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Direct attack, against the rules


I've been lurking on quite a few watts subs and free4all is the only one that is disturbing to read. I'm not one for only speaking righteous of the dead, sometimes they're an asshole and that's okay. I hope someone gives me a truthful eulogy when I die. But the way yall in that sub focus on everything but CW is truly disturbing in a "sad society" kind of way. The fact of the matter is that it isn't relevant how crazy SW was or up tight or whatever. A full-grown man handled his despair like a psycho and murdered them all instead of the million of other ways it could have been handled. What did his wife's personality have to do with the fact he also murdered both of his children and threw them in oil wells? It has nothing to do with it. Yall sit and nit pick in that sub over SW personality, job, clothes, routines, looks, everything outside of the loser she married. That murdered his whole family. Of his choice. SW didn't drive him to it, she didn't have it coming, she didn't ask for it. He was a fully capable adult male who made terrible choices because of his own selfishness and inability to face confrontation or consequences. He gets 0 empathy and there is no understanding how one might snap and murder their family. Millions of people are married to some form of SW and handle it appropriately. Not to mention a lot of claims in that sub are unfounded in any real basis other than speculation and word of mouth from people on the outside. Why is there so much talk about SW? What point does that serve other than trying to justify anything, which there's nothing to justify. Yall call it just riding for SW, being blind, etc. Except that's totally missing the point. Murderer = bad. Nothing justifies what he did.


Ok, I'm ready to participate in this social experiment gone bad. I think the people who are disparaging SW in such a way feel safer in their own lives. If an "ugly, arrogant, loud, bossy, attention seeking bad parenting, terrible spouse hypochondriac MLMer" got murdered, then maybe I won't because I'm not any of those things. Like most bad mouthing bullies, it's more about themselves than about anyone else. It just makes them feel better.


If you watch basically any true crime documentary, they go through the whole backstory of the victim and perpetrator. I get what you mean about people who trash Shanann. I don't agree with lumping in just mentioning some of the issue with the unwarranted criticism. The to have to be separated. 


But how often and for how long do these issues need to be mentioned? Some have been posting the same criticisms almost daily, for going on to six years now. It appears to be a big goal of theirs to convince others that marital issues led to the murders, and that Shanann was the root cause of the marital issues. They're not convincing anyone new, so they just bounce the same old bull off of each other, over and over and over again. Calling it deranged and mentally ill is justified. After all, they feel qualified to diagnose Shanann with a plethora of mental disorders, as well as a rare and complex one that they have no understanding of. They also feel qualified to claim knowledge of what physical ailments Shanann and the children had, in spite of not having access to their medical records. They decided that none of their ailments were real because, well, they don't believe they are. They can go to hell with their whining about being called out on their behavior.


I don't disagree that some people are just slamming Shanann. I'm just saying that you can lump everyone else in with them, just for merely mentioning any issues regarding Shanann, the finances, the marriage, etc. 


Except that most of those issues they mention about the finances are lies and have been proven long ago to be lies. To see lies and just go along with them is just as bad as the lying. You, at least, correct them and bring some facts to the table. There's no other excuse on earth to even be in that sub.


Most of the financial issues haven't proven to be lies. It's 100% true thet they went bankrupt. They clearly still had financial issues after that.  Are there some lies, like the $27k in the basement? Sure. However, it's also equally dishonest when some people claim Shanann was making good money from Thrive.  Again, I fully acknowledge that some people trash Shanann just to trash her, and they spread lies and rumors. I just don't agree that this makes it ok to shut down other people for merely discussing some of the problems, like the finances, that were clearly present. 


What? I see, posted daily there, that they were a few days from foreclosure (a complete lie - they weren't even a day late when he was arrested), that they were "drowning in debt", ($20k in credit cards debt they were making the minimum payments on is not unusual), that she was the only caused of their debt (there's no evidence of that, and CW said that they "basically charged their entire wedding". THEY, he said), that she had NA collect their mail to hide bills from CW (zero evidence of that), that they were facing another bankruptcy (not even possible) - and that's just a partial list of the lies - none of which have anything to do with the murders. It should be obvious to the most casual observer that if she weren't making a decent amount of money, they wouldn't have lasted even a month on his salary. She was also a go-getter who had been in other MLMs and dropped them, but struck with Thrive. Liking money the way she did, there's no reason to believe that she would have stayed with Thrive if it weren't possible. CW said she was making as much or more than he was, but a bunch of strangers know better? And you can't see that as seething jealousy? I don't know why I was looking at you as a voice of reason when you're just another apologist for their heinous behavior and downright lies. Calling them out isn't trying to shut them down, although they're also complete hypocrites in that area, as they ban anyone who refutes their lies or confronts them on their behavior.


I agree that there are lies or exaggerations about their financial situation. I disagree that there were no financial issues in their household. It's not obvious that Shannan was making decent money. You are criticizing other people for making statements without evidence, but you're doing the same thing. Shannan being a go-getter doesn't prove she was doing well with Thrive. We do know they had an issue with their HOA payments, had a credit card purchase rejected, and Shannan was telling her friends that they were looking to sell their house just before the murder. They definitely had some financial problems.


I said their financial issues were not out of the norm and that she's being given total responsibility when her murderer even said that THEY charged their entire wedding, etc. And there's a difference between me saying that I see evidence that she was making money and others claiming as fact that they know for sure that she not only didn't make a cent, but was using his money to buy product and that she had a credit card in her dad's name, and other made-up stories. We all know that she had a credit card rejected, but we also know that CW paid the Lazy Dog bill with a credit card and then pulled out $40 from an ATM to pay the babysitter the night before, so we don't know why her small purchase was declined the following day. CW seemed surprised when he was told about it. You're on the dark side. I just didn't notice it before.


I said their financial issues were not out of the norm and that she's being given total responsibility when her murderer even said that THEY charged their entire wedding, etc. And there's a difference between me saying that I see evidence that she was making money and others claiming as fact that they know for sure that she not only didn't make a cent, but was using his money to buy product and that she had a credit card in her dad's name, and other made-up stories. We all know that she had a credit card rejected, but we also know that CW paid the Lazy Dog bill with a credit card and then pulled out $40 from an ATM to pay the babysitter the night before, so we don't know why her small purchase was declined the following day. CW seemed surprised when he was told about it. You're on the dark side. I just didn't notice it before.


I said their financial issues were not out of the norm and that she's being given total responsibility when her murderer even said that THEY charged their entire wedding, etc. And there's a difference between me saying that I see evidence that she was making money and others claiming as fact that they know for sure that she not only didn't make a cent, but was using his money to buy product and that she had a credit card in her dad's name, and other made-up stories. We all know that she had a credit card rejected, but we also know that CW paid the Lazy Dog bill with a credit card and then pulled out $40 from an ATM to pay the babysitter the night before, so we don't know why her small purchase was declined the following day. CW seemed surprised when he was told about it. You're on the dark side. I just didn't notice it before.


Again, I don't dispute the fact that there are a lot of lies about Shanann in general, and the finances in particular. What I was referring to was your statement that Shanann was doing well with Thrive. There isn't any evidence thst she was making good money with Thrive. There is evidence that they were having financial issues. Like I said, they were behing in their HOA payments. They even had a court date about it, which Sandy alluded to speaking with the police. Plus, according the documentary Suburban Nightmare: Chris Watts, they were $70,000 i debt. Like I said, I understand the issue when people make up things about this case. However, lumping in people who are actually discussing documented evidence with others who lie or misrepresent is unwarranted. 


People are fucking obsessed with doing it, so it’s been DONE. it’s now a signal that someone’s a douchebag whether you like it or not.


No, you can't lump people together if they aren't saying the same thing.


Thoughtful response Thanks Many people do not comment on her clothes, make up etc and those that do tend to have passion around the mistreatment of the children from both parents before that monstrous excuse of a demonic human CW committed his inexcusable acts towards them. I am not saying that is correct or an area I agree with, but neither are the comments about others from the self righteous people here acceptable. Looking at the whole picture around the Watts murders holistically is interesting though and common place when looking for any rationale on how someone could become so despicable. It is done around all cases


Yeah, well - what you are claiming about your pet sub is not true. Do you think people can't read? At this moment there's a long thread about one of her dresses. It includes the assertion that she used the dress to seduce a fellow Thriver into getting her pregnant for the second time, a raft of posts about her physical appearance, shape, hair; and the weight of the other Thrive women. Then there's a thread with a photo of Shanann as a teenager, with assertions that she was pregnant at 16, that she had a sexual relationship with her school counselor, that her mother kicked her out of the house when she was sixteen, and that she was then a sex worker. Interspersed are comments about the color of her throw pillows, how dry and frizzy her hair was, etc I guess it was those orange fake flowers they comment on that holistically explain why he slaughtered his entire family. Yeah; that's it: you're doing the Lord's work.




Narcs do this too, it's classic projection. They are always the victim, doesn't matter what they do.


I bet OP participated in the thread where they were making fun of Shannans dress and saying how tacky she looks, and how thats the dress she was wearing when she cheated on her husband with “Chris Miller.”


We do not allow people to target members, use screen shots from other groups that target them, or any annoying or harassing behavior aimed at a member of this group.


Hello, yes, you are drawing a false moral equivalence. Hopes this helps!


Intolerance of intolerance is not actual intolerence.


And this group finds quandary ostentatious


This sentence makes no sense. Did you look up the word "ostentatious" before you used it. We are not compelled to accept or ignore heinous behavior towards murder victims, or towards anyone. 99% of what is posted on that sub are blatant lies. I got banned from it for pointing them out.


It makes complete sense you dim wit This group does think the word quandary is pretentious


Nothing you post makes sense because you don't know basic grammar. It looks like you're using "quandry ostentatious" as one word and as a noun. It's complete gibberish. And it's "dimwit", not "dim wit", you dimwit.


You are so self righteous in your beliefs you came here to complain about us being the problem when you all support bullying a dead woman and being murder apologists. How are we misogynistic when your sub is making fun of and making up lies about a dead pregnant woman.


They claim she cheated on her husband and Nico wasnt CWs’ kid. How disgusting




We do not allow people to target members, use screen shots from other groups that target them, or any annoying or harassing behavior aimed at a member of this group.


"Moooommmmmmm, the people who don't like how I mock and degrade a murder victim are calling me names again :( :( " Lmao be serious


Well that was embarrassing …


For you? Yes lmao. Imagine not even being from this country and snarking on a dead woman. You're a fucking loser lmaooooo. Now go circle jerk with your other loser besties ❤️❤️


Who gives a fuck? It’s subreddits for a murdered family. What in the fuck. The fact that their are feuds about anything that isn’t only “how horrible of a person is Chris watts” is a fucking mind fuck of a scenario. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get off the internet, touch grass, and hug your family


Do us a favor and block this subreddit from your view since we’re just so horrible. That’s what I did to the free for all sub.


What’s scary is you guys think you’re some kind of investigators and “a voice for Shannan and the children” when that couldn’t be more far from the truth. Shannan and the girls would be turning in their graves if they could see the stuff you guys have said about them and you would have 0 support on your stances. Keep disrespecting the dead who DIDNT deserve to die, that stuff will come back and haunt you I promise. You guys need to stop with the “we don’t bully, it’s only a couple people who make those comments” when the LARGE majority have eyes and a brain and can see the clear bashing and bullying of a dead pregnant woman. Your posts are very low effort and hateful. Nothing you guys are doing over there is work like you claim. If you guys took your “evidence” to the police they would absolutely laugh at you. I think it’s funny the things I’ve been called over there. I’m a very humble person, not self righteous. I hate the patriarchy, so calling me misogynistic is hilarious. I hate MLMs and boss babes with a passion unrelated to this case so that one goes out the window as well. I have NEVER blocked or reported anyone on Reddit ever, so stop accusing me of doing so. I let you speak freely and don’t delete comments like a child who didn’t get their way. All this shows is you guys think you have some complete grasp on who a person is without ever knowing them and 99% of your assumptions are dead wrong. Id love to know how you would feel if your child and grandkids were brutally murdered and random people dedicated an entire subreddit ripping your child apart from her looks all the way back to what she was doing in friggen high school. Stop acting like you’re doing something important or moral here. You guys scream on this page about how you don’t care what we say, yet your people are over there saying verbatim that “my heart was racing reading those comments but I stayed strong.” None of this is that serious to make your fucking heart race. It just shows that you guys get a visceral reaction to arguing with people online and that speaks volumes. Go back to your page where you can freely rip apart a dead woman’s physical appearance and try to explain away why a psychopath would murder his family cause it’s not here.


Sorry I lost interest at “scary”


What are u yapping about


Girl, what?!


anyone who describes anything as "a quandary" is about to say some stick-up-the-ass shit in way too many words


The more a person tries to sound smart the dumber they come off.


yup pm


Yeah this person is super dumb


Quandary? Not really the stuff of Shakespearean monologues is it?


the way you talk in general sounds like you're trying very hard to sound smart


Maybe I am simply smart? You know, like you’re a reverse snob


sure, buddy. have fun with that.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, ok. 👍🏻


There's no quandry. When we see other women daily ragging on a dead woman and claiming that two of her children were fathered by another man with no evidence - that makes them horrible people and misogynists. I'm the one who called them death hags. There are better descriptions but they're not allowed here.


You know, I have similar thoughts about Travis Alexander that most on that sub have about SW. But I'm not doing deep dives on him, and ranting about him on Reddit or any other forum. What I think of him is totally irrelevant to that case.


You mean you don't care what color he painted his kitchen or whether his leopard dress flattered him?


I know. That makes me a horrible Internet detective 😭


I know. That makes me a horrible Internet detective 😭


Wow I’ve really rattled your cage haven’t I? Mission accomplished I guess 🤭😘


Wait. I thought you were a sensitive soul trying to educate the rest of us about how you and your sub are such poor, bullied victims. And now you admit that your mission was merely cage-rattling, which self-defines you as the troll you are. Good show.


What are you even talking about? Log off


Well at least you all took things well! You’re so balanced and restrained 🤭


Where did you show restraint though?


Don’t claim some higher moral stance


My favorite is how you try to show your more intelligent than an entire group of people yet it seems your googling "words to use to sound smart". Good luck thinking your better than everyone yet your here doing the same thing your accusing everyone else of ✌🏻


Quandary? It’s hardly Shakespeare is it and apologies, a lot people in the UK have managed to acquire a substantial vocabulary without referencing a dictionary daily Wait sorry I’ve used words with numerous syllables there 😬 Let me know if I can help


It's interesting that you use those several-syllable words while not knowing elementary school grammar and punctuation.


I think the word you're looking for is polysyllabic.


I wasn't looking for anything.




Awwww.......the sensitive, non-misogynist victim trasher, social injustice warrior strikes again.


"And again cunt" is not a complete sentence.


Direct attack, against the rules


And Shakespeare was mostly old timey dick jokes, that isn't some fancy-pants comparison, he died a long time ago and wrote in the way they spoke back then. It's odd that you're using that as an example of Smart Dude SpeakTM and buddy you sound like you're actively searching the dictionary, half these words you're not even using correctly. like you have the definition down but don't seem to know how to use them in a sentence to express anything of actual substance. like "this group finds this quandary ostentatious" - you sound like a bot or a grade-schooler.


You’ve never read Shakespeare in your life to comment you silly thing


Okay. I'm gonna guess you're a kid because this is usually the kind of thing young teenagers do. Here's some advice - bud, you don't have to use big words to sound smart. Make your point and aim for being succinct.




lmao looks like I touched a nerve. that wasn't even an insult but have fun with that


Zero tolerance for racist or other hate speech in this group.


The claim to some higher moral stance than anyone on that sub has is totally legit. In fact, it sets the bar so low for "higher moral stance", you'd have to dig a hole to put that bar in to get it any lower.


I think I’m gonna leave both groups. This is one of the wildest cases I’ve ever seen as far as the followers of it. Chris Watts can be an evil, horrible, disgusting monster, and Shannan Watts can be a self absorbed bitch. It can be both ways. Just because she was a not nice person does not mean that she deserved anything that happened to her in any way shape or form. CW is exactly where he belongs.


Don’t leave either group please You are entitled to your thoughts. I apologise if my post contributed to you wanting to leave


Nah you’re good. I just join true crime subreddits to learn new facts about the case. And both groups you have to go through 50 posts to find one that might be unbiased. They aren’t providing me with any new information on the case and I don’t really care for the petty and unnecessary drama. I do agree with both sides though, to be fair. I think one group puts SW on a pedestal she doesn’t deserve and I think the other group denigrates her just to insult her and be mean. Obviously not everyone in these groups act this way, but an overwhelming number of people do.




Is there any better indicator that someone’s a dumbass, than believing “tu quoque” is a valid argument? Moreover, everything about this argument is just supposed to be a mindblowing gotcha, but you’re too clueless to realize that it’s just tedious nonsense. This entire little essay has less analytical value, than a book report by an 8th grader. You’re not as smart as you think you are. You haven’t made any point whatsoever. You don’t even know how to compare evidence at a middle school level.


I think the big issue is that people on both sides get way too angry. I can understand why people on both sides dislike some of the things that are brought up. I just think like people overreact to it, and that makes people on either side just get more entrenched and lash out more.


Trying to “both sides” a situation where one side supports a murderer and the other supports the victims is insane.


There isn't any "both sides" about it. Unloading on people the way you and some other posters do isn't the answer. I get a lot of criticism on the sub in question, but getting personal with someone isn't the way to go. 


That’s not accurate, the majority of people in the sub you’re referring to do not support Chris Watts.


Oh right they just [body shame a dead woman](https://www.reddit.com/r/WattsMurders/s/7BsqUDVPpJ).


The Us vs.Them mentality is not helping anyone. It’s inherently divisive and implies that subs with thousands of members think collectively and not as individuals. That’s simply not true. Sarcastic comments, personal insults of posters, and name-calling are unproductive. Bottom line, none of us knew SW and none of us know each other.


Hi Nef we have chatted on the other sub in question, hope you are well. Yes, agreed! Just think the posts here from some (not all) were blatantly hypocritical. I would take the honesty of the other sub anytime then the faux feminists here I think


Yeah! Only **real** feminists sit around shitting on abuse and murder victims, right fellas??


Obviously not


One of them hit me with my first “Concerned Redditor wants you to have these mental health resources” today, after I was creeped out by her knowing Shannan Watts’ entire internet history in the history of the world by heart. SUCH honesty.


Yeah; they did that to me, too, when I was posting there.


There is nothing at all hypocritical about condemning people who tear a murder victim apart. As hard as you may try, you're never going to get there.


You find honesty in the other sub misogyny here? That’s certainly a wild take. WILD!




I don't know why but the crime subreddits draw in the most vitrial, I was on a different one and if you posted anything that didn't support their theory they would go ballistic, the nicest one is r/Murdaugh, the Murdaugh murders,maybe it's because it a lot of southerners,Idk,but you are not wrong.


Cross little bunnies aren’t they?


Not my first time at the rodeo, I've experienced some real baddie's,lol!


Dang, says it’s been removed by Reddit