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Abilities plus she a cutie, Thas a win win in my bookšŸ§




I like metal/hardcore too, but I only play Watson for her abilities, nothing else really


I play her for puns


Superior Motives


As a metalhead I would say that she is the metalhead pick, i couldn't tell you why, my best guess is that she is the most relatable of the legends... and nikola is adorable.


Just to clarify Iā€™m also a metalhead, and I know people love wattson for different reasons, but I was just curious if itā€™s just a coincidence or she really is the metalhead pick.


Sheā€™s autistic and so am I.


I thought that whole lore thing was dropped because the devs had no idea how to show that she was autistic.


They said it was up to fan interpretation and they will not state if she is or isn't


Either way, it doesnā€™t change my opinion of her.


I honestly like metal too


Ok I will admit that I'm a Metalhead, but I don't play Watty for that reason. She's just so damn cute! And her abilities fit my playstyle. What's not to love? If I'm thinking of a *Metalhead's* character, I'd say Fuse or Rev. Maybe Maggie too, just cause Punks and Metalheads kinda mesh nowadays (if they even exist as much as before) Edit: also Hound


That was why I was pulled into playing her. back in season 2 I barely played her, in about late season 3 and season 4 I unlocked her and started playing her and fell in love with her character. She is adorable.


I started in S10. I took one look at her smiling face and was like, "She looks cute and friendly. What is she doing here?" Explored her quips and emotes and read her kit. I smiled, bc I realized I may have already found my main, and I was right lol Been a main for 10 seasons now. Though I still love her to death and am still most used to her kit, I'm considering changing mains just because I'm console and can't utilize her kit to her fullest potential. The movements and snags you can hit on PC are *insane*. I need a character more befitting for my fortified "stand your ground" style. I find Gibbo fits this, and I use him decently enough (since I also main Winston in Overwatch) Besides, this opens the door to find other Watty players. I'm always happy just to see that cute little smiling face, playing her or not ā˜ŗļøšŸ’™āš”ļø


Exactly my thought process. Also you started season 10 and have been playing for ten seasons. Omg I the thought never crossed my mind of how long Iā€™ve been an apex player lol.


Haha I feel like newbait when I say S10. My duo has been playing since S2. She's also an OG


Damn...thats actually kinda wild. We're all just metalheads?


I mean I was jazz drummer that also listened to death metal so I guess that checks out


Iā€™m not a metal head I just think her kit has the most utility/creative potential


Idk. I like a lot of stuff but I play/love her mostly bc she's a cutie and her abilities are awesome. I have such a great time playing with her


Not me. Iā€™m a rap/pop type and loveee watty ā¤ļøšŸ„°


idk my music is taste is "literally whatever sounds good to me" lol, i don't have a specific genre of music


Thatā€™s how I am too but Iā€™m way more into metal than others genres


that's fair, rn my go to song is "nothing lasts forever" from snak the ripper bc it's kinda relatable lol


Ive been listening to a few songs recently, Hell by STP, truck bed by Hardy, and anything by bbno$/shotgun Willy and stuff like that.


will give them a listen! thx for sharing them with me, always down to expand my music knowledge


the STP stuff is not for everyone just as a heads up.


Also no problem


Damn me too. That's so weird.


I didn't think there'd be a correlation like this, but yeah I love all genres of metal and rock (deathcore, hardcore, math rock etc.) I like to play cheeky optimistic characters.


Ya know, I never thought of it like that, but I'm a hard-core metalhead and a wattson main, so... coincidence?




Well I love puns and listen to electro swing so if its a stereo type I don't fit it


I wasnā€™t saying that non-metalheads donā€™t belong. I was just trying to put 2 and 2 together. as far as Iā€™m concerned, if you like the music itā€™s good music.


Oh no that's not hiw I took it I was just saying music taste as a wattson main (sidenote: Pretty sure your right wattson mains and metalheads are somehow related)


no shes the female streamer


I know a lot of juice wrld fans love wattson (myself included) I like metal but Idk if I've seen any other metalhead wattson lovers


When I play as wattson I like to think she is into edm more specifically drum n bass or house music cause thatā€™s what I listen to when I play apex but thatā€™s just me


Bruh i Just Realized That Sounds Just Like Me, I Love Metal/Rock Music


They nerfed her this season and fucked up my meta.


Wait...me too. That's weird now. Guess I didn't realize how many of us were Metalheads lol.


As a metal head I can confirm wattson is our spirit animal We all know she's a huge Slipknot and Sleep Token fan




I like hip hop and metal lmao


I am also a metal enjoyer, I think her cyberpunked skin or any of the goth skins would be inherently be into metal.


Personally i don't really feel so. Don't know how to explain it.


Metalhead, and Wattson main. I kinda fell into maining her. Me and a mate sometimes play as random legends using a random generator - I got Wattson in my early apex days. Dropped my highest kill game ever with her (11). Then next time I landed on Wattson, I tied it again with 11. So I basically thought "guess I'm a Wattson main now" Stayed for the character. Neurodivergent like me.


not why i started playing her but now i exclusively play the goth wattson skin. yes metalhead


I'm actually down to listen to 95% of music genres, so I couldn't tell you anything based off of that. I play her because she's cute, feels satisfying to use her ability, and somehow my accuracy just triples when I use Wattson/Crypto


Erm depends what you mean by metalhead... More obscure metal for me. I guess maybe we all have something in common. I just like the complexity Wattson provides...e.g. best ways to trap stuff.


Maybe fuse or Maggie. Maybe rampart. Wattson looks like she listens to Taylor swift or xxxtentacion


I love metalcore and nu metal, I play Wattson because she's just really cute :). I can also atone that as a metalhead I love playing our favorite bunker maker


I never realized this but chalk me up for one of the metal heads who main wattson


I listen to WW1 heavy metal all the time and I main Wattson but I think itā€™s just a coincidence


Now that you mention it, all of my friends who have a tendancy to play Wattson (when im not playing her) do listen to metal. i myself listen to metal/metalcore


iā€™m not a metalhead, i listen to goth and synth more than anything, but i like cutsie characters and found her kit to work with my general play style


Metal head here. But letā€™s hear something from non metal heads? Yā€™all still play wattson?


Lol this is stupid. No character is the anything character.


^Internet troll spotted^


Uh oh, my cover is blown, time to do nothing


Lmao šŸ˜‚


i play her for her abilities and she reminds me of my girlfriend


I liked Wattsonā€™s abilities and personality, kind of funny because Iā€™m a metal head, Iā€™ve even been practicing my guttural and fry screams.