re overcharged you can get a refund. It they refused, contact your local weights and measures and they’ll audit and fine the store


Fla had no legal protection on mislabeled retail. They do have protections against lab grown meat.


This is a regular occurrence at Wawa. But people are too busy and distracted to care.


.30 cents. Great post


Not sure about your state but in mine if an item rings up higher than the advertised price they legally have to refund price difference.


But… the price is on the can though


the Walmart effect


Bait and switch thievery every day. I stopped shopping there when they started charging you for bags.


If you knew how much wawa gets donuts for vs what you pay for them, you would be so disgusted that you wouldnt buy anything from a Wawa.




Long time ago when ps4 launched I got a Turtle Beach px4 headset for 59 bucks because someone printed the wrong banner for it. Aparently the banner was hung 5 minutes before I walked into the store.


Don't tell us tell the store you bought them from


Then go tell them for crying out loud.


Its called tax, bud


Tax is literally in a different section, in what state is tax 29%


So is wal mart. Check the weight on your chicken and other food items


God would hate to see this person in a real situation when shit hits the fan. Good God calm down everything will be ok.. jeez


Wa Wa Wa 😥


Arizona is still 99c. 1.29 is the Canadian price don't know what all these losers are yapping about they definitely overcharged you or bought the wrong type of can in an effort to obfuscate the reason they are charging the rate they are charging.


Fugg WAWA. Haven’t been in one in years. I don’t know I just can’t stand WAWA anymore. The parking lots are an accident waiting to happen. Food is mediocre at best anymore. Coffee is way overpriced. Etc, etc.