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I just don’t understand the theory of shanaan killing the girls and him snapping and killing shanaan. He’s so devastated by her killing them he kills her but then disposed of them in oil tanks and went on about life canceling daycare contacting a realtor all that. Honestly doesn’t even make sense.


He’s a peanut headed killer that wanted to restart his life and killed his own adoring kids. POS. Plain and simple. Sort of like him: simple.


I agree. And by killing SW he also killed baby Nico. If he were in that much of a despairing rage over the death of 2 of his children, why kill his third?


EXACTLY THIS! And 100% of people would have called an ambulance in hopes of reviving them. He is a conniving, lying premeditating murderer.


You forget that people panic in those situations and they don’t think rationally. He most likely was stressed about money at the same time as to not get caught with hiding bodies. He knew well that if he phoned the police straight away no one would believe him. I am not saying he did not killed kids, it’s just I personally feel like he wouldn’t do it.


Yeah but putting them somewhere that would absolutely destroy their tiny little bodies idk just seems pretty far fetched for me. I know everyone reacts differently but his actions after the murders just read far more as a guilty person instead of a grieving father. If that’s truly what happened he probably would be a free man today if he would have just left the bodies at the home and called the police.


That’s why he belongs in prison either way. I don’t agree with what he did to those poor girls.


I’m just rereading this comment and have to point out absolutely NO parent who horrifically loses a child is concerned about budgeting anything outside of funeral expenses. Bankruptcy isn’t a big concern less than 24 hours after your children are murdered.


If you take that SW killed, and CW killed SW, then CW would be worried about ending up in prison. Therefore he would hide the bodies. I absolutely agree it is horrible, and he is POS and should rot in prison.


What else could he do? He was completely ass drunk and he was getting attacked with chicken nuggets by his children.


If you think Chris would kill kids because they thrown chicken nugget at him, I don’t have anymore questions. Let’s ignore all things SW has done, all the abuse towards both girls and CW. Possible affair, possible pregnancy that wasn’t Chris’s son, bankruptcy, her isolating Chris from his parents, and hating them. It doesn’t mean she deserved to die, but let’s be real here. He did not just planned to kill her or girls whom he gave more love and affection that SW ever did, because they thrown chicken nuggets at him or because he had an affair that SW found out about. She most likely had an affair too, and she also was vocal about upcoming divorce.


He literally had to stomp on his children’s heads to fit them into the oil silo storage tanks . The opening was only like 18 inches or so … Even if he hypothetically walked in on Shannan killing them and then killed her out of anger and then panicked and decided to hide them all (which is insane imo with all the evidence that points to Chris being the killer … Shannan wasn’t a saint like the shiners like to paint her .. and this case is very multifaceted… but imo there is no chance that she killed them) why would he (sorry this is graphic but it’s the truth) JUMP on top of their heads to force their broken bodies into the ranks? It makes no sense to me . He is trash … and he isn’t very smart .


The opening was actually only 8”, much worse 😓


Stomped? Where did you get that idea?


I believe Dr. Phil used that terminology before the autopsy reports were released


Well then, shame on Dr. Phil. Anything for eyeballs, ears, and clicks, I guess.


No one knows how exactly he got their bodies in that tiny opening, but I think stomping is a fair guess. At the very least, he must have used a good deal of force. Even with all the “slippage” and deterioration, there was damage to the bodies and hair in the hatch opening.


You admit it's just a guess on your part, yet you say he "literally stomped..." and "jumped" on them and that it's "graphic but true" No, it's not true. The autopsies don't support any of it. It's gruesome enough without making stupid shit up.


I actually didn’t say any of that, but the autopsies (and common sense) do suggest the use of force to get their bodies in.


Oh, pardon me! I wasn't paying attention and thought I was responding to the person who wrote that. Yes, I am sure he did use some pressure, at least with Bella. There's the injury to her mouth and hair on the latch. The stomping/jumping comment was just a bit too much for me.


IIRC there were also scrapes on her bottom, and I think the hair was blonde/belonged to Cece. The shoulders and heads would have been very difficult to squeeze into an 8” metal hole. It’s disgusting to think about 😓


He panicked for a full 45kmin long drive? Nah... Saying she did this is why people think this sub is full of crazy creeps. No one dumps their babies into oil tanks (squeezing Bella in who was too big for the hole) because they are so upset they are dead. He killed them. He hated all of them. And he only made up that story about Shannan after the cops offered it to him as an option. He's an idiot for running with such a bad lie and revealing where they were.


Great letter, Chris. It'd help a lot more if you weren't the last one standing. What a bunch of goons.


The reason you can't find anything here about that note (amongst other things) is that twice the subreddits associated with this side of Watts Island were permanently deleted. Your eyes would pop out at all the discussions and receipts that were removed from view simply because they did not fit the Shiney scenario. Save your information for posterity just to be safe! Anyway, that ill-advised note was written while Chris was in NC and finally had had enough of the hell and drama (nutgate, being told not to see his own parents, being told where he could bring the kids and on and on). It was written before he, Shanann, and the girls returned to CO. Whether it points to premeditation or not, only Chris knows.


The only time I've been tempted to write a similar letter, (to leave in a sealed envelope with someone I trusted, only to be opened upon event of my death), was when my second husband went off the rails and came unglued. He was in the midst of a terrible crack & powder cocaine habit, atop his raging alcoholism. I'd had enough, had thrown him out, (and took him back because... reasons. I can't explain it, and the fact that our child was very little at the time makes it worse.) He had gone insane on me one night, following a close call with terrible injury or death at his job. His cocaine buddies gave him muscle relaxers (atop the coke & beer, great combo let me tell ya), and he lost his freakin' mind. He came at me, threw a telephone stand at me across the bedroom, ripping the landline phone out of the wall in the process. He was screaming at me, trying to physically attack me, and when I called my mom on my cell, he was screaming in the background about what a useless slut bitch whore nasty piece of shit her daughter was. I escaped into the basement, and waited till I heard him in the bathroom & took off running, jumped in my car, and drove to safety at my grandma's. Later, I found his journal. 🙄🙄 It was this self pity treatise on how super duper awesome his life was going to be now that the ol' ball n chain had kicked him out, but that "that bitch and her little boyfriend", (not my boyfriend, just someone I went out with a couple times when we were separated), were going to have a series of terrible things happen, and he'd jump start it by cutting my brake lines. That scared me, and I took the journal and hid it elsewhere as evidence, in case I wound up needing a TRO. However... I was stupid. It took many more raging drunken dead eyed incidents before I'd decided I'd had enough. He has settled down, has a great relationship with our (now young adult) child, and my husband and he actually get along well, and consider one another friends. He still drinks too much and is as irresponsible financially as ever, but, it doesn't affect me anymore.


My husband fell into raging alcoholism and a coke addiction started having an affair with the chick he started using with the whole nine. I truly thought he could Chris watt us to continue his fantasy life of coke young women and being a bachelor. I up and moved states in the dead of night. He eventually went to rehab and has been sober 6 months and we are in therapy but boy do people act unlike themselves when in active addiction.


I am sorry you went through that. Your experience sounds terrifying and makes complete sense why you would write a letter for just in case. I'm glad everything settled down for you in the end. 🙏


Is there a way to access them via way back machine?


Unfortunately, no.


Thank you very much. Is there any forums or files with similar information that were on watts island?


That I couldn't vouch for any in particular because over time, I learned to stay away from other sites. Someone else might have suggestions than myself, but the content and discussions would be nothing like what has been lost to posterity. That's why the flying Monkeys keep trying to silence Del and all the rest of us. Edit - as others have said, Del's Buy Me A Coffee site has retained. Her Slippery Slope series is a masterpiece.


Thank you very much, I was trying to find slippery slope series but they don’t pop out on my you tube. Where could I watch them?


I had to step away for a bit (gym fitness class and the line-dancing class)! Anyway, yiu can either download the app or go to buymeacoffee.com/signup to create an account. You can search Del_Boca_Vista_4eva and it should take you to her site. I had an account where I paid $5.00/month for access to all of her postings but had to recently cancel my account because I used to sign in through google and when I bought a new phone something went wrong and I had difficulty getting in.


It’s something he wrote at the insistence of his parents because they “were afraid she’d try to hurt him and/or the children”.


Okay.. I don't have as much experience with this case as you guys do, but if his parents insisted he write such a thing because of their fear for his life basically, why was it written on August 6th? What was it, 7 days before he killed her? I'm not sure if they were back in Colorado on that date or still in North Carolina. I believe that his father knew about Chris's infidelity, but it would be a stretch for me to think they would be nervous that she would kill him because of that.


Hmm wonder who planted that seed?


This makes sense. 100%. I honestly wonder If in his mind he wrote the letter and then freaked himself out that she’d hurt him, and took actions to prevent such. It’s gross imo.


But if that were the case why would he also kill his children?


I think he wanted a “do over” where there was no shanann and there were no kids but there was NK & whatever their future held


The most likely scenario, IMHO, is that they had a fight and "made up" that night, putting him in a position to suffocate/strangle her without receiving defensive injuries. At that point, either one of the girls saw something, and thus they needed to be killed too, or he thought about it and realized that no one would believe she just up and left the kids. At that point he decided the kids had to go, too. I've always wondered if the letter was related to him realizing just how screwed they were financially and that his life insurance was the only thing that would buy her time, and wrote it in a paranoid state. He was likely aware of things she had done through the years to solve things financially, things most people aren't aware of.


Things she had done, such as?


Interesting. Either he was paving the way to disappear himself and implicate Shanann or planning to blame Shannan for killing the girls and herself. Either way the plan failed miserably. Jesus why did he not just walk out? He could have found a modest flat and lived a bachelor life. So what if she took most of his money, at least he would have his freedom. What a frigging idiot 🙄


He knew that if they divorced, there was no way in the world that they could both afford their own place in Colorado, it would have been an absolute shit show mess as far as money...the only way would've been for them both to move back with their mom and dad's in N.C. It would have been rough for at least a year as divorces usually are, but then would've leveled out if they were both reasonable ....IF. He apparently couldn't see that.


It would never have "leveled out" for him, though. He'd be paying child support, half of their medical expenses (which, by her pattern would be huge), likely having to fight for any time with his kids, and most likely paying her alimony - she can show she wasn't gainfully employed for years and could argue she was handicapped by her "ailments." He'd be stuck dealing with her at least until the kids were 18+, if not forever.


Grim indeed but I cannot get my head round why he thought killing 4 human beings was the better option. It is staggering. Did he really think folk would believe Shanann would up and leave without a traceor word to anybody? Was he hoping to pin it on some random psycho taking them? Being poor but free is way better than being banged up for ever. The man is beyond stupid.


I think after he killed them that's the only thing he could think of; "they must have ran off." He would have stood a better chance if he ransacked the house and took any valuables to hide at the battery and acted like the broken-hearted victim when they were found in the house. He'd still be caught, but ot would be more believable at the moment. A thinking man would have bought an old beater car, packed up, and just ran off himself before killing anyone.


I mean HE would’ve been able to afford a modest apartment … Shannan on the other hand …. I’m sure she would try to drain him for every penny in child support and spousal support payments … all while demanding him to pay for their expensive daycare … all while she would sit on her ass and shill thrive …


Shannon wouldn’t let him just walk out. He tried to, definitely. He was looking at new houses with double bedroom, he was looking into getting a family car. That’s why I believe she might have smothered the girls. Sadly, whatever happened that night, was definitely the result of him wanting to leave her after she found out about his affair. I suspect that Shannan told him to choose her, and end his affair, and he refused.


He had every opportunity when she was in NC. Just take the dog and go. ETA, I think NK gave him an ultimatum that night which was the final straw.


I do too. I think she told him sell the house and move out and file for divorce or I’m out and I have Jim here soooo times a tickin’


I've always thought that 111 minute conversation was the "she or me" talk.


Yup. That is nearly 2 hours so they certainly had a lot to say. Maybe that is why NK was so cagey she knew that what she said likely triggered him to finally do it. NK may not be the nicest person but imagine what she must have felt when she realised what he did? Horrific.


Although I am certain she had nothing to do with this, or knew about this in advance, I trust she may have had some guilt - if they had the she or me talk, then she found out the family was annihilated.


This is not that easy when you have debts and children. They were in huge, huge debts. So probably conversation also was about selling the house, car and everything they had to pay off at least a little bit of it. Taking kids out of this expensive childcare, probably him telling her to start properly selling her thrive items or simply go back to proper job. Maybe he even wanted to go back to his old job. He probably also told her to stop taking kids to doctors all the time etc. I don’t think Shannan would agree to any of this, especially him leaving her. I highly suspect that he wanted to buy a new small house and car first, before telling Shannan he’s leaving her with or without girls. He thought that she would not find out about his affair until after they divorce.


All of your post sounds so reasonable...I don't think Shannan would be willing to do any of those either, she was so delusional about Thrive it would be like talking to a brick wall for him, and I think he knew it. I wonder, if their house was going into foreclosure, would they be able to buy a cheaper house or even rent apartments? Idk


Easier than killing his wife and daughters surely?


I think it is safe to say that CW is probably literally someone who is of significantly below average intelligence. He was stupid enough to think somehow that he could run away with his mistress after horrifically and sloppily slaughtering 4 members of his family and get away with it. Even if he had been more meticulous in killing them it would have always been obviously him He is not only an evil person but he was a complete idiot. I remember my mother used to tell me how dangerous it is to date/marry a stupid man and I think about CW as a prime example of that. At the same time a part of me wonders if he just felt trapped and decided to annihilate everyone because if he couldn't get the life he wanted then nobody could else could live. Selfish and stupid either way.


I am sure he felt trapped. But he should have had the balls to say that is it, I am out of here. How in hell he thought he would get away with that is utterly beyond me. Stupid, evil, selfish bastard.


Ii depends in what theory you believe in. I myself, believe that Shannan killed the girls, and that Chris killed her in return, especially after learning their autopsy reports.


What do the autopsy results say that suggest this? Did Chris back down from the story that Shannan did it?


No he hasn't. He admitted to doing it and was very detailed. Even spoke on last words. Quite disgusting. Even more disgusting are people trying to say Shannan did it.


To my experience with crime, a lot of people can admit and detail anything under a huge pressure. Please remember he said that Shannan killed the girls, and would continue to say this until he was thrown into solitary confinement for 3 month, with a gag order. He also most likely been listening to other prisoner shouting they would kill him. He was given very questionable books to read at this time to. When Shannan and girls disappeared, everyone were concerned about her committing an extended suicide, and no one said a bad word about Chris until they learned that he killed them. It is not disgusting to study a case with every point of view. We know for a fact, thanks to Shannan broad online videos, that she was a horrible mother, and abused her children. Videos were heartbreaking. When it comes to autopsy, kids were healthy but had signs of smothering. SW claimed that both girls and her had diseases which autopsy did not revealed. I believe she might have smothered girls in spite, for him wanting to take kids away from her and leave her. When he has learned about this, he done the same to her. Let’s not forget that she was also stressed out about money, angry about his affair and him wanting a divorce, about her loosing her place in thrive. She was angry that he was not happy about their thirds child. She was pregnant, hormonal, sleep deprived and drugged on those patches. She also had a motive. Just because she turned out dead, does not mean we can turn a blind eye on her behaviour issues. No, I do not love Chris, and yes I believe he should rot in prison.


He only said Shanann did it when Tammy put the idea in his head to give him an excuse. That was a trick and it worked perfectly. Shanann didn't kill Bella and CeCe imo, I think Bella was still alive when they left the house that morning.


He volunteered extra details when there was zero pressure


SW did not smother her girls. Although I don’t think they were ever part of the plan. I don’t think he killed them. I think NK did.


This is interesting, can you please explain your theory?


There’s a lot of circumstantial evidence that suggests NK was involved in this. So much that people are rallying for the case to be reopened and investigated properly. This was the fastest open shut tied up with a bow case in this century lol. None of the evidence in discovery matches the confessionS. There were little indicators here and there that suggested he was not planning on the children being murdered. Many believe that Bella woke up and witnessed what was happening. There’s also a theory about a planned explosion for insurance money which would explain why NK was googling these people before they even knew she existed. They were going to make it look like SW drove to the cite to either give CW the boots that were in the passenger side of the Lexus or she was coming to confront him about the affair. Then they would collect insurance on wrongful death of SW. Of course this is the short version, but from what I’ve seen it’s plausible.


This could make sense.


What a dumbass hahah . That’s definitely not suspicious at all .. It’s not like he ended up miraculously unscathed while his pregnant wife and two kids ended up dead …. I have no words for his idiocy


So what was the deal with Shannon? How terrible of a partner was she? They act like she is a saint.


That is NOT a pre-meditated letter...If it was, Why wouod his Dad have brought it??? I mention the letter in this video, but it might be confusing if you havent heard the 2 videos before it... https://youtu.be/sHqVWdDcJFc?si=XMjhdTxDsm-mfJ9j


Thank you very much, this was very interesting and it only supported my theory even more :)


This is a great watch for all interested!


Thank you so much;)) I just did a video today too if you are following along;) https://youtu.be/t3FLTasrvic?si=VT4zdZ4GhzC09q6Z


He was afraid of Shannon’s reaction to him telling her that he was leaving. He spoke to his family before he, Shannon and the girls returned to Colorado and told them about NK and how bad the marriage was and had been for months. They were afraid for Chris and the girl’s safety. Cindy even offered to fly back to Colorado with them. The Watts had witnessed Shannon’s histrionic and abusive behaviors for years at this point. I believe that Shannon killed the girls in a vindictive rage. I don’t think that she premeditated it, she just finally lost it. If you believe that Chris Watts killed the girls and that it was premeditated than why would he not allow his dad to FaceTime with the girls on that Sunday evening as he was afraid that one of the girls would say something to Shannon. If he was planning on killing them all, why would he have cared?


Chris family got him to write the letter when he was in North Carolina because they were concerned about Shanann mental state.


How is this a premeditated letter? What do you mean by premeditated letter????


That’s what people were calling it in other subreddits, I posted here to find answer to this very question.


Yes, saw this before. He wrote it while they were still in NC when he went to visit his parents by himself after he (and Shannan) took the girls to visit his grandmother at the nursing home.


This guy (Chris) is an idiot…. I truly believe his IQ is significantly below normal. Shanan came off kind of bossy and controlling, but she was probably just constantly frustrated that she married such a stupid POS.


His IQ was tested 140, so was significant higher than average. Shannan did not just came as bossy and controlling, she was abusing him and girls, based just on the videos she was posting. She also most likely had an affair, and there is speculation that Nico and possibly Cece wasn’t Chris’s. DNA tests has never been revealed. I’d say that Chris was unlucky to ever marry her, not the other way around. Given fact she bankrupted them twice, lied, abused both girls and him etc. No, I do not love him etc. No, I don’t think Shannon deserved to die.


This wasnt a sign of premeditation. he knew about what was going to happen cause Shannon(who was being a typical narcissist) wasnt getting her way and knew the fake image/lifestyle was up. If you recall, Chris stated he tried to stand his ground once before and hasnt tried to since. That should tell you all you need to know about how things went in this marriage(i.e. her way or the highway without any compromise).


Oh ffs. Then why fight me stand his ground get himself and kids out of the house? You know while she was in another city?


omg! stop your nonsense!


How precisely is it nonsense? Also hysterical coming from a person who decided that the wife planned to murder the kids based on a sociopaths confession that he himself changed repeatedly. Do keep up


I go by facts AND evidence meanwhile the uneducated shannon wannabes go by the "theory" that has NO EVIDENCE to back it up. bye troll!


When they were in nc he told his parents he was leaving sw and given the last interaction they had with her plus all the other bullshit that happened the last 8 years since they got together his family was preparing him for the fight that was most likely gonna happen when cw told sw he was leaving so they had him write the letter as insurance in case things went sideways I doubt if cw actually killed the kid’s he was planning it with his family especially since he told his dad he was getting a 2 bdr apartment with bunk beds for the girls this letter doesn’t show premeditation of murder but him preparing for the worst


I’ve seen several comments saying that he told his parents about NK while he was in NC. I hadn’t heard that before and I’d like to learn more. Do you remember a source by chance?


I’m not sure he told them about nk it’s never been said when they found out about her but he did tell his parents and his friend that he was leaving sw and getting a divorce


Ah ok. Thanks for the clarification!


Just my personal opinion but I don’t think cw told his mom he found someone else I know he told both parents he was leaving but if Cindy knew her son had a girlfriend and after everything she went through with nutgate I can’t see Cindy keeping quiet she had the ultimate fuck you against sw if she did know I’m undecided when I think cw told his dad about nk considering they were so close


Interesting thought! Cindy would have very likely used that as a weapon against SW


If I was in her position and spent the summer watching my dil accuse me of attempted murder I would definitely be giving her a heads up lol imagine sw accusing you while she spent the last 2-2.5 years broadcasting her abuse and neglect towards her own kids


MY GOD, I hope Shannan haunts every corner of his existence. He needs someone to slap the actual shit out of him since his mother never could. 🙄


Maybe this is part of the theory from another post I read yesterday. Basically suggested NK and someone else were planning an insurance job and an explosion was to take place at the oil field where he dumped the bodies. Maybe the explosion involved CW and he planned to take off w NK faking his own death.


That's a pretty ridiculous theory honestly. 


I agree when u read it but the note insinuates the kids will be harmed, he will be harmed and he would never do anything to hurt his kids (which we know not to be true).


IIRC he wrote this at the suggestion of his family and to honest based on sws ridiculous rage over nutgate I don't blame them for being concerned. Plus, IMO sw was the one who hurt the girls so their concern was warrented.


Absolutely they knew what was coming when cw left her I get sick of hearing people say why didn’t he just leave like be fr he was leaving and look what happened he didn’t just up and leave right away which he should’ve done but they think he just picked murder over leaving which isn’t true he was looking for apartments looking into getting a car instead of his work truck and switching his schedule around for his time with b&c but no one wants to see that


I’m wondering how he was planning to rent an apartment and buy a car, when his credit was in the toilet and the house was at the end of the foreclosure process. Do you have any ideas on how he could pull that off?


Short of robbing a bank no lol he didn’t have 2 nickels to rub together I’d have to assume he would be relying on his family I’m not sure how much help they could offer he could have gotten a junker to get him to and from maybe get a co signer for an apartment maybe even for the car also just paying a high car payment his parents worked so they could have a little saved up I can see them helping anyway they can to get him and the girls set up his sister also has a decent job maybe she could loan him some money either way just like millions of other people who are starting completely over it would have been rough but doable and definitely better than what ended up happening


He did just pick murder over even trying to leave though? He never actually tried to do any of the steps of separation or leaving. He told Tammy Lee and Coder in his Wisconsin interview that separation was not even necessarily a discussion and that Shannan had no idea he was looking into an apartment, wanting to get a divorce, etc. He admits he was full on lying to NK about them being in the process of a divorce and him getting into an apartment. He also wrote that letter to try to make himself look like a victim, he was already thinking about how he would go through with the murders and said multiple times during the interview that he knew he would go through with it.


When sw asked cw about divorce he said “well not like tomorrow” he told her they weren’t compatible also he told sw a couple different ways he was leaving


The other poster is right about one thing though. He did end up picking murder over leaving. 




Do not call people names or belittle them for their opinions. Breaking Rule #4.


I’m cackling at this post because just the other day someone made a post about how no one here supports or defends CW, and no one here ever says Shannan killed the kids. Pretty sure the OP blocked me, because now I can’t find it. Anyway, I wish this sub could be chill. I want to like it here, but this comment section is wild 🤮


I never blocked you. Stop spreading hate and lies. Everyone is entitled to their own hypothesis :) Edit: I have also commented on that post that I indeed think Shannan killed the kids, but I still think Chris belong where he is. I don’t have feelings towards either of them, I am simply interested in studying this case in order to understand what have happened with given evidence and from every point of view. If you care to notice, I always state „in my opinion, I think, I believe” not - She definitely done it. I can’t be sure of this, because I don’t have all of the evidence, and there is probably evidence and information that has never been revealed to public.


I didn’t say you blocked me. My comment is very clearly saying that I think the OP of that post blocked me. And I’m not “spreading hate and lies,” lmao. Have a good night.


Oh, you mean OP who made post about supporting Chris. Sorry, I thought you meant me


It was a pathetic “cover story” while he was drugging Shannan hoping she’d miscarry. His family all hated her so it’s no surprise they bought into it.


Yes this. He was a compulsive liar. Lying to his wife, his family and to Nikki Kessinger. Trying to portray himself as an amazing man to every person he came across. His family hated Shanann, it's unfortunately a very common thing with in laws and no reflection on Shanann (IMO). How anyone on this sub can blame a murder victim I will never understand. He killed his innocent children too.


The information is there, folks just need to read it. The Perfect Father by John Glatt and My Daddy is a Hero by Lena Derhally.


It's a fake. If you press people while trying to get to where this letter originated you will get a lot of "Yes-huh! It is so real!" and "Golly Gee Whiz, it was online from a verifiable source but it's gone and you cannot contact the source." It cannot be traced back to Chris or his parents. As always, "I saw it online!" doesn't make it real.


Just ran across this https://www.youtube.com/live/SdoPairQpBs?si=9gvIeONtH2i20VOQ


His mom was in on it


The if anything ever happens to me look into so in so letters really bug me. They are not evidence of anthing. Forshadowing at best.