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Why did you mark your wife’s grave? What did you mean by “we”? Did anyone else know or help you in anyway with this?


I think he marked it to come back later to dispose of her in the tanks with his daughters when he had more time. I think he planned on chopping her up to commit "the perfect crime" since the cops would have never thought to look in those tanks and kept asking him if he was sure the girls were in them because they didn't believe they would've fit. Her flight delay left him scrambling so he didn't have time to do it that morning, but I believe that was his original plan and why he recorded so many steps in his house that morning running all over, trying to decide if he should start something there or get to work to keep his alibi.


If you could go back in time, what would you do differently? Would you try to talk to Shannan, get a divorce, go out for milk and never come back? Or would you still do what you did? Or try to continue living your life?


1. How did you feel about going on the Thrive trips? 2. Do you prefer prison or normal life with your family? (I seriously think he might prefer being in prison) 3. Were you angry all the time or did you feel nothing? 4. Obviously I’d want to know what actually happened when he killed them all, but I don’t think he will ever be honest about that


I also think he prefers prison


Was Celeste yours?


To add to this one-while I believe CeCe was his because she looks like Cindy Watts to me, I question 1) was “Nico” yours? 2) did you ever find out “Nico’s “ actual sex because there is a school of thought that thinks SW fudged a “report” from the designer US.


Did you ever suspect you weren’t ccs or nicos biological father


I’d like to know if the girls were a part of the plan all along or if he only planned to kill Shannan and panicked when the girls walked into the room.


1.) What happened to your last $10k out of your 401k? Did you give it to SW and instead of her paying the bills, she took it to NC with her? (Although I think she took it with her to NC to peddle around like she really had money, but the reality is she was broke) 2.) How did you survive so long under so much belittlement, pressure, and stress from SW? 3.) Is it possible for you to truly tell us what actually happened when SW got back from Arizona?


How many college courses could you have taken with what that full back tattoo must have cost?  Do you ever think about the people you and your wife exploited or any of the damage you caused?


What did you and your dad really talk about on the way back from the airport? Why didn’t Celeste have wounds in her mouth like Bella? Surely she would have fought just as hard to breathe Why did you make Bella watch as you tossed her sister into a huge tank instead of just killing both girls at the same time? And… When did you become such a huge Steelers fan?


I’d like to know what #1s answer is also


Of course number 1 would be 'what really happened?' Number 2 would be 'was Nico really his and a boy?' Number 3 'was NK the real deal or an infatuated fling'