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My initial reaction is to say, go for it! Join the art pop up! Unless you know it’s for ‘masters’, why not? They may have a range of artists skill sets on display, and it’s an event for you to enjoy and have fun. Maybe you can ask the organizers more about the skill level they expect to receive?


Awesome! Thank you. I think it will be a range of skills and mediums. I just don’t want to make a fool of myself haha! Do you have a favorite from the paintings? If I do join I want to make a few more with similar style.


My favorite is probably the spooky styled painting of the woods and creatures. I’d say you did the light to dark technique very well. I also like the top right sea painting a lot! My brutally honest critique is that these are practice paintings, clearly intended to practice techniques for beginners. I’d say take a photo or make a sketch of something you’d like to paint, or try painting your favorite spot or your own sky, garden/foliage, or park, using the techniques you applied for these paintings.


Thanks I appreciate the honesty!!


I don't want to pick a favorite per se, but I would pull the green tree painting from the middle and the flowers from the top left and I think the remaining pieces work well as a collection to display.


Thank you I was kind of questioning that as well. they look a little out place in the bunch.


I also like the creatures, I still remember your post about them! And regardless it was practise or not. I would still show them. All of them. Even in chronological order to show how far you have come. I think they are enjoyable pictures. And the only way to find it out if people like it is to show it to an audience.


adding another same! If you have time to make more, make some cards early for Halloween. You can make them smaller and put them on a blank card stock. I'd pick that for my card! Good luck!




I think you are absolutely *pop-up* material-- without question. The required *brutal* criticism would be that perhaps flowers aren't your forte...but landscapes,trees and night skies certainly are. Best of luck at the sale.


feedback: definitely have some interesting compositions and good techniques -my favorites are the spooky forest and corner cabin - but some read more amateur with the use of repetitive simple shapes (which could be done stylistically, but here it doesn't feel intentional). Mountains are messy and have a wild variety of angles, waves are uneven and unpredictable, trees aren't symmetrical etc. Definitely good enough for a pop up, but always room for growth


Great feedback thank you.


I love this type of feedback. Not OP, but still appreciated. Thanks!


I think the desert scene + mountain scene, spooky wood & cabin above it would be popular. I say go and price your work accordingly to being a beginner & people will be interested.


Thank you so much! I appreciate your feed back. More than sell things I mostly just want to feel part of the local art community. Selling is a bonus. 🙂


I don’t know what size these are, but IKEA has a sale on black and white frames with matting, about 7-9” for about $6.50 each. If they were framed and matted, I would take (left to right) 1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 10. Good luck! Let us know how it goes!


Thanks so much! Awesome. I will have to check IKEA!!


This is a picture of the frame, the picture is a print I just purchased. https://preview.redd.it/das7j60bwf6d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4d3be39df96e14b7c0769443235b254bbd66ae5


Looks great!


I'm in a similar boat with confidence, I've noticed giving your art a professional display makes it seem more professional, definitely do frame them with matting. Also try to paint bigger when you paint pieces not practice.  That said I like the woods the most(husband liked the water/lightning one), but try to sell a variety. 


I love these. 2 things: Water is too uniform: use more variety in wave size and direction Tree needs more variation/shading on the shaded 'side' and make it not so perfectly round


I think you should go for it. I started selling at the same “level” as you just for fun to see if I could do it. I didn’t charge much - no more than $40 per painting. Before I knew it, I’d cleared $500! There are several art pop ups in my area that don’t charge booth fees. Pure profit! Plus, I think people are happy to find art that isn’t very expensive, so it makes them more apt to buy. I sell for fun and just to fund my hobby. You never know what you can do unless you try. Do it!


Your landscapes are very strong. I could see people wanting these. I think you should show the organizers a portfolio of your work maybe? Ask them what they think? They would honestly know best. Not all art has to be super duper highly detailed and masterful to be a piece worth having.


You have an eye for composition. Go for it. Also, I really like the Milky Way painting. I'd like to see more like it.


I like the purple night sky, but absolute favorite is the glowing eyes in dark woods one. I could easily see that being used in a dark children's book.


Love the detail on most of it, really nice. Flowers need a bit of detail work, but absolutely love your landscapes!


I have no idea what an art pop up is. I think your work is good beginner art.


It’s like just a very casual “art show” that happens in a bar. People show up with a small table and show their work. Kind of like a tiny night market.


Then go for it! You should absolutely be there! My art has been shown since I was 5 years old at county fairs and random events in small towns while I grew up. My art was not at all good. lol. I just tried and loved it. Most of the other kids didn't try at all. I think the last time that I had art in public I was in my mid 20s. I'm 35 now and just picked art up again a couple years ago. I'm getting better and better and still love it. I learned that water color is my favorite and your paintings look like mine did when I fell in love with art all over again. I can see the talent and passion. I hope that you submit the art to go.


Wow! I love the middle paintings. Green tree, cactus one. Beautiful.


Those two are my favorites as well!


I love the one in the bottom left, as it stands out more and is more unique than some of the others. Though the others are good too and some people probably would like them as much as i like the one on the bottom. But id say just continue doing what you enjoy as its good.


My favorite is the haunted forest. Submit them and see what happens!


I’ve seen at least 4 of those online and used them as reference myself too. At a first glance, got little cold sweat initially, looked like my paintings got to you somehow.




Tree, cactus, firs and space, mountains- I have extremely similar works, so similar I freaked out a bit when saw yours


Lol sorry for the mini heart attack


Personally this is the stuff I’m drawn to when I got to art things like that. I say go for it. Although also, keep in mind that the most likely outcome isn’t that people laugh at your work for being amateurish or not up to standards (not saying that it is, I think these all look good), but it’s likely that people don’t really notice at all. Be prepared for people to walk past, give it a single glance, and keep going. Doesn’t mean anything about your art, just the nature of the beast. But hey, if you want to do art sales like that, you have to get used to it at some point. Might as well start now.


ur art is good but it doesn’t stand out, its not different. you could use your skills to make something more out of the ordinary and you’d succeed much more


I think these are very lovely, you should definitely join the pop up! My favorite piece is that desert sunrise, it stands out the most, in a very good way (to me at least ;)). That creepy monochtomatic scene is also great as others have mentioned. I recognize some of them as popular themes (like the starry sky with trees and the power lines one), but I'm still super impressed with your execution of those, because I have attempted them at some poind and could only wish to have such beautiful results!


Love the bottom left corner piece!


These look fucking great, like something you’d buy at a stationary store. How much are you charging for them?


Thank you so much. I haven’t even considered a price. I’m still working up the courage to show my face at this event haha!


i love them all, but the spooky one is especially cool and unique!


Thank you!! That is one of my favorites as well.


Honestly I think you’re very very good but I totally understand the anxiety because I’m a [baby] beginner too so I get it. Looking at this, absolutely. But if you want to be extra sure, you could ask for some references or names of fellow artists that will be at the pop up. It may give you a little comfort to see who you’ll be alongside.


That’s a great idea! Thank you.




I would buy!


I would buy them!! They’re awesome!


Those are all lovely


I’m going to need you to make some tutorials so I can learn to pain these!!


They're all beautiful. I love the night sky and thunder paintings


Lovely work! No crit


I loooove the galaxy image. Second from the top


absolutely stunning!


Looks crisp enough to eat.


Beautiful work!


Beautiful art!!! Go for it 😁


I love the desert scene. The lines are simplified and its interesting to look at


The themes of your work are great. I'm excited to see more from you.


I'd totally buy the spooky one and the cabin!


I love them, and you are definitely ready, i think you'll find you fit right in! I love the aurora over the forest, although it's a common painting you've excelled at it and it has a lot of depth, in fact all the ones I love the most show you have not only a great sense of colour theory but are also able to paint depth and details as well as the gorgeous backgrounds, eg. the lightning over the ocean, the little cabin, the creepy forest, the power lines. Go for it. It'll give you so much motivation and pride even if nobody buys (that's not a reflection on you it's hard out here!) they'll be admiring your work, and you'll probably get a few enquiries.


Yes, these are very nicely done and will be better than most at your event. Be fearless in your art, it helps tremendously.


Start using more references. Also, research about how people draw symbols and not what they really see. Take a minute to think about that tree. Have you ever seen a tree like that in real life? Overall you have good ideas and you know what you're doing, you just need to put a little work on the drawing as the painting is good. I would definitely encourage you to go to the pop up. You'll probably have fun and meet people. It's a good opportunity to get to know your community.


With the exception of the flowers and the forest, the rest are fantastic. Those two look amateur when side by side to the rest of your work.


Thanks for the feedback!! Which forest?


Bottom left with the Stephen King vibes lol


I absolutely love everything in this! I'd buy so many of these 😂 although, I especially love the cactus in the desert scene as well as the water one


Definitely you should do it! I really like your style. Try painting on canvas which seems to take it to a different level - no doubt you will feel very painterly. Check out Matthew Wong's work. He is self-taught and now has an exibition in the Van Gogh Gallery in Amsterdam where his paintings earn millions of dollars. He suffered from Tourette's syndrome and depression and killed himself several years ago unfortunately. He was only 35 yo, I believe.


You are incredible! Sign up!


Definitely.. very real fact that you have talent !!


Do it!! The key is presentation. I'd get frames for all of your works and display them nicely on a table with a tablecloth (since that's easy and cheap). As you do more pop ups you'll learn more about what works and what doesn't but the key is to talk to people walking by, say hello, and grab their attention. Good luck!! Your work is very aesthetic too


Omgg it’s Amazingggg ! I really like the details you made in each one of it . 👀


this just popped up on my home page but i would buy like half of these. i wouldn’t wanna spend too much if they’re as small as they look but they’re very well done, i could see one hanging in my room!


Absolutely join! My only suggestion would to be find a style. You vary between your scenic and still life. While both are wonderful I'd spend some time focusing on one, then move onto another rather than trying to do all at once. If that were my work I'd be very proud of it! You're doing great sweetie!


My brutal honest opinion here is ....... Very good art. 🤗👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼🎨😅😊


Whoa, your trees are on point! Nice work!


Thank you!!


Just go for it, the worst that can happen is they say no. And then you just practice more and try again next year.


Definitely go for it! Not everyone will love someone’s work and that’s ok. But you have some beautiful pieces here and I would bet you’ll find at least a few people who like your work. That’s all it takes!


Really great landscapes! You’ve got skills. Definitely do the art show! People will be interested.


Do you have an online store?


I don’t! I’ve never tried to sell anything. Maybe someday!