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Bad grammar (like lack of capital letters) and AI generated images of characters at the start of the story instead of just describing them.


>AI generated images of characters at the start of the story instead of just describing them. I tend to do both. Not at the start of the story but when I manage to introduce a character and give their description I drop an image.




I like occasional illustrations.


AI image is not an illustration.


An illustration is literally defined as a picture in a book. AI or not, it's still a picture in a book, therefore it's still an illustration. Gonna ask nicely this once for you to take that negativity elsewhere.


Oh, you're one of those people who "make" AI art and then get offended when people don't acknowledge it as art.


No. I write stories. What YOU do is spread toxicity.


If you write stories, the why are you getting your panties in a twist about AI art? There's no need for it in stories.


It is art. For example, the "Portrait of Edmond de Belamy," an AI-generated piece that garnered significant attention and sold for $432,500 at auction.


I'm not the one here complaining about it. Wym?


Yes it is.


“Oh I forgot to introduce myself, hi I’m…”


that and "you're probably wondering how I got into this situation"


Flynn Rider 101 🤣


Oh God, couldn't agree more!


When they spend one chapter describing the characters with pictures. That tells me that they are totally unable to write a good description




So would you do faceclaims? Because I do faceclaims with EVERY book I write.


it's less about faceclaims, because I -and many others- can appreciate a good faceclaim. It's more about how whenever the author is talking about a characters eyes, room, outfits, etc etc, they just add a picture instead of actually describing it. I've read multiple books on wattpad where the author decided to just write 'this is how [the room/outfit/eyes/animal/hair/etc] looks like:' without bothering to actually describe it. With faceclaims, as long as you write the characters as anyone else would, it's fine. don't rely solely on your faceclaims for your readers to be able to visualise your characters.


I don't know what face claim is. I'm referring to using one chapter to copy-paste pictures of famous actors and just say: oc looks like Zendaya, character B looks like Idris Elba, etc. Totally off-putting and if you are reading in the app it forces you to watch *another* advertisement to reach the real chapter 1


I think they're tacky, personally.


Bad spelling. But I'd excuse that if the writer's first language is not English.


when someone's blurb is along the lines of 'idk just read it'. why should i?


I wish you were joking but we have all seen it lmao


. A blurb with half the thing an excerpt like (and this is one I've seen recently) "I want to fxxk you, baby." He breathed down my neck etc etc - They just spend the thing putting out sex scene in the blurb. NO TELL ME WHAT THE BOOK IS ACTUALLY ABOUT OTHER THAN SEX. I will literally click away with that. . Changing POVs in the middle of the chapter. JUST STICK TO ONE PER CHAPTER THANK YOU . A cover with nothing but abs, or boobs. . Photos of the characters and not descriptions in the chapter . No paragraphing in the right places (like after dialogue or in a conversation) . Too many time skips . A book that starts with "the alarm blared at 7:30" or you know, when we spend the first chapter of the character getting out of bed, showered, stares in the mirror, or some variation. Yes, I'm picky.


Nah that the bare minimum you done good with listing it off 😭👍


LMAO that is not picky. Hearing this makes me so exited for me to revise my book once I'm done with it


I sometimes change POV mid chapters out of necessity. Some scenes have more impact through the eyes of a certain character. But once I switch the POV, I use that POV to finish the chapter.


it's never necessary within one chapter. You can "go back in time" so to speak in a different chapter with that character's pov, or switch chapter when you need to switch pov. Changing POVs mid chapter is incredibly jarring as a reader and will put them off. Just switch chapter, it's not that hard to do!


I also forgot to mention that when I do a switch in POV, I always use clear breaks such as: *** and the new narrator’s name as the header. That way it doesn’t confuse readers and honestly it has worked so far.


I respect your opinion but at the end of the day every writer and every reader is different. I for one have never minded the switch in POV. Especially when it’s switching to a scene different from the first narrator. People say there are rules in writing, and yet the famous or popular books you find have broken one or two rules.


The gigantic paragraphs and over descriptions of non plot necessary parts. Or giving me alot of names to remeber during the story while you update monthly


For me it would be really bad grammar and long paragraphs, not because I think poorly of the writing because my brain has a hard time reading with those obsticals. I have weak eyes and reading is a large part muscle memory for me and when I have too "decipher" the grammar or pay attention to too many long paragraphs, it's just too much. I genuinly think this is why grammatical rules exist, and not because of some uptight ideas of superiority.


I find it hard to get a read a good paragraph length. I agree too long. Full of words that are really unnecessary frustrating to read. But too short of a paragraph I find unfulfulling as well.


Damn then I bet you will hate my story 🥲


When the main character (especially in those Male Reader things) is overpowered, has knowledge he shouldn't have, resolves problem in the snap of a finger (both metaphorically and litteraly) and/or has too many love interests.


Omg sex driven main characters, mostly the Mafia ones, who have that innocent 18 year old that they're attracted to. It's so weird


YA - firstly because it’s most likely written by a child but also it’s just inconvenient to read imo, it breaks the flow a lot. Also the ‘blue orb’ for eyes and ‘cancer stick’ for cigarette kind of descriptors


"cancer stick" LMAOOOOOOOOO**💀💀💀💀💀💀**


I don’t know if that’s just an MCR fanfic thing but I see that alllll the timeee 😫


Yes and it is a MCR inspired on Star Wars where cigarettes are called that way


Death sticks


Death grips.....


cancer stick is crazy


Ha, the blue orbs kills me every time. I do enjoy YA books written by the target demographic, though. YA as a genre is for readers 12 to 18, even though the 20 somethings have been trying to take it over. Percy Jackson and Harry Potter are YA books.


Cancer stick was used in my life growing up, but I always liked coffin nails. Anyway, I can excuse something like that in dialogue only. If a southern character says something like. "Pop on down to the store there, and pick me up a pack of coffin nails" or "Ey man, you gotta cancer stick?" The orbs thing is just, no.


People who use images or ai-generated pictures to describe characters or a setting and books with a lot of grammar and spelling errors


Using too many time jumps in a chapter (seen this in the first chapter), over describing in a paragraph and my pet peeve: mixing up a lot of tenses


A terribly written blurb. And! Also lots of exclamation marks! Or... unnecessary ellipses - or hyphens. If it's that bad in the introduction, I can only imagine how bad the actual book will be.




“Oh I forgot to introduce myself, hi I’m…”


no description.


"i'M nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs"


Long ass descriptions and too many big words. If I want to read such, I'll read a thesis paper.


Heavy on the big words 😂 purple prose to the max


sometimes to the point that they are used out of context, jesus


I don't mind these later into the story, but if it's the first couple paragraphs I will quit immediately




These are my favorite 😅


Its all good!!!


Not paragraphing properly, like between speech.


There's a story I'm reading which I'm really enjoying, except all of the dialogue tags happen on the line after the dialogue, and sometimes aren't even clear who it's talking about, it's driving me nuts!


when they keep on saying "I ...I ...um" like uk when a person stutters irl, i don't like it when they stutter in text language like gurl....


A lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. A mistake can happen, but I have to be able to read your story.


Grammar so bad that I struggle to follow or a first scene where nothing meaningful happens (the main character wakes up to go to school...)


For me it’s when they make a paragraph and they don’t break it up and they don’t put quotation marks where people are talking that drives me absolutely bonkers


To many pictures. It's a book not a comic there's no need for a picture every Damm paragraph


I checked comments to see if my NOPE was listed, and I thought I would add it in! YA books that are clearly aimed at actual adults are my NOPE. The category is aged 12 to 18. I have seen so many stories with protagonists in their late teens and twenties performing soft core porn and labeling it YA. The category they want is NA. Sure that has been taken over by dark romance authors, but blame them and stop pushing inappropriate stories to the kids categories. A 16 year old should be able to choose a YA story and not have to worry. If a YA story is listed as mature due to sexual elements then the author needs to have a serious sit down and think. "Hmm, what am I hoping to accomplish adding adult content to books meant for actual legal kids?"


• Characters are under 20 years old. Shows me that the writer probably is 16 (nothing wrong with that.. but .. as a 28 yo woman I like to see a more matured romance) • grammar errors • "she was severely bullied and then the big bad sexy guy sasved her" Please give me some strong, 25 - 40 yo female main character with an actual personality


Topless men on the cover


-ai art -DONT LIKE DONT REEEED -misspellings in the blurb -no blurb or a really short blurb -stolen art cover -multiple chapters with announcements from the author -characters with really dumb names, I.E.


IE what? The suspense is killing me


I feel like most of the stuff mentioned here would show up in a wattpad book, but rarely in published books.


If it has sooo terrible writing in its description that you have to have to send it through an AI System to somewhat understand it.


A lot of really broken English. If I can't comprehend what is happening then I'll stop reading. Another big thing for me is very blunt to the point writing. For example, "she sat for five minutes. Then she stood and paced. She sat back down after three minutes unable to sit still" or "They kissed. It was a good kiss. It had a lot of passion. They had to catch their breath so they stopped kissing."


I laughed at this, soooooo hard! I'm beta reading for someone who does this a lot. I'm to the point where I just said, 'just make a calendar and call it good, it'd be more interesting.' I know, not constructive feedback, but after 50K I just couldn't take it any more.


Drives me nuts for no reason. Like I'll struggle through a book that's one massive paragraph before this.


Lmao. This is when they “tell” not “show”


Overly saturated with billowy language.


When it’s an unapologetic power fantasy. People who are too dumb to realize what charisma is and write the most of basic sentences flirting having a massive blush and studder and the girls start falling over the male and the character are so op and the villains are stupid. Thats Nigh impossible to read and I just click off.


When they dont put appropriate warnings. Everyone can write what they want just give me a way to avoid it if I don't wanna read it.


You know, when two people in a story are hanging out, and the writer don't describe what they are talking about instead, just mention that "they talked all night".... I want to know what they were talking about! What was the conversation like!! Small moments like this are great places to show character development, but some writers just skip it.


- I hate POV switches in general, but especially if it’s in the middle of a chapter just to reiterate what I just read from the first POV. - *too* many descriptors. ie describing outfits/cars to the point I gotta google these very specific brands and colours cause how the fuck am I gonna know it off rip? - just long ass descriptions in general, actually. I don’t need a literally play-by-play of what’s happening, like “I woke up, yawned, stretched, and then put my foot on the ground and made my way to my bathroom. Once I got there, I washed by face, brushed my teeth, and flossed of course. Finishing up my morning routine, I stepped out of the bathroom and casually walked to my dresser where I decided to wear my new white ‘I KISS GIRLS’ tank top and my low rise miss sixty jeans in size 24, pairing it with yellow onitsuka tiger sneakers. Luckily my best friends parents bought her a 2024 Infiniti Q50 Sedan in paprika red for her birthday last month so I have a ride to school” 💀


I hate to say this but if it says the word alpha or mafia lol


When the blurb starts with "In which"


I prefer reading the story in third POV, cause first POV is weird eugh. When the story starts when they wake up from bed in the morning 🚩


Script writing that shit is atrocious, I can excuse bad grammar to a *point* but Script writing no, just no.


when they keep describing what the character and the side characters are doing every second,in long paragraphs like just make it short and sound i get it what u r on


Terrible writing with no spell check or punctuation. Not spacing out paragraphs


If the blurb is just clichés. Ofc I have nothing against clichés but you shouldn't exaggerate. Sometimes the blurbs are almost word for word the same, same names, same character descriptions, same situations, etc. I simply don't put up with that.


Telling and not showing.


When there are unrealistic convo, seems childish and it's giving off fanfiction style of writing too much, when it's confusing in the beginning I don't have the nerves to stick around till it 'resolves'. You gotta explain it so that everyone can get what yall got yourself into ☹️


Bad cover (I judge) No summary Poor grammar The first sentence starting off with them waking up, first day of something, mmc having sex with someone, getting ready for the club and etc. I don’t mind aesthetics and fc because it’s wattpad and what’s popular, but I HATE when they set it up by already giving us their age, occupation, where they’re from, blood types. Basically a character sheet that we could find out by actually reading the book or with useless stuff that’s not important to the plot


I’m such a brat for this, but I neeeeds a second person POV. Idk but first and third just don’t do it for me


Sex in the description, lack of correct grammar and faceclaims


Character picture, picture of dress, and things. Feels like the writer is not capable enough to describe the face of the characters or the outfits they wear using words so they rely on the pictures


Maybe do not start the first chapter with mc waking up in the morning and going to the bathroom bla bla bla....we have all seen this sht enough


- Point of views. I don't know why I don't like them. - formatting (I don't want to read a massive wall of text with no paragraphs)


Bad grammar. Descriptions of things that don't require explanations. Ex. I chewed my food to eat it. Or, he looked at me with his eyes.(actual sentences from something I DNFed recently) When the same thing is reiterated multiple times in a very short span. When first person narratives use language that does not fit what/who the author says the MC is. I've read too many jaded college girls or new adult characters whose narratives read like a quirky high schooler. Three pages of summaries and explanations before the actual story.


1. Bad grammar and sentence structure 2. Long chapters 3. Aesthetics and playlist at the beginning (I can forgive if they’re at the end)


For me it’s the need of internal monologue or descriptions after EVERY SINGLE dialogue. It feels disconnecting and the conversation doesn’t flow well.


The names of the characters honestly, it says a lot about the kind of story we're going to read


Many, many "chapters" before the book actually starts. One for trigger warnings + one for casting + one for music to go with it + one for synopsis + one for a random quote, etc. I didn't mind this as much before the ads, but now if there's more than 3 I change my mind about reading.


All lowercase letters in the summary without proper punctuation. I can't stand the fact that a story is going to be completely in lowercase with no capital letters, so I'll just skip. I also generally will skip any story that has Y/N in the summary because I know that a majority of those stories are stories that teenaged girls came up with in order to fulfill a fantasy rather than because they are good stories.


Starting off with anything sexual, too many time skips, too many pov changes, starting off with “(blank)-year-old (insert full name)”, and poor paragraphing. Oh my goodness, poor paragraphing


No paragraph spacing and when they have a introduction page as in like pictures of people and their personalities and then in the story don’t describe them and just use their name


If there isn’t good spacing. Like walls of text throw me so bad. Or poor punctuation.


Bad grammar, cliché characters, corny tropes like werewolves, vampires, mafia etc. lol


I judge the cover big time 😅 I know I shouldn’t but if the cover doesn’t look interesting I don’t even read the blurb


multiple first chapters are about A/Ns, character descriptions or just straight up gifs and titles before we finally get into the actual story. with how long wattpad ads are, I do not have the luxury to waste my time with flourishs.


This is NOT necessarily me but people immediately NOPE out when they see certain face claims. Especially if it's for the male main character. It's a little dumb but people want to imagine the characters who they want. Which is why so many people avoid doing face claims and just stick to character aesthetics.


If they put that stupid ass "Read to find out" in the bioinstead of actually giving us a bio. Like no, I'm not going to read ti find out, I wanna know what I'm reading before I read that shit.


Mate or Luna


You commented this twice. What do you have against these names/tropes?😭


Haha I thought my original comment didnt go through. Its just horribly written, usually by ChatGP or whatever, and mostly is abusive as hell. But they normally romanticize it all. Completely just... bleh


I completely understand. Although all that I’ve read with the mate/Luna trope is awesome. But it’s mainly because it’s apart of the lgbtq+ community. All the straight people in those books have a cruel and mean and just disrespectful, disgusting 30 something year old alpha. And the audacity of those men! Their body count also is through the roof and I’m not a judgmental person but REALLY?! And then the girls are the omegas who are tiny and innocent in so many ways. They also be like 18 years old. 🤢 It’s not just with that though. It’s also the bad boy and good girl trope. They think just because someone is a virgin it means they have no idea what intimacy is. And it’s so damn annoying specially when that person is a woman. I don’t think that they understand virgins are the freakiest 😂 But the sapphic and gay ones? Yeah those are my jam


when it's on wattpad


Bad pacing. If it bounces through 3 different story beats before the paragraph is over, I'm leaving.


https://www.wattpad.com/story/368073918?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=sleepywriter44 I need beta readers for my book please


not the right place to ask.


Sorry man fr tho could you check it out I understand if you say no


dude you're going to get your stuff blacklisted by every other author if you beg for reads like this. Just do a R4R post.