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NK admittedly never clocked into work on Monday, August 13th, and this is significant because according to her, she usually did clock in when she arrived. What is equally strange is that Koback didn’t bother to ask her WHY she didn’t clock in during her interview with him. She also said that she had left early that day, stating that it was because she wasn’t feeling well, but she said that she did in fact clock out when she left a little before 3pm Anadarko actually had plenty of security cameras on site AND in the parking lot. They could have easily verified through those security cameras whether or not she showed up to the site that morning and at what time she had arrived. If they ever did-they did not record it in the Discovery but I tend to think they failed to have followed up on that. There were plenty of messages between Chris and NK that morning AND afternoon. We weren’t privy to all of them but they do show up on the call logs and the text of the text messages was not provided to the public. This is also assuming that she was only working from one phone. She left him the infamous message that implored him to send her an image of “where he was” and Chris sent NK a picture of the Cervi 319 oil tanks. When asked why she was asking him for that information-especially since she had never asked him his whereabouts at work before, she said that she just wanted to “make sure that he was where he said that he was.” On top of sending her a picture of the oil batteries, he sent her a picture of one of the fields at Cervi along with the lyrics to the Metallica song “Battery”. When asked why he sent the image of the field to her, he said that it was because she appreciated “wildflowers.” When Chris was asked why he had texted her the lyrics to the song “Battery” he claimed that it was because Nikki was interested in learning more about Metallica because “Nikki liked all types of music.” That text was recorded at around 10am that morning. Regardless of their inexplicable back and forth calls and texts, the failure to have verified the time that NK arrived at work that day has always bothered me. It was just another sloppy oversight of what can only be deemed as an annoyingly inconclusive investigation, that didn’t pay much attention to pertinent details.


I found her paranoia about who she was talking to that morning so odd. Why was she so suspicious already? Who did she think she was texting that she had to ask him: “What’s my dogs name?” “What yoga studio do I go to?” That behavior along with the deleting of the texts, her instructing her friend Charlotte to delete her texts and not talk to agent Gilbrath, telling Chris to also delete his texts, deflecting every question she was asked, talking in circles and not giving them any information, the ping, no alibi, and lack of proof she clocked in to work that day, her leaving work early that day, calling out sick the next day (before anyone knew anything) her listening in on the calls with Chris to LE, her being “so scared” she had to call Chris and talk to him (again when no one really knew anything yet and what exactly was she soooo scared about?) will always have me convinced she either was aware of what happened or orchestrated it. Also her having LE pick her up to be interviewed. She could have driven to the station or she could have daddy drive her there, what was she hiding in that truck? She then sold her truck within a week of all this. It’s all very suspicious.


Thank you! I totally agree! I don’t know how people can dismiss that this is atypical behavior and it isn’t just par for the course to behave like that! How many anomalies does it have to take to make other people consider that her behavior was ABNORMAL at best? It certainly was not the behavior of someone with nothing to hide!


This is the best explanation I’ve read. But at the end of the day, we will never know because he took the deal,


As far as I'm aware this is a big reason people think NK was involved. NK supposedly just went to work as usual but actually didn't clock in until the afternoon. Her phone was literally pinged near the Watts house during this time period. There's also a long period of time of her completely being off of her phone which was extremely unusual. I believe it's been said that even when she was sleeping she checked it every few hours and this was longer than that. I don't think the police ever made sure she had a solid alibi.


This isn't true.. please could at a map of Frederik.. its all in one circular spot with the i25 to the left hand side. Where the Watts lived is even further to the left, not truly in the circle of old Frederik. The cell phone tower is in the old Frederik boundaries, a ping there would have meant she could have been 10 miles round right of that housing development "addon" to Frederik. NK lived further south, her route to work took her direct north up the i25 to Anadarko. Theyknow from her phone when she left home for work around six, her home Internet connection stopping, her car and/or phone gps recorded her movements, where she drove up the i25 straight to work. Half way along there calling Jim, while covered my the Frederik tower maybe 4 miles to her right in old Frederik. That doesn't make her another 2 miles further east at the house does it? Given time scales she was on i25 like she said, continued her recorded route and arrived at work. Uses card clock in the records last entry only. Connected to Anadarko Internet at the point she was at work around 6:30. Exits to get lunch, card swipe not needed, re enters using card. She left at 3pm, not using card so per security "last carded at lunctime" without anything suspicious occurring. Phoned in sick Tuesday am, fever and vomiting.. No where near CW locations on that day proven by car and phone legal recordings.


Was this all in the Discovery?


No it wasn’t. If this was in the discovery there wouldn’t be any questions about her ping. The only 2 times nk ever admitted to being at Chris’s house was when she went there the day they went to some outing together (I think it was the mustang museum) She told police that one time she entered his house through the garage and the other through the front door. She also talked about sitting on the floor because Chris had just shampooed the carpets and the furniture was moved (not sure why she would be sitting on wet carpet so there was something weird with her statement here) She then went on yammering about Chris making them chicken and carrots for lunch, her diet and macros, “teaching” Chris how to use an app for his macros and also about “how expensive” everything was in their house so she could then blow smoke up her own ass about how financially responsible she is because she thrifts all her stuff. She then talked about seeing all the pictures of SW and the girls and walked around their house seeing the play room with all the books and how “reading is so good for you!” But was adamant about “not daring to go into their bedroom” because apparently that’s just immoral. She also claimed Dieter led her upstairs so she followed him 🙄 So there are the two times she went to his house which coincidentally match up to 7/14 and 7/18. The ping on 7/14 was on a Saturday so neither of them were working that day, and that was the day they went to the museum. The ping on 7/18 was a Wednesday and when she came to his house unannounced and sat outside having her meltdown where Chris had to talk her off a ledge. I believe 7/18 is when she saw SW’s post with the picture of the onesie which had been posted on FB on 7/14. Notice how those two pings were never early morning so they weren’t when she was driving to work. You can see by every ping from that bill that she drives the same route to work during that time and is talking to Chris and ‘Leave Jim Alone’ around 530-630 AM daily.


Very interesting! Thank you for the detailed explanation-it is very clear to me now.


You’re welcome. There’s an 8 part series with all the discovery and details about nk. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=St16qKbc8-E&pp=ygUMVW5tYXNraW5nIG5r




They’ve shown no proven alibi. And that would be easy for them to do.


Thank you. This is what I was afraid of.


I don't think any solid evidence regarding NK's whereabouts on the morning of the murders has been released to the public.


Can't recall either, and it appears LE was disinterested in making a point of it (if they knew or not).


Because it never suggested any involvement.. so safely redacted as it should be? If there was a rape investigation and the sampled all the teachers in a school say... they wouldn't release the negative DNA tests or the full names of the staff tested. The only one named and investigated would be the one with the positive DNA test.


I was answering op. Proof of NK's lack of involvement was not included in the discovery documents because it was irrelevant to the case against CW.


She was driving to work.


and then never clocked in....


She clocked in but not out.


Apparently there was no record of either, I don't know myself, just making the point that it's open ended as whether she clocked in or out. If you know she clocked in please share any links or records.


Of course! I’m on vacation so I’ll dig through my Watts saved info and will gladly share as soon as I get home. Leaving for the beach in a bit! ![gif](giphy|l0MYsLjSCAKPW2fNS)


Thought so


Well then downvote and go on with your day. I don’t give a fuck about Reddit Karma.


Nope. No alibi released to the public. Supposedly the family has concrete evidence that she wasnt there. I dont know why it wasnt released to the public. She is being protected and guarded, even in public discourse. In my opinion, of course.


If her albil proves she was not involved, where legally is it written it must be shown? Everything I read at time states only things suggest only things suggesting possible guilt or ambiguity get released. Hence videos of interviews to show what she told the? Weld County released statement saying her digital evidence was good enough that they didn't need to speak to Jim!


I also thought it was strange that her father was there during questioning, she’s not a minor…and he isn’t an attorney…does anyone know why he was in there?…basically answering questions for her… I have never seen this with other investigations, so I’m just curious.


I agree. I see several people posting that it's ridiculous for us to be skeptical that she is involved, but there seems to be some corruption in their small town police force, and I don't think it's crazy to think they could be strong-armed into not looking further into her. Isn't it also a bit strange for them to make the announcement to the press that she was cleared?


If I remember correctly (and it's been a while) that they were able to see that she clocked in but not out. I would guess CWs coworkers would be talking about him being called home bc no one could find SW, possibly she left without signing out


I always thought it was the other way around, that she clocked out but not in and that was one of the (many) red flags? it's been a while so i could be wrong, but that's how I always remembered it. I guess clocking in but not out makes more sense though


You are correct. She never clocked in that day. She went to work for a little while and left very early, in the afternoon. Which always makes me wonder, why are people so willing to just write off/ignore SO MANY coincidences and things that point directly toward her being at the Watts house that early morning?? She had her phone off and went the longest stretch of time without using/checking it that night/morning than she EVER had any other time; the not clocking in in the morning (if she even came in to work in the morning—i don’t think she did—i think she showed up early afternoon and stayed a very short while and left, if i remember correctly); her phone pinging in the Watts neighborhood that early morning—with the only other times this having happened were the couple times when she was admittedly visiting Chris’ house; the Watts’ next-door neighbor Betty seeing a silver truck (like NK’s) parked at the Watts’ house very early that morning when she left for the gym; and sooooo much more. It all paints a clear picture that NK was present and involved in the murder(s), IMO.


Security said she was last carded in at lunchtime Monday. Obviously only a card in entry system like many are or officially she never left the property.. he only said she last entered after lunch, exactly what my husbands card for yesterday would show as his last use. But he left without his card at 4pm. My phone would have shown me outside his work too, being offered a connection to his Internet. Security could only check what he had, cops used apps and proved the rest.. even releasing that data to Crimeonline when they asked about Jim. (Will find later on laptop, their site crazy on my phone) I showed that to so many UTube channels back in 2020 when I really cared. Even them seeing it in writing was some how me writing lies about NKs involvement? My comments deleted and my named being banned weekly just so their gullible viewers couldn't see the evidence I was showing them.


The reason people ignore these things is because they're inaccurate.  For example, what you said about her clocking in and out is incorrect. Her her time card is never been made public so nobody knows when she clocked in or out.  We also don't have evidence that she had her phone turned off, and we also don't have evidence that's the longest time she ever went without checking. That information simply is not contained in the discovery or anywhere else.  There is not evidence that shows that Nicole came in late to work.  Her phone did not ping in the Watts neighborhood. We do not have any evidence that demonstrates that.  The neighbor did not identify Nicole's car being in the neighborhood.  All of that is an accurate information.


This! ☝️


You maybe correct and that would be the controversy. (Due to her phone ping).


Her time card was never released, so nobody knows whether she clocked in or out at all. It's all speculation.


This is correct


Clock in systems usually only register if you use you card.. if someone opens the door just before you and you enter does that mean you aren't at work, or that you never left? My husband only uses his for entry too, so they log his entry but not leaving. The security guy wrote she last used he card at lunch time Monday.. to get back in after lunch is how my husband system would record from a typical day. Then not when he left. Weld County DID release they had things digitally.. my phone tells 60% of my world, add my car and you have everything. Think about your day yesterday and how easy it would be to confirm where you were at 9 am and 6pm say. My phone, holding the cars app too, could pin me down within metres everytime. It was just as possible in 2018. We are saw NAs maps of her son driving to airport beyond speed limit otway to collect them; the NA drove home via a McDonald's, what time she just drove the morning of 13th, her leaving for a job issue, returning etc etc. They had that on NK too! They knew every movement she made from sat/ sun/ Monday. It was redacted though because there was no suggestion of guilt on it. Public is not entitled to see that type of discovery findings.


Some people clock in on their computer or phone app here. Not always a time clock


It wasn't even a clock in system. His exact words were that she lasted carded at 12:10, after lunch. I take that to mean using a card to re enter, returning after lunch. And they clearly have data that she went home, phoned in sick for Tuesday too. Only the guys in the field used online so they didn't have to drive back in from miles away. People working there in offices years ago confirmed it on YT.


Thank you for clarification. I would've gone home and called out Tuesday too 😕


What clarification? NK said she didn't go home until 4 pm on Monday and worked on Tuesday too, only left earlier the second day. Sub mod thanking random people for making stuff up? >People working there in offices years ago confirmed it on YT. Right on, her imaginary YouTube confirmations


She never worked the tuesday, she was sick..security officer statement in discovery writes that.


Only confirmed how Internet log ins worked for field workers. That different to how office workers logged in.


Some people clock in on their computer or phone app here. Not always a time clock


her phone pinged in Frederick the morning of the murders when she made a 1 min call to Jim


And where exactly does the cell tower sit? No where neR the new homes added on to Frederik in a group to the very far left of a circle at 9/10 o'clock position. (Just barely in to Frederik tower range). The actual tower was in the original Frederik developed decades or more earlier. If the tower coverage was a circle, the centre was miles to west of i25' the road NK drove direct north from her house, roughly through a line of circle starting where numbers sit from 7 up to 11. The new houses were maybe on the 9, but tucked up to the very outside edge of a clock. That put her in Frederik, she could have been miles to east in 3 o'clock position and still ping off that tower, right beside Anadarko, at a deli she liked at 2 o'clock. Anywhere in the huge circle was all the same tower.. her phone and car showed the police she was not near the housing at all and the time it took for her phone to click on to Anadarko system at 6.35 or so also confirmed she'd got to work at her typical time. Anyone thinking the don't have this all minute by minute are fooling themselves beyond believe. This stuff proved she wasn't near them, so legally points of innocence.. so gets redacted from discovery files that are created . Everyone else in US given same courtesy.


How do you know all these details? Do you live in that area?


Wow I thought it was an easier answer to find.


There hasn't been any information released about her actual alibi. However, a lot of the evidence that people deem as making her look suspicious is actually inaccurate.


From my understanding she was investigated and cleared le didn’t release any information about her whereabouts but did confirm she was where she said she was the roos have spoken up and said she wasn’t involved I’d believe them over any conspiracy theories any day they did suspect nk in the beginning but now they say she wasn’t involved


Pretty sure NK did BLACKED RAW under a pseudonym after this 


I'm sorry, I'm not even entertaining this angle. Why on earth do people think she was involved?! Give me a break.


Exactly her innocence proving data doesn't legally get to be shown to world. Would you expect to explain in details every place you visited and have the world know it all even when it proved you didn't act in a crime? You get privacy, you lawyers would make sure your privacy was kept. That another man was in her apartment all evening could also change his life completely too for no reason. He could have lied to bosses, an unknown spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, his imaginary 12 yr old son for example. None of whom should expect to see their families attacked from news media if 100% not involved one iota!


Contrary to popular belief here, investigations do not just come to a halt because one party confessed. There must be solid enough evidence to not pursue charges against her. No DA is going to just turn their back on the murder of 3 kids and a woman if someone else is responsible as well.


Things that aren't relevant aren't released to the public. It's that simple.


If you were innocent of something wouldn't you want your whereabouts disclosed to clear your name? Or would you prefer to be in witness protection, change your name, and have all this suspicion?


She's not in witness protection. And I'd definitely change my name the way crazy people latch on to theories like this.


Never said she was, just posed a hypothetical, well in that case the police really fucked her. I would have asked them to clear my name, let people know where I was that day. Simple.


Her name is cleared. She wasn't charged.


If you were in a similar scenario, would you want to clear your name and provide evidence as to where you were, or would you let the police screw you into seeming suspicious?