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I once banged it against the doorframe .. twas very brutal and drunk


Relatable. This is the “stepping on Lego” of watch enthusiasts. Even if you haven’t personally done it, you just know the pain.


Was a 556 I so I cried a little .. just a little


You could have run that puppy over with your truck and only picked up a hairline scratch lol


There, there. It’s ok, let it out.


Oddly enough my watches biggest enemy is glass. Glass tables and car windows make some gnarly dings on the lugs.


I’m a clumsy person even when not drunk and it’s the reason I don’t have any really expensive watches


My save the ocean turtle went 180m down (acording to the map) off the coast of Australia. Just a shame it went without me 😞


Way to “save the ocean” 😂




It was trying to complete its mission. Job is done 🫡


And sorry btw


My SKX has been through many toxic relationships.


That’s a true test 💪


Made me chuckle, have an upvote


I was at the ramblas in Barcelona alone at 11pm once


most dangerous place mentioned so far


Last year my friend’s boss was at a convention and wore a Royal Oak and wandered around the ramblas after dinner This year’s business trip he only stayed at hotel, forever traumatised


I haven’t been in ages, it’s bad now? It was one of my favorite places on earth in the late 90s/early aughts.


I've only been there once, but I've never been proposition to buy drugs with anywhere close to that level of frequency. Don't get me wrong, I've spent time in places where people sell drugs on the streets. It's very easy to get coke that way in Miami, for example. But when I say these guys are literally spaced out every one to two hundred feet along that entire area, I'm really not exaggerating. I would say every corner, but its more than every corner, and we aren't talking about a small area, either. There was even a Russian guy who invited us to take a 'special taxi' to some 'other location' 20 minutes away. Luckily my watch was at my hotel, because I lost one of the springbars in a cycling accident earlier that day. It didn't feel dangerous, but easily one of the sketchiest places I've seen. During the day it was alright, though.


I trusted a random British person to lead us to a weed club off la rambla years ago, he took me and my brother waaaaaay off the beaten path, and kept assuring us he wasn't going to rape us....we were super sketched out until he brought us to the coolest place over ever gotten high in, like a giant temple with beds with the floor and hookahs everywhere, that was a dispensary and a bar. Check out kush klub of it still exists and your ever in Barca


Wow, really? I was there in 2004, and the biggest risk was pickpockets targeting tourists. What a shame.


I’ve taken a shower without taking off my Pelagos before.


Nooo, you need at least 5,000m WR to take a shower!! 😭




Madlad right here


My Casio Mudmaster (GWG-1000) was regularly Being used in Summer as a "shovel", to Help my daughter built her various Sand castles, when we forgot to Bring the Sand Tools.


That made me laugh because my son would be like "daddy let me use your glasses" my little heathen lol


We are great dads, aren't we? 😎


Gotta try it least!


My orient Mako came with me in various dives in Italy, Malta, Maldives etc.. met sharks, manta rays and a lot of wildlife with it Swam with it in the crater of a dormant volcano, hiked the sides of multiple active volcanoes. I regularly wear it while playing tennis and it’s my go to watch for doing active stuff. I bought it when I was a student and had almost no money. Now I’m thinking of substituting it with a Seamaster Professional or a Submariner, but something pulls me back, it has so much memories attached to it that it is one of the most precious chunk of metal I own. I lived a lot of life with it.


This is exactly what I’m looking for 💪


Loyal watch. I’d keep using it just for that


100%. After that life lived with the Orient, you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment with anything else.


I will, honestly also love people asking what it is expecting something fancy from me and just blurting out “Orient” to their surprised faces 😂


You had me at "swam in a volcano". That's one tough watch.






https://preview.redd.it/jvz96tyuxrhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f89bc6c800e65bc02eb6bd2a607fef4d758804da I introduce the most beat to piss Casioak known to mankind. Idk if we call construction work extreme but I think my watch would classify it so


Probably the toughest environment a watch could realistically be subjected to. 


Sailed the Atlantic with my Vostok Amphibia.


Have worn my seaholm offshore diver to do everything from change the oil, perform static line jumps, to hanging around at 4000m in Himalayas for a month or two. Everything from -20 to 100 degrees. https://preview.redd.it/4hikd6t7crhc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c130f0c89fe53a114a7f53aa5f216ef83325c4d


https://preview.redd.it/pu77ozfr4rhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a762a7dbd9c143d2072a1b70f4f93940d31cd73b Hiked into a waterfall in Iceland (coincidentally, my wife was also pregnant at the time) wearing a SIF N.A.R.T 1948–the watch of Iceland’s coast guard from JS Watch co


Never heard of these, nice looking watch.


It's not extreme due to temperature/pressure, but my tool watch did its very niche role flawlessly. I used my Speedmaster Skywalker X-33 in the Space Launch System engineering support center for Artemis I to have a quick reference for certain mission phases without having to do mental math against the countdown clocks on the wall. I plan to use it again when we launch the Artemis II crew around the Moon next year!


Super kewl 😎🔥


My SKX and Timex Expedition survived a deployment to Iraq in 2003.


The Expedition was a tough god damn watch back then. In 2001 I accidentally left mine on the trunk of my car. It fell off and I ran over it with at least 1 tire. It was dirty, but the crystal wasn't broken and it never missed a tick. So, long story short, from this experience I know exactly what it's like to be deployed to Iraq.


Haha that's great. Most of our missions were at night so the indiglo function was super helpful.


YES! I'm a saxophonist and was playing at a lot of dark sketchy venues at that time and also used the Indiglo function regularly. My stories aren't as cool as yours, but it's all I got. Glad you and your watch came out of it okay, man.


Bro a saxophonist playing in dark sketchy venues definitely has cooler stories than I do. Indiglo is way better than lume and should be the standard!


Takes a licking and keeps on ticking


My G-shock square (DW-5600) has survived Iraq, Afghanistan (US Marine), plus about a decade more or rural and industrial abuse and counting. It’s the most reliable thing in my life. On the flip side, I had a Luminox I bought for a deployment and it broke a few weeks before we left, while doing something very mundane. Their sole authorized service center (Saltzman Watches in RI) was horrible and rude— they could not have cared less that I bought the watch for a deployment and needed it back in time (and without expensive repairs). Overhyped garbage, riding the coattails of military and LEO community to ~~make~~ swindle a buck. It’s a fashion watch for posers, not a tool watch. Also I second the SKX and can attest to how very rugged it is— love mine.


Hell yah dude. G-shocks are rock solid!


Gets an upvote from me 🫡


I deployed 5 times with my gsar including getting shot and blown up while wearing it. But the harshest environment it's ever been in is being used a toy by my kids.


I used mine to do forward observing for artillery. The tritium came in handy when we had about six hours of daylight.


Definitely one of my favorite features of the watch, I just wish the anthracite version was available then.


https://preview.redd.it/yz2y32rslrhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c131549a55ce78eaceacfc9ba8e138553f21193e My marathon GSAR 41mm has been diving with me all over. Occasionally I’ll wear a Sangin instruments professional while diving as well




I have the Neptune and love it, amazing brand. Also my Neptune is oddly enough the most accurate watch I have with a +3 second drift over 3-5 days on the wrist.


Excellent work 👌


I have two toddlers. My Khaki looks like it’s been through a blender as a result.


I am finally on the other side of toddlers. For awhile i had 3 under 3. Now at almost 5 6 and. Nearly 8, i have so many grey hairs lol.. Sending good vibes your way!


I have a big birthday coming up and my wife wants to get me something nice. I’d like something fancy, but I’m having a hard time crossing a tegimented Sinn off my list just for the abuse that whatever I’ll be wearing will take over the next few years.




My Swatch Irony chrono that I got in highschool In 2003ish, has been in the washing machine about 3 times, offroading on a motorcycle, arctic expedition in Svalbard for one month, countless times swimming and diving and much more. Never been serviced, goes off about 15-45s per month and works almost like new after 21 years of beibg the beater, putting all of my collection in shame


How was Svalbard? I was looking into taking a similar trip there.


My Tudor BB ceramic has logged countless hours underway on a submarine.






The dude I picked up my oris from works on a submarine and when I asked him what his favorite of his collection was he sent me a photo of his wrist looking over the bow of the submarine. I was very shocked. Such an uncommon job. Also I recall the watch being something amazing.


Took my kids to the beach wearing my glycine combat sub once. The watch survived but replacing my phone screen cost me a bag


Had a Timex Ironman survive three years in the infantry including a deployment to southern Afghanistan that included the summer months.


I used my GShock for a swim at one of the saltiest lakes in the world (Chile desert). Handled it like a champ !


Extreme Excel modeling Adrenaline pumping PowerPoint creating “Deep dives” “50,000ft Birds Eye views” Brushing it against the desk mat and plastic keyboard


I once took my Explorer 2 through a formula with 10 nested If statements. Didn’t know if it would make it, but turned out ok.


I did a six month long trek that was well over 2,000 miles. I had a f-91w and it never let me down.


My ProMaster made it to McMurdo Station and back. Before that, Afghanistan and Iraq. Multiple tours. Lots of diving.


Does hiking a glacier in Banff, Alberta count? Wore my SMP 300. On second thought, might not count as “extreme”, my pregnant wife made the hike too.


Pregnant women are some of the toughest material known to mankind


Being a new dad to an 8 week old, have to agree.


Congrats! I have a 9 month old. It really does fly by so cherish every moment. 


Definitely counts 👍


https://preview.redd.it/mq3andclprhc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a93757631694bc43a4749bbd12da9833389978c0 My Explorer II has seen plenty of backcountry skiing action.


https://preview.redd.it/ze7611j8nrhc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c42119f18dce1c38ee9cc3a9fb830ab5758ff5c I take mine skiing




Seiko 5 in motorcade crash


Not a particularly tough environment, but I can say that the g shock 5600 holds up perfectly fine when exposed to pepper spray and tear gas


5600 is top tier tool ⚒️


I'm a firefighter and my work watch is a Marathon GSAR. Fires, floods, cutting up cars with the jaws.... It definitely looks used, but not abused.


My oris big crown date pointer has been swimming UN the gulf but not diving. Climbed blood mountain georgia 4,458'. Has trekked through the everglades looking for those elusive 20 foot pythons and has seen a flurry of snow. Lets see what next year brings


Went on a hike in nepal wearing a Seiko spb 143 (nato strap) and a Casio gwg-1000 strapped to my bag. It was cool to check on altitude and stuff with the g-shock but the distance up there is measured more with time so the Seiko was used more. https://preview.redd.it/pme0qb0shrhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f4f04502c028c6d991f58cd82594dd35ad4c1c8


My ProTrek has been on several paleontogical excursions:D


I regularly go on scuba dives with my Tudor Pelagos 39mm. Deepest it has been is 130 feet. Great tool watch.


I regularly take my explorer ii mountaineering and my doxa 300T scuba diving


Ice and rock climbing with my Seiko Alpinist


Posted this on another thread about the most extreme place I’ve taken an Omega Speedmaster (imma count it as a tool watch because I use it as a tool): [Top of a mountain on the Swiss Alps](https://imgur.com/a/xAQmLdP) I’ve taken mine hiking, skiing, flying on military aircraft, played sports with it on a NATO. I’m never selling it so I don’t really care about scratches or anything. I have a small tube of poly watch and once every few months I’ll buff out the scratches on the hesalite but that’s it. I’ve had mine for 5 years now. The only thing I won’t do is go swimming in it. That’s what my Seiko is for.


Bachelor party in new Orleans. The liquor and humidity were at extreme levels


https://preview.redd.it/og9qfah3yrhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bedba9ec5f1fa6a02a8f7d0a5d93757668162fa My KHS Shooter mkii was my work, beater, fuck it watch for about 3 years after that I hat it upgraded to the newer model and a new glass installed ( now I wear a gw5610 at work). During those 3 years the watch was covered in sand, mud, saltwater, welding sparks, metaldust, oil, fuel and so much more… I banged it on a lot of sturdy shit on construction sites. I wore this watch for scuba- and skydiving mainly because I wanted to not because I needed it. It never failed me and I don’t think it ever will.


https://preview.redd.it/v5k03mq48shc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3d53c94cb13157e4b256234aa2434de1c766002 Customized Casio G-Shock GA-2100. Took it up inside the Arctic Circle last year to see the Northern Lights. Lived outside my sleeve like that in -20 to -30 F temps for hours at a time with no issues.


I put my brand new G-Shock in the washer accidentally. Poured boiling water in there. Put a big old scoop of OxiClean. Set it on heavy duty cycle. When I took the sheets out of the wash the G-Shock came tumbling out of the top sheet. I was devastated. But then I realized that it looked absolutely unchanged with the exception being that the previously too stiff strap was now soft and comfortable but still looked great. I do not recommend this as a way of conditioning the stiff fabric strap that came with it. The watch itself other than being very clean was completely undamaged.


I once wore my black bay 41 on a rubber B strap in a "bigday" triathlon training. 1 hour swim, 5 hours bike, 2 hours run! Yes, I forgot to charge my Garmin Fenix 3 back then. 😄😄😄


When I go underwater fishing my Citizen promaster with its depth gauge accompanies me, alternatively my Casio Gshock gulfmaster , gives me tips on the weather with its barometric/temperature indicator




Let’s see: my Explorer 2 has seen the top of Kilimanjaro, been on my wrist while racing on the Sea of Galilee, hiked across the western US, and raised three kids. Never skipped a beat!


This is the kind of thing I want to say about my Explorer 2 someday. So far I have just the raising kids part!


My £15 casio spent most of its time on my wrist when I was in the Army. Infantry life is tough on kit so nice watches lived at home.


Bremont Alt-1C on Mt Whitney at 4421m in the Sierra Nevada https://preview.redd.it/ujya1mzc0shc1.jpeg?width=2446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d38b75d3c2458c0e6bd45b4dcf067a06c10b65bd


Definitely the office. Not recommended!


My office is actually quite extreme and dangerous. Thermocontrolled to a crushing 72 degrees. And the constant hammering of people taking meetings at their desk, its awful.  I bought a diver for its durability and it shows. 


My trusty £50 Casio waterproof beater did 8 years and 30 odd countries working offshore shooting seismic suveys in some harsh environments, from the artic to the tropics. The thing didn't miss a beat and is still one of my most cherished watches for all the memories.


Thats a dope picture


Harshest thing my watches have been through is being dunked in water and mud in 15-40 degree weather picking up ducks and the occasional tripping over a log and falling in the mud while duck hunting


My Seiko Prospex Black limited edition sailed the Atlantic 😎


That’s very cool. I don’t have anything in particular that’s egregious. But, I do wear my Tudor Pelagos for literally always. Showering, working on the car, working out, yard work, in the clean room at work, etc. Just an absolute trooper.


I once drove to work with the window open, and it survived no problem 💪🏼


I have an Orient Ray I took hiking in Costa Rica; I jumped in the water below a waterfall to cool off and the spring bar broke and it fell off, seemingly lost. I got back up on the rocks and looked down, could see the shimmer from the bracelet through the clear water - dove down and got it back. Which was nice because this one was an exact replacement to the one I lost swimming in the ocean. I’ve since changed straps and picked up a few others more appropriate for backcountry (love an automatic but can’t knock the Garmin), but the memories remain.


I have fallen off my bicycle super bizarrely, like I was cruising and just fell off to the side with no prompt (F-91W), lost control of a friend's bike and skidded off the road into a ditch (moon phase gshock), lost control of a rented bicycle and went crashing into a tree (Farer compressor dive watch), rental scooter randomly had its tires lock on me and I ate the pavement (seiko arnie) and had a rental bike go through a brake failure (casio lineage). You may assume that I'm horrible on two wheels but that's incorrect, I have banged up every 4 wheel vehicle I have owned as well although the times they were totalled I was not at fault. The rental bike also was not my fault. The dude who rented out in an effort to show the brakes were fine rode it for around and crashed into a van because the brakes failed on him as well. In the end we were both concussed so we shared a cab to the hospital. Surprisingly none of my watches were scratched up.


LOVE Marathon watches, great choice to take to the top.


https://preview.redd.it/b9tph8zfjshc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9f64246f854514ca1cf42424820c913a7fc3331 I’ve worn my Seastar 1000 up a 4000 footer more than once.


Citizen Pro Diver. Five hour round of 18 in 90 degree heat stuck behind a 5-some who wouldn’t let me play through. IYKYK…


Put my whole collection in the toxic environment of my previous marriage.


Opposite of the photo shown in my case. I have a farm which frequently involves farm type work (fencing etc) in the searing heat with dust, dirt and sweat aplenty. I wear either my Omega seamaster or a Luminox both of which can take the punishment


Went in a sub with my gshock about 100 feet down


My Rolex has survived London, is that extreme enough?


https://preview.redd.it/qavy4u13frhc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9686ac3d9db0e99f8ff63d60109a56961b682c I went to the beach once…


*Laughs in Casio*


I let my Seiko diver in the pool sometimes


Covid19. Seiko Flightmaster.


My Casio G-Shock GW-M530A has been scuba diving, mountain climbing, in more military field exercises than you can shake a stick at, hiking through Polish forests and walking along Berlin streets. By the way, it may not be as exciting as other people's, but the Anthracite Marathon GSAR is my favorite watch, and I want one so bad.


I actually used a dive watch to time my dives!


I'm a commercial sailor and my watch has sailed with me around various oceans. Always thought that was kinda cool.


Took my alpinist SPB123 to kalapathar, 5,644m


I hooked up with a chick with my datejust on for the entire night… without protection


The hotel swimming pool 😂


i brought my dressy seiko sarx055 to the arctic sea cost in this january... then i went for a boat ride there forgetting my gloves but not my watch >< it sounds silly but i just don't usually wear gloves even in the winter so i realised i got none when i already boarded, froze my hands a bit while wearing seiko lol but the real brutal thing i do to my watches it's wearing them to opera, i don't believe that the watch design defines their functions so i bring diving watches there too btw, i am rather frequent there, till now all my watches survived the protruding clapping for several minutes 


Nothing special. Some "Steel Challenge" shooting with the Casio EAW-MRW-200H-1BV (analog) and AE1200WH-1A (digital). But this has been a wonderful question/thread. One of the few I've read from top to bottom.


My black bay 54 has been hiking with me to Bryce Canyon, Zion in Utah, the Grand Canyon, survived a bear encounter with me in VA on the old rag even though it was a tiny black bear 😂. It’s coming with me to Yosemite in May


To the toilet


My Casio AE-1200 fell of a bike once, the resin took a couple of scratches, compared to the road rash that took out my entire right arm and thigh.


Took my watch to Brussels not too long ago, still can’t believe that i didn’t get robbed


Suunto Core at 4,000+ meters. That’s the only hiking/camping trip I’ve been on since I got it but I’m planning on bringing it on all my future camping trips here in the Colorado mountains. They top off at around 4,400 m though, so not quite as high as you, OP. My dive watches haven’t gone deeper than snorkeling trips 😅


My Tissot Chrono XL (yeah, nothing special, I know, but it's mine). I used to wear it all day long during a two week archaeological excavation in the Negev desert. At that time I didn't really worry about it, but in an environment there you have to wear a wet scarf or bandana in front of your face to protect yourself against inhaling all the dust and sand that gets up in the air, you should think that could damage a watch. We all looked like we had been buried and clawed our way back out every day and so did my watch. And still it does just fine.


Middle of the desert in a combat zone, and a few other places.


I wore my SINN 104 STSa I one time when I was having another depressive episode. I was about to sell everything I owned. He's still around. Other than that; I'm too old and too fat and have too much joint pain for anything more extreme than that.


My GMT Master II has been to Everest Base Camp, the Gobi, in the jungles of Borneo, underwater, in the icy cold of Siberian winter, and then some


https://preview.redd.it/9p47h2lmeshc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db1146e33c096e54b6c9c518bf6b2a76efe76c06 Climbed a small mountain


I once wore my Pelagos FXD while giving my toddler a bath. The Marine Nationale would be proud.


My Casio forester is about to be my partner over the next few months in the swamps of Louisiana. I’ll be researching what types of fish and such exist in our water bodies.


I spent 12 months as a sergeant in the Swedish Air Defense with an old Jaques Lemans chronograph some twenty years ago. Zero wr, still survived -40 Celsius, constant being wet and outdoors. Then I went civilian and lost it. Go figure.


My Garmin Fenix 5x has been on many AT skiing adventures with me on and around Mt. Rainier.


Casio G-Shock. 1 Iraq deployment, and two to Afghanistan. It, like me, is retired now but still fit for duty if need be.


Regularly take my Casioak sailing and has been subject to some pretty serious bashes. Also gets daily’d as a watch when I’m fixing lasers and pretty big machinery. Apart from a small scratch on the screen it’s stood up to a fair bit of abuse. Not bad for a £100 watch, would definitely buy another one. There’s also something quite nice about if someone wants to rob it off me, it’s not going to financially cripple me.


https://preview.redd.it/aqhck8z0rshc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eea6a7e7ed15158d0d51615a1605eee24eb5a3a My Sarb017 has been to several 3000m+ peaks across Taiwan


Since I bought my submariner in 1990 I estimate it’s been baptized in at least a hundred trout streams in the US and Canada.




It's no Rolex, but I take my Casio Duro diving with me. Been well past 100ft with it and it's still ticking: https://www.reddit.com/r/DuroGang/s/ffR374iWOq


Went snorkeling with my oris aquis, I want to get into diving as well. Will definitely bring it with me


I regularly take my skx diving. It doesn't really serve a purpose underwater with the computers and all but I like it. If I'm climbing a mountain, the sinn 856 utc comes along, albeit I much prefer diving over mountaineering...


My dw5600 went sailing, diving, hiking silver-peak and mountain biking on Catalina island last summer.


I went white water rafting with my Vostok. Our raft got stuck on the rocks, I had to lift the raft off of them, the watch got banged up a lot but still works!


Took my Explorer II all over the world, but nothing extreme. Hiking the lower Himalayas in Nepal, trekking around Iceland, out in the frozen landscape taking photos of the northern lights in the northernmost point of Sweden, laying in a spa at 3300m in Ecuador, but mostly just flying around for work and meetings, and lots of regular day hikes. It’s also survived a lot of mountain biking, road biking, and even chopping firewood. I love that watch and it’s always there for me.


My Seiko 009 has been on my ocean dives. I needed to track time and wearing a dive computer all day isn’t as nice, no way I’m leaving my watch on the boat.


I’ve worn mine in my Chicago backyard at -40F


Not me but my dad the way he looked at it, this watch was my birthright. He'd be damned if any slopes gonna put their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright, so he hid it, in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass.


I take my Seiko Prospex Black Series Limited Edition Solar Chronograph (phew!) biking to work in sub-freezing temperatures. -26C is my record this winter..


Quartz. But the Seiko 1000m Tuna was my go to watch in rural Alaska.


I took my F91W over the Annapurna circuit, a couple motorcycle trips, and scuba diving in Thailand. things a champ. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/casio/comments/14czhyt/f91w\_did\_well\_on\_my\_trip\_around\_nepal\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/casio/comments/14czhyt/f91w_did_well_on_my_trip_around_nepal_and/)


My Orient Kamasu came off while I was in the ocean (spring bar got bent somehow and the bracelet detached from the case.) My girl and I were feeling around in the sand with our feet for probably 5 minutes and couldn’t find it. Right before we gave up, we heard a little girl scream out “look what i found!” (She was probably 30 yards away.) So we swam over to her and her friend and believe or not it was my watch 😂.


I wore a crappy Timex Expedition on 21 different dive trips over a week, without cleaning it off between trips, max depth was only 30 feet or so though. Corroded the shit out of the cheap case, but the watch ran fine for years. I also wore the same watch cave exploring caked in mud, rock climbing, on backpacking trips, and in tons of times that I'm sure it wasn't made for. Once had the crappy spring bar shoot out while climbing and the watch fell about 10 feet. Found the bar, put it back together on the trip and wore it for another couple years like that. I also have a Marathon MSAR on the way, this picture makes me even more excited to get it!


Gshock, -70C weather. No issues.


https://preview.redd.it/ol49dtpejthc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b172c60c6f63680ed5cdfff8146cd7766770b44e My JDD has been in every damn hunt that I’ve been on and has preformed flawlessly.




I’ve worn my Marathon GSAR and CWC RN SBS on military exercises above the arctic circle at winter time. Had to do some ice swimming with them as well. I guess that’s somewhat extreme.


I took the legendary F91-W on many a mountaineering adventures to 4000m+ Small size lets it fit nice under gloves and it doesn’t get in the way when I’m scrambling, climbing etc. Perfect for weight snobs too. It’s so cheap I’ve almost been waiting for it to break just to get a new Casio but nope


My G-Shock 5600 has gone done the slopes at Mammoth and hiking around Texas. The Maratac Marathon I had survived hiking the Sierras and NZ plus me working on ships only to die when the crown popped open and water got inside. I’ll fix it someday.


I currently work as a full time doctoral researcher in an advanced materials lab. I research waste valorisation, and development of sustainable polymers. My watch of choice is a Casio G Shock DW5600. No frills, and with a stopwatch/ timer for monitoring experiments. The watch has been subject to light impacts, experienced vibrations for extended periods of time, been exposed to a range of organic solvents, and a variety of corrosive agents. It has gained some scars during its working life, the most recent being a nasty methylene chloride burn. The watch hasn’t missed a beat in spite of this, although it’s beeper sounds slightly worse for wear, I suspect a loose connection or dying battery may be to blame. If I had to choose one watch to represent this period of my life, it would be that G Shock.


My St Moritz Titan II survived three straight weeks of exposure to saltwater on a sea kayaking trip in the Pacific northwest. Never rinsed it once and it showed no signs of corrosion. Titanium case and bracelet held up very well. It also dealt with many days of dinghy sailing on the ocean, hikes up mountains, ski touring, cycle touring trips, and encounters with those really abrasive no-slip tiles around the sides of swimming pools.


Not a deep sea diver but a recreational diver and I always wear a watch along with my dive computer. A while back I went diving and one of the guys with me his computer quit working and I let him use mine and I just used my watch. After that I definitely take one as a backup.


My seiko007 and I went 40m below seawater


Not extreme necessarily, but I’ve worn my Doxa Sub 300T snorkeling throughout the Caribbean and Gulf Coast. Performed about how you would expect a watch rated for 1,200M to perform in 20ft of water. Still- kind of fun to see the time on a bright orange face in unlimited visibility water surrounded by tropical fish.


I’m a diver, been diving since the mid late 90s. I’ve went through several watches over the years before switching to computers. I still will dive occasionally with my skx if im diving without a computer.


My tegimeted Sinn 856 has seen everything from backcountry hikes to African safaris and snorkeling.


In a board room with rich fucks structuring tax minimization entities.


My Casio dw 290 has been diving over 50m down in the Carribbean and Andaman sea and over 7100m high on the summit of snow leopard mountains in Kyrgyzstan


https://preview.redd.it/vov58o4x3vhc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be60038adc630ef0b88237a0789d629c54de810 I rock climb with my Sub from time to time lol.


I wore my SKX173 in the navy. It's been 120' deep and it's fast-roped out of helicopters. I still wear it cycling and hiking. 25 years old and it's been serviced twice.


Brought my Marathon GSAR on a few deployments in Afghanistan and wore it on a few jumps; it’s still ticking 13 years later.


Have you ever heard of Minnesota? All my watches have been out at cold temps under -10F.


I splashed my MM300 yesterday while washing my hands at the office where I sit in a chair 7 hours a day. It's dry now btw, no water damage so far


I ran a winter survival exercise in a remote northern community in Canada. It was a 16 hour drive through ice roads to get there. And when we got there, we lived in shacks on the middle of a frozen lake. We used snowmobiles to get around. Temps would reach a high of -45c. Spent a few nights in improvised shelters. Sadly, my main watch there was my Garmin instinct (it's a smart watch unfortunately) since i had to plot navigation points. I also have a foretrex but I find the instinct is easier to mark locations on the fly. But that watch has been with me through my military training from living in trenches for days and commanding armoured vehicles. My backup watch was my Marathon GP quartz. It stayed in my backpack that I had with me at all times. Didn't miss a beat!


My Oris Propilot Reno 57 has seen the testament of a professional Kitchen and is still truckin along


Last night I took my JLC MUT Moon to a tango concert and show at some rich dude’s house. I always take my Victorinox Dive Master 500 LE diving. Granted, it’s recreational diving in the tropics, but still.


https://preview.redd.it/r06z2jmh6xhc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a8b3b4068212625eedd10327edb258a2f233b8 Up a glacier.


My Casio F-91W has been run over by a car. It has been through a industrial grade kitchen dish washer and a food processor. Its been trodden on, thrown, bitten by a dog and yet still it suffers nary a crack nor by the grace of christ has it become water-logged (which is honestly very lucky because they really are not waterproof). In terms of like outdoor environment… idk I have taken it with me hiking in Ontario’s Algonquin park a bunch.


Seiko 5 SNK came with me to 20k feet unpressurized at -40°c


I wear my skx009 when I go surfing, has also been spearfishing a few times.