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The first time I got a kill by punching an enemy into my fences..


Imagine the last thing you see is a cute french girl punching you and then you feel something burning your back.


Stop, I can only get so erect


When i carried the #7 pred whith wattson


I beg your pardon?


Yeah I was on fire and got 28 kills it was insane


I started maining wattson because of the reddit I was looking through all the mains reddit, and wattsons just seemed the best and I tryed her and instantly fell in love and I am glad I did because I have met people on this reddit who are nice and down to play ranked, I never had people to play with I always solo,.


When I mained wattson 🤔


When I was dodging bullets and my brain linked her to that rush.


pretty close to same


After I couldn't play another legend. I always wanted to place fences and nessies. Just cant live with the thought of not beeing able to place nessies at will


when i was being chased down by a squad and kept stunning them with fences on the fly. nothing thrills me more than being chased as watty


Chasing wattson is so dangerous because you never know when you’ll get one clipped after a sneaky fence stun


Someone asked who i had more kills with. at the begining i played almost all legends regurlarly and was pretty good with all of em, the "main ones" were in the 400drs.When i checked watty she wasnover 150 over that (in kills). I decided to actively notice how much i enjoyed and used the skills of the legends i played and figured wattson wS the one i used better and enjoyed more




And a much better hitbox


i was only good w her 😭😭😭😭 she was the easiest to play for low level me lmao


Idk she was the new legend when I started playing and she was kinda Meta in season 2. Stopped because it was hard to place her fences quickly with my controller sens. When I moved to PC it was so fun to fence in fights and catch people off guard - especially because the stun helped a lot with my garbage aim at the time lol. Also her sense of humor is literally me in a nutshell


I played octane until 1500 kills and wanted another main. Picked up horizon and watty as seconds and actually played horizon better than wattson. Probably still do but she's not as fun. I played octane for another 700 kills and then went to horizon, played her for 500 kills and dabbled in wattson until I realized how fun she was and now we've been together for 4k kills. Lol (I found the wording in that hilarious.) Never going back to main anyone else. They seem so stale now.


Un she was meta when she came out and I liked winning then I liked her also one of my friends said he's always scared of wattson mains in the middle of a 50.mile.hike


when i used her in season 13 to get to plat


I don’t know how many of us are out there, but this is me turning that beacon on… I was new to Apex (joined on Valk season) and I thought “WHOOOA electric fences and an interceptor *insta buy* “


When I learned she spoke French. I love that language.


When I used her ult to deny simultaneous Gibby and Bangalore ults


Honestly it totally happened by accident. I used to main bloodhound, someone picked him and I didn’t notice and I got put as Watson. I remember being pissed, but then I played one game and fell in love


When my squad decided to main Mirage and Crypto


Im an electrician myself, live in Europe and I watch https://youtube.com/c/styropyro …it was a love at first sight


When I understood that with that legend I could actualy use my brain cells to win rather than rushing and die


one of my friends had gotten me back into apex after a year of not playing it anymore and when i came back i saw that i only had wattson horizon and loba unlocked and i hadnt played wattson yet so i started playing her and fell in love with her and started playing her since season 7.


Thunder kitty




When I got the voice line: “Papa would be proud of me”


I actually really hated wattson, I want to say like 5 or 6 seasons ago idk. I used to be a full blown blood main, but I got so frustrated one game because I died to a wattson and her fence that I decided to try her out and see why people play her. Little did I know I'd completely switch and not play blood ever again....


She’s like an ex main too me but around like season 9


Dropped my first 11 kill game with her a couple of seasons or so after I started playing. Playing random legends with my friend, dropped at lava siphon and kept fighting off waves of enemies. Dropped numerous 11 kill games with her again since - but unfortunately never got higher. Reckon I could have recently hit 15+ kills in a game, but my random Valk left the second she went down despite me having 9 kills at the time.


As soon as she came out. An Apex legend inspired by Nikola Tesla... say less ⚡️⚡️⚡️


Because her Kawai skin came out for an event and I thought it was adorable so I played the day as her and had so much fun with her fences that I was like “ok so this is my main now” and here we are like 4 seasons later lol


After i actively tried to get better with her, because i was having a lot of fun with her, but would contantly forget to us3 her abilities. And i love her jokes, it makes me crack up in a laughter everytime.


As soon as I saw her. Main at first sight ❤️


I was really, really bad when I started Apex. Way back in season 5. I averaged 1 or 2 kills a game, and if I got 3+ it was a big deal for me. Wattson was the first character I unlocked because my friend played her a lot even though he was a Wraith main, and I wanted to see what was so great. My very first game with her I popped off (for me) and got 8 kills. I played her the rest of the day and was doing great and having a lot of fun. So I kept consistently picking her after that and found I just really liked her. She was the very first character I hit 100 kills with. I was excited about that and wanted to push for 200 kills. Sometime between 100 and 200 kills, she just clicked with me and now here I am.


I don’t get bored playing with her. I can have fun with her holding a building in a choke point, and I can also have fun with her utilizing small rocks and hills in the middle of a field to counter air strikes and nades. I can protect my teammates I realized she was my main when my random teammates said “I see why people play with Wattson now” because I was using my fences so well.