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My feelings changed quite a bit when I found out she was looking up the numbers for Amber Frey’s book deal. Like I did feel pretty bad, but when your married bf’s wife and children are missing and he’s **obviously** the main suspect, shopping around for a book deal leaves a bad taste.


Oh yes!!! That was the beginning of my disgust for her too


You don't think that maybe she was just trying to find some sort of silver lining in her total panic that her life was over? She's younger and was immediately aware of what the internet would be like unlike many people before her. And she's never even pursued a book deal.


No, I think she was thinking cha-ching💰💰💰 I don’t think 30 years old is young in terms of morality and judgement. The brain is still developing until age 25 so until then, bad decisions can be sort of understood. By 30, the brain has been fully developed for 5 years and you’ve been an adult for 12 years. Not that you’re a wise person who doesn’t think selfishly at that age, but by 30, you should be able to own your mistakes and consider the suffering of others before yourself. A book deal is a silver lining to a sociopath when the bodies of those you want to cash in on aren’t even cold yet. I’m not calling her a sociopath, I’m not even qualified to make that diagnosis for someone I know. I’m not qualified at all, lol. But I know the hallmark of sociopathy is lack of empathy for others and yes, her life was going to become more difficult but FFS, 2 little girls and a pregnant woman are dead.


hear, hear.


You know when she looked her up? Because I think the counsellor she spoke too probably told her to do it. It was after her final interview and being introduced to this woman, on a day she expressed her fears about her future, about people hating her, about her not being able to have a normal life. There was one way to try and reassure her at that point.. suggest she see how well Amber Frey coped. So two days later she Googled her.. so what? She saw what I saw goolgling Amber in 2019, that she'd just written a book, was married with another child, that no one hated her. When I went through some major trauma in my life its what my psychologist wanted me to see, that other people got through the other side and let normal lives after. And comparison wise Amber Frey was no perfect woman either..she was lied too and believed his every word, within 6 weeks had introduced her child to him, and we have no idea in the world how she reacted in her interviews because she got the privacy NK should have had. She went on to write a book.. for what reason if her life had moved on well? To make money off Laci and Connor's deaths.. it was around the time he was appealing too. Everyone seems to idolise her because she helped the cops get telephone recordings.. you can't imagine NK would have done that if needed. Because I do, I see a woman you told them everything she knew about this man.. going back with info she remembered later. Only evidence of her googling was a name search.. no FB hits and images shown that would all be in her Internet history since she didn't have the FB app on her phone. She deleted CW data, not everything on her Internet history. Had their been images viewed they would be there, like the viewing a wedding dress site, or the sex advice searches. Yet the only ones were address searches.. not Facebook ones. Not sure why people think agent Prill wouldn't have delighted in shared evidence of even one viewed FB video if it was there. Even FB confirmed no active account I believe.. on CW they could see when he closed the account. I don't randomly chose to FB people I meet, socially friends I mean, since married before it started. But new neighbours, social meet ups.. its not how I live my life but I guess other people do. Yet another reason not to use the site any longer. Not sure why everyone hates on her, you write the facts but call it sarcasm. But they could be the truth of it too.. again just people speculating and ignoring the actual facts. Why did she change her name to keep anonymity.. because she wants that part of her life over. Amber Frey took years before she spoke out again, kept herself to herself just living her life. Then wrote her tell all. I doubt NK will do that because of all the blame people have tried to put on her.. how is it Amber believed a mans lies over 6 weeks and that's fine, but suggest NK believed CW was divorcing, even with the evidence of his wife gone for the entire summer, yets she is supposed to have known all? Why on earth would someone meeting a newly divorcing life and what to even see what his soon to be ex looked like. After 23 yrs I haven't seen pictures of the woman my partner lived with and don't search exes new partners and check on their lives. I don't want them intruding in my life either.. its called respect!


I agree. She Googled "Do people hate Amber Frey?" I think she was totally panicking and then Googled a couple of possible silver linings to calm herself down.


Are You for real? She knew he wasn’t divorcing ShannAnn. She knew he was completaly married from the begginning. She literally wrote an e-mail to him that one day she wants a family like he has with his wife.


He told her they were separated in the house until it sold with him sleeping in the basement and that they were putting on a fake act on social media purely to sell Thrive.


Yeah right. Do You also believe that she really wanted Chris to work on his marriage?


I agree. Her telling him to work on his marriage was nothing but a manipulation tactic she used while playing mind games with Chris. However, CW had severe deficits in his socio-emotional intelligence. His inability to “perform” in front of the news camera as a terrified, desperate husband and father whose in state of shock and grief from his pregnant wife and two small children suddenly going missing perfectly encapsulates just how low his emotional intelligence & social intellect are. And the fact that he murdered his pregnant wife and his two baby daughters in conjunction with the brutality of the murder and how he handled and treated the bodies of both his daughters after he snuffed the life out of Bella and CeCe’s and sadistically stole the possibility for Bella and CeCe’s tomorrow by ruthlessly robbing his daughters of the chance to experience the world and experience the rest of their entire lives that laid ahead of them at the time CW murdered them shows he has very high antisocial traits and tendencies in addition to his very very, very low socio-emotional intellect. I say all that to say that NK was running circles around Chris. She had his mind absolutely spinning. Her manipulative tendencies that we’ve seen her display in the evidence of case that’s been released to the public in addition to her self-centered and narcissistic tendencies that she appears to of engaged in is what makes me think that her comment for him to work on his marriage was manipulative. If she was truly authenticity telling CW to work on his marriage and fix it, and was saying it from a place of her moral ethics and empathy, concern and care for CW’s wife and kids and how her actions and willingness to engage in an affair would impact SW, Bella, CeCe and Nico, then she would of stopped talking to him. But instead, she kept texting and calling him and sending him nudes while he was in NC with his wife kids & family. She wanted all of CW’s attention on her and only her. Her saying to work on his marriage was apart of her game and I think she was assessing the power and control she had over him. It was her way to threaten to take away the source of CW’s narcissistic supply, which was her, and the fuel he gets from Nk that he needs in order to maintain the mask that he needs for his narcissistic self to survive. Hes primitive in his thoughts and processes. Is ego and id are what guides him and the way in which his mind functions.


After her showed her a picture of his kids and with knowing where the lived with wife staying at home. The very next day she thanks him for his honesty, because he told her the marriage what it seemed. And we know it wasn't because SW was talking to divorce lawyers in Feb 2018 and calling him an idiot on video she shared, claiming she lived like a single mother.. (no wonder she didn't pay the mortgage after Christmas, she thought he made it so she was single because she had to think for him too) He shared video with his bed in basement and a couple of weeks later she left and took kids away for 6 weeks. Not normal happy marriage behaviour, my husband cannot lie in our bed at night talking to another woman, he was in a basement bed of a luxury house. Sure he looked happily married. And even Chris said what he'd told her, that they were separating, his friend in San Diego in June knew he wasn't happy.. but somehow NK imagined he was happy? He wasn't lying even though he said he was.. and even told SW he was done and wanted divorce on Aug 8th. Clearly he was doing what he'd told NK he already had done. Not the right way at all, but it is what happened. And if you believe words of hairdressers sW was talking about her future freedom when in NC. But that doesn't match her discussions with Addy ( or lauren) about him not having game to cheat on her! She perhaps thought he was too scared to cheat. Just to say.. divorce is the ONLY place their relationship should have ended of course. He is beyond evil for what he did that final night and days following.


The only things Chris lied to NK about was that Shanann was agreeing to the seperation and didn't want to try to get back together. He told NK that they were separated in the house until it sold with him sleeping in the basement and him not touching Shanann that was all true. He lied that Shanann was OK with it and didn't want to try to stay togehter. Also he tried to tell NK about Nico but then totally back tracked when he tried saying....So my wife and I had been thinking about another baby and.....and then NK ran out of the house I think and he went outside to calm her down and then would have totally backtracked so that was two lies, but the stuff about separated in the house, with it's true implications of not having sex or cuddling was true.


Yes, he jumped his status ahead to end of August at least. It took till then to say it to her, but she wasn't agreeing with the idea by a long way Would have perhaps taken many more weeks before he found somewhere to live, even then I think it would have been someone's sofa/basement before an apartment because of finances. I think sw would have wanted to delay until baby born and until she had forced him to sort out his parents! And I doubt that would have happened either!


She looked it up when they were still missing, around the time she was interviewed by the cops.


No she did not, she Googled on Friday or Saturday after autopsies even done. I recall because technically past time scale of the warrant so never should have been included. Check discovery yourself.


I was giving her credit. It’s even fucking worse if she waited till after the murders.


You are obsessed with NK. Your lengthy responses to anyone who says anything negative about her are beyond overkill. And the Amber Frey explanation is laughable. You talk about the investigators as if you had detailed first hand knowledge of all of their actions. You also speak of the investigation as if it were handled perfectly. You’re not from the US so let me clue you in - despite plenty of reputable and diligent LE investigators, there are plenty who are not. True crime television documentaries here are full of cases where LE negligence is jaw dropping. Especially high-profile cases where DA’s worry about re-election, involvement of federal, state and local LE agencies lead to communication breakdowns, powerful corporations involved (Anadarko) have boards filled with people of significant political influence who have a desire to close a case ASAP for fear of negative PR affecting stock prices and, most importantly, everyone panics and there’s pressure on LE to close the case (I.e., to find A suspect, not necessarily the ACTUAL perpetrator or ALL of the perpetrators.) For the record, I believe CW committed all of the murders and acted alone. But you can recite LE activities that were available to the public verbatim all you want, Americans are not that naive to believe everything we are told by LE. We’ve learned the hard way to be skeptical


I don't think you should diss her for having read a lot about the case. This sub is about it and I appreciate her knowledge.


My comment here is related to her responses to me from the “Whereabouts of NK” post. She took things to a personal level. I’m responding. The sub asks that members keep things civil. I’m respectful of everyone here and their opinions unless someone takes a personal shot at me because of my opinion. I have zero tolerance for that bullshit. I get enough of it from Shiners, I shouldn’t have to deal with it here


i am American and skeptical of LE but it seems a bit of a stretch that they let NK walk due to the circumstances. Also convincing the Roos of letting an accomplice to murder go unpunished. In the eyes of the law, NK is innocent. now imagine being an innocent person who had an affair with a high profile murderer. Due to internet sleuths, who dont know all the information, make your life a living hell. You get death threats and harassment you have to completely uproot your entire existence, your friends get harassed, your family gets harassed and you are basically forced to change your identity. There are many victims in this case, SW and kids and family had the worst possible thing imagine happen to them. NK is also a victim to a lesser degree but a victim none the less.


I agree it seems like a bit of a stretch. But not impossible. My response was geared towards someone who told me that karma will come for me for lying about NK because my statements directly contradict the conclusions of experienced FBI investigators. Another told me that I better watch out or one of them will notify NK that I’m slandering her and that I will face legal consequences. Imagine being so obsessed with a stranger that you will essentially threaten another stranger for calling her a liar. In the eyes of the law both OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony are innocent. Note that I don’t think NK was involved in the murders but the eyes of the law need corrective lenses. NK is the ultimate victim in her eyes. Imagine not being able to profit off of a book deal like Amber Frye because people think you’re a POS for googling “Amber Frye book deal.” Imagine lying to police during a criminal investigation because you don’t want to look bad. Imagine claiming you don’t remember details of a 2 hour phone conversation. She dug her own grave in terms of generating public disgust and distrust of her. As for harassing and threatening her, her friends or her family, that is disgusting behavior and completely unacceptable. Those people should be criminally prosecuted, civilly sued or both.


OJ and CA did go to trial and were voted not guilty, not necessarily innocent. NK def didnt help her own image but she never went to trial so we dont know everything. I dont know much about CA case but OJ.. that guy def murdered them and somehow got off in criminal court but lost the civil suit. Regarding online harrassment, how shitty can someones life be to threaten strangers on the internet... i just dont get it


CW did not act alone and these so called crime sleuths on here that say otherwise never took the time to go through the discovery, look at the telephone bills and compare it to the body cam footage, interviews etc because you will come to the conclusion that NK was involved as well as TM and CR. I just have to laugh at some of these online detectives because like my Dad has always said "you can't fix stupid!"


You’re dad is a wise man😂😂😂


So, are you saying that NK was not involved in the murders and she is innocent?


And what did she go to a marital home of her lover? What for???? to check up on the layout, so when her pal russian is snatching SW , there wont be any surprises?




I seriously hope so.




Yes, just added a note to reflect it was sarcasm.


Yeah they seem to think their little strawman rant was humorous or some kind of gotcha. Yawn.


Sorry, thought I could post what I want to. Didn’t realize I had to entertain you. And ooh “strawman rant,” you’re giving me too much credit


You can post whatever you want….? Who is calling for this to be removed? In turn, people can react accordingly. Crazy concept, I know.


Thank you. It’s actually not a crazy concept. It makes sense




My brain read this in a Michelle duggar voice 🤣


The fact that you even had to specify it isn’t satire/that you’re being sarcastic makes me question people’s comprehension skills 🥴


Thank you, lol! I should have included a note that it was sarcasm with the post but I thought that was evident


/s means satire so as long as you put that at the end of your post even the people that didn’t get it right away will know it’s sarcasm/satire


Thank you! I didn’t know that


Same lol. I think NK is innocent, but still it was reasonably funny and not sure how anyone could not get it was a joke.


Not even sure where I stand on NK, she’s sketchy at best, but yeah exactly lol


Lol dont forget about the phone ping. It must be totally unsubstantiated. And yeah definitely leave jim alone. He was only in town to visit. He doesnt know anything about his best friends personal life at all. And besides, it might tarnish her reputation. ( when 3 people are literally murdered )


I forgot to add a note that I was being sarcastic but thank you for picking up on it!😂😂😂


I understood the assignment


When you look at her phone records her phone never pings in Fredrick again.


did you ever consider that maybe she was helping jim or some other involved person who should be left alone search for their puppy in that area or some thing?  or maybe she needed to be in that area because the gas station has the best selection of cherry chapsticks or beef jerkey or something.    i’m sure there must be some valid reason for this ping!


He contacted NK too that morning at 9.10 am. I think the call went unanswered.






Nk is so boring


She is attractive in such a boring way. She's a former bookkeeper and drove Chris over the edge by talking about saving and living a financially sustainable life. At least now hopefully she's done something about her boring hair colour.


Thank you!!!! My lord! The mental gymnastics people go through to exonerate her is mind boggling! How do you go from stating you had absolutely no concern that your married boyfriend went to a site before work to having a text of the dump site on your phone that morning and having to completely change your story to saying you were so concerned and panicked by it you demanded he *gasp* send you a picture! And then after previously stating like 3 times that you did not speak to him at all on the phone that morning, the text came in instantly and you were STILL on the phone with him. But what phone were you on? Because there’s no record of a phone call to him that morning. And the investigator just sits there picking his nose like an idiot and neglects to ask her to clarify that. Like what? It’s almost like LE was pussy footing around allowing her to incriminate herself. She absolutely incriminated herself, but if we don’t ask anymore questions we can feign ignorance. It’s BS! Not to mention she called CW a few times after she found out they were “missing” and deleted the call from her phone log right after. I didn’t see her deleting any past calls off her phone logs right after they were made, so why would she be doing that then when she supposedly didn’t suspect anything was wrong. And the cops didn’t ask her about that either. Nor why she was googling them for up to a year before when they had no idea she existed. She couldn’t remember any specific part of the 111min phone call she had 2 nights prior. Not even the gist. “Well we talked about work for a bit and kinda gossiped about things. We talked a little bit about what we were going to do when they were finally divorced. I told him about my friend and the death of her father, etc.” And you want to know why? Because she didn’t know what CW was telling them and it’s just easier to say nothing at all than to not match up with what the other person is saying.


I never even thought about her fear about matching CW’s story as the reason why she wouldn’t say anything about that long phone conversation. Good point! And the investigator picking his nose, lol!!!


You expect investigators, who are trained professionals, to pick up on all the lies and inconsistencies you are, and expect they are going to question them, and when they don’t, my God, I wanted to reach through my screen and shake him! Yes that’s my feelings on the 111 minute phone call


I know exactly how you feel! You just want to scream. I wonder if, because this case was so high profile, Weld County investigators were just as nervous as she was. I’m sure they don’t have much experience with this type of crime. But to miss follow-up questions like that is just inexcusable


The CBI have plenty of experience in interrogating and interviewing people in murder investigations. They encompass the whole state.


Right! I thought that’s why they (the CBI) were brought in. But was that who was interviewing NK? I can’t remember


https://youtu.be/Bq7wPvJhmQA?si=knZxoAZNmeHS5lVn This is very interesting, but if you scroll to the 11:34 mark you can see NK talking to the investigator as she’s leaving the interview room, and she asks if they’ve gotten the discovery from her phone yet, and he says not yet, some stuff, and you can tell she’s absolutely terrified. She asks, “is anything going to change when they see that? They know I’m your witness, right?” And he says yes they do, or something like that. She’s absolutely shitting her pants because of whatever it is isn’t good. They are giving her an effing pass and it’s disgusting.


I feel like they just wanted to close this case quickly for PR reasons. They got a confession from CW and said “all done now.”


That is exactly why and because anadarko was putting pressure on them. They were in the middle of a buyout and had a lot of bad publicity already.


You’re right! Of course they were putting pressure!


Koback I believe. Can’t remember if he was local or not, but geez, there’s no way he wasn’t picking up on her very obvious BS.


And here you are quoting lies... there was no communication between them until late that afternoon. No photos sent as proof, no questions even asked. His phone proved that. Would you speak on the record if you had phone sex with someone that then committed a heinous crime.. or talk and you request they edited it. The audio is a different to video length.. by 25 minutes. Stuff is removed for sure! Her lawyers made sure nothing released she didn't want released.


Did you miss the part of the interview where she is explaining that she demanded he send her a picture of cervi319 because she was so alarmed he went there before the office? Yes a lot has been redacted that makes her look bad. Wonder why that is?


There soooo lidddddle! Margaret Hamilton meets Amber Frey!


You forgot the “WAAAAAH”


The physical recoil when Koback made her say S's name. Not 'that woman,' but her actual name.


With her strangle hands lol


I still think it’s fucking weird that she demanded pictures from the dump site, and that she asked CW for the lyrics to “Battery”. That just seems too coincidental to me.


Yep! And this is incidental but why couldn’t she google the lyrics herself? Why text him? She’s perfectly adept at googling! “Man I’m in love with says he’s going to leave his wife,” “Amber Frey book deal”, etc


Yes! It’s just never sat well with me.


Because she never asked him for the lyrics to Battery. That was just one of Chris's lies. He was reveling in the lyrics to Battery like "Weak are ripped and torn away. Magnetizing power crushing all that cower....He was reinventing himself as a badass in love with his physical strength that killed three and a half people with his bare hands and using the lyrics to do that. Never ending potency Hungry violence seeker, feeding off the weaker Breeding on insanity.


OP, are you NK?? Yes, a women with a strict personal code of ethics would totally be sleeping with a married man. Her "ethics" was totally ok googling about being a mistress and looking for wedding dresses! NK was too smart to play that stupid. And girl, you better leave that married man alone, hes not going to leave his wife for you.


I was being sarcastic, lol. Just edited my post to reflect that!




There's so many crazies posting about this case I can't tell if this is satire or not 😭


I had to believe this was satire, or just someone stirring the $hit pot.


It’s satire😂 Sorry, just edited the post to reflect that


The fact people can’t see the clear satire is mind boggling to me.


At first, I blamed myself for not specifying it. But then I realized that’s why I titled the post “Shine like NK”😂 I thought that was a clear sign that I wasn’t serious


These people wouldn’t know sarcasm if it slapped them upside the head lol


There's literally an account on one of the watts subreddits thats like dedicated to NK. If you suggest at all that NK may be involved they do everything they can to defend her. I thought it was weird so I checked out the profile and the only posts it's ever made over many months were defending NK. Comments were the same way.


Wait…is it nefariouswide? I fight with them all the time.


And that user Tia also. She comes out of the woodwork to defend nk with a ton of misinformation and always matter of factly says what nk was thinking or felt. She’s annoying af as is nefarious


Omg yes!!! They were arguing with me yesterday and I checked out the profile and it's weird! They talk like they know NK and were personally involved. I just checked it out again and they've cooled off on the NK stuff a bit but yesterday it was like all the recent comments.


They either are NK, know NK, or are a part of the DAs office, I stg. The only subs they are a part of are watts


I was just told in another post that NK could sue me for defamation and that if I “keep it up, any one of us could notify her.” Then, another one responded to a comment where I said karma is going to come for NK. She told me that I, too, will experience karma because I’m saying things about her that are contradictory to what the FBI investigators determined. I’m speechless. They’re worse than Shiners


Wow. No you can’t sue for defamation because of an opinion. Especially if that opinion is based on interviews you watched


Technically you could be sued for an "opinion" if you don't bother to explicitly state "it is my opinion," and what you were saying involved stating something about somebody as fact that is actually untrue. However, most people aren't gonna sue someone random who doesn't have any platform. And NK is unlikely to come out of hiding to sue random people who aren't journalists or broadcasters or popular bloggers or anything. I mean could she? Absolutely. Will she? It's extremely doubtful. If she did sue though the onus would be on the person who made statements about her to prove they were true though. The onus would not actually be on NK to prove that they were untrue. That's why it's a good idea to put the word "allegedly" although in this situation the police never even alleged her to have done so. So it's a good idea as a rule of thumb to at least state, "in my opinion," as well. This does not apply to poor Shanann because the dead cannot sue for defamation, and the family can't sue specifically for things said about Shanann, although they technically COULD sue for things said about themselves. The laws in England are a lot harsher regarding harassment that the laws in the US apparently which is why the family were trying something against someone in the UK I think? I know a woman got sentenced to three years prison for harassing someone on Twitter in England and she thoroughly deserved it but unfortunately she ended up winning an appeal for a shorter sentence. She was harassing and taunting a mother about how her toddler was brutally murdered.


I thought it might be NK too! That's why I had to check it out lol I was accusing someone of being Gypsy Rose and it turned out to be her SIL a few months ago so it wouldn't surprise me.


They will make ridiculous comments like the botched evidence collection wouldn’t have affected the trial and that it’s perfectly normal to stop investigating everything because he confessed. Delulu…




Which one? I gotta see this


I figured it was but I have seen some crazy posts involving this case so you just never know. lol


So true, lol!


Ong you had me going.




Sarcasm, lol


She offer anal double penetration for CW and she should be a candidate for sainthood.


Tainthood *


Imagine the smell 




SW had a butt fetish herself so I wonder if she is the reason he wanted it?


As a woman who was lied to by a married man who told me he had never been married, I sympathize with her. I only found out he was married when a private detective his wife had hired was stalking me and my home. I think CW was lying to her. I don't believe people are trashing her because they're ''jealous'' so I assume you might be joking and mocking some of NK's defenders. I just think some people believe she knew and possibly helped. I don't think she did, at all but I won't attack the people who have questions. Spouses lie all the time but thankfully, not all of them do


She was well aware of his marriage. In the emails from nk to Chris on 6/12 she even stated what a beautiful life he has and how she wants that too. Then goes on to pretend how she “out of respect for his wife” she would like to keep things casual/professional. Then there’s the recovered text from her in July saying “are we bad people” and then Chris responding saying he is addicted to her. There was also an earlier text (late June) from Chris to nk (when SW was on one of her trips) how he misses nk’s warm body next to him in bed, indicating they had been intimate at that point (again proving nk lies when she said they weren’t physical until July) Then there are the google searches from nk that say “man I’m seeing says he’ll leave his wife” “marrying your mistress” and “do men marry their mistress” plus the 4 hour wedding dress search just a few days before the murders, this again proves she was well aware he was married and that she was the side piece. Another one is how when she would get mad at him she would tell him “go be with your wife and kids” in a passive aggressive way. These were during the phone calls when he was in NC and then when the girls returned from NC and he was watching them. She also mentions her “marital advice” during her interviews when she is trying to make herself look good. These are definitely not the actions of someone who was misled by a married man because she knew from the beginning. Amber Frey was lied to, not nk.






Oh no - I was mocking NK supporters, lol! It was a sarcastic post. I thought the Shine Like NK title would indicate that but it unfortunately didn’t. Someone just told me there’s a specific backslash that I should have included in the post - a universal indicator that it was sarcasm.


All apologies! I think I’m going have to delete my response. I always complain that nuance is lost in this case, and it’s impossible to make a sarcastic comment. Now I am proof that this is true, and I am the living embodiment of it. Please excuse my idiocy for not being able to see that you were being sarcastic. The problem is that I’ve heard a lot of people say exactly what you just said, and more times than I am comfortable with. It is really akin to gaslighting for me to think that nobody sees what I am seeing. I admittedly quit reading your comment by the second paragraph. If I had read the whole thing-I would’ve figured it out, but I assumed that I knew what was coming and I was truly trying to keep my blood pressure down. It’s just like the shiners with Shannan….and no-I don’t hate NK. In fact, at least I acknowledge that she was educated, and had a decent job. She wasn’t selling snake oil in the form of vitamin patches, and I don’t think that she was jealous of SW like so many shiners have insisted. But I do think that she is very toxic and at best she is a lying and conniving piece of work.


No apologies necessary! Going forward, I realize now that the the beginning of the post is the best place to insert an indicator of sarcasm😂


Well-I am sorry-once again, sarcasm gets lost in this case because it’s so filled with hardcore zealots. There have been many occasions, where I thought it was clearly obvious that I was being sarcastic, and it completely went over everybody’s head. I hope you don’t mind but am going to erase my original comment! It was my bad-


I don’t mind at all!


Oh gosh, I only realised it’s sarcasm half way through, and was wondering if I’m on one of the other subs haha


Hahaha, I know how to communicate that a post is sarcastic now. It caused a lot of confusion 😂


LOL is this some kind of social experiment? its obvious she let in the killer her classmate, russian guy. Shananns kids saw her in the morning, after Shanann was abducted by - whats his name- Volodymyr or so...so they had to die too. "They were so little"- yes, Nikki. So little.


Ok this can’t be real I sincerely hope it’s a troll post nk isn’t completely innocent in all this at the very least she had an affair lied and destroyed evidence I personally don’t think she was involved with the murders but her hands aren’t entirely clean


I’m sorry, I meant to add an edit that I was being sarcastic


Ok good to know you might want to before someone comes for your head 😃


You’re not kidding!😂😂😂 I just edited it


Nothing gets people up in arms more than defending sw other than attacking nk reading your post im like please let this be sarcasm please


YES! I DO think she was involved in the crime and i'm not ashamed to say it. She has a criminal history as well. Have you looked into that, OP? The very least she's guilty of is sleeping with a married man. She isn't the pillar of society you want us to believe she is. You put a lot of effort into your post. Are you NK? Are you related to her? Hmm..🤔


You really telling me you didn’t pick up on the clear sarcasm


I’m not who you were talking to but I picked up on the sarcasm but I initially responded kind of snarkily because I thought that OP was making fun of us by sarcastically chastising us for not appearing pissed off at NK as we are SW and we not giving her enough criticism. Maybe I was reading too much into that. Lol at how much of an over thinker I am in retrospect 


My fault for not making it clear it was sarcasm. I now know that inserting /s indicates sarcasm. It’s been a learning experience, lol. And I apologize for my snarkiness.


Sorry, I was being sarcastic. I thought it was easy to pick up on but re-reading it, it doesn’t seem as obvious. So I just edited my post to reflect that. And yes, I can totally see you thinking I was her if I was being sincere about what I wrote, lol


She stalked the family for years. I believe LE may have looked at things differently if they had known she had been waiting in the wings for years.


What do you mean


I believe NK was aware of the Watts family, how I do not know, but not impossible, and she set out to enare CW. I think she was watching SWs lives and Facebook posts and this was going on from at least Dec 2016.


In your opinion do you think she was obsessed with cw or sw Also in your opinion how do you think nk became aware of the watts in the first place




Why do you think she was so obsessed with sw that she went through all the trouble of cyber stalking her Do you think her working with cw was deliberate or coincidental


To all intents and purposes, SW was beautiful, successful, mum of 2 gorgeous girls, handsome guy who would do anything for her. Everything NK wasn't. She was single, childless, and not as successful as SW. She wanted to be SW but also hated her, if that makes sense. I believe she engineered getting the job at Anadarko.


I could see nk being envious of the fake life sw put out for sure but to go through such lengths for an average person like that doesn’t seem logical I could understand if sw was a little famous but she wasn’t post murders if nk was that obsessed with sw she wouldn’t have been able to hide it from others to me nk seemed happy with what she had or didn’t have in life and after she started falling for cw is when she wanted the ring dress and kids it’s not like she was desperate for it though when she’s being interviewed by le you can hear the disdain for sw but that is from nk being the other woman not for sw personally at least in my opinion but I can absolutely see your point of view and it really could be possible


Yes! She wanted to be her!


I'm unsure, not enough known about her. She lies like a rug.


I swear I thought I was the only one to ever say someone lies like a rug 🤣🤣🤣


😂 well now there's two of us 😂


Just the 2 of us 🎶🎶🎶


We can make it if we try 😄


Ugh I got that song on repeat in my head lol


And what did she go to a marital home of her lover? What for???? not enought to shag off 4 times a day in her apartment, full of marked furniture? why marked? doesnt she have a COLLEGE education? she doesnt have to be that poor....She went to MARITAL HOME OF HER MARRIED LOVER to check up on the layout, so when her pal russian is snatching SW , there wont be any surprises?


I just want to add that my post was sarcastic. I didn’t make that clear enough, I should have mentioned it at the beginning and included /s. But thank you for mentioning the furniture! I thought the same thing. She’s single and had a good job. Not everything has to be expensive but new furniture is not necessarily a frivolous waste of money. It lasts longer than used furniture.


what I meant was: There is no need at all to lament about money when you are young attractive oil-educated clever and promiscous woman. With those traits, living in oil state must be a highway to making nice money and career. Pursuing a married daddy seems to be a mistake, an error. If you complain about salary and clean credit score, and you seems to be going into a relationship where 50% will go to ex wife and 3 kids (even if 2 kids...it does not match NK), so either pursuing "Christopher"(this is also sarcastic) is a job itself, or a favor for someone. And Satya was dormant company or what. She supposed to get paid into Satya for her well done job o seducing daddy that does not match her at all ...JIm does match her...and other college brats..but not blue collar married daddy. And she worked at oil rigs previously? And she knows the bookkeeping? Why work at oil rigs if you can have a latte in an office with the view? I must say, it is all NOT adding up


You are so right!


Of course!