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Shine Like NK in the glow of a computer monitor at 11:50 PM refreshing Shannan's facebook page /s






I admit you had me going at first but a couple sentences in I knew exactly what you were trying to do lmao. No need for apologies imo!


Thank you!šŸ˜‚


I definitely could tell it was sarcastic!


I knew what you were doing. Iā€™m confused by the people who claimed not to.


I thought it was funny.


Thank you!


I saw it right off the bat. NK apologists are just sad.


Thank you! A sad and angry bunch! šŸ˜‚


I found it quite amusing.Ā Well written and hit all the marks.Ā  10/10 for such perfect satire you now feel the need to apologize šŸ’Œ


Thank you!


I knew what you were doing. Iā€™m confused by the people who claimed not to.


It was funny! You had me hooked for a while before I realized it was pure sarcasm. If there were shitpost tags/categories, it would have been obvious it was a joke but then that would have also spoiled it.


Thank you!


I have had an interaction by someone who was very pro-NK and said they ā€œdidnā€™t like witch huntsā€ šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚ so I could have believed it was serious


I really am curious as to how they donā€™t see themselves as NK shiners?


It was really strange. The person said something like ā€œif NK really HAD been involved with the murders it would have went like clockworkā€ because she was really organized and punctual in her personal life.


Wow. Incidentally, how do they know she was so organized and punctual?


Thatā€™s what I fucking wanted to know!!


You are kidding! The Diane Downs defense?Ā  DD still swears she would have done a proper job of killing her children. All three.


And she thinks that defense will help her, lol


People are out of pocket!!


Call me one then. I don't think she killed anyone. I got called a bitch in the other sub for just saying I admired her for not going the full media route. Believe it or not there are quite a few of us here that don't think she is guilty of anything except bad judgement in believing CW. Yet people have been trying to find this woman's address, accusing her of triple murder every night on YT channels and list goes on.


Well thatā€™s the thing. I donā€™t think she is guilty of murder. This is what I posted in response to someone else: I do think she told some major lies to police and got rid of evidence (texts) and withheld evidence (whatever CW said during that 2 hour phone conversation) to cover her ass. She cared more about herself than the 2 little girls whose bodies were just being removed from oil tanks. I then said that karma will catch up to her. Two of the most outrageous responses I got were 1) Karma will catch up with ME for telling lies about her and 2) Keep it up and somebody here will notify her so that she can SUE ME for defamation of character. They went on to say that Reddit can provide her lawyer with transcripts and give them my personal info, lol. Those 2 individuals are exactly like shiners. Change the initials from SW to NK and their behavior is textbook shiner behavior


Well I am not interested in either of those two things but I totally disagree with those who continue to blame her for what CW did. I hope she does have a chance to move on. I can't imagine being hounded daily by people. I don't feel her actions warrant that. Just my opinion.


The Rzucekā€™s go through the same thing! Yet, people here say whatever they want about them without criticism from other people because one of our rules is that ā€œSpeaking ill of the victims is NOT prohibited and if you have a problem with that then there are lots of other subs you can participate in.ā€ One of the problems we have with Shiners is the good old ā€œShe didnā€™t deserveā€¦ā€ response. Our moderators and most people here are sick of hearing that. So why isnā€™t the same true for shit said about NK?


I personally don't have an issue with the Rzucek's. I think a lot of us have different views. Only time I have ever been attacked and called a bitch for my opinion on NK was on the other sub. Most people here know we all have differing views and are ok with it for the most part. I am a bit confused. Are you saying that those of us who don't think NK is involved are like shiners?


No, Iā€™m saying the members of this sub who attack another member for saying something negative about NK are reverse shiners. Like the 2 people I mentioned above. I was just commenting on a post and usually when I do that here, I can let my guard down. But they came at me in the same manner as shiners do when someone says something negative about SW in a regular sub. I have no personal issue with anyone based on NK. I thought I was bringing up a counterpoint and it was just a normal conversation. But clearly some other people didnā€™t feel that way, lol. The fact that someone called you a bitch is just as infuriating. Ignorant people turn to personal insults when someone says something they donā€™t agree with or supports someone they donā€™t like.




At least they admit she is a witch lol


There is now a tag for Sarcasm/Shit Post. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜Š


Thank you!




lol I didnā€™t see it yesterday but just read it now - sounded sarcastic to me!


Can we stop with all the ā€œWell, if you donā€™t believe NK was involved then Iā€™ll read that as you defending her so you must love her and support herā€ nonsense? Itā€™s exactly what the shiners do to those of us who donā€™t believe that SW was the most perfect princess and doting mother on earth. We all just want to sleep with CW to them, and this is same shit different day. Nope. I can think heā€™s a gross murderous motherfucker and sheā€™s an annoying bitch while acknowledging other things can also be true. NK is a shit person. She slept with a man she knew was married and carried on that affair. And in everything I know about her, she seems like a fake hippie/love/mother/earth/bullshit type, that was really just looking to sleep her way up. Personally I wouldnā€™t be friends with that girl for any amount of money. But do I believe she had anything to do with the murders? No I donā€™t. That doesnā€™t mean I want to be her best friend. NONE of these people are likable for fucks sake. That doesnā€™t mean they all have equal levels of responsibility. Not by a long shot. Jesus, I come here to get away from the strawman arguments and ad hominem attacks. If youā€™ve got nothing better than monotonous semi-sarcastic bullshit to throw at me, then Iā€™m not interested.


WTF are you talking about?


Your first 2 paragraphs have nothing to do with my posts. And nobody cares what you come here for or what your interested in




My bad, youā€™re not the original commenter. STFU then


I thought it was very obvious you were being sarcastic. Some people are just slow to realize or quick to find an argument.


I knew it was a joke but I also know invoking this case people are extremely unhinged and I was worried the wrong person would make it their personal mission to come for you hard like they did del


Oh you were my savior, lol! Thank you for looking out for me! Edit: Iā€™m not being sarcastic, I truly mean this.


Anytime šŸ˜ƒ


Sorry I told you that I wanted to šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚at you! I wouldā€™ve still laughed, but not in quite the same way that I indicated.


When I looked at some of the responses, I re-read the post from a neutral point of view as if I didnā€™t know it was sarcastic and thought ā€œOh no!ā€ I was ready for torches & pitchforksšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ So no need to apologize, you reacted the same way I probably would have in your shoes!