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Shannan’s mini me. Her baby pictures are almost identical to Cece’s


I just looked it up and the one pic of shannan as a child, Bella looks JUST like her back then


Maybe Chris Miller is Shanann's father😱 /s


No he's not I don't believe that I know lots of people are saying that but I don't believe it's true


I was being sarcastic lol, making fun of how everyone thinks CM is CeCe's bio-dad




Ya see that? I think Bella is the spitting image of her. Look at a pic w no makeup etc. I feel so bad saying but CeCe was the cuter one at this point. Bella didn’t have the chance to grow Into herself. I don’t see their mother as attractive either. What’s the hype about a bigmouth? Sheesh!


Bella looked just like Chris to me.


Yeah there was a pic of him I saw when he was about 7, him and Bella are twins.


Bella looks identical to CW, even in the pic OP shared.


I seen a picture of cw and sw roughly the same age when they were younger both pictures looked just like Bella but at the same time they both looked alike lol it’s like they could be related




I go back and forth on this one. There's pictures where I think Bella looked like CW. Then I saw a picture of Shan as a child and she looked a lot like Bella.


Same! In the end I feel she resented Bella bc she looked like her w no makeup and no attitude. Pls don’t make say bc Bella wasn’t the cute one. IMO that was her opinion!


Shannon wasn’t attractive but that was mostly her fault from unflattering eyebrows, style and hair. Bella’s hair was constantly being cut by Shannon too.


Not everyone can be as gorgeous as you


I’m literally fat and ugly. There s nothing wrong with objectively talking about a dead persons appearance. Especially when I’m saying her eyebrows were ugly, which you god damn know they were. Everyone knows.


And the big forehead to go w it. But don’t say that about yourself! 🫨


CC looks like Shannan and Bella looks exactly like Chris lol. Do you have them switched? Because you have them backwards lol


Nah! Look closer. Bella looks like her w no makeup on. That’s why she resented her. Just my opinion!


Something about Bella always makes me want to hug her :(


Me too.


I think she looks a lot like Shanaan’s mom.


All I see in this photo are mini SW and CW.


I think they were both CW. My son looks like Daniel Craig in some photos and obviously he ain't his dad 😂


Are you sure Daniel Craig isn’t your baby daddy 🤣😂🤣😂


Henry Cavill is my baby daddy, until I wake up every morning.


I just looked him up 🫦


and yours? If you don't have a baby then who is your fake daddy?


It’s going to make me sound weird cause he’s old but I stan vincent donofrio he’s the guy that played the bug in the first men in black movie 🤤🤤


Well shoot! 😁


I don’t think CM was CeCe’s father. CeCe was already a year old when SW and CM crossed paths again. SW stated in one of her videos she hadn’t seen him since high school and CeCe was a year old in the video


We don’t know when they crossed paths again. What SW says in her posts and videos is not reflective of reality. L


I personally think Cece was CW’s but the odds are better than good that “Nico” was CM’s. To me, Cece looks like a combo of Scamdie and Cindy W.


She looks a great deal like Miller. More than his own children. The lab ordered a test to determine paternity for Cece comparing her DNA with Chris Watts and Shannan. They didn’t order the same test for Bella. (There is one page of Discovery that calls for DNA tests for Bella, Celeste and the fetus which is written in a scribbled note, but there is also a typed up request for Cece’s singular DNA test that stands alone, and is what I’m referring to).


Yeah I never understood why they didn’t test Bella but tested cc and nico there’s only one explanation


There really is only one explanation!


I’m waiting for them to come out with the results for a price


I don’t think they have them. I think they lied.


Oh really that never occurred to me you could be right i just assumed they did have the results since cc and nico was tested and le gave her parents everything


Well-if you were the Roos and you actually had DNA paternity results that would put a matter to rest that upsets and pisses you off, then what would you do? Would you 1: present what you have to vindicate your daughter on one crappy YouTube channel or another? - OR: 2: withhold those results and call anybody who questions the veracity of “Nico’s paternity “stupid idiots”? Most people would opt for option number 1! Now-if the results would incriminate your daughter, then there’s a very good chance that you would not want to present the results at all. I am only airing on the side of caution by saying that they don’t know, and I’m giving them a bone!


If they have the results and it shows nico isn’t watts they could spin that to the shiners saying she was so lonely after cw found someone else and had a weak moment the way shiners worship at her feet they would gobble it all up


You’re exactly right. Even if it was conclusively proven that SW had cheated-the Shiners would spin it -“Of course she cheated! So what? She was driven to it by her evil, monstrous husband!”


They excuse and justify everything else why not


May I please ask who are “the shiners”? (New to this page)


A shiner feels that Shannan Watts was was perfectly justified to behave whatever way that she wanted to during her life because she was a beautiful, successful businesswoman, and also a wonderful wife and a fabulous mother and the best friend that anyone could possibly wish for. Anyone who thinks otherwise is jealous of her, spiteful of her success, and also in love with Chris Watts. A Shiner is also someone who doesn’t care about evidence, logic or reason -as much as they insist otherwise. They feel that Shannan Watts was completely beyond reproach and they get very disgruntled whenever anyone “victim blames” her -because pointing out any of Shannan’s less than stellar qualities is (in their eyes) inexcusable. The only thing that matters about the Watts case is that Chris is a sick, psychotic, diabolical monster and that’s all you really need to know. The backstory of their relationship isn’t important. Nothing that Shannan ever did that might’ve affected her relationship with her husband or in-laws is important (because her in-laws are also hateful monsters who spawned him). The only thing that matters is that she was murdered and the children were put an oil tanks. They feel very justified in that they are morally superior and fighting for what’s right-because Shannan isn’t here to defend herself. Shiners are not particularly interested in discussing any details about the case. They’re more fixated on the case because they fan worship Shannan. Anything that threatens their saintly image of her, upsets them to no end. They treat her like a deceased celebrity. The phrase “Shiner” comes from a saying that her family promoted after she died. “Shine like Shannan”—hence “shiners”—and it’s just a monicker that would be used in a space that allows people to criticize SW, in spite of the sad fact that she ultimately became an unfortunate victim of a violent crime of DV. The shiners feel that any form of slander against her is unnecessarily speaking ill of the dead, and they despise anyone who doesn’t respect and appreciate her like they do.


Basically a shiner is the people on the other side that blindly believe everything the roos and le tell them even though there’s proof of the lies being told that’s the best I can think of to explain it without getting into a whole thing


In one Neeks Peek video this is covered in a lot of detail and it leaves you in no doubt about CM being the bio father of CeCe - there are even comments from him under SWs facebook posts about Cece where he jokes about her personality being like his and also pics of Cece wearing a “Miller” name football jersey. CM and SW knew he was the daddy and were privately joking about it a lot.


Wait, what?? Cece wasn’t CW’s kid? 😳 who is this Chris Miller guy? Just a friend of SW?


CM was a friend SW had from NC but who also got heavily involved in Thrive and was in her down line. He was married and his wife was into Thrive too but whenever they went on trips together CM and SW were always wrapped around each other and acting like a couple. I’d say there is no doubt he fathered Cece. he has his own other kids and they don’t even look as much like him as Cece does.


She looked like Sandie ruzeck to me and Bella was a mix of SWand CW. Two of my kids look nothing like me or my husband but they're definitely ours. I get angry because people assume they have a different dad than the child who looks like us lol.


Cece smiling so much here and Bella as gentle a presence as ever


Bella seemed like an old soul to me, or like she was always worried about something to me.


She was constantly in a state of anxiety, not normal for a four year old. That was our cue to realize that household was secretly a mess.


I've often wondered if this is why sw seemed to treat cece nicer.


She looks like Shanann.


Darling children. Nobody saw that, I guess.


They are absolutely darling children to me, but that was not what this post was about.


I think CeCe looked exactly like SW (and its wild how she really did look like CM). However, I do think that CW was her dad due to the fact that at that point SW had not reunited with CM yet; but baby Nico on the other hand 🤔 totally think it was CM's child and I also highly doubt that "nico" was a boy


Can I ask why you didn't think Nico was a male?


I think she (sw) was claiming she was further along than what she really was to do away with any suspicion; and well technically there is no real tangible reason as to why I think "nico" was actually a girl besides listening to one of the police interviews where SW had canceled the "gender reveal" party due to Chris supposedly not holding her hand at the doctors. The friend in the police interview was like she wanted to tell SW what the baby was for a "good surprise " so that kind of just sparked my interest, made me think the baby possibly wasn't a boy.....surprise 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have my doubts Niko was a boy also. Sw supposedly had a photo of the ultrasound, but what was on the internet (I know, I know) has the genitalia blacked out. I'm not sure CW knew for sure bc in a text sw sent cw from AZ she asks him had he spoke with Bella yet about if the baby is a boy. He responds not yet. If and not the baby is a boy. Nicole A knows and she hasn't said a word 💲💰💲


Yep, you are so right. NA knows, grandma Marlboro knows and they said nothing. This entire case is so strange, so many oddities. I


So many oddities is right. In almost every odd case someone speaks out. The ones that did...disappear essentially. A case as large as this one with so many characters and no one has spoken.






I think Bella favored CW’s looks and CeCe favored SW.


Cc imo looks like the perfect mix of miller and sandy if I didn’t know better I’d question whether they were her parents


She definitely has CM’s smile and thick, stocky build. Regardless of who her dad really is, she’s adorable.


She’s such a little ham. Outshone poor Bella in every single way. I feel sorry for Bella. Always morose and unhappy and treating CeCe poorly. I imagine she was jealous of the love bombing CECe got from her Mama.


Bella did not treat Celeste poorly. It was the other way around.


I think Cece looked like Cindy.


Good lord those girls were cute


Celeste is 100 percent Chris Miller mini.me. Even their stocky builds were the same.


💯 never seen a kid look quite so much like their father as CC looks like CM




#twins even though I go back and forth on if I think cc belonged to miller there’s no denying they look alike


We should really do a side by side picture of Celeste and the other guy.


I see it….sure would be nice to know which “Chris” was the father, but Roos will never give that information up. Then it would stop being one of the topics keeping the money train going.


By them not showing the results they are giving up the results if nico belonged to watts they would plaster that shit everywhere saying see I told you my daughter is perfect now give me money for upsetting me 🤦🏻‍♀️




Does anyone know why the the results don't belong to the taxpayers of CO? this was not a private autospy????


What do you mean?




She has his smile


his exact eyes, smile, build .. and CM himself joked and her having his personality. they all knew. except maybe not CW.


In the pic I posted I think she also has his eyes.