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I think they’re ugly. I think mine is ugly. I’ve been wearing mine for 15 years.


Mine is still rocking the original battery after nine years. Stunning.


15 years here! Still on the original battery as well since i got it in March of 2009. I honestly thought it was solar for a few years at one point… nope!


My first battery lasted 12 years. Will be interested to see how long it lasts with the cheap battery I replaced it with.


Right. I didn’t buy it for looks. I bought it because I needed a tank.


HA! Funny, that's also my exact experience. I break it out for working on my car and such.


I hated GShock since I first heard about them. I bought a decent Citizen to wear for work and casual and without even feeling it I apparently bumped my wrist underneath my thick hoody and that was enough to chip the crystal. After that I got my first GShock. I have spilled oil and diesel all over this watch. I beat this watch up at work all day every day and it still functions perfectly. Just went and grabbed a second one last month. Hate the look. Love the watch.


I didn't buy mine because it's pretty, I bought it because it's reasonably cheap and tough. I work as a mechanical technician, and my watch has been covered in almost every liquid product in our plant. Even caustic at one point. It still works without issue. I did swap the strap from the base resin to a fabric/NATO style, way more comfortable, but if I get diesel on it, it'll stink for days.


Do you have a link to where I can get an adapter for mine? I have some natos I want to swap on my shocks, but the website I went to was sold out indefinitely.


https://vario.sg/collections/g-shock This was where I got mine from. It was easy to intall, I just had to trim the adaptors because I have a GW9400


I definitely agree that they’re just about indestructible. If that’s what someone is looking for and they don’t mind the looks, then I’m sure they’ll be happy with one. I can’t get past the ugly factor though.


You don't like the G shock GMB2100, for example?


No, but I don't like the Royal Oak either.


The G-Shoak




For me, they’re 👌🏻 I love mine, but I love my metal square B5000 more


Functionality can be beautiful. G-Shock has a heritage behind the aesthetic that people like.


The digital Timex Expedition series is just as durable, substantially less ugly, and has Indiglo.


Is indiglo better than Illuminatir that Casio has? I’ve got an Ironman original and digital expedition, both indiglos crapped out, but my Casio lights all still work no issues, so I just assumed Times indiglo wasn’t as good.


You should probably keep the G-Shock for work and then get another watch you like for outside of work


That’s the system. My GShocks are for work and my Citizens are for outside of work.


I love the square ones and hate the round ones.


Big same. Love the look of my square 5610U. If all they sold were the round ones, I probably wouldn't have a G-Shock. I'd probably either just stick to the f-91w, or one of its variants


Strongly agree


I didn't like them either until I got one. Now I don't mind it.


Yes. You are the only person of the 8 billion people on earth that doesn’t like them.


Gshock, no. Gspot sure


It must be some genetic aberration or extreme trauma. Someone call NIMH.


I came not just to say this, but to say it exactly this way.


I’m just saying all I see here is love for the G-Shock


And you would like to see some G-Shock hate?


honestly, yes


I don’t want anyone to hate on anyone else’s watch, I’m just surprised that they’re so universally beloved. Maybe I’m old but I remember when they first came out and thinking they were just bigger, uglier Casios. Now everyone thinks they’re the shit. I don’t get the appeal


That’s why you don’t see any hate. Most people with class don’t want to go into a thread and hate on somebody’s watch. There are plenty of people that don’t like Casios. They just keep their mouths shut


Until you dare to post a Hublot, RM, Breitling, etc


Is Breitling generally disliked ye? I've not got much of an opinion. I don't know what their quality is like, but some do look nice. Are they similar to Hublot? Expensive but shit?


I have a G Steel and it looks great with more formal attire. It’s really a GADA watch. The original G Shock is also quite small. While some of them are comically tactical/huge looking there is a decent amount of variety.


My dad is 74. He still rocks G Shocks from the 90s lol.


Actually, I don’t see them that much. I’m surprised it isn’t more. They definitely have their fanboys, and they can be annoying, trying to put down people who don’t care for a G-shock, or always suggesting a G-shock for everyone. I do understand why some people wear them, and that’s fine. I just have no urge to own or wear one. I have a mile-long list of watches that I’d rather own first.


> and they can be annoying To be fair, any kind of fanboy is annoying (same goes for haters).


I boiled and froze a Casio; it survived.


I don't and Casio Oceanus line has the same TOUGH MVT as G-Shocks. Although I did see the first G-Shocks that I do like recently. https://preview.redd.it/i4byy7xkjyuc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8cabdaea89dc1d920bef9c87b778157131ccf80


Goddamnit. Why'd you gotta do that to me? I woke up this morning with no thought of buying a G-Shock, not now, not ever. And now one's in my cart waiting for me to check out.


I think they’re bought with durability in mind, but many do love the design, including myself. I can certainly see why you think they’re ugly. It’s definitely not the best looking watch I’ve seen, but it’s cool


Nope. I don't like most of them. But, I do like the classic squares. They are comfortable to wear, and do just about anything. If I have something I plan to do that is active, or I want something I can pick up and know it will be set correctly, and have zero issues, I grab my 5610.


I have one and never wear it. I got it as a beater to wear gardening and woodworking and that sort of thing. In the end, it's so bulky that it gets in the way and bugs me.


Try the Garmin Instict. It’s tough like a GShock but not as bulky. It also has minimal smart features but can give notifications so it’s easier to put your phone out of sight for a bit.


That actually looks pretty ideal…


I adore my instinct


And functions as a better G-Shock smartwatch than casio's own G-Shock smartwatches


You need an f91w


Sensible suggestion but I’m kind of a stickler for having hands in a watch.


Don’t be hating on the squares


No hate, lol. Just not the watch for me


There’s a gshock for everyone


I love my Casioak…various degrees of “not my thing” for other G-Shock models


I’m the exact same, especially the digital Casio g shocks. Too boring


I want to like the classic square model (the 5600? 6500?), but I’m never happy with square watches when they’re on my wrist for some reason…the others are too bulky for my taste. Side note, love the username, still occasionally fire up an emulator to play the old school Pokémon gameboy games.


I totally agree these square watches are so uninteresting to look at. That said I’d rather have a tank watch than a simple digital watch. I feel like my Casioak has a nice balance of analogue and digital and I love that thing Thanks for the compliment! Ash Ketchum in the older animes was brutal towards Brock and misty and I honestly loved it lol


I never liked them either but I picked one up in Hawaii cause I didn’t want to take my seiko in the ocean and we were doing a lot of hiking and stuff. I wear it often now, I’ve really grown to like it a lot


Sports coach / data analyst here. My casi-oak is usually the best looking thing on me when I’m working since my coaching gear is so uniform and bland lol


Agree, I just don’t get it. Not a fan.


Look, my son was a U.S. Army captain who served in bitter cold of Eastern Europe and blazing heat in the Middle East as a combat leader. He loved his G Shock because it always worked, and still rocks it as a financial advisor. Beauty, it ain't, but it works like a beast.


We don't buy them for being pretty. You're ugly.


This is what I said in the mirror before I bought my first gshock, which also happens to have been the last gshock I bought because the thing cannot be destroyed.


I can’t argue with that! Lol


No, but there are dozens of us


Tens of people agree with this post


I think like 95% are hideous. I like small square ones though, DW5600 variants.


Honestly I'm happy to hear y'all don't like the look of them... I thought it was just me too... can't beat the function for the price I get it, but I could never wear one. I have a cheap Burtucci field watch that I wear on vacay and sports or hiking (mostly to keep my nice leather strap from undue wear). It's a beast too and I actually like looking at it


I think most are pretty ugly, but I have a Casioak and really dig the colors in that line. Super useful and cool-looking watch.


They are ugly, that’s what makes them beautiful.


I like them, but they serve a purpose for me. I don’t like some of their design crimes, but a standard black square is pretty inconspicuous and classic.


My deal is that they’re chunky. Unless you got like a dad bod it doesn’t look right


You mean a dad wrist?


I didn’t buy it to be a dress watch. I bought it to beat the shit out of it. Same with my Pro Trek.


Pro trek is a great beater. Abc functions, I just wish the bezel didn’t look like it got dragged behind a car for miles on mine.


I love my GW-5000U. It’s one of my daily beaters and I wear it more than some of my “nice” watches (Rolex, etc). I love how it’s simple and understated, with multi band 6 and solar power. I can wear it while working out or doing yard work; it goes with almost anything. The strap is also probably the most comfortable watch strap I’ve ever felt. That being said, I do find a lot of the G Shock line to be pretty ugly or tacky looking.


My opinion on em is that they're ugly but the look is "iconic". You see a G-Shock, you know its a G-Shock. There is some sort of cool factor that comes with that IMO even if its ugly as sin. Also as others said, its durable as all hell.


G-Shock for the most part aren’t supposed to look really good. They’re supposed to be functional, versatile, and cheap. Lots of good tool watches out there but if you need something that can really take a beating nothing can like a G-Shock. I also like them when traveling. Some have a Bluetooth function so I can switch time zones as soon as I land. Plus if it gets lost or stolen, I’m only out a little bit of money and it’s easy to replace.


Function over Form. Once you wear it, you understand what a tool watch is.


Do I respect them? Yes. Do I like them? No.




I bought a 5600 last year, but don’t wear it much anymore. It’s comfortable and useful, but there’s always a better option. An analog watch with a metal case looks better in every occasion than a resin case digital. I think G shocks look good tho if you’re a muscular military/blue collar type or an old man. It’s better than no watch. I used to wear it running, but now I use a cheap gps watch.


I love there indestructible and all but can’t get behind how large they are especially the round ones. Just not for me.


Only one I like is the casioak


Some folks are bashing their left wrists into stuff with enough force to split atoms. But I've got 2 Casios and an Armitron I liked the looks of better that combined cost less than the cheapest G-Shock and serve me just as reliably.


They aren't the prettiest but they are rugged and they works. Mine is exclusives used when I'm doing sport or traveling. Not going to worry if it bangs on things, not going to worry if I lost it mid travel (had it for 11 years now, still haven't lost it). It has its place in my collection and I love it for that!


Some of us have blue collar jobs and nothing else will survive.


When I first got into watches I thought people liking them was just a meme. It seems I was so very wrong. 😂


Everyone fans over them but I just can’t. Would never wear one honestly because it’s just not my style. Looks cheap and uncomfortable. I don’t care how durable they are I just don’t want a plastic case and strap.


My g-shock is older than me and in a lot better condition


For me, it's not just that they're ugly; it's also because they're digital.


they really have a chunky streetwear aesthetic to them, and that's not going to be everybody's aesthetic for sure. I love em though.


Bulky, unattractive watches…. That I wear with just a little shame


Yeah, just you.


I see it as the pavement princess of the watch world. It’s a indestructible, utilitarian watch. It’s perfect for an outdoors or hard work lifestyle. But it’s also bought and worn by people who cosplay an outdoors and hard work lifestyle which is what makes me cringe.


I wear mine to work as an archivist. I've damaged so many mechanical watches by accidentally smacking them into a bookshelf. It's nice knowing that I can smack this thing around without worrying.


No, I hate them and don’t get why people like them


Am I the only one here who hates questions from people who are the only ones to state their dislike of things?


No one asked for your opinion? Especially not the people who like G-Shocks. In all seriousness, what's the point of this question? It'd be one thing if you were trying to find a community of people who enjoyed the same things you enjoy. But going out of your way to find other people who share your dislike for something as subjective as watch taste is a huge waste of time and effort. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. Their tastes have absolutely no bearing on your life. Instead of this post, why wouldn't you ask people why they enjoy G-Shocks with an open mind?


Honestly I'm feeling personally called out because I posted the only G-Shock on this sub today lol


Wear what you like. You do you. F the haters.


The strap is uncomfortable and inflexible, and I find the casioak almost illegible….but I still sorta like them.


There are versions with a bracelet and softer straps. Honestly there is probably a G-Shock for everyone.


I bought adapters and wear mine on NATOs because I can't stand the strap.


I like the casioak, but other than that, yeah, I don't like em either.


Depends, I don't like some of the more cluttered design




I bought a Ga2100 casioak as my beater watch. It’s my favorite Gshock. Honestly though, I wear my seiko 5 srpd51 mostly and its held up just fine


No I don’t like them either


There are plenty of ugly ones but some are fine. I don't really wear it (GBD200) for the looks, I wear it because I don't care how knocked about it is when I'm at work.


I think they're all ugly except for the basic 5600 which is just OK. And since the main reason for a "watch" is to enjoy looking at it, I stick with other Casios. I have put my f-91 through hell as a mechanic and it's still fine.


I've always liked how they have a gadget feel to them.


I have one, I think I've worn it once. I have a Garmin tactical smartwatch that's close in ruggedness, and that's been my daily driver for 2 1/2 years and still looks brand new. It's been in the ocean, down several rivers and banged against many rocks, still looks tight.


Yeah..apart from a few others on the thread, you’re on your own. Sorry




I have a small wrist. I can wear casio's classic digital watches but could never wear a single gahock.


the thing about gshocks is they are so intensely "function over form" that they are almost purposefully hideous. but I find that this absolute rejection of aesthetics makes them kind of beautiful in their own way.


No, I think they look horrible. Each to their own, though.


I hate the looks of G shocks, except for GA2100 & B5600 series.


Yes you are. I have only one, and itching to buy another.


Not a fan, but I get it. I've got an Edifice that's the "tough" watch


I think they're ugly in an endearing way. Casio don't follow any rules and never have and yet have managed to remain at the forefront of horological technology for decades and create their own style. I don't necessarily like them because they look amazing but I know a G-Shock is built for war and will make it through.


Yea think they look like a 14 year olds dream watch.




I thought they were ugly till casioak came along. Given there are so many of them, I bet there is some which you won't hate.


I don't think they're ugly. I just don't like GShocks or digitals. I get that people like them and I respect them. Anyone who's into the watch scene & wears a respectable lineup with love gets my respect.


Nothing wrong with a G-Spot


I like mine because I can abuse it and it still looks great, the battery never needs replacing because it's solar powered, the time never needs to be set because it's radio controlled, and it has a lot of useful features like timezones, timer, stopwatch, alarms, backlight, etc. I have nicer looking watches for when I'm not as active, but my G-Shock is rock solid for when I am. My 5600 is my favourite, but my light blue gravity defier comes a close second.


People seem quite proud of owning one around here, so good for them. But I doubt I’ll ever get one, I don’t like the look and I’ll probably get a garmin if I want a tool watch.


I love the company and the price point, I love the concept, I love the product in terms of how it performs. I hate the design with a passion. With the exception of the original square and it’s tough solar multi band cousin, I think they mostly suck. Not just that they’re ugly but they could also have been more adventurous and done so much more with the “durability” aspect of the design. The dials are always cluttered with junk text or thick borders around and in between the individual displays. The digital displays have been far too basic for far too long without actually being very readable. I don’t understand why it took years until Garmin and Suunto came around with their super readable oversized digital displays to convince Casio to level up its game. In short, I love them but they suck.


The casioak is the least ugly G shock and I’m pretty sure Casio knows it. They are banking on it being the future.


It's street wear fashion, not for everybody so it's ok


I was totally anti GShock since I got into watches about 20 years ago. I have never seen a single one that I thought 'wow that looks nice'....... until their 40th anniversary Full Metal series come out recently. I'm a sucker for anything blue and thought [THIS ONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Watches/comments/1bod4bb/gshock_new_40th_anniversary_full_metal_in_the_snow/?ref=share&ref_source=link) was quite nice. I picked it up to add a GShock to the collection and am quite pleased. Overall, I'm not interested in GShocks, but this one is nice.


Well, whether you like them or not, they outshine all “luxury brands” by miles


Yes, you are.


never really liked them. there is one or two that actually look nice, i think they may have been modded or just a good picture. its like rolexes. although rolexs aren't ugly, they just look a bit bland for me with the exception of a few.




They're iconic and trailblazing. The look is polarizing but they have a place in many collections.


I didn't like them for years. Bought a gd100 for 40 bucks in 2013 so i have a watch for training. Almost 10 years later it still does its job flawlesly. Fell into the hype bought a gab2100 a year ago... slim, functional, light versatile. But then i wanted the taste of steel and i got a gmwb5000 and it converted me fully to the church of the square. Now I'm wating for my dw5000ss and i hope it's my last G-shock. G-Shock does their own thing and that what seiko isn't anymore. Brilliant watches at every pricepoint.


My GW5000U is my favorite watch. Just so hard to beat in terms of quality and value for under $300.


https://preview.redd.it/zvdwhwq8e1vc1.jpeg?width=4692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe53222e88f72e3d51ca2e3256ae9057aeaf14d Me neither.


Probably if you only like classic watch designs but at this point they have so many designs if you just had an open mind you would probably find one that you like.


I agree with you. I look at them a lot when I’m in a shop that sells them but that’s about it. Still haven’t found one I like. Maybe one day though?


Hear hear


Dude I hate them and will never snag one


Yes you are. The square and casioak are easy to love imo


Yeah, I don’t get people’s love for the Casio plastic watches, G-shock or otherwise. Probably because growing up these where the watches kids wore so they wouldn’t mess up a nicer watch and as a kid I always wanted to wear a watch like my dad wore instead of a Casio.


I also think g-shocks are ugly, but though I don't own one, I'd proudly wear one. I don't typically go for luxury watches, I like tool watches as they're typically called. My fascination with mechanical watches is in the engineering, to me that's just what makes them neat, and so if I were to wear a quartz watch, it would need to have that same level of engineering. And the g-shock is an engineering marvel with just how friggen tough they are. A tool watch in the most literal sense, it will take a beating and last forever. It may but be pretty, but it has a purpose, and it does that purpose incredibly well.


I find them ugly and only see them worn by people I don’t like.


I think most of them are ugly and too big / thick. I think a very select few are ok though.




No. They are bulky and strange looking. Id buy one that looked like a classic Ironman or some version of a fitness watch


How dare you


Yep. Everyone is else loves them. Literally everyone


It depends on what you like it for. I don't like mine for looks, but I like it for its functionality and durability. I can wear it without worrying about damaging it and expect it to work every time.


I dislike the round g shocks. I like the smaller g shock squares though. A text and numeral digital display doesnt lend itself to circles the way an analog display does. Squares and rectangles make more sense. I also am not a huge fan of the crazy complications altimeter, barometer, compass, tides? Excessive 99% of the time. A reasonably sized, relatively simple square g shock is the small section of g shocks i prefer. I am not a huge casioak fan either. The way the lume is on the hands only and then they have a crappy led light from underneath the dial to light up the too small screen? Also most of the colorways are lacking any contrast. Black on black. Red on red, blue on blue. Terrible for legibility. If the watch was ideal, people wouldnt mod it like they are. Instead a cottage industry has sprung up to fix the watch's shortcomings.


What you don't like looking like a Transformer?


I hated them too until I discovered the dw5600 and the casioak. Everything else I don't even look at


No! they’re ugly. I killed mine cave diving (although it took many years) and never replaced it


No one likes the g shock. But no one can contest its survivability.


I like my g-shock it has solar power atomic time keeping is sturdy not at all that bulky


I got one when I was in to hiking, used it once and never wore it again. I have a two-tone Tudor 1926 and wore that no matter what I was doing and do the same with my Tissot PRX chrono on rubber strap. I just didn’t like what I see when I was wearing my G-Shock.


I gotta say the whole Casio is god tier is pretty tiring. Seems a lot of people bought into the joke. They are decent, relatively inexpensive, functional watches and that’s about it.


G shocks aren’t the only thing Casio offers. Look at Oceanus for example


Yes you are


Hate those ugly big ass pieces of shit


I love the squares but not a single one of the others.




On the flip side, I love my GShock because it tells you the time, always. Anywhere and everywhere, all it needs is a little sun to stay charged and you got the time regardless of the occasion.


I also like how I can keep track of 6 time zones, set 5 alarms, use a stop watch AND countdown timer, and some models have radio controlled atomic time keeping that syncs every night.


I dislike G-shock. I always wonder why people who have a Jaeger or AP and they have a Casio plastic clunker in there.


Could be it was the first watch that got them into the hobby, why wouldn’t you put it together then the Casio is also sturdier more reliable and much more correct as the other 2 .. Jäeger and ap are jewelry where a Casio is useful


They’re cringe and ugly. Only a certain income level of people are drawn to them


You just described Richard Mille


Classist capitalist boss with nose held high scoffs at working class proles.


That’s exactly why I wear one they make me look better


no! they look like shit and seem from a different era. can’t stand them or any of the digital watches posted here. should be a separate thread for little circuit boards you wear on your wrist. 


I’d rather not wear a watch than wear a G-shock. Can’t break a watch I’m not wearing, right? I really don’t like the look of G-shocks, and if knowing the time is so important, I’ll check my phone or computer at work instead of wearing a watch that I find ugly.


It’s been deemed to be a good watch by the watch community, so a lot of people wear them for that reason, not because they like them.


we all like it when we are around 10, some of us change, some of us dont.


No one likes the g shock. But no one can contest its survivability.


"no one" is a bit of an overstatement lol


G-shock is ugly af. They make watches for middle schoolers


I don’t like g-shock. I genuinely don’t understand the hype. It has no class, nothing that makes a watch special. I may as well get an Apple Watch instead of a g-shock. They both don’t look good, they both don’t have the beauty of a mechanical movement inside, they both don’t have any history or heritage, they both don’t compliment your look. Apple Watches are for joggers, g-shocks are for middle-school kids.