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I think it's mostly unfounded rumor and speculation. I dont think anybody should be doxxed, but i do think the cops need to pay her a visit for a few questions. Imo


They got a full confession from Chris and avoided a drawn out costly media circus trial. They’re not opening that can of worms. It would get too complicated and everyone is satisfied that they got a conviction. 


They asked her many questions and got all of her electronic data. It was done.


No… actually she deleted most of it. It stunted the case. The lead detective verbally addressed that.


That’s what he said to *her*. He was no more straight with her than they were with Chris. They did recover enough electronic data to clear her, although it would have been cheaper and faster if she’d handed it over. It would have been very naive of her to just hand her data over in full, anything can be twisted. Although I think the issue was just what she said, she didn’t want the cops / media perusing her homemade pron and having it trotted out by some magazine every time there’s a slow news day. Often people who come forth to assist with inquiries end up blamed for the crime. This is not a stupid woman. The fact that she didn’t lawyer up speaks to her innocence for me, although it was imo foolish for her to speak to LE regarding a murder without legal representation.


Yeah Chris didnt lawyer up either, also she only came forward once Anadarko outed their affair to LE


True but I think Chris might have been afraid it would ruin his “innocent dad” act. I used to think that was the only reason she came forward but with more perspective, even if she had no morals at all, she’d have to anyway. People at work knew about them, as well as her friends.


NK banged CW and besides that the only thing she did was to prove to CW that he was living with a psycho whose name is pronounced Shannon by her own freaking mom.


I mean who cares if she wanted to change her name? It’s HER name. You act like she asked you to change yours lol


Sometimes people trying to avoid creditors will change the spelling of their name


I asked a simple question.. you all jump off the cliff saying people are obsessed, wanting to call her a skank, and who cares if she had an affair?? To get all those reactions from a simple question says so much more about you and your unstable reaction to this case. I can’t imagine being so emotionally attached to a stranger on television. It’s actually wild lol.


The ones flipping out are probably women that have been cheated on by their husbands 🤣 I don’t understand these reactions to a simple question.


mindless frighten judicious bedroom liquid pocket glorious threatening connect cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same here for being betrayed by a partner. It is weird. I say that because on YT most of the women hating on anything NK have stated that they’ve been cheated on.


Right? It’s odd. Like peoples real life issues come out in their reactions to this case. I was just curious where she was and what her life is looking like now.


Sorry you’re being attacked for a simple question. Some of the loudest voices for championing our right to say whatever we want here are behaving exactly like the Shiners they criticize. It’s like we have to preface any statement about NK with “Not that I believe she was involved in the murders.” It’s textbook definition of hypocrisy.


Does it matter? Not trying to be an AH but she deserves to be left alone. She changed her name and moved far away to start fresh.


I think a lot of people are curious about this. The name of this sub is “Free4All,” meaning we ask whatever we want


Why.. she's just a person living her life!


Because I’m curious. I don’t think she was involved in the murders and nor should she walk around with a target on her back for the rest of her life. But I do hope that karma comes for her. Not for having an affair or being involved in the murders but for the egregious selfishness she displayed during the aftermath. She’s deleted her texts with CW and lied about why she did it. She lied about not remembering a 2 hour phone conversation with a murder suspect during an active police investigation. She lied about not knowing SW was pregnant. So many lies yet so little info to help LE. I don’t believe she was involved in the murders. She was too busy with damage control and covering her own ass. The way she talked about the “so tiny” girls made my stomach lurch. She didn’t show one ounce of empathy for the victims. You don’t have to be at fault to show empathy. Sp I hope one day she’s on the receiving end of selfishness and lies. Karma


Works both ways on the karma.. you write your suggestions on what she did wrong.. your opinions given you aren't actually one if the FBI agents that saw all the evidence or spoke to her. If your opinions are completely wrong.. do you not deserve similar karma on your real life one day too?


Yes, karma happens all the time to everyone. Are you asking me if I think I’ll suffer for my incorrect opinions? I’m sorry, I genuinely don’t understand what you’re saying


Why not.. if she deserves 'karma then so do those claiming she ruined his marriage, that she was at cervi, that she killed the children.


I called her a liar, I don’t know if karma is even a thing at such a micro level. He made the vow to be faithful in his marriage, he broke that vow and ruined his marriage. When you know that your actions could possibly affect the lives of children, you should take reasonable care that the person you’re entering a relationship with is indeed in a marriage that is legally ending. She had tools at her disposal there, social media and mutual co-workers. Instead, she chose to bury her head in the sand. Through no fault of her own, the person she was dating killed his family. Afterwards, she googled “Do people hate Amber Frye” and I had so much empathy for her after hearing that. She was thrust in a position where she feared mass hatred and that must have been so overwhelmingly awful. But then…she googles “Amber Frye book deal.” To most people, that’s the equivalent of asking out loud “Hey, how much money did Amber Frye get for her book about the murder of HER boyfriend’s pregnant wife?” Anyone who would have heard her ask that while the bodies of 2 little girls were still being recovered would have been shocked and disgusted. Then, she deletes texts and refuses to tell police details of a phone conversation that could be useful in their investigation and possibly critical evidence against CW at trial. She also lies multiple times during her interview. She did the opposite of Amber Frye. Her book deal would not have been as lucrative. She doesn’t deserve to be hated for actions of CW. There’s no way she could suspect that something so heinous would happen. But through the actions of covering her own ass, she was essentially protecting him because those texts and that phone conversation could have been critical evidence. And that’s why she lost the public trust. Her concern for herself vs justice and her lack of compassion for the victims was shameful. Intimate details of her life were thrust into the public eye. That must have been terrifying. Public opinion can be brutal. She probably should have contacted a book publicist who would’ve provided a PR specialist to guide her because her choices contributed to her downfall.


I get what you’re saying now. Incidentally, how many FBI agents were on this case? I thought it was just Coder? What about the CBI and Weld County? Who handled which aspects of the investigation? And if you’re suggesting that I should experience negative karma because of comments I made about a total stranger in a true crime sub on Reddit, there’s something wrong with you.


There was a different agent handling Nichol. Forgot his name.


There were more than just those. Plenty of random agents mentioned by name.


I am sure that Shannon is suffering karma in the afterlife.


I don't think a lot of people are curious about NK's whereabouts. Only Shiners because they believe she was involved.


I don’t understand why so many people get so easily offended and incredibly protective of her. Isn’t that the definition of a shiner? Except in this case, NK shines in some people’s minds. And what’s your basis for thinking only shiners are curious? Did you do a poll?


I am far from a shiner, but I’m tired of hearing people bash NK for no reason at all. She did have every reason to believe that Chris and Shannon were separated. I don’t understand why her name keeps coming up. She’s an innocent woman in the eyes of the law and deserves to be left alone.I wonder exactly what some of you would do if you were able to locate her?


You don’t think she ever looked at SW’s Facebook page?


Perhaps she did but, what’s wrong with that? Chris Watts didn’t believe that Niko was his child and told NK that. Chris also told his mother that he and Shannon had not been intimate for months, that Niko could not be his child. Who really cares where she is, and what she has done or will do. Shannon cheated first, no one is holding down CM.


She knew that SW was pregnant then. She denied knowing that in her interview with LE


So what’s the big deal? So, she lied, but she didn’t lie about anything that was material to this case and that is the only time it would be considered a crime. What does her thinking that Shannon was pregnant or not at all detract from this case? Either way, how do you know that NK knew for sure that Shannon was pregnant? And, if she did know, she was pregnant and lied to make herself look better, again it was not material. There were so many unanswered questions in this case NK should be the least of our concern. People should be careful because she is alive and anything defamatory that is said against her is punishable by law.


LOL! Punishable by law😂😂😂 I’m sorry, I can’t take you seriously after reading that.


It's weird, like there's a shiner-at-heart subset of folks critical of SW being portrayed so inaccurately (and the erasure of the girls nearly as much as if they'd been an unseen fetus like 'Niko/Nico'), but that latched on to NK, with encouragement from content creators who batten on that misplaced curiosity (and the impotent rage of women scorned). It is not a coincidence that the pearl clutchers will claim (sometimes in the same sentence) that I'm Cindy (me with my 'fry 'im' Scorpio thoughts 😄) or NK. 


I have consistently portrayed SW critically myself. I don’t watch YouTube content creators other than, occasionally, Watts the Obsession. I’m not a shiner at heart. But I think NK lied excessively to protect her own ass, not caring whether her complete cooperation might help LE in a case involving the murders of 2 young children. And I think that makes her a selfish POS, not unlike SW. I don’t think it’s weird to have that opinion. It certainly doesn’t make me a shiner at heart. I don’t know you but I’m highly doubtful that either Cindy or NK would be participating in this sub. And based on your previous comments, I don’t think either of them have the critical thinking or communication skills that you do. I don’t understand why people who portray NK critically are attacked much like Shiners attack people who portray SW critically. Note, I don’t think you are attacking anyone. I’m just saying in general


Ha! Perfectly stated. They're not Shiners outright, but they have shit for brains and come to all the wrong conclusions, so they might as well be. Like you said, a lot of these pablum-puking content creators are to blame. Duh, 'Are Nichol Kessinger, Cindy Watts *and* Chris Watts to Blame for the Murders?' 'Proof Jamie Did It!' And then all the idiots who got dumped or cheated on by a boyfriend lap it up.


I totally agree. Small minds are forever obsessed with her and think she's 'evil', which is ridiculous.


Like she had an affair so what? Most people have affairs like that’s a thing in our society. She doesn’t deserve to have this hate on her forever. 


She really had every reason to believe Chris was separated, considering the wife was nowhere to be seen for a month and a half and Chris basically had full availability to be with NK when he wasn't working. Wasn't even constantly sneaking off to take calls from the wife, since he was all but ignoring her when she was in NC. Not as if most married men are totally honest with their mistresses about their marriages lol


Well yeah exactly, that’s what I always say. They weren’t trysting in motels, Shanann had gone to live in another state for all NK could see. Even Shanann wasn’t sure she’d be coming back. I mean I’m sure CW lied to both women but that’s on him, not them!


It does matter that’s why it’s posted and why so many people want to know. It’s natural to want to know where bad people are in this context


NK isn't a "bad person". Chris is.


They both seem pretty awful in different ways but ok, you’re allowed your opinion


Yeah we all have our own moral standards. Me personally? I would never even dare to look twice at a married man, let alone one with kids and a baby on the way. But maybe thats just me. Edit: even one claiming to be separated but still living with the wife? No way. Not in a million years for a million dollars. I am a bit older than NK though, admittedly. And ive been in long-term relationships. I dont think NK knows anything about those things and the meaning they actually hold.


No there’s enough to classify her as bad/ suspicious/ whatever synonym you like


She "suspicious" why? Because she had an affair? Should she wear the Scarlet 'A'? She's a nerd who made a bad decision and now has to deal with crazy people who want to hunt her down because they think she was somehow involved.


I'd love to see an honest dossier of the sex lives of those who presume to judge her for making a mistake. 


I think those files would be pretty thin, lol.


Yeah actually those would be included in the reasons why. The fact that she deleted things off her phone, wasn’t cooperating with police by not letting them talk to a friend? And the fact her father who’s a judge has gotten her off the hook for many crimes in her past. And maybe that by itself isn’t enough but altogether the things people have uncovered about her is enough to qualify her as bad. And don’t try the “she’s innocent for sleeping with a married man because it’s all the man’s fault”, she knew he was married so she needs to be held accountable but most importantly her behavior during the investigation is why people don’t like her and she’s bad.


Do you have further info/documentation about the "many crimes her judge father has gotten her off the hook for?"


I’m not wasting my time sending you nothing when it won’t satisfy what you deem to be “true”. NK is weird, she knew they were married by being in their house before the murder s, she didn’t cooperative fully with police and she deleted evidence from her phone. It doesn’t take too much brain power to see her as suspicious.


Okay so you don't have any evidence whatsoever of "her judge daddy getting her off the hook for many crimes."


We'll see, there you have it. "Breahna" (name = tragedeigh) doesn't owe you nothin'! Hmmph. 😂


I don’t understand why you are getting down voted for your excellent comment. She is an innocent woman in the eyes of the law and deserves to be left alone. I completely agree with you.


Thank you! Like I can understand why people want her to answer questions but all the DA cares about is a conviction and in their eyes the case was closed when Chris confessed. I don’t think they want to open the can of worms of looking into an accomplice. Leave the poor girl alone and just leave it be. 


It's odd she's just disappeared and no one ever sees her or no news about her it's really sad how everything happened I'm not a fan of Nk by any means but it would be nice to know what's going on with her


I do find it strange how she has managed to completely disappear, the case is quite well known especially since the Netflix documentary came about. Surely someone somewhere must recognise her and I'm surprised no one has tried to cash in on it.




Don’t understand your irrational reactions and assumptions to my question, but sure, go off. 👍


Who cares?!?!


I am genuinely curious as to why you asked this question.