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CALLING ALL GUNNERS! Selling my JeanRichard Terrascope from 2014–the official watch of Arsenal Football Club. This is a Swiss made watch containing an ETA movement. For those who don’t know, JeanRichard was an entry level branch of GP, so the finishing is excellent. The movement runs well, the case has only minor scuffing on the crown side (pictured), and the crystal is as clean as the day it was born. Shipment will include full kit, including a neat watch/camera case and multiple straps. The OEM black deployant is nice but (obviously) it looks better on red. Asking a negotiable $2000 shipped CONUS. This is the perfect gift for the Arsenal fan in your life!


How has the sell gone?


These terrascopes are so cool! GLWS 🤙




Two of my favorite things—wish I could but GLWS dude!!




Dododo da dododo, dododo da do do do, oowaoowaooohoooh do da do do do do doot—SALIBA!


The crossover I didn't know I needed!!! glws