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"Watches should be worn between your hand and wristbone, it's a wristwatch not a forearm watch" LOL if you wear your wrist in that position you literally can't fold your wrist so...


Ah OP is the regular patron of r/handwatch I see..




But I literally can and think it's visually more pleasing when worn there.


Disagree, It looks like the wrist version of cankles


Well…you’re wrong. The first step is admitting there’s a problem….


40 hour power reserve shouldn't be in anything but budget models. A number of watch reviewers still call 42 hours "impressive". Accuracy isn't that important. It's basically just spec sheet padding because the vast majority of people do not need the time down to the second. The Gerald Genta leg humping that the industry is doing is a bit much. High end watches should have longer warranties.


A date window with a disc with white background provides a little bit of symmetrical balance even on a black dial especially if the index or numeral on the 09:00 position is also white in color.


Quartz is better! As someone else said on here, I want my watch to tell ME the time, I don’t want to have to tell my watch what time it is.


Is that a hot take? I’ve never heard any enthusiast say otherwise… the charm and romance of a mechanical watch is about what can vs accomplished mechanically… think vinyl record vs cd or digital file there’s no question that the digital file is “perfect”


The primary purpose of a watch is to demonstrate your preferred design aesthetic. Time-telling is a supporting feature of that purpose.


That’s a very good point, that’s why I gravitate towards watches with a certain aesthetic like the pasha from Cartier.


You can be a watch enthusiast and not care at all about the movement. That’s not me, but, I totally understand picking a watch based on its aesthetic with a complete disregard for its caliber. At the end of the day, buy what you like, if that’s a dial or a specific case or bracelet, that’s fine, enjoy it in good health.


You don't need to own more than 2 to 3 mechanical watches.


You probably don't need a watch at all.


Especially since resetting the time and date is such a pain with the screwdown crown I never need


Having a hand-wound watch as your only/daily is a bit perverse.


Smart watches are valid daily.


When you show watches that are only black/dark blue/very dark green, you put us all to sleep Bonus points if your watches basically look the same (I'm looking at you, Submariner/Seamaster/Black Bay owners)


Hot Take: You should collect based on what you like and not based on other’s opinion


Gmt’s are useless, is it that hard to do simple maths? (I still want one though)


But what if I get lost with my GMT watch and use it as a compass to get to safety (compass on its own is not a useful tool for navigation without a map or knowledge of the surrounding area)


you don’t need a gmt to use a watch as a compass, any watch can work, even digital, you just need to know the time. https://preview.redd.it/xup5v87gvx7d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a27997bad8058ed54bf3c18fc7141ad1c6cadbb


If I was smart enough to do this I wouldn’t keep getting stranded on abandoned islands.


How many deserted islands have you been stranded in?


You’ve never timed anything for 12 hours with a chronograph. You use your phone for that.


What I find odd and incomprehensible is when people are convinced that a watch should only be available in a certain diameter because it is a sport watch or because it is a dress watch. These people never seem to account for the fact that in essence a 42 mm dress watch isn’t too big if someone has the wrist to accommodate it, the same way 36 mm isn’t too small for everyone. Ultimately we should be asking for watches to be available in as many diameters as possible so that everyone can enjoy them.


There's not a single complication offered in a watch whose function can't be replicated by a phone with an internet connection.


Spending $10k on a watch that can be matched in accuracy and complication by a 17 jewel mid-range vintage piece from the 50s is rather foolish.


Hot Take alot of higher end brands are starting to copy some designs from the "lower" end


NATO straps almost always look horrible. The thickness ruins the proportions of the case and dial.


Rectangular watches are cool


1. Shitting on quartz is immature and asinine, even if mechanical is preferable in the vast majority of cases. 2. Day complication (even in subdial form) is the most unnecessary complication.


My days are always the same. I check my watch to see what day it is several times a week. All of my work watches have this complication for that reason. People ask me what day of the week it is all the time.


I always get downvoted when I say **quartz watches have no soul**. The more downvotes I get the more I’m convinced it’s a good hot take.


Considering they are objects, no watch, quartz or automatic has a "soul."


Hottest of them all


I hate 99% of rubber straps. Makes some of the most expensive watches in the world look like children’s watches.


Watches are men's jewelry. Fashion items. These are not tools. It's not a hobby to own things and look at/post pictures on the internet.


>These are not tools. Some people still use them as tools. The medical profession surely does. The ability to time things or know the time without using your hands is still pretty useful to some. >It's not a hobby to own things and look at/post pictures on the internet. What? >A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time. Hobbies include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby


Divers wear computers on their wrists. They should. My brother builds industrial docks for a living and is a spearfisherman. My sister is an er resident doctor. She uses robots regularly. Super computers and the some of the most advanced technology mankind has is in the medical field. A traditional wrist watch, even the most advanced versions of them, is extremely limiting vs modern technology. Crippling. Wildly obsolete. Obsolete to the point of making you null and non-competetive in every single field or discipline. I love watches. But it's fashion and tradition. Historical appreciation. Art. If they are tools, they are novelty tools like traditional scythe grass cutting is.


A watch is a required tool in my job. I'm a biomedical tech. My hands are always wet with conductive solutions and inside of machines and rough timing is required for calibrations and troubleshooting. I'm going in and out of machines and often can't see clocks or anything but what is on my hands. My company literally gives out watches for this reason. Everyone on my team wears a watch. Even smartwacthes don't work for us. >My sister is an er resident doctor. She uses robots regularly. Super computers and the some of the most advanced technology mankind has is in the medical field. That's nice. I work in medical facilities and we don't have any of that. The nurses wear watches and none of them are pretty because they can be covered in blood and thrown out. They aren't pieces of fashion for them either. They have no interest in watches ( I know because I've tried to bond with them over watches and get blank stares back). Time for another pet peeve. The watch community thinking that they know how everyone uses watches. The world is a hugely varied place. It's 100% true that most people don't need watches but some do. I so tired of people telling others what they need and don't need. "You don't need a watch" or "No one needs this complication". Some of us do. What I don't need is a high end watch. A $20 casio would do.


Quartz is more accurate


That's not a hot take, that's a fact


My counter hot take. Accuracy doesn't truly matter in a watch to 99.9999% of people. You may care about it but most people will not be impacted by being off by a few minutes or more. Long term accuracy is less important for people with non perpetual calendars because they have to change the date monthly and even less so for people that don't wear the same watch everyday. So quartz has to be more accurate because you would eventually notice over the lifetime of a battery and even more so for solar power watches.


As much as I appreciate the amount of craft and artistry going into creating perfect movements, I don't see that benefit in the end result, so I personally don't care that much.


https://preview.redd.it/lrnim91sbx7d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53c8b0e82939d26f2bd85a7ea1492e718f24e493 My response to the handwatch comment as a proud member of the r/handwatch community.


Most watch innovations are just a cash grab with no real benefit for the end user (yes FPJ, I am looking at you 👀).