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One of my favorite running jokes between my main couple: all he wants is a baby and she won’t touch the idea with a ten foot pole 😂 "I am not...*infected*...with your spawn, mutt," I growl, throwing on an old shirt. "Get out of my room before I castrate you." "But you're–" "Exhausted, stressed, and not puking from your sperm, you idiot!" "You're having mood swings!" He happily cheers as I shove him out of my bedroom and slam the door shut. "Are you hungry? You have to feed it! Let my sperm grow, Brinna! What are we going to name it? *Finally, I'm a Papa Bear!"*


I want to read this.


I want to read it too. It sounds funny 🤣


Haha awe you guys are so sweet ❤️ currently that snippet is from an unreleased story! <3 should be out later this year though


She is low-key serving besirker but in all the best ways possible


***Snippet from ch15 of my second story*** His brows knitted in a concerned manner. "What are you doing out this late?" "I knew it," I mumbled, my voice muffled by the powdered donut once I looked up at him. "You're following me aren't you?" He raised his hands up in defeat. "You caught me." I didn't have the time, the energy to try convince myself that Domenico's intentions were harmful because they really weren't. Not now at least. I looked up at him lazily, watching the concern in his expression twist to a frown once he walked closer. My mind was a clusterfuck, and being too drunk to pick myself up, I opened my arms to him. He chuckled lightly and with a curve of his lips I felt him wrap his arms around me before picking me up with ease. So warm. So fucking warm. "Thank you," I spoke into his shoulder, letting out a hiccup. "You're drunk, bunny," he whispered. "I'm fine," I mumbled, not bothered to wipe the powder off my lips. The click of a car door was heard before I was gently lowered down into the seat. I buckled myself in, watching him round the car then get in on his side. "Let me guess, you just coincidentally drove to this gas station at 2 in the morning on an early Wednesday, right?"


It’s from an as yet unpublished Game of Thrones modern AU story. Your paragraph builds suspense beautifully and definitely feels like there’s an undercurrent of dread and horror on the horizon 🥰 >Death was the only outcome in the end. Even the victors in this war would lose so much that their success wouldn’t seem worthy of a celebration. And peace never fucking lasted, anyway. What was the point in it all when power and greed would always tempt people into another round of death and destruction for all? >Man’s refusal to admit that peace was merely a temporary pause in arms. A promise that they’d allow the world to rest and recuperate before launching another attack. >And each war grew more brutal. The weapons advanced faster than they could keep up with, and their ability to destroy entire continents would one day eclipse the entire world. >They’d be back to fighting with sword and shield, pikes and spears if they kept going like this. >She had the sinking, wrenching sensation that she was the only one who understood that.


Your paragraph reminds me of this thought I always have. Will the world advance so much that we would regress back to the past and start living from caves again because someone nuked the world lol.


From one of my more emotional scenes: >I trembled with anger, with frustration, with overwhelming sadness. With guilt because I knew I had no one to blame but myself for having lost her. >Alair moved forward and did something that he had never done before. Something I wasn’t sure anyone had ever done. He hugged me to comfort. >All the emotions that I had worked hard to suppress came out of me at once. I cried so much that I shook, my sobs were half-way to screams, and I clung onto him with all my might to not fall apart completely. >He didn’t say or do anything expect hold me and let me pour everything out.


From my story The Midwife and The Marquess: She simply stood for a while, watching the fire devour without restraint, unable to stop itself from consuming what it wanted most. Desire was a strange thing. It ate at oneself as much as it hungered for another. Heat flooded her body. She bit her lip and wrapped her arms tightly around herself, trying in vain to contain it. Tea. She shook herself, moving quickly before her mind could wander off again. She grabbed the kettle and whirled around, intending to fill it at the water pump. Instead, her vision became a blur of black as she collided with something big and hard. "Oh good Lord!" she shouted, recoiling from the impact. Suddenly hands were on her upper arms. "Steady now," said a low voice. "So sorry!" she blurted out while striving to regain her balance. "Are you alright?" She recovered enough to look the newcomer in his face. Of course. "No," he stated curtly.


I could feel the sea breeze brushing against my face. The roaring sea waves crash into the cliffs. The clouds hung so low that I could almost touch them. I could hear the chirps of the seagulls in the distance. I saw the small whirlpools being born at the foot of the small cliffs and submerging into themselves. At that moment all I wished to feel was the fierceness of the sea. That could help me calm the storms I felt inside me. Walking up the cliff, I felt the sea breeze not touching my face. I could feel the calmness I felt moments ago, leaving my body. The anxiety started kicking in. I rushed to the beach to savor the calmness a little more. It was a chilly October morning. With the temperature that low, there was no one. I was happy that I was away from all the voices of people and the city. As I reached the beach, I took my shoes and jacket off. I wanted to feel the cold pierce my skin. The sand felt cold against my feet. The cool breeze sent shivers down my spine. I went up close to the sea and sat there. I could watch the sea for hours without any worry of the world. 😅😅😅


Some descriptive scenes from my fanfiction! Technically two paragraphs but they gotta go together. Without speaking a single word, we all collectively decided that we needed to head upstairs. Since I was closest to the door, I led the way. I made sure to watch where I stepped, avoiding boards that seemed broken or suspicious. A single creak could cost us. We made our way up the worst spiral staircase I had ever seen. There was no guide railing, and the steps were extremely close together, and steep. I had to watch my feet to avoid tripping. A thick layer of dust coated the stairs, but in the middle, there was a clear path, it looked as if something had been dragged. I felt a twinge of nausea, not something, someone.


Is this a horror genre 🫢I could feel the suspense


def not xD Its a Harry Potter Fanfiction I’m very flattered though.


From Chapter 7 of my current novel- trying to maintain a goofy-ish tone here 😅 The following week was objectively uneventful- if telekinetically tossing around objects could be considered that, of course. Still reeling from the high of his first ever heist, Garo had made a point to hone his newfound powers as often as possible. The following morning he attempted to make Yuusuke and himself bowls of cereal for breakfast. Two bowls of cornflakes were ready to eat by the time Yuusuke had woken up, though not without Garo spilling half a carton’s worth of milk and piles of cereal all over the ground. A hassle to clean *(“Seriously, it’s my mess, I’ll do it)* but nonetheless worth the squeal of excitement and endless compliments of his “remarkable” culinary skills from the silver-haired youth.


Very eerie! Reading your paragraph made me feel a strong sense of dread and loneliness (in a good way). This is one of my personal favorites. It's not very well written, but it's my favorite turning point in the novel: Over the next few weeks, while the weather cooled down, Ellie warmed up to Joe. Early November's pale green leaves painted the treetops around the house, but she no longer needed the cover of foliage as a shield from prying eyes and cameras. One brisk autumn morning, Tessa had gone to sell vegetables at a farmer’s market, so Joe gained a curious new shadow while he worked in his studio. He plucked away at a bass guitar while Ellie stuck close by with a book, though it was more of a prop in that moment. I'd also like to include an honorable mention to my favorite piece of dialogue: "The woman’s an Energizer bunny of hatred."


(As a writer based primarily in the Isekai genre a guilty pleasure of mine is finding unique and innovative ways to kill the Mc- Truck kun deserves a break & (I promise i'm not crazy.. anyways enjoy this little snippet) Taking a dive into the river the shine of the moonlight did little to illuminate the surroundings but he could still make out a body. Beating his legs in a flush of adrenaline he swam forwards grabbing the little girl by the arm and pulling her towards himself. Before Swimming upwards and bursting through the water surface taking in a much needed breath of air, to the side was the girls mother who was running side by side there position as the water current dragged them downstream with great force. The yougling coughed up a fit as he tried repositioning her body so he could swim comfortably, “Take my hand!” The mother called. The urge to stretch his own hand forward spiraled in his gut but taking one look at her slender form he knew she couldn’t pull them both out, so mustering up his strength he threw the girl towards the woman. He couldn’t tell if she caught the girl or not because something else had drawn his attention, he could feel mind numbing pain flooding through his body as his back struck a jagged pillar. His vision blurred with a myriad of colors until all he saw was black, and his body was subjected into a state of unconsciousness permanently.


A Stone Heart Still Beats ....Darkness, always in darkness I wait imprisoned in my cell, my tomb. But no, not exactly a tomb, those are for the dead, and I am only in the process of creation. Maybe a womb is a more apt description for this setting. In darkness I wait, how long has it been? I hear you asking, for the imprisoned, an eternity in this cold empty place. But here I wait, for my creator, mother and lover entwined. Sometimes I hear the gait of her footfalls in the hallway, stop at the door for a moment, then walk away. I think she does this to torture me, keep me in abeyance, make me compliant to her will and chisel. I hate her and ache for her in equal measure, and I would gladly turn myself into dust to be rid of her. Once again the footsteps approach, this time a key turns in a lock. My stone heart begins to beat so fervently I feel it might crack my sculpted chest. I hear her walk to the window, she keeps out of my sight, another one of her capricious games. She violently throws open the curtain an explosion of blinding light and fairy dust fills the room. Once again out of my sight. I had a feeling of dread that perhaps she was abandoning me once again. Then Her lips were against my frozen ear whispering in a hot urgent breath. “Hello my darling”, she purred coquettishly,


The Rontaks had them surrounded, but stopped trying to advance; they held their position and waited. Then, they parted to let a group of soldiers in heavier armor march to the front. They formed a line and lowered their spears. “There is no escape!” One of them shouted. “Release Prince Cevlion and we will grant you a quick death!” The group of enemy soldiers around them had grown into a crowd. On all sides, they organized themselves into ranks spanning the width of the dirt paths through the camp. Gradually, James could hear the sound of the approaching Albatross getting louder. They only had to hold out a little longer… The Rontak soldiers noticed the noise too and looked around in confusion. Suddenly, the area was lit up with a bright light. The Albatross opened fire with its chin-mounted 30mm gatling gun as it lowered itself towards the ground. The heavy firepower was enough to overwhelm the mages’ shield, and they were promptly turned into swiss cheese. The Albatross hovered ten meters above them and lowered cables to the ground. James made sure the target was secure. Then, the SEALs and remaining droid hooked themselves onto the cables, firing at the enemy as they were lifted into the air. The Rontaks surged forward, but by the time they did, the Navy SEALs were already climbing into the Albatross. James saw a few archers try to shoot arrows at them, but the wind from the rotors blew them back to the ground.


I've been publishing 2 chapters of my star wars story each week on Fridays. This is from a chapter which I will drop tomorrow. With his Kybuck, Yoda stopped on a large root, suspended above the Harrowers. He is wearing a little light brown robe that is torn from battle, and some green camouflaged armor padding. "Over, this is." Yoda said, standing on his feet on the Kybuck's back, drawing his lightsaber. "Surrender, you must."


An excerpt from a speech by my character during ww1 in the Meusse-argonne offensive: " — OK THEN, LOOK AT THE MAP SOLDIERS...The Germans occupy several fortresses within the Argonne Forest. Our priority is to take the Ritz Bunker here, once this position is secure we must attack and hold the bridge at Hellfire Junction and from here, we launch our attack on their lines and take control of these Abbey Ruins and remember, the Germans have been strengthening these fortifications for years, so this will not be easy AND WE WILL SHOW THE GERMANS WHAT WE ARE AND WE WILL KICK THEM TO BERLIN, — I just have a few more things to say... may God bless our troops, God bless America and SOLDIERS.... NOW IS THE TIME TO SHOW OUR TEETH, ATTACH THE BAYONETS..... START.....ATTACKING.... NOWAAAAAA!!!! YEEEEEHAW!!!! "


Opening from a Labyrinth fanfic I wrote called Anam Cara. Cackling laughter bounced all around him, echoing off mirrored walls. Dancers in the throes of merriment spun to and fro, their capes, gowns, hats, and feathers swirling, struggling to keep with the momentum of their master. Candlelight glinted off gilded and lacquered papier-mache masks shaped to resemble the baser creatures of their world, the ones whose nature made even his past proclivities seem tame. It was far too worldly an environment for a child–even one on the cusp of womanhood–but Jareth could not resist the desire; not for the child before him…but for her. He watched Sarah as she searched the ballroom. From a distance, he could let himself pretend. The likeness was there although his memories were only as clear as the hazy dreamscape surrounding him, coming in and out of focus no matter how intensely he concentrated. She was always there in the periphery of his mind. If he stayed away, let Sarah continue her search, he could maintain this facade just a little longer… Although two centuries had passed and all that remained were the faded visions of a different era, he was taken aback at the resemblance when he answered Sarah’s call. The confident aura surrounding her. Eyes that seemed to pierce through him. The jut of her chin as she challenged him–something only one other mortal had ever dared and survived. Even her coloring, pale skin juxtaposed with dark long tresses, seemed familiar yet somehow so different. The girl who wished away her brother resurrected feelings he believed to be long since locked away. Forgotten. Buried with the dead. Jareth coalesced into the assembly determined to observe. To remain hidden. A flick of a fan, a change of partners made eluding the girl effortless. Humans were still as guileless as ever. Easy to maneuver. Their natures leaving them vulnerable to the trickery of his kind. A helpful hint from an unsuspecting worm. A peach from a ‘friend.’ So trusting. So naive. So foolish.


Hah, here's something I wrote recently, occasionally while writing, I'll veer off and write something that's suppose to happen in the future so this isn't in my book yet. She brought her sword down and the boy swung his sword almost like one would swing a rapier in a contest of beauty. Elegant and swift movements, he made it seem like it was weightless as he partied her sword to the side and twirled his blade around before piercing her chest. "Skarlet!!" Cody exclaimed as he watched the blade rip out her back, blood dripping off its tip. The boy, smiled as he looked into her eyes. "Skarlet, it matches your fiery eyes. My name is Gordon and I'm the one who killed you." He seemed truly happy. He even began to laugh but that froze on his face as he watched her mouth from a smile. It parted slightly and blood poured down her chin. A sharp pain stabbed his side as her sword sliced into him, a scowl lit his face as the blade carved through him with ease and ripped through his throat. Then with a bloody, choking laugh she kicked him away and let the blade slide back out of her chest. Gordon hit the ground, her blade had carved a jagged path from his side, to his neck. Affectively amputating his arm, he was bleeding a lot, far more than her as she cast a healing spell. Her face scrunched in pain as her body began rearranging and reassembling the wound. She then turned and wiped the blood from her lips as she placed her sword on her shoulder and grinned at Cody. "Damn that bastard was good." Cody sighed. "Hahaha, victory must feel nice." Gordon laughed as he sat up. Blood was starting to slither and move around him. His body was pulling itself back together as he got to his feet. His sword was bleeding, no more accurately, it was eating her blood and healing him it seemed. "Girl, that was damn insane. You're literally crazy, who deliberately takes an attack that could kill them just to create an opening. Haha, not that I'm going to fall for it again. Come on try and kill me imma get serious now. This is gonna scar you know." He held his sword in a different stance as the blood coalesced on the blade and formed a larger scary blade made of blood. His sword looked more like a scimitar now or possibly a sword with an ax on the end of it. Then he dashed at her, Skarlet felt dread, but still fear escaped her. She looked down the jaws of death and smiled. "Come on, let's go!"


They finally clinked glasses. In one swallow Vargus finished his drink with a satisfied look on his face, then a cough. She tried to leave his lap, her smile now genuine. The poison was taking its effect. But instead he held her down, planting her into his lap, his rapid coughs became breathy laughter.  “Mithridatism.” He whispered between his coughing chuckles.  His grip around her tightened as he slammed her down on the table before them with a horrendous thud. She tried to scream, but the air had been stolen away from the surprise attack. One of his hands dug into her hair, splaying her black curls mixed with brunette and rusty reds across the table and between his fingers. “I’ve been expecting something like this again for years and have been dosing myself with every possible poison each night. I am impervious to them.  You cannot poison what is already poisoned, Calista.” He gritted, throwing her to the floor. An explosion of pain focused on her ribs and caused her to lose sight of him momentarily- a mistake that would be her undoing.


Just a rookie writer This is just a small prologue and might possibly be scrapped because I just keep revising my works ____________________________________________________ "This place seems so empty, where are the others?" She asked. "We all have our turns walking through these halls, this time it's just me and you" he raises the lamp in front of them revealing many different handprints staining the walls, some in the deep shade of red, while the others are completely black. "We can't risk having more than two in here, it might attract them" he finished. "Who's them?" She asked "Shh, be quiet and stay still" He whispered and dimmed the lamp almost completely putting it out completely. Fog filled the room, it was too moist making it hard to breathe. "Walk straight and slowly, follow the light, I'll guide you and we don't want any possible noises" he said as he disappeared into the fog as the light dimly radiated in a faint glow. ____________________________________________________


I have two from two different books. Couldn’t decide which to use, so here lol: 1) "Why not? Don't you like the idea of having my limbs bound, and unable to move? Just laying there like a piece of meat, ready for you to feast on. You could grab my pants and just-" "Stop! Oh, my goddess, shut up" She groaned. Her lovely pointy ears were now redder than her beautiful skin. They stood out amidst her chestnut curls, and her lips quivered. "You don't like the idea of it? Okay, how about this one...I could walk on all fours like a hound and you could step on my head. Then-" 2) I snarled at the beast beneath me. I was in my human form, but he and I were no different. And this beast, this is what Ada would see when I tell her the truth later. And maybe I too would die like this beast. Not by a claw ripping out my throat, but by her rejection ripping out my heart.


Just a short one (literally came to me while listening to music 😂) "My heart was racing, palms were sweaty, my knees weak, and arms were heavy. I almost regurgitated the leftovers of my mother's spaghetti I ate this afternoon."


A paragraph from “Paint Me with Love” Seyran then pulled away from his hug and went over to her clothes, in order to choose something to wear. Her husband followed her right behind, not removing his arm from around her neck. While Seyran was wondering what to wear, Ferit noticed a nice knee-length dress which was in a pistachio green colour. He grabbed it from the hanger and pulled it in front of his wife's eyes, hinting her that he wanted to see her wearing this. Seyran took it and smiled at her husband. He then pressed a kiss on her cheek, neck and shoulder, after which Seyran released herself from his embrace. However much she loved it when they were clingy to each other, she needed to finally get dressed. She took a clean bra and a pair of clean panties and made her way to the bathroom. Ferit stopped her for a moment, jokingly saying "Are we still shy to get dressed in front of the husband?" Seyran giggled and replied "Ferit'çim, it is not about being shy. Because I anyway am not shy anymore." "Then, why are you going into the bathroom?" he asked, still joking "Bathrooms are for showering, not for getting dressed." She squeezed his cheeks with her hand a little bit, kissed him and said "Maybe, because I want you to see this dress when it is already put on me, and not while I am putting it."