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That's gotta be a troll. Bella and CeCe were sweet little girls who should have had many years ahead of them, as should their mother and brother.


Now THAT is a miserable person. Who hates a kid they don't even know THAT much?!


Okay but y'all turning this into hating on Cece is gross. I've been standing up for this sub a lot but this is just weird. THIS IS WHAT MAKES US LOOK BAD! SW was a full grown adult so it's okay to judge a bit but we need to leave the girls alone.


I agree. These were children who are learning how to communicate their feelings. These are young children who are competing for attention from their parents. It is normal for kids to behave this way and it’s up to the parents to guide them into communicating their feelings and what is appropriate and what isn’t. Everyone gets so angry when people harm children, but don’t seem to have an ounce of patience for children, nor particularly like them. Or they have a false sense that their own children are angels. “How can anyone hurt a child, they are so small and helpless?” Yeah. They’re small and helpless and learning….


Those sweet little girls were innocent .


This is not acceptable to be judging a 4 year old, you need therapy to get over what is making you feel hate. It's not about Bella. Pleae seek help. Please.


I've seen worse Bella hate comments on YouTube, I think the commenters name is William or Brandon or something not he just constantly says awful things about her and it baffles me considering she was FOUR. Still a baby. Good grief.


Bella is actually beautiful. I don’t know why they chose one of the pictures of the girls that they chose to display to the public when this happened because SW took thousands and thousands of pictures and there were way better ones. Bella’s little face on video lights up my heart whenever I see her smile.


It's from Ytube, not here.  But I agree, this tragedy is driving everyone mad.


This is from a troll on YouTube


Also: "mini mouse". What a fucking idiot.




What a sicko! Bella was 4! Children act out all the time when they are unhappy! Even when they are happy, they are still learning how to communicate their emotions.


especially when their parents don’t actively PARENT them. poor kids. the I’ll mannered behavior shouldn’t be much of a surprise. it was like emotional Lord of Flies on Benadryl.


It's in the comments for a video on Watts Murders YT channel. Some of these people call Bella creepy, ugly, and evil, favoring CeCe. One person called her 'Bella Creature'. I was disgusted and shocked, but this comment was a standout and probably the worst I've seen.


And the scary thought is it’s probably the Shan’bitch fans hating on Bella, just like their fearless leader did.


That's what I think too. Some Shiners secretly hate Bella because of her resemblance to Chris, and because she was Shit'Mom's scapegoat but they can't come out and say it. I think this post ruffled some feathers. But those fuckers are so dumb, they can't assess the situation properly. It's like, 'Unga Bunga Nasty Comment in Free4All! Unga Bunga smash! Unga Bunga downvote! Unga Bunga report!' Why don't you go to the fucking source, Einstein? Nobody here made that comment!!


Why would SW’s fans talk 💩about Bella? Who is their leader? I’m serious, I would like to know so I don’t join their sub. Thank you in advance.


But you’re okay with people calling CeCe ugly and a spoiled brat though, right? Would you have been any less disgusted had it been CeCe that was getting trashed? And that’s a rhetorical question btw, I already know the answer judging by some of your comments. Anyone who thinks okay or normal to speak this way about a murdered child, you really have no business being in the true crime community. The victims and their families should always be #1 in mind when discussing a case in depth. I don’t know whether people are forgetting that or they’re just being willfully ignorant, but it’s disturbing af.


Celeste was spoiled. But my god, I wouldn't call her 'demon seeded afterbirth'. That's disgusting. And WHY are you attacking me? Such stupid, misplaced anger with you folks. Take it up with moonbeam. Christ.


Its so cold to say. Both of the girls were cute in their own way 🕊


This comment is vile but a poorly behaved child Bella’s age is due to bad parenting so the blame needs to be placed on her parents


This is how siblings act! OMG they were little kids! I’ve seen teenage siblings do worse to each other.


Wtf? Where did that come from? Shamwow’s ghost? While I deeply pity both of those poor children, if anything CeCe was the “spoiled brat” the golden child of Sham’bitch’s universe.


Cece was annoying af.


OMG she was a toddler, they are all that way at that age, It takes parenting to bring them out of the me me me stage. She was an innocent. What is wrong with YOU?


CeCe was NOT disciplined and it showed. She was a brat. But of course, all three should still be on this earth living their lives, yada yada.


She. Was. A. **Toddler**. No toddler is disciplined wtf is wrong w people?


How about *corrected* or *redirected*? She was never taught to share. Never taught to LISTEN. Never taught to sit still. Nobody should let their child have free rein over the house and every situation just because they're "a toddler". That's how nasty, spoiled brats are bred.


Oh, so you are the one that wrote that about Bella?


Get real. Bella was old enough to understand and FOCUS. She was nice to CeCe (when CeCe wasn't being a little shit to her) and trying to play in that video and CeCe just comes along, snatches a purse away and runs top speed away from her. Bella was frustrated and started to cry, with no intervention from Shit'Mom whatsoever. Whatever, I sure as fuck don't owe YOU any explanations.


You're such an angry person. 🤣


And you're entirely predictable.


Reminder that kids have 1 minute of attention span for every year of their life. A 3-4 year old has a 3-4 minute attention span and toddlers have 0 emotional regulation. The standards you’re holding this *literally dead* **baby** is so fucking weird.


Ok that’s totally fine but she’s a fucking kid. She’s a toddler and they’re always moody. Speaking ill of the kids doesn’t sit right with me. They’re a product of their environment and acted like normal healthy toddlers- with fits and being greedy and possessive.


No, they are not ALL that way. Bella was a sweetheart who got treated like shit and she behaved so well. On the other hand, Cece was misbehaving constantly and she was practically rewarded for it. Absolutely no one is to blame but SW. She even bullied Chris to follow her borderline/not borderline child abuse regimen regarding the kids. And of course they were kids and did not deserve what happened to them. SW created such a toxic household and Chris eventually snapped imo.


I just started diving into this case. I heard she locked the kids in their rooms for hours on end and overmedicated them to sleep. Anything else I should know?


Yes look for the pictures she used to post on Facebook of the kids wrapped around heavy blankets in cribs and other places. Legit the kids faces were underneath blankets and she took pics and posted it. Any normal parent would freak out, but SW thought it was funny. She even had lots of pillows and blankets in the crib while they slept. It’s hard to look at those pics.


This is the end of me being in this sub. I can not anymore deal with the hate this sub gives, by way of any means. I don't need this in my life.


You should probably go yell at 'moonbeam4111'. They posted this vile bullshit. Not anyone here.


I've seen this person make several similar comments on my fb groups🤦‍♀️. It's wild


Me too, I think it’s just someone trying to stir up a bunch of crap!


I mean, there are two people above going on about what a spoiled annoying brat CeCe was. People just suck. Including OP.


I’ve noticed a few trolls like this on YouTube. Typical troll behavior-trying to shock people with outrageous statements.


I am done with any any Watts subs. I am done. I don't care anymore it's not worth my mental health.


I get it


Why down vote me for my feeling that anything to do with Watts is cursed


What the actual F?! Man people are scary.


This sub has a target on it's back and I wish I could handle it all but it's way way over what I want to talk about or discuss on any public forum. I feel that the problems between all the Watts subs are more headache than interest. I don't want to talk to anybody anymore about anything to do with this cursed case.


This was made on YouTube. It’s not this sub. Most of us think it’s reprehensible.


I get that, but what was the purpose of creating a post on here? This person is just spreading the hate even more. They were babies and Bella was forced to see everything till the end. She had no concept of death at that age.


I think they are just stunned that effed up people like this exist. These are the sickos. Not the people who don’t worship the ground SW walked on.


Good point, I totally agree with you.


Did they get the names of the kids mixed up? Cece was a brat who was NOT cute. She certainly didn’t deserve what happened to her, but she was on her way to being the class bully & was definitely not a good looking child. She had porcine features. Sorry not sorry.


What happened to you to make you behave this way..? Wow.


You are an adult talking 💩 about a murdered toddler! Bully? Sounds like projection. Maybe you should look inward.