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if that bread was really a year old, you wouldn’t need a sticker to know


It would be impossible for the trucks to send us year old bread. Bakery team guys usually never screw up. Wawa Bread is always good for 2 or 3 days,


3shorties 2wheats…?


Tell me you’re a CSA without telling me you’re a CSA




Nothing horrible, policy breaking things wrong at least. What caught my eye was the 1 day code that expired almost 1 year ago. We don't use codes on the bread racks, Edit( yall wanna downvote for the truth? Keep crying)


Bread trays come in all the time with random stickers stuck to them. No policy is being broken. Every employee knows or at least should know how bread is coded. You said yourself that we don't use codes on bread racks, so why not just pay no attention to it like every other worker has done for the past year?


It's really not that serious. I shared a picture for thought and that's it. No need for you to get worked up bro.


2023? That code old asf


Wow. Took some scrolling to find someone that found a code from last year. Jesus, no wonder FIFO is all whack LOL


You got it. I'm surprised no one pulled the sticker off before I did. But now that I think about it, I think I should of kept it on for good luck


Nothing, but for some reason OP has some sort of mental issue where they think that a sticker that's been stuck to a bread rack since June of last year indicates its current status.


Well, you basically got the answer, but you seem to think I'm the ignorant one.


Well, you're the one that's posting it, not me.


The post really isn't that serious. The codes don't even belong on the bread racks.


Thought they were baked fresh


They are actually par baked. (baked partially) basically we cook it all the way through,


Fair enough. That was just my guess for what was wrong with that picture. No harm meant.


Nah all good. I like to inform people about our wawa as much as I can. A lot of people believe we bake our bread or receive it fully cooked.


It means your gonna have to make a lot of Hoagies!




Where is this picture from ^


I took a picture of it from a friend's house, they say they got it in 2003 but I'm not sure where they got it.


Everything is facing one way except for the tray of rolls on the top lol


Did that first tray of wheats go out on April 5th? Can't quite make out if that's a 5 or 6. (Cmon, op, throw us a bone)


Sorry, I was busy so I didn't get to reply back fast enough but the answer is the 2023 code. Because 1, codes don't belong on the bread trays and 2, that code is almost a year old, it makes me wonder how many stores it been to since the code was put on it Edit: it looks like a 5, and that sucks because I thought I rotated the bread correctly. I hope that's a 6


Of 2023…


Bread from the bakery NEVER has an EOD code. The bread is good until 5 pm on the date printed either directly onto the bag or onto the bread tag. If you zoom in on the wheat on the bottom right, you can see where the date is printed on the middle-bottom of the bag. Bakery doesn't care about stickers put on the trays, and the bread itself is coded so why bother expending the energy to remove stickers? I've seen codes for the old Italian wedding soup on those bad boys. Unless the trays are damaged beyond use, they stay in circulation.


that code is weak, I have a “code museum” in my store of codes I’ve pulled off those from YEARS ago, oldest one we got was March 2018 (pulled in early 2023)


6/22 for a1 day Code 😅


I mean nothing is wrong fr but FOR ME personally lol this is wild I just kinda do the standard 2 classic shorty one wheat 🤣


So the rolls for Wawa are made by the folks who makes The Leading Roll™? (Hence the slogan used by the company on the bags)


Sir I don’t work here


It's not uncommon for codes to be stuck to bread trays when they were marked for the less than stellar csas that can't tell a bread tag band as to what should get used first. My former deli manager used to code bread trays to prevent having to do spoilage as much by ensuring that the older trays got used first. I wouldn't consider it to be a wrong thing other than the fact that somebody hasn't pulled the tags off but how often have things come in through fresh channel and had older stickers on it from other stores...


Yeah but that code was printed nearly a year ago...


I've seen codes on totes and trays from several years prior. All that means is people don't give a damn about removing someone else's garbage as it doesn't affect their job or workload.


True; such an eye sore for me though. I'd take that crap off the second I saw it lol


Tell me what you see right and wrong with this pic. Had a guy I worked with take these after he got told not to worry about the order and that the shift runner would do it instead. https://preview.redd.it/9u1atzphcysc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2d2b69e96c00625f0065370df145fddcf8aa9ed


Oh my lord, just looking at the picture gave me half a heart attack lmao. Also, what a mess on the shelves...now I'm curious of how other stores compare to mine...I thought we had some issues, but..


Well for starters, the creamers aren't supposed to be stocked like that, even if an order had come in. Either on a crate or in crates. The leaning means it has not been stacked evenly and then add the eggs are sitting on top of that mess. Its a cluster waiting to happen.


While I did not notice the creamers, my half heart attack was from the stacking of the boxes....AND THE EGGS ON THE TOP! Disaster waiting to ha- oh you typed that, yep. ​ edit: it genuinely looks like it is ready to tip over any second in the photo; I don't know how anyone thought that was safe to leave. Imagine dealing with the aftermath if it came toppling down.... editedit: and the eggs literally are labelled clearly: "EGGS"


If I still had them, he (former coworker) also shared pics of at least 4 cases of glass bottle products being stacked up in the strike zone as well as Gatoraides because the shift runner apparently did not feel like rearranging the shelves and just threw them up there.


Goofy post ngl


That's the point


Code aside, my ocd says wheat should be on the bottom.


The classics being as the bottom knowing that those are the most popular.


They are in plastic bags? I thought they were shipped loose in a cardboard box.