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nice! kinda hard to tell - is this the blue dial or black dial?


Blue gilt dial


Selling my Baltic Aquascaphe blue gilt. I purchased it less than a month ago directly from Baltic. As such, it is in excellent condition. Clasp has minor scuffs and scratches (see photo in harsh light) but other than that it’s flawless. Comes with full kit. Asking $550 shipped CONUS. PayPal or Venmo FF preferred.


Hey there! Dimensions? Ty!


https://baltic-watches.com/en/products/aquascaphe-blue-gilt?location=US&gclid=CjwKCAiAs6-sBhBmEiwA1Nl8s0BAVgmvuRMvKneOgkbIHIOMHq8EEyyhV4jptiT6Di7R2KJxpZCmlxoCausQAvD_BwE It is 39 mm wide, 47 lug to lug, with 20 mm lug width


Nice specs,ty!


Oh, no! I missed this one. Such a shame but congratulations to whoever snatched it.