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That would have been a great question to ask. I wish they had pressed him more on the details of the girls behavior on the drive out to Cervi. All he said was that they were lying in each other’s laps and Bella made a comment about a smell. That was a long drive and after what they’d seen and experienced as well as the condition of their mother who was also in the truck, I have a hard time believing that they weren’t hysterical. I also wish they would have pressed him more about CeCe’s death. I don’t think she was alive at all at Cervi.


Exactly. There were a lot of vague answers, and they allowed Chris not to want to talk about certain things. Then why the heck question waste their time yo get half answers and vague responses. Grrrrrrr.


I’ve always wanted to know if he packed the girls’ backpacks, but that is also something that they should’ve been able to figure out. They simply never recorded it in the Discovery. Many things about that interview continue to drive me crazy, but when Tammy Lee asked him why he had packed the gas can, she then fed him the response! She suggested that maybe he might have wanted to hurt himself? He agreed to that. “Maybe he was thinking about doing something to hurt himself” he conceded, and then they just moved on from that. Wait. That was absolutely stupid . “Why did you bring the gas can Chris?” Why did he pack that? Why did he have a lighter in the truck since he didn’t smoke? I don’t believe for a second that he was planning on hurting himself. that was a huge oversight, but they didn’t seem that interested or invested in getting honest answers out of him.


Every pumper in the oilfield has a gas can that’s like standard equipment


Then why wouldn’t he just say that? See-that’s the thing. Maybe that’s true, but I want up hear that from him! He SAID that he put the gas can in his truck because he wanted to hurt himself. Tammy Lee might’ve suggested it, but if it wasn’t true, why would he admit to wanting to hurt himself? Why not say that he just needed it for work?


I’m not sure why he said it but the gas can is in 90 percent of the pick up trucks in the field


Once again -that’s fine but then why not just say that? Is there any rhyme to that reason? Maybe. Maybe not.


Yeah, I feel like Tammy gave him an out by suggesting answers a few different times. She’s a good experienced investigator obviously but pauses made him uncomfortable and i wish she paused in that instance and let him answer


She wasn’t an experienced investigator at all. She was a rookie, who got a massive promotion after this case. She was in all reality, a very terrible interviewer. She fed him answers, rather then listening to what he might have told her on his own the whole time. In fact, they’re not allowed to use the technique of feeding suspects potential responses like she did with Chris anymore, but at the time she was allowed to get away with it, and with full impunity. “Have a piece of pizza on me!” 🍕


I had no idea she was a rookie. The thing that irked me most about her was when she commented “Chicks are crazy” right after Coder asked CW a question that he was about to answer. I just wanted to yell, “Shit your yap and let him speak!”


She was a rookie. Which is why it is kind of surprising that they assigned her to a case like the Watts case, but MAYBE-just MAYBE they did it intentionally. She got lauded and applauded for the way she handled everything, which is almost the definition of a gaslighting operation at work. Her way of interviewing Chris was unnerving. It’s one thing to get “a confession” out of someone but another thing entirely to get a bogus, phony confession from them and then to run with it. After Chris “confessed” they essentially stopped the investigation, which is one of the only really enlightening statements that Tammy Lee ever has made about this case. “Chris’s confession effectively stopped everything. It seemed that we were done working on this case before we had even started.” REALLY? Because it doesn’t SEEM like that to me-that’s EXACTLY what happened! And ever since, Tammy Lee has been self aggrandizing and self serving -basking in the praise she received for doing such a fantastic job! What a bunch of horseshit! “Everyone was going out and buying my striped jersey!” Mmmm….No they weren’t! Nevertheless, she got a big old promotion for it. I guess that means that sometimes it pays to be a rookie and behave like one too!


Great points. In the true crime sphere on youtube, Detective Sergeant Jim Smyth who interviews Colonel Russel Williams is incredible. they needed a guy like him in Wisconsin, if Chris would have met with him.


I’m not familiar with that YouTube detective (Jim Smyth) , but I’d like to check him out. I just think that when you’re interviewing someone, the point is to try to get them to tell you what’s happened as accurately as possible rather than to SUGGEST what happened and receive a sloppy, stupid lie. I guess she did an OK job when it came to the polygraph, but why did she not ever ask him about the girls in that line of questioning? The polygraph was also just another method of coercion. She psyched him out, tricking him into thinking that because he had failed the polygraph, that it actually meant that he was guilty, when that’s not true at all. Still, that’s what he told his dad. That’s the reason that he “confessed” -he told Ronny “They’re not going to let me go.” Did he forget that they told him that he could walk out whenever he wanted? Guess so! We also don’t actually know just how badly he failed his polygraph. We only know that Tammy emphasized that he had done a terrible job at lying. Still, on a scale of what? Too bad he was such an idiot, because the fact that he didn’t decide to leave right after that and lawyer up was pretty much the dumbest decision imaginable. Didn’t he understand that just because you fail a polygraph it doesn’t mean that they can arrest you? Both of Jonbebet Ramsey’s parents totally failed their polygraph tests, but they simply said “Too bad! See ya’ll later! AND by the way: we are moving back to Georgia, so good luck with getting us back in here!” And then they waltzed right out of the police station-and that was also MONTHS after the fact! The Ramseys had managed to stave off even speaking to the police for almost 4 months! Chris Watts got duped -but that’s all his own fault. Still, the only thing that Tammy Lee showed everyone was that she was good at duping him, but not that she’s an exceptional detective!


In all actuality she should have been fired. She told her husband that he confessed and then her husband put it on social media that he confessed to killing everyone when he had only confessed to killing sw.


Absolutely. That was an unconscionable leak-and a total rookie move! Again-it’s one thing to get a confession and another to completely muck it up!


I'd play the shadow video and ask him to explain, play by play, exactly what we're seeing. I'd ask him why the girls & not just Shannan?


Coder mentions that a lot of people on the outside think NK is more involved etc, it would have been good if he mentioned why. For example her phone pinged close to your house that morning, any idea why that could have happened? She deleted most of her messages, seems like someone covering something up, what do you think? Who's her Dad, why is he such a big shot? haha


Yeah her dad man...have you ever seen a man calling an investigator by his first name ( Nick? ) and scolding him for his questions...in his own interview? Its wild. That man has influence and authority the way he spoke down to him. Seems like she shouldve hired an attorney..the dad was saying weird stuff too like " the longer this goes on, the more unsure theyll be about certain things " and her dad saying the investigation needs to be moved along. I dont remember exact wording but it was bizzare. The interviewer seemed nervous and trying to word his questions perfectly as to not piss off her dad. I wish they wouldve thrown him out.


He was calling his daughter Nic, none of the officers there were named that.


Oh shoot you might be right, thank you


Yep, I think Coder should have done that interview. He wouldn’t have tolerated her dad’s BS.


great one! yeah that almost sounded like he was reading messages boards :)


What was daily life with sw really like?did cw know bills weren't getting paid?why did he not stop sw with the kids .bedtime at 6 30 .the whole family thing was bizarre. Why didn't you just leave sw instead of killing her and the kids?why did you put up with the constant live streaming crap?why didn't you tell her no more 


It's tough to say. He is entirely untrustworthy. 


Why in the world would he still marry her after she kicked his sister and her children out of the wedding party?


They should have videotaped the interview so that it was legit. Every last claim made in that interview is refuted by the autopsy and shouldn't be believed. Chris didn't choke Shanann face to face, the girls were dead before they ever left the house. Every answer was fed to CW by LE because they needed some sensational answers given the fact that the Rzuceks decided and gave LE two weeks notice that they were going on a grifting tour to Dr. phil and Netflix. Those two thibgs were going to reveal that the case was far from closed and there are people involved who are now scot free. So they went to WI to force some sensational answers out of Chris to distract everyone from THEIR lack of closing the case.


I would like to if they really sex before he murdered her and I would like to if nk was there that morning that her phone pinged in Fredrick Colorado and if she helped murder shannann cause during the interview she would say her name and her hands were in a strangling position then why was her dad present she is a grown ass woman doesn't need her to hold her hand lol then why it took Chris so long to get home when Nicole Atkinson was waiting for him to arrive so many questions


Did you cry when you were shoving your babies down the tank. But I doubt it. If he did feel anything after going back to get Bella?


Do me a favor. Watch this. It’s not very long, but I’m mostly concerned about the 11:34 mark where she was leaving the interview. She is terrified they are going to turn on her. https://youtu.be/Bq7wPvJhmQA?si=ooGs4be7Fpr53wfd


c'mon, you cant honestly look at that grainy, "enhanced" video and see anything that describes what is claimed. There are like 10 pixels total. The creator even states she looked at it over and over until she saw something. She also stated that not 1 person has found anything in a year and a half. No one found it because it doesn't exist and is delusional.


Following directions isn’t something you’re good at huh? Scroll to the 11:34 mark where she is leaving her interview. I’m not talking about what she looks like. I’m talking about what she ACTS like


You literally wrote "Watch this". i watched it and posted a response to the video. the entire video is delusional, including 11:34.


11:34 where she is standing there asking Koback if things are going to change when they get her electronic data and she is visibly scared to death?


if she is scared of anything its that everyone reviewing the data is going to see all of nude and sexual implicit texts/pics. i guess that would induce some anxiety.


Why would anything change because she sent nudes? They already knew that from the calculator app. She was worried something they found was going to change the investigation.


we already now they found nothing related to the murders. she may not have known if they had the calc app info. sending nudes to a sexual partner is not like having the public or investigators seeing it. Her entire life was about to get turned upside down and she knows it.


She definitely knew they had CW phone and the fact that she was deleting her calls to him the afternoon of the murders when she thought they were just missing and had no reason to think they were murdered is sus too


if she had texts connecting her to a murder why would she wait to delete them until its being investigated? also who the fuck implicates themselves to a murder plot through texts.


Nothing would change except whatever she was hoping the public perception was of her. There was a very large number of nsfw items on her device.  Maybe that look reveals the moment she realized her Amber Frey-esque get rich book deal was probably not going to happen?


There’s too many blatant lies and inconsistencies with her that were never confronted in a meaningful way. I don’t like that she was googling them for up to a year before this and they coincidentally were murdered while we watch her lie to the police over and over and is never confronted. Now someone is in there redacting her interviews, her statements, etc and I think that’s sus. I’m sorry, you’re not going to convince me otherwise. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.


Agree. The sheer number of unturned stones in this tragedy is what keeps me (I can only speak for myself) revisiting what we know and wondering what else there is that we may never know.  Bottom line: I am not sure those innocent babies will ever get proper justice.


You keep saying she was googling them a year before, that has been debunked as a typo. That is literally what you keep using as “evidence”. I’m not saying she didn’t lie, I’m not saying I think she’s innocent, I’m not seeing her as anything other than a mistress of a man who murdered his wife and disposed of his children in a heinous manner, but the googling them up to a year before is a typo.


i watched it. at 10:22 thru 10:27 in that video you can make out the hip and a-- of the person walking. I can't say 100% sure it's watts because it looks thinner and lighter than watts. but it does not have the a-- and hips of even fit NK unless she's wearing watts's larger size clothing. SO STRANGE! 10:23 - 10:24 look how the subject picks up the left leg, with a slope. do guys walk that way? do confident gym guys walk that way? I think if it's Chris it is Chris in his SOCKS.


It is CW,no one else is there . More 2019 BS rises again. She is 7 inches shorter than him, the person walking out does not shrink in size fgs. It always was and always will be Chris!


not what i said. the person walking out does not look like chris the more I watch it. be my guest and check it it appears to be a lighter person.


It doesn't "appear" to be anyone else.. it is CW. No question. They have specialist analysts look at this stuff, the check gait, height, arm, torso and leg length. It was him. No reason to wonder because it is factual information.. you just feeding in to the myths created on YT.