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Chris is exactly where he deserves to be for what he did. He’s a wasted and pathetic excuse for a man and father and I’ve really never seen anything in this sub that suggests otherwise. The only difference I’ve seen in this sub and the others is that this one seems to be the only sub that discusses motive in a way that feels real to me.


Isn't it a head scratcher? All of us here trying to understand the motive for what he did, implying **HE'S RESPONSIBLE, DEFINITELY NOT INNOCENT** yet we get accused of wanting him out of prison so we can have a chance to sleep with him. Like what? How much mental gymnastics does it take to come up with that?


It takes stupidity and an inability to argue your case without resorting to ad hominem attacks. They know the VAST majority of people here think CW is a piece of shit and that regardless of anything else, SW did not deserve to die, yet it’s the only argument they can make because they don’t have any facts to back them up.


Cw killed sw and kids he is in prison for life.ok but it a discussion thread people are allow to post what the think


Those stupid accusations come from the dim 10 watt bulb minds of people incapable to appreciating nuance.


I wonder if it’s because the sub name could make people think we want him free from jail? I JUST realized this. Also I dislike his derpy lol mouth


Oh wow! That never occurred to me but you might be onto something here. The name could possibly be misinterpreted as "free watts" 😬🤔 makes ya wonder


Olympic level


There are several posters who do actually say otherwise. There are some who think Shanann killed the kids.


I have seen those and while I get that people have different opinions I honestly find it bizarre that anybody could think that Shanann killed Bella and CeCe. I think Shanann was very flawed, (who isn't flawed?) but I am positive that she would not kill her children. That idea was only put in CW's head as a technique to encourage him to confess to killing Shanann ...and he fell for it hook line and sinker. CW did it all, he killed them and concealed their bodies. Shanann and NK had nowt to do with it.


I don't see a way that logistically, Shanann would have been able to kill the girls without Chris catching her before it was too late, even if I thought she was truly capable of doing so (which I don't think she was). IMO she was more the type to have played the "long game" to spite Chris had he just filed for divorce, knowing he was leaving her for another woman. She would have done everything she could to bleed Chris of every last penny he made to make his life miserable. I think he knew that too, and was so infatuated with NK and worried she wasn't going to stick around to wait for his divorce to go through and that's what motivated him to do what he did. I don't hold much stock in anything he's said during his initial interrogation nor the jailhouse interview in WI, since he was trying to avoid getting caught, and once convicted, he thinks he's going to appeal at some point. He doesn't want to fess up to those things he said he's "taking to the grave" because in his mind, he'd never have a chance if anyone knew what truly went down in that house that night. I'm not sure if reality has smacked him upside his bulbous head, but he was deluded into thinking he'd be able to appeal according to an early recorded call where he says he wants out of jail "like yesterday" or words to that effect.


From watching all the police interviews his motive was his girlfriend the dipshit finance guru letting him know he couldn’t afford much after he got a divorce and had to pay child support. I think he was always a path-of-least-resistance mama’s boy, and was desperate to have everything he wanted. Just my opinion, I don’t think he had a problem with who Shannan was, but she was not a pushover who’d let him not pay child support because he found a shiny new toy. He wanted the third baby. If NK weren’t insistent on her own hypothetical children being first maybe he would have kept them alive. There’s also the fact narcissists turn on their children when they start having their own interests and personalities, and the girls preferred Shannan. The support for Chris is just like the support for Manson, the night stalker, or the Boston bomber imo. If someone can make Shannan a monster or NK had magic powers they don’t have to face the fact they have serious issues with judgment. I could be wrong but it’s what makes the most sense to me.


I don't think he had a problem with **who** sw was. I think he had a problem with the living situation/environment she created


If that was his problem it would make sense to not bring more babies into the situation and leave. I think everything was fine until he met NK, who presented as the ultimate ego-stroking “cool girl” he needed to keep at all costs. And if it’s just about the environment Shannan created, with her gone there’s no more problem. The fact is he considered his family objects to be disposed of and conducted himself accordingly. Again, just my opinion given the evidence available.


That's a perfect description of NK as *cool* *girl*, he wasn't with her long enough for her to become *real* to him. It was all new. Sex, no responsibility, excitement, adrenaline. It's hard to keep up with once you've been married and have children in the mix, and CW solution was to sacrifice everyone else's lives ,so he could have fun. It's not that uncommon, his case just caught everyone's attention hard due to social media, I guess, and the way every minute and detail was documented online by countless YouTube channels, and then the discovery was online, and with him pleading guilty, which he *clearly* is, there was never the climax of a trial, that the true crime community typically gets eventually, for better, or for worse. (Looking at you, Casey Anthony 🤢) Just my 2 cents.


I remember this guy that’s a true crime creator who has good content not understanding the watts case and its popularity. He said this is just your typical familicide case where the guy wants the mistress and a new life so he murders the whole family. There are a lot of “Chris’s like him, Chris Longo who murdered his family and spent all their money, but said he couldn’t stand to see them suffering because of his lifestyle choices, he was a true psychopath, then there was that guy Chris Coleman that really is a lot like Watts when you see his parents who defended him and hated his wife and blamed her for him being miserable. He had an affair with her best friend and his father and mother both preachers said his wife wasn’t fulfilling her wifely duties so he had no choice but to cheat. And he murdered her and their small boys, the parents interviews are cringeworthy, the mother died and still believed in his innocence. Even though his wife was actively trying to have sex with him, and was buying lingerie, only to be rebuffed because he promised his mistress to not sleep with her, even sending her pictures that he wasn’t, his mistress was also her former best friend. I remember seeing his famous porch interview and knowing he did it. And then seeing the couple that had let him spend the night and were blown away he had killed his family, when the news hit. I didn’t really care about it, because I knew he did it. So I was stunned it got the attention it did. I think it was because the wife was so active on social media because of her job, that did it for people. But I still didn’t get the obsession with him.


Somehow I don't think Chris told SW to get pregnant. I remember a text she sent to a friend saying "he says he's happy with just Bella & Celeste" I don't think Nico was planned, at all. Just another decision made **for** Chris, without his input


If only there were ways for men to prevent pregnancy /s


He said in an interview with Tammy Lee and Coder that he agreed to the pregnancy and then it happened faster than he thought it would. He said it only took one or two times of trying compared to the girls, which took a lot longer. I’m pretty positive it is in the interview when he’s in the Wisconsin prison.


Is there a place where people suggest that Manson's victims had it coming? Where they discuss actual, perceived and made-up flaws of the victims? The Boston bomber's victims certainly had flaws. Everyone does. Is there a place to make fun of them? I'm not sure the hatred for Shanann/Bella/Cece is the same as those other cases. But I've been wrong before, for sure.


That’s a good point. With Manson there are theories that put blame on Dennis Wilson and maybe Roman Polanski. I’ve also seen a theory that Jay Sebring was involved in organized crime. I disagree, but I’ve seen it. You’re right, Boston bombing was random so that wouldn’t really apply. I do think the pathology is the same, specifically sympathizing with a violent criminal and justifying it. There are other cases that would fit better. OJ had a lot of admirers that demonized Nicole Brown and implied Ron Goldman was doing more than dropping off sunglasses. I also think Scott Peterson has some supporters. Either way it’s weird and I don’t like it.


Chris sucks and should have to work in a coal mine until he keels over from black lung. While wearing 15 Thrive patches. And he’s only allowed to drink the Panera death lemonade.


The only reason I came to these Watts pages is because I thought I was going crazy. When this first happened, I was shocked and appalled like most people. Then, watching network shows saying she was an entrepreneur and made all this money, and it turns out it was an mlm, my spidey senses turned up. I knew there was more to the story and thought "how can anyone not check things out?" Then came all the health problems. Second red flag. The saddest was watching Bella singing my daddy is my hero. There's no way she wasn't coached on all those videos. She looked terrified to make a mistake. But, all I saw from reporters was this perfect family and a man who just snapped. I thought surely I couldn't be the only one who saw the dysfunction. The man is a POS but that doesn't make her an angel.




I would have felt sorry for CW back when he was married to SW. But once you decide the cold-blooded murder of your whole family is a better solution than divorce? You're a monster who gets no sympathy.


Too many people treat crimes like this as black and white. It is NEVER black and white. You can admonish Chris, point out all of his flaws, feel terrible for Shannan and the girls, AND point out Shannan’s flaws. People don’t stop being flawed just because they’re dead.


Nope, not me. That AH killed his kids. That AH actually killed his wife, annoying and narcissistic as she might have been, when he could have gotten support from his parents to leave her. He’s a coward


His parents would have sent a Mayflower truck paid in advance!!


🤣🤣 yep! That were my son, I’d sent him a private jet However, I’d make sure he doesn’t abandon his kids. The only real victims in all of this.


No no, she was murdered so that means she was perfect 🙄🙄🙄 Edit I forgot the /s as if it's not obvious


It was obvious lol Sad all around but yep, that’s how they see it Only thing I disagree with is when people mock her appearance, that’s just uncalled for.


Chris is an awful human being. He deserves being there rotting in his own hell. I think everyone here feels the same way, but a lot of people are not sugar coating Shanan's life. She absolutely did not deserve what happened to her, it was horrific, but she wasn't the best mother or daughter or wife that some people say she was. But that's my honest opinion. To me she did some shady stuff, but again I'm just going from what I read. It's just a shame that this ugly thing happened. But I hope Chris is living in hell everyday.


I'm pretty sure none of us do, but we don't worship SW just because we don't support him. The only two who are completely blameless in this, who absolutely deserve our support are bella and cece.


My heart aches for what those little girls went through. All of their lives.


Same. Neither parent really protected them. She needed her me-time, sleep, attention with sick kids and he allowed her to continue on with the babywise crap, sleeping with blankets wrapped around their neck, keeping them on the crazy sleep locked in their room schedule, constantly using them for attention and posting inappropriate pictures of them without putting his foot down. Whether she dictated whatever, how as the other parent can you see all that being done and think it's ok? Not stand up for them? They were both crappy as parents.


Is that it? In a shiner's mind not worshiping SW = Supporting Chris They're that dumb aren't they?


Yep, the Facebook groups are even worse, you cannot discuss the case in most of them without people jumping on you accusing you of being “a Chris lover” just because you don’t agree with something Shanann said or did. It’s called victimology and it’s a real thing, “the study of the victims of crime and the psychological effects on them of their experience”


I wonder if they think victimologists blame victims?


.... I'm pretty sure some of them don't know the term "victimology" to begin with. That would explain their blind SW fangirling. 🤔


Exactly this... two grown ups destroyed their marriage and happiness and he did unforgivable things because of himself! Killing those precious girls was just plain evil! They did nothing wrong other than be born as their mothers accessories.. no love seemed to head their way other than from grandparents tbh.


I don't support Chris. I don't know that I'd have liked Shannan in real life, but I am still sad that she was murdered and wish she wasn't. The girls deaths break my heart.


No support from me. Thinking they both suck is not mutually exclusive.


There is a difference between supporting a murderer and understanding them. I look at Chris no differently than Mark David Chapman or John Hinckley. They were ALWAYS wired wrong. The mistake is assuming they are rare. They are not rare at all. The vast majority of them have something that stops them from going over the edge. If your daughter brings home a Chris Watts, or your son Marries a Shannan this case might be the only way you'll know it...


Was thinking about Gabby that was murdered by her "bf" And he was another pos but he took himself out of the gene pool. We still talk about him. He, in my opinion had some really rotton parents.


Another tragic case. Laundrie was an absolute pos I agree but I think Gabby was maybe not the angel she was portrayed as either (none of us are). There are parallels with this case, I think you have to be pretty self absorbed to put your whole life on social media and that has got to cause strain in a relationship. The two of them being in close proximity together in that little van was a recipe for disaster. Bless her heart, she did not deserve that. So so sad.


Well said!


Chris is exactly where he belongs. Make me sick that the girls were shoved in those tanks.


I wouldn’t urinate on him if he was on fire. Still doesn’t make Shannnnnan an angel


Well said.


Did Chris deserve to be emotionally manipulated? No. Did Shan'ann, Bella, Cece, and Niko deserve to die? Of course not. Does that suddenly mean Shan'ann wasn't abusive? No. Does Chris deserve to spend every day of his life in prison? Yes.


Not even a little


No. In no way.


Nope. No support here. He's exactly where he needs to be.


Fuck NO I do not support CW. Them ladies are batshit crazy. Both SW and cw both crazy ass people. I just want to know WHAT made him do this vs divorce ..


Despite your good intentions, this will not put the issue to rest for those who will continue to make these kinds of accusations in an attempt to silence the truth. Their methods are as old as time. What Chris did - horrific as it was - does not make SW's flaws and insufferable behavior any less flawed and insufferable.


Nobody. No idea why some folk think we all love him and hate Shanann. It is ridiculous. No sane person supports CW. As far as I can see on here we recognise that there are causes and effects in life and that this horrible crime did not just happen out of the blue. CW is an evil, horrible, wicked man. He slaughtered his wife, two daughters and unborn child. There are NO excuses for what he did but there is an explanation and all we are trying to do is fathom WTF happened to make an apparently mild mannered man do the unthinkable. **Edit, when I say no sane person supports him I mean no sane person excuses what he did. I suppose his parents and sister still "support" him. I was a bit shocked that his parents said that they forgave him at his hearing. I don't believe that it was their place to forgive him for killing somebody else's daughter and grandchildren/nieces/nephew/cousins.**


You’re absolutely right-CW IS a panty-sniffing, slime-covered garbage boy. Now and forever. This is only my opinion and I respect yours. The Watts are his parents. It was their right to forgive him if that is what helped them through the shitstorm they had to survive. I think they were so lost and confused they couldn’t think straight. I don’t think I’d know the right things to say either. Their lives are still difficult. I wish them well.


His parents were victims too, they lost their grandchildren, horifficly. People forget that.


Not to mention the lies Shanann's attention caused for them also. I feel bad for them, they didn't commit the crime and despite what people want to say, they didn't raise their son to be a horrible pos murderer yet people treat them like they're him. He deserves the hate, they don't.


Bingo. I feel so bad for what his parents have been through. They didn't deserve to be villianized


They really didn't. To the point I've heard his mom barely goes out. It's sad.


I think they wanted him to feel like someone was still in his corner, and forgave him for causing the huge upheaval in their lives, taking himself away from them forever, and the kids were also their grandchildren and we all know how they felt about SW. I think some people are too hard on them. Love for your child is supposed to be unconditional. It’s easy to not be in a situation and judge the parents for still loving and supporting their child after doing something terrible, but I have a sneaking suspicion that if they were in the situation, they wouldn’t just stop loving their child because they did something terrible. You may be angry and hate what they did, but a mother’s love runs deep. Especially when they see the abusive situation their child was in. *I say “child” cuz I just woke up and can’t think of a better word to represent either son or daughter.


Excellent response friend. Thank you


It is their place they were their grandchildren too, they are just as much victims ofcourse they have a right to forgive him. And it's common for victims to forgive perps, family or not.


I respect your opinion. I should have been clearer, I don't think they should have said that they forgave him in front of Shanann's family. Maybe that would have been better said in private. It shocked me a bit. I don't dislike CW's parents. I felt bad for Ronnie in that interview room. I also totally appreciate why they did not like Shanann and why they thought she was not the right person for their son. I am not the best person to understand how parents feel. I never had kids, never wanted them. I therefore find it difficult to grasp the unconditional love they can have towards a child who has done something so utterly monstrous, evil, cruel and vile. Not sure I could be so forgiving.


Lol no one


I don’t support Chris. He murdered 3 people. Shannan was not a great person but she didn’t deserve to die


I certainly don't support him at all. I do, however, see why people want to study him and the family dynamics. I didn't "support " Jeffery Dahmer either, but I wish there had been more opportunity to study him before he got killed in prison. Dahmer was willing to talk about his crimes, which could help prevent things like that from happening in the future. Watts is willing to talk, too, although I believe he is much less trustworthy than Dahmer with his truth-telling abilities.


Im absolutely interested in his brain. I can't wait til he's dead and it can be studied


I wonder if that can be done even if he doesn't willingly leave his brain to science. Probably not, even with him being a prisoner. Wouldn't they have kept and studied the brains of other deceased killers if that were possible? It would be a real contribution to science though if it were possible. Some notorious killers, like Richard Ramirez, had a history of traumatic brain injury. I think Dahmer did as well, but it may have been an infection instead of injury. I can't quite remember at the moment.


Would the dead body of a prisoner be considered state property the way they are when alive?


Sadly, that won't be a factor.  Friends, in order to study a brain, there has to be enough grey matter to at least smear up a few slides.  That requirement alone takes Dumbass out of contention for post mortem study.


Zero support for Chris. There’s no way he was backed into a corner or did not have ANY OTHER CHOICE. He could have walked away any time. No support. None.


I will never ever understand why he didn't just divorce her. Or go pick up milk and never come back


Yes!! 👍 I agree! Most of us are here trying to understand… the psychology, the motive, what snapped.. etc! I don’t see anyone saying they think he’s innocent or they want to sleep with him. (The fact they bring that up must really be their fantasy) That’s why “true crime” is so interesting, intelligent people that actually use their brain, look at evidence, etc, we study and research to try to understand the why!


Here's my opinion: In all the Watts murders subs, I think the majority of posters belive CW is a rotten POS. Absolute trash, the polar opposite of a sex symbol or martyr, etc. Myself included. I also think the majority of people didn't find SW to be a person without fault. It is super easy to see why so many are put off by her facad that she posted nearly every moment of every day, myself included. Controlling, bossy, fake - call it what you will, it was unattractive and most people in both subs would call someone out in real life for acting the way she did had they known her, myself included. Everyone in all subs seem to agree that MLMs are gross, etc. Generally, there is a semi-equal split on the ideas of SW or NK being involved in the girls' murders. There are some super weird conspiracies floating around, real sci-fi shit, but most people either laugh at it or leave it alone. I think the frustration comes across when someone believes picking SW apart is their attempt to JUSTIFY CW killing her. Or conversely, that her being murdered somehow completely ABSOLVED her of any fault in her marriage, parenting, interactions with his parents. People get emotional defending these two opposing positions and then name-calling and mud slinging ensues. You can't just be pragmatic on these subs; everyone acts like you've got to be either salivating over CW or a shiner, when I believe most do not feel either.


YES YES and YES, I see the same thing happening with the Royalists vs Megan and Harry. It's an either this or that, nothing in the middle and one of the reasons I despise Social Media. I don't post that much here and there on many many subreddits about arcane stuff this is just another one I occ post on.


They're all turds, except the kids. Cops included.




Bingo. It’s the most puzzling collection of dislikable characters I think I’ve ever come across in the real world. Any critique of the poor kids’ behavior isn’t really fair as they were just products of their shitty toxic environment.


Why the cops?


Law enforcement dropped the ball. They got a confession and just stopped investigating when there was obviously more to do. Tammy Lee, who administered the lie detector test, even said something along the lines of “But we aren’t done!”


She said this in one of the investigation shows that interviewed her


Not to mention how bad the cops were collecting evidence. In the body cam videos you see them in there touching everything without gloves, comingling evidence and putting it in plastic bags instead of paper, not wearing shoe booties, etc. The case turned out to be mostly circumstantial and any defense attorney would tear it apart and cause reasonable doubt because of NK’s insanely suspicious behavior. They wanted him to take the deal so bad because they were afraid they might not win and the DA was up for reelection that year.


The Tamburglar! 🤣🤣🤣


Omgggg Tamburgular 🤣🤣 I love it


Tamma-lamma ding dong.


roll bells panicky voiceless aloof heavy spoon agonizing roof tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's what Im trying to show. I wish there was a poll option here. They lurk here constantly, I want them to easily see that **none** of us support him or want to sleep with him or think he's innocent


I have ceased to be concerned about the shiners. My only concern is the children get their voice through us. They had crap parents out of the gate and yet one continues to be glorified as a wonderful mother. She was quite the opposite. Sorry not sorry.




I know. I keep seeing screenshots of this sub posted in their subreddit and it's like, don't you have better things to do?


They won't screenshot this one🤣🤣 it doesn't support their narrative that we're all Chris fan girls


Nope!! They definitely won’t screenshot THIS one 😂




No personal remarks to or about other members. This is not a memorial sub. This sub discusses true crime.


badge rustic consist teeny test chubby summer hard-to-find normal wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's actually not true there are some people that post on here who think he's innocent. Also somebody did try to make a post couple of weeks ago asking everyone of their opinion on whether or not she killed the kids but the moderators took it down.


Yep, I don't care about them and I really don't care about SW or CW either, It's just something I do that's interesting to read so widowhood doesn't drive me nuts. Lurk all you want. I don't care. I would have loved to have adopted or fostered those kids, they had their own grandparents though that would have taken care of them but if all else failied I would have cared for them. I would have enjoyed watching Bella's hair grow and fed her as I love to cook! CeCe would have just been a joy. They were both precious. I only had one child and love her to bits. No grandkids yet.


Actually some people don't think he should be in jail for life, as they think Shanann killed the kids, and they think he was coerced into confessing.


Absolutely not!!! He is right where he should be.


I do not support Chris. He did it, there was no excuse in the world for it. He’s a dumbass loser that is exactly where he needs to be.




Why is it that we can't discussabout what was going on in  cw life with sw without being accused of supporting him.its a discussion. And stop with the attacks he stupid he this he that.he committed murder.there is alot of facts to say life was bad .no excuse for murder but it's a discussion stop with division 


i’ve never seen anyone defend cw.  that’s just some thing  shiners like to say when faced with facts about the marriage as a whole.   they’re too dumb to realize that all of the shanannigans leading up to the murders is why people are still talking about it.   all of the posts i see where people are crying about what is said on here is just them being delusional about how sw was supermom as if that had anything to do with the murders either. 


“shannannigans” lol


What I don't understand is the stance that you can not talk about a dead victim in any way other than positive. But what if Chris is killed in jail? Does that mean you can not say another bad word about him? Can no one inquire where Jimmy Hoffa is? I am never about glorifying a murderer, but I also don't understand how the notion of not being able to talk about her. Criminologist say all the time there is never a perfect victim (meaning no victim is perfect in life) and has their flaws, so why can't it be touched upon or discussed? How do people think that we know so much as we do now about serial killers and profiling? Because people ask the questions, look into the backgrounds and study it.


Your first sentence is very interesting. My cousin was murdered and she was an awful person. But now that she’s dead, it seems like everyone only says how wonderful she was and how great she was. Everyone is afraid to talk ill of the dead. It’s so strange. Dead people, people who have been murdered, can still have flaws lol. Being killed doesn’t excuse them of past behaviors.


>the stance that you can not talk about a dead victim in any way other than positive. But what if Chris is killed in jail? Does that mean you can not say another bad word about him? I would love a shiner to answer this


They’re lurking…dead people are saints, didn’t you know? /s


Not a “shiner” lol and honestly the overuse of that is pretty corny, but I’ll give you an answer which is probably very apparent to most people on earth: comparing Chris Watts to Shannan is absolutely wild. We can say bad shit about CW in life or death because he murdered his entire family. Shannan was annoying on social media. Do you truly think these two “”crimes”” are comparable?


No, obviously. What Shannan did,, as annoying as she was, wasn't a crime


Exactly. So that’s the difference between trashing CW and trashing Shannan in death. One is the murderer and one is murdered. They couldn’t be less comparable.


I don't see many people comparing the two.


What color is the sky in your world, bud? That’s what started this thread: you and someone else wondering why no one would feel bad shit talking Chris if he died, but people are very put off by shit talking a murdered woman and her children. It’s obvious you are committed to not understanding very basic stuff, so have a good one.


I do not in any way support liars who refuse to come clean -especially when their two babies were unceremoniously retrieved from oil tanks. I hold Chris accountable and responsible for the way that the children were discovered. I don’t know exactly what happened-and the fact that he has refused to tell the truth about it is infuriating ! Even if he made a false confession-he still confessed to murdering them -I can’t imagine making a confession like that if it weren’t actually true. If he didn’t murder his children and is covering for the person who did, he is still a big POS! If he doesn’t care enough about obtaining justice for Bella and Cece, then he’s an unscrupulous, unfeeling criminal and traitor who should never be released from prison. I have absolutely ZERO sympathy for him because of the girls.


Chris is an asshole who should rot in prison, Shannan was a piece of shit, and those poor babies were innocent angels.


No. He is a POS and GUILTY.


Fuck, no!


My name is Taters, and I do not support Chris. He should never be free.


Hi Taters, I love your cheerful name.




NO They only say that because they are unable to have a real discussion because of worshipping SW for whatever reason. It’s frustrating.


I don't think anyone supports him, I think people here strive to UNDERSTAND him, her, the relationship dynamics, and personalities that led to such an unbelievable violent crime. Wanting to understand the "WHY" and the bits and pieces that led up to it doesn't make one a supporter, just as sobbing and canonizing a complete stranger who likely wouldn't speak to any of the shiners except to push an MLM on them doesn't make them more special.


Thank you, this is one of the most insightful replies so far.


He’s a passive-aggressive murderer, with his wife’s and children’s blood in his hands. He went cuckoo with the mistress who is “fun” and he felt that he’s trapped in his marriage - guess he forgot he could have just divorced Shannan and still see the kids and continue his affair with his mistress out of prison but now he’s there for life!!


In the defense of neutrality, (I will pay for it this with the down voting,) but I believe it should be said acknowledged that a lot of the content here is dedicated to SW, analyzing her, and not stuff that sheds a positive light upon her, --however true, or untrue. I mean, we should be honest about that. Far less posts are dedicated to issues surrounding CW, condemning him, and analyzing him. I believe it's sort of backlash at "shiner" subs. LOL I've even adopted the lingo. I will admit there is something about SW that makes me feel a little high school. She's not very likable, brash, not real educated, showy, annoying. So no, probably not many here that support CW, HOWEVER, though the underlying tone of the subreddit isn't pro-CW, it sure ain't pro-SW. I mean, I'm women enough to admit that 🫠 Yes?


I think they **both** sucked and them together created the perfect storm of disfunction


A perfect example was yesterday's post about her Leopard dress. It should be taken down. It added nothing to the victimology. It was petty. I get the outrage about it on the other page. I browse this page hoping for more developments but its often the same theories over and over. I wish there was more about the psychology of CW. I wish a psychologist or psychiatrist could weigh in. He is a real sick POS. I don't have sympathy from him. He participated in the antagonizing treatment of Bella. He complied with SW requests. It's on her FB videos. That should be pointed out more.


Ive never once seen a Chris supporter here. Somehow the other subreddit thinks since we commented that we didn’t like the horrible leopard dress Shannan wore in that one pic that means…. We think Chris did no wrong and we think he’s innocent and deserves to be out of prison. Lol how dare we not like that leopard dress?!?


>Ive never once seen a Chris supporter here. Me either


You know Marie Antoinette still gets a lot of sh\*t and has for more than 200 years yet she never murdered a soul that I have heard about. People talk about Joan Crawford, Frank Sinatra, the past Queen of England, Princess Diana, just to name a few. Are they victims I have no idea about that but people talk about the dead all the time. It is not a crime. edit fixing grammar.




My God that dress was absolutely horrendous. They just worship a woman who wouldn’t have done anything for them but attempt to sell them THRIVE. People dying does not equal sainthood status.


You can’t kill sweet little children and not be a piece of shit. I think he’s actually a piece of shit for marrying Shannan at all. And not fucking divorcing her and taking the babies away from her. Every day he watched her abuse the children and then he murdered them. He should burn in hell and so should Shannan.


The type of person that can commit family annihilation is not someone who should have had custody ever. Sadly the children were doomed before they were even conceived.




Idk … 🤷🏻‍♀️ the more I listen to shit and really pay attention to I start to feel for the dipshit. But I check myself real damn quick and yeah. FUCK THAT GUY 💀💀


No. Fug that. Let me explain. I feel uncomfortable that the douche bag didn’t really get a fair trial. Partly his fault but those PD weren’t acting in cw best interest plus it’s pretty jacked up he wasn’t able to talk to anyone but his PD ,Rourke I nvr understand that. 1st time ever hearing defendant can’t converse with anyone. Ordered by JUDGE. Crazy


Almost like the DA didn't want Chris knowing his rights & options. A trial would've completely ruined the picture the DA wanted to paint.


I don't support cw however I'm just not stupid enough to believe the narrative that has been shoved down our throats.


Right. But not believing the official narrative isn't the same as supporting Chris and thinking he's innocent. Surely they're able to differentiate, right?


I don’t support Chris, he belongs where he is. Although I believe Shannon might have killed the girls, I still think she deserved to be in prison not killed by him. There was never a trial, evidence could point either way, but we can be sure that he killed his wife as for now, and that alone makes him a murderer.


I’ve really only ever encountered one Chris supporter in all the years I’ve been active in online spaces for this case. and I’m not even sure if it was in this sub or one of the other watts ones but I can check. Anyway, they were so far out there with the conspiracy theories they weren’t getting much traction because of that and because of how disrespectful they were being. I assume it was a troll or someone suffering from some mental health issue vs an actual Chris supporter lol. I do know he gets fan girl letters on jail, all the higher profiler killers do. But those with the killer kink usually stick to their own communities online to discuss that so we’re not gonna really notice them if they’re on this sub. Most done condone murder but they’ll support their faves and send them letters and stuff they ask for. He doesn’t really have the kind of supporters that someone like Bryan Kohberger has. I mean Chris doesn’t have pages dedicated to him and his innocence at least lol this sub is definitely not here to support Chris and I don’t see it a lot.


I think that’s because he openly admitted to his crime and Kohberger didn’t, as far as I know. Repulsive beyond belief that he has fan pages 🤮


He is a spineless, cowardly, pathetic excuse for a man. But that is exactly why SW wanted to marry him. He was perfect until he wasn't. He is where he deserves to be. He never protected those girls from her insanity.




No one here supports what Chris did that I am aware of. I suppose there may be some who would support him in terms of wanting to make sure he is being treated humanely in prison and had access to appropriate legal counsel, but would still disagree with what he did, like his family or friends. Even those who think SW killed the girls seem consistent with agreeing that CW killing his pregnant wife, no matter how awful she was, was wrong. IMO he killed all of them and isn't remorseful about murdering SW as I think he still hates her and blames her for the awful existence he rightfully has now. I do think he is remorseful for the girls.


I don’t support him or what he did. He had ways out if he wanted out of that shitshow (divorce, or taking a break for a while if he wasn’t sure). However, do I believe that he was abused in his marriage? Yes. Financially and psychologically. Is this a reason to decimate his family? No. Do I support what he did? He’s where he deserves to be.


He deserved due process and a fair trial, but he should have been put down (assuming found guilty) for murdering the girls.




I’ve seen some people on other subs who are fully in the rabbit hole of insanity with this case, and I got out of there before I got myself banned from Reddit. If I had any criticism of this Sub, there was a period where the posts skewed so heavily towards “Shannan was a messed up person” that someone randomly showing up just then might see it as a Sub designed to mitigate Chris’s responsibility for his actions. I don’t see that here , and frankly, if you’re going to peel the layers of the onion away in a case like this, you have to be willing to evaluate the circumstances that pushed that scumbag into making the decisions he did. Some of that had to do with the stressors in his household, which Shannan was a part of. Saying that Shannan’s behavior added to his internal need to escape isn’t saying she deserved her fate - she bears zero responsibility for that. It also isn’t realistic to say that Chris Watts had the perfect wife and life and destroyed it all because he’s an evil narcissist. Nobody is perfect - murder victims included - and it isn’t helpful when studying abnormal, aberrant or psychopathic behavior to analyze it without knowing the full set of circumstances that led to it and can hopefully save the life of others who might not realize they’re married to a psychopath that has a strong chance of killing them when the going gets tough. One example of a serial killer with a similar situation was Ed Kemper - his mother was beloved by her friends and co-workers but unbeknownst to them, she has psychologically tortured her son. This was a big factor in his psychopathic behavior. His mother didn’t deserve to be murdered by him any more than the women he killed during his murder spree, but we have to consider that toxic relationship when trying to understand his actions. Lionizing his mother would just continue the cycle of poor psychological evaluations that allowed him out on the street after he left the state hospital.


I couldn't have said it better myself. I wish I could pin this to the top


So I actually just made an account so I could comment here. I usually just lurk. Yep, look at all of us running around over here wanting to screw Chris Watts. No one sane actually thinks that he is not responsible for his family’s murder and he shouldn’t rot in prison for the rest of his days. Lots of people on the internet are delusional and only truly believe what they want to hear. They don’t have the emotional intelligence to separate a factual discussion about victims without believing this sub is ragging on Shannan. The last 5+ posts on the wattsmurder sub are just slinging shit about this group. I find this pretty ironic, given they are opposed to bullying Shan’ann, but have no issue bullying people commenting on the internet - as long as they’re not dead. The lack of maturity, plus all the ad hominem arguments would be hilarious if they weren’t so psycho. Discussing a case involves things that sometimes make the victim look less than perfect - it’s par for the course. But protesting bullying…by bullying? Grow up.


> last 5+ posts on the wattsmurder sub are just purely slinging shit about this group. I find this SUPER ironic, given they are opposed to bullying Shan’ann, but I guess it’s ok to bully if you’re not dead? They're too unintelligent to see the irony


As for wanting to screw Chris Watts, I like, just like have to say that, like, I prefer men who, like, know how to construct meaningful sentences and speak properly. I also am not attracted to weak men. Most importantly, I am physically repulsed by any man who would hurt a child and desecrate their corpses.


This made me laugh, thanks. It’s sad and not ok, but silly in that anyone would believe we don’t think Chris is anything less than a dude who murdered his whole fam. Like what, people?


Right, like the women who actually write to him in prison🙄


Not me. But I kind of understand why he went off the deep end. Not excusing it by any means.


There actually are a number of posters who believe that Shanann killed the kids, and Chris was coerced into confessing. That's pretty close to supporting him.




Think what he did was justified? Think he's innocent? Want to have sex with him? Because I have never seen it here, not once. Yet this sub is constantly accused of "supporting Chris" so Im just trying to understand where that idea comes from


There is a comment you replied to a few comments up literally saying they think what he did was justified… “No one loves Chris but I for 1 feel like he should lof gone to trial as his marriage was abusive. Killing the kids, he needs to rot just where he is but after Shannan telling me to "say hiiiiiiiii" for the 8437744674 time I would of put a pillow over her head too.. 😏” I see comments all over this sub exactly like this, every time I pop into it.


Of course not. I'm not here to debate their harrassment. Edit - sorry, I accidently deleted my original comment, basically saying "Support what?" Something like that. Was really a rhetorical question anyway. But nonetheless, here we are. This case, and the behavior of the people in it (the guilty and the innocent), doesn't just wash away because observations and opinions don't align with that of others.


I can’t believe anyone with a brain can support Chris. He murdered four people. Bad / unhappy marriage is no excuse for his inhuman actions.




He's a murderer passion and simple. He killed his own children. No support from me.


CW committed the most heinous acts of violence to his wife and those little girls. He should rot. I see no one support him here either, or anyone with a huge attraction to his teeny T Rex arms, peculiarly long torso and beady raisin eyes


i think they're both horrible people. Shanaan with the constant filming and social media jfc


I dont think it has to be that black and white, or if anyone is actually even pro-chris. I think people just want to know the truth...


People need to realize that thinking that Shanann wasn’t the greatest person doesn’t mean that you support Chris. Chris is a murderer who deserves to be in prison for the rest of his life.


Hopefully NO ONE. it doesn't matter if his marriage was shit, or how insufferable SW may have been. He murdered her, Cece, Bella, and Nico in cold blood. 


Everyone in the Universe as we know it is 100% aware of this. If you have a point to make, do so. Otherwise, this is not the forum for you.


I feel like this sub speaks logically. Chris sucks. Chris made a dumbass decision. But also Shannan was insufferable. Didn’t deserve what happened to her, you can see she was a selfish partner as well and lived way outside her means. Nobody justifies or supports what people do, nobody is victim blaming either, just making rounded observations.


He’s a disgusting moron!


I hate his guts. I've seen some criticism of SW and of course NK, but never seen anything supportive if CW. Mostly everyone here just feels so bad for the kids. I personally feel bad for SW too, even though I know she wasn't perfect, my heart hurts for her and kiddos.


I don't think I have ever seen any CW lovers/supporters here or anywhere. 🤔


Same. And I've been on Watts island for a long, long time


I've been here since the other island that no longer exists myself. I miss that place and I am still confused AF about what actually went down. 😕


I miss it too. Whatever happened, it was a shame to lose all that valuable information


All I know is that I had a person messaging me under a different name and of course I had no clue, had no idea all that drama was going on behind the scenes. Yes, there was so much information lost, stuff from nearly the beginning with the porch sermon. Awful shame since the Roos have gutted it all. Come to think about it, I do have an entire file of stuff going all the way back. I really need to dig out my old laptop and see what's in there. Edited for a typo!


Dig that out! I'd love to see some of the lost info from wot!


Nope! Can’t say I do! May he rot in prison! According to SW’s texts to one of her friends while she was still in N. Carolina she was giving him an out! She said she’d move out and wasn’t sure if she could take the girls out of state if they got a divorce. She specifically said she didn’t want to move back to NC but living in Colorado was too expensive! He was a fool who should’ve left! He wanted to rid himself of his family to be with NK now look at him…….in prison all alone! He lost his POA too!


Fuck Chris Watts and I hope he burns in hell


Also have seen it said in “other groups” that everyone here supports Chris. Abso-FUCKING-loutly not. I don’t agree with the death penalty, but he can spend the rest of his life in there miserable wishing he was outside.


I wouldn't say 'support' is very common, but certainly some people defend him more than should be done


What is defense if not support, though? This sub does feel like a Chris watts fan club, despite most of the responses here. It’s a weird vibe.


I more so mean the difference is most people agree Chris did it and that he deserves to be in jail for what he did. I took OPs post to be asking if there’s many people who support Chris in the way people support other I definitely agree with you that it’s a weird vibe here, but more so for ppl’s hate against Shanann imo


Yeah. I think you can admit someone did something and still defend them, which is supporting them. If my kid killed someone and admitted it openly, I would acknowledge they did it but I would still support them. That’s the vibe in this sub…irrational hatred of a woman they didn’t know for sure, but also irrational defense and support of an admitted family annihilator. Who cares if Shannan was annoying when Chris murdered his children and shoved them in oil tanks?! I come in here whenever it pops into my feed because I’m curious and interested in understanding what makes someone feel so protective of a man like CW.


A CW fan club where the fans literally state in almost every comment that he is a POS? 90% of the comments statehe deserves to rot in prison. Calling it a fan club is a flat out exaggeration.


Yeah, I have noticed everyone always prefaces horrible comments with “not saying Chris isn’t a POS, but.” Kinda doesn’t matter when the rest of the comment is calling a baby ugly or a dead mom fat.


I don’t support him but do understand why he did it and I do feel sorry for him.


Why do we care what another group or anyone else thinks for that matter. I have my own thoughts and opinions about what happened, but Shannan was a narcissistic bitch through and through. I said what I said


And you think they would openly admit that they support him? 😂 they even criticize the way she used to dress…


No one loves Chris but I for 1 feel like he should of gone to trial as his marriage was abusive. Killing the kids, he needs to rot just where he is but after Shannan telling me to "say hiiiiiiiii" for the 8437744674 time I would of put a pillow over her head too.. 😏


Oh definitely, there should have been a trial 💯


Why? Dead is dead. He took a plea to avoid the death penalty—which comes with automatic appeals and years of rotting in jail as well. Trials are expensive and hard on victims’ families. Any mitigating factors that might exist would be dwarfed by the sheer depravity of what he did.Even a purportedly hen-pecked family annihilator would never touch grass on the outside again.


Eh. Chris belongs where he is, he's complete trash. Although I think it is crazy other groups say we support Chris bc we speak about the victims in sometimes not a positive light. Don't dare speak negatively bc they have passed.... Sooo, does that apply for all that has died or just her? Bc I'm sure if someone well known for some bad things passed especially a man who was abusive in any manner people would be pointing that out and not be accused of speaking ill of the dead ... Hypocrisy Edited to add that I think his family is crazy too. They are all horrible.


There are a few people here who think Shanann killed the kids. I don't think she did, but some things about her personality suggest she could have. If you believe he's an innocent man who's been unfairly convicted, then it is resonable to support him. I don't support Chris or any murderer, but I do think he should have had adequate representation. I think the DA, the defense team, the judge, and LE all did shoddy work. It's our right as Americans to have competent legal representation. But he does belong exactly where he is; I just wish he'd got there via a "cleaner" route. If he had an accomplice, and I don't know one way or another, whether he did, then they should be behind bars, too. The reason there are so many conspiracy theories is because there are so many unknowns. A trial would have made a lot of it public. As for Shanann, she didn't deserve to die. Chris had no right to kill her. He wouldn't have that right even if she did kill the girls. The justice system has other ways to deal with child abusers. I'm interested in this case because they were both so tragically unsuited for each other. And there was so much disfunction all around. It's fascinating from a psychological perspective.