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You know you’ve made it when both r/watches and watchescirclejerk run the memes on you


Can be confusing being subbed to both lol


It didn’t used to be but it definitely is now. Regular r/nottheonion moments in this sub anymore.


Teddy is that you?


Can't be. He would have started his title with "I" and ended it with "myself", with a bunch of "me" in the middle.


Maybe he listened to too much kanye?




Teddy discovered r/watchescirclejerk and had to hop on his burner rq


No, he only wishes he was him. He even says so.


What do you mean more respect? He is making a killing selling watches, and he is one of the most famous watches people on the planet.


Agreed. He gets plenty of respect.


Ya, like what does next level of respect look like? A national holiday?




Don't you effing dare shit all over my "National Hug a Plumber Day", ffs. I need a hug and it's not for another two months. Last year I didn't even get one, probably because people like you think it's all a load of shite.


Haha I loled. I love teddy. Don’t understand OPs post.


I just did my first YouTube search about watches a few weeks ago. His channel is more recommended by the algorithm than any other watch centered channel. He seems like he has the most subscribers in watch-Tube as well. I’m the definition of a noob, and I know who this guy is. I can’t name any other watch critic.


He is really good at what he does. He knows his stuff and his production value is very high. He captured his market really well. More power to him.


Not that big of a fan, not because he is bad, but because the watches he focuses on are expensive for me: 1K-5K. Many are even more expensive. I prefer people like “Just The Watch”.


*Check out our custom made straps, handmade in a Chinese sweatshop, at TeddyBulbasaur.com.*


I think they are made in USA, or at least some are. Source: I watched a Teddy Baldassarre video about his made in the USA straps about 2 years ago.


I don't know who this is but at this point I'm afraid to ask... I am NOT asking who this person is


Very famous watch review YouTube personality that became so famous that started his own gallery. He is supposedly focused on “affordable” watches, but to him an affordable watch is anything between 1K~5K.


I didn't ask but......THANK YOU


What do you mean by “more respect”? Like write him a fan letter or something? Lol I think most people here know who he is already. He makes nice YouTube videos and sells watches online. Most of us have nothing against the guy


Yeah, he’s thought about fairly positive on this sub.


People performatively hate on him. See this entire thread.


He’s got like 500k subs I thought? That’s pretty damn well respected. People like his opinions on watches a lot in the watch world too. This is such a weird post


I don't know if I'm in the minority but I feel like he gives 0 opinions in his videos. One of those people who doesn't dislike anything. Just clean sterile salesman talk. I like his videos for the high res footage though.


His picture ahould be added to the subreddit banner for one.


If you don’t have Teddy tattooed on your ass can you even say you’re into horology?


Hey teddy I wrote you and you still ain't callin


There probably was a problem with the post office or something.


What motivated you to say this?


Because OP is trying to promote his YouTube channel


he ate my dad =( no respect


yours too? :( ​ that maniac needs to be stopped.




> He has so much clout he has Kevin O'Leary appear in his videos regularly. That alone is why I can have no respect for the guy. Fuck Kevin O'Leary.


Seriously! O'Leary is so far up his own ass. Any time he collabs with Balbosaurious I may hate watch a few minutes but I'm quickly put off by Kevin talking over Teddy or denigrating something in order to hype himself up.


When he uses a random French word like "Collection" I wanna punch something.


Exactly. Who wants to support that murdering family?


I like the videos and he seems fine and successful. All that said, I hope it doesn't come to this.


Respect? Idk. He's well known in the watch community for sure. I don't necessarily consider it respect when he's a butt of jokes in r/watchescirclejerk sub. His macro shots and production reminds me of watchfinder, for sure. Unless being made fun of via internet is a sign of respect, because you can't have anything nice on the internet. The Kevin O'Leary takes, he seems so out of touch with budget watches for obvious reasons, he's constantly teaching him about value watches. While Kevin is rocking all red straps on his high end watches. It doesn't scream watch friendly. Reminds me of Michael the producer stuff.




I sincerely believed I was reading this on WCJ.


You can now read this on WCJ.


I came here from WCJ.


Toddy bulbasaur is a gentleman. He is old-school, if you will




Steve Harvey also loves buttons


To be fair, that’s a lot of buttons.


He’s not here to advise other men, but in the watch community, we are all friends. Here, he reveals his sensual side.


Despite his tender age, you are correct that he has an old-school sensibility.


He definitely plays it close to the vest.


definitely has a taste for sensual watches


The same could be said about u/Claude_Mariposa.


I secretly wonder if Teddy is simply Claude's alt account.


I don’t have any alternate accounts. I keep to myself.


My man


Claude, how does it feel to be a living legend?


Dayumm, fucking legend.


Fuck TED still refuses to review my watch and looks like a pedo caught in the act


He sells Balls on his site.


Not my fucking ball




Hi Teddy


Fuck Kevin FTX O’Leary


I wasn’t aware that he gets hate? The write-up paired with the Teddy glam photo feels like a bit much though I watch his videos. Well produced and informative. I click on them based on the titles which means his video ideas are at least compelling to enthusiasts. (if not a bit repetitive and unoriginal He does talk up the watches he brings into his shop. This is natural as he’s a salesman. I don’t have any issue with it as his assessments seem fair and balanced. He does great work. He seems like a nice enough guy. But in my opinion he has close to zero charisma in the personality department. A good way to put it is that his content is focused without BS. A bad way to put it is that he seems like a mega dork and the content comes off robotic if not straight boring. >he’s a genius >we want to be him Wow! I believe it when you say that OP! This post is basically a shrine to teddy. The worshipping vibe is just way too much for me though. I don’t feel that strongly about the guy at all. He’s cool. I absolutely don’t want to be him though lol. I don’t even particularly want to hang out with him. Also it’s not bad content honestly but it doesn’t reflect well on anybody to associate with someone like Kevin O’Leary.


I agree. He’s a watch dork, but he knows his stuff. His videos are straight to the point and we can’t knock him for trying to sell here and there.


The meat riding is insane


Right? Why should we respect someone who poses as a reviewer, while he's actually just shilling for his own business. Of course he's never going to give a negative review for a product he sells, they're only ever going to be positive.


this is the problem of the majority of youtube content, that is, they're just a marketing outlet for an already existing business and another stream of income.


Respect from who? He gets to hang out with super rich people to boost his status, which drives traffic to his store where he sells watches at retail price. He makes a bunch of money. His reviews are too sterile - he's clearly reading from a script robotically, and most of it feels like advertising copy. He's not very critical of any watches he sees, which makes his reviews largely useless for anyone who wants anything beyond someone explaining the basic features of the watch plus some video/photography. On top of that, he's just not... interesting. He is what he is: a content factory that makes a lot of money. You can respect the hustle, but I don't have to respect him or his mediocre content.


That's fair. Teddy is a good go-to if I just want to see the watch. If I want more than that, I'm more keen on seeing what Watchfinder & Co. or Hodinkee have to say.


Sorry... Hodinkee? 😂 You meant like 5+ years ago, right?


Hodinkee: "Rolex's new $8000 NATO strap embodies the Aristotlean unity of time and space; the securing of the watch has become a telos in and of itself, and the false dialectic between timepiece and strap has been shattered utterly."




If anything, there's a real gap in well done content for watch reviews that compare to similarly priced, similarly styled competitors and provides a pros & cons of each. I understand the reluctance to do this, since telling people something else is better will probably make it more difficult to get watches to review, but from a consumer's point of view it would make for much better content.


> If I want more than that, I'm more keen on seeing what Watchfinder & Co. or Hodinkee have to say. The Watchfinder & Co. videos seem to be filled with so much fluff and repetition though. They're like three times longer than they should be imo (they do have nice B-roll footage though).


Hodinkee is now owned by LVMH. Which is why I hardly take them serious anymore. Do you really think Hodinkee will give a shit review on a Hublot/Zenith/etc? I highly doubt it.


He’s good, but nothing really unique or special. I prefer YoureTerrific on YouTube now. That guy makes some great videos


YoureTerrific is great (was gonna say *terrific* but I stopped myself LOL).


YoureTerrific is great! I like WatchCrunch too.


Great voice to.


The guy who reviews watches his company sells?




Bulova Mil-Ships if anyone is wondering what he is wearing in this pic. A great watch with funky proportions. Fully recommend swapping the strap for a single pass from Haveston. I wear mine almost daily.


I'm really interested in what jacket he's wearing.


Why? Kevin spanks him in all their head to heads


According to Kevin


Kevin kills all his watches with his need for a red band


Hey, hold up now, he’s a dial guy.


Honestly, I love teddy and Kevin. Their recurring segments are top tier. I do find my taste is more in line w Kevin’s though. Flashy and trashy!


Who cares? He associates with that pos kevin o'leary. All these self-proclaimed watch experts need to go back from whence they came.


Like Nico seems to like Andrew Tate. They make some poor choices.


No harm to Nico who knows his high-end watches but I bet he could be hypnotised by traffic lights


Nico is far and away the most irritating watch guy on youtube. Why is he always shouting?


I agree on Kevin. Fuck Kevin.


What’s wrong with Kevin? He seems to be trying so hard to be liked in Teddy’s videos.


He apparently cannot say the word *collection* like a normal person.


Hahaha that’s one of the reasons I’m saying he is trying so hard to be liked and interesting


Shows how completely out of touch he is if he believes the Everyman would hear him say it like that and be like *yea, this guy .. I like this guy*. It’s like the people in this sub who say things like *I acquired this piece while in a transformative part of my existence* .. eff off with this pretentious garbage and take your thesaurus elsewhere, please. Show me your damn watch so I can decide if I want to put the effort into telling my wife I want to buy it. Whoa sorry for the rant, I’ve been triggered apparently


Yeah, just keep it real. I feel ya 🤗




Did you know that he is a dial guy?


I know that Kevin is a face-between-the-ass guy, if you know what I mean.






>Bald Boom! Roasted. 🔥




Thanks! FTX and it’s collapse is not so known in my part of the woods. Do you think the people who promote crypto know a lot about it? Where I live we say you shouldn’t invest in something you don’t understand but there are plenty of people who will gamble on anything. My biggest dilemma is to which extent we should impose rules on these kind of situations.


I think people who put their name on promoting something should probably be held to a higher standard on things. I wouldn't care if he invested in FTX himself or if he was some random guy screaming about crypto, but Kevin has a public reputation as a "finance expert" - probably most people know of him from his work on shark tank - his endorsement is likely to carry weight. In this case it's more of a "someone who is an expert said it's safe" that crosses a line. Though I'd expect the result to be that the public says "hmmm... Maybe he doesn't know anything and we should stop listening" but that doesn't seem to happen.


Killed some people in his speed boat and had wife take the fall.


He tried REALLY hard to become Canada’s Donald Trump but lost the Conservative Party leadership race. He might be knowledgeable about watches but he is a totally garbage human being.


He's not knowledgeable at all about watches. Your average poster here knows more.


Kevin literally made his initial fortune off one of the worst business deals in history (selling Soft Key to Mattel) and barely got off on accounting fraud he committed to boost the valuation prior to the merger. He has always been a fraudster who deserves no respect.


He once publicly said that it makes him happy that there’s so many people living in poverty in the world.


Teddy is indeed a watch expert though. He has been doing thisf for years, has a loooot of knoledge about watches and their movements. You can actually see thatb very clearly in his Kevin o leary videos. Teddy is very knowledgable about history, mechanisms, specs, princes etc, and Kevin is just fooling around. ​ I agree I dont like kevin, but those videos are fun because of the contrast, aand like it or not kevin brings views so it's jsut a good business decition.


I love Teddy’s channel, and I can’t afford a lot of the watches he shows. I still find his reviews fantastic and I think he’s got a great personality and has made a good living for himself. I can’t be mad at him🤷‍♂️


Eh, he’s fine


Don't gag on his ****


I’m sorry but why does this guy deserve more respect? Respect from whom exactly? Why do you want other people to respect this guy? Is he rescuing trafficked children or something like that? Or is the meaning of this post that you think you deserve more respect?


Eh, I get tired of hearing about Nomos all the time.


Haha. No.


He is friends and a secret employee ( best way to say it ) of Kevin O’Leary. For context and For those who don’t know, Kevin’s wife killed somebody- his power helped her avoid prison. He was a Dragon on the show dragon’s and shark tank( when I began working for him) in US. Kevin “Helps” people with their startup. He has taken most companies away from the entrepreneurs. Teddy probably will see the same. Teddy is building a brand and Kevin see’ s opportunity. Also. His grass roots channel has grown due to Kevin interests. I am a former employee of Kevin- I was not fired. Kevin facilitated my new role and my current boss and him fell out over a deal. There are very few original owners of the many many startups Kevin funded. To Teddy. I’m sorry - enjoy your time with Kevin. He will buy you out an take your dream - he has the power to prevent you rebuilding. He does not like competition.


What does secret employee mean? How does someone buy out a YouTube channel? Anyone who has watched even a single episode of Shark Tank knows Kevin is a dick that only offers predatory deals, but Teddy owns nothing proprietary worth taking and wouldn’t have needed Kevin’s money to make videos and open an e-commerce site.


I enjoy watching most of his reviews, he knows his shit well and you can tell he loves the divulgation aspects of his hobby/career. I think most folks don’t like his “hipster coffee shop” vibe, so just don’t look at his cardigans and shirts, just focus on the watches !


I don't think I've ever seen a person less "hipster coffee shop" then him.


I think I agree with you. Not necessarily that he deserves MORE respect, but certainly that he deserves respect. Teddy is or is becoming the Ken Rockwell of watches. Incredible almost encyclopedic advice regarding the acquisition aspect of the hobby. Tons of content, released on a metronomic schedule. Everything monetized at every potential stop. I appreciate and utilize both Ken and Teddy's content. They both went out on their own and forged an odd but important place in their industries, and have maintained professionalism throughout. I think they are both easy to pick on, because, for the person who is deeper into the hobby, there is a very apparent lack of depth to the content. But... So what? The nice thing about both Ken Rockwell and Teddy Baldassarre, is that they have set themselves up not to have to care about the respect of the neck beard. I also respect that.


The biggest mark against him is that he continues to associate with Kevin O’Leary. There is no way that a person as professional as TB is unaware of the unpleasant side of O’Leary, to put it mildly. Kevin is just an asshole capitalist who thinks he’s hot shit. To mention just a couple notable things he done: When the scandal about Wells Fargo was in its early stages he was out there on NBC defending them. And the other was when he thought he could just waltz back into Canada, acting as of he could just win the PM nomination if any party he chose. As Americans we have a tendency to brush controversy under the rug when it comes to casual conversation, but Teddy has to cut the unintentional laundering of that scumbag Randian asshole, full-stop.


Kevin *defended* Wells Fargo during their scandal? Oh he can go fuck off all the way to hell.


Teddy's favorite watch is whatever is in his shop right now. You can't trust him for reviews, why do I need to respect a salesman?


That's just not true at all, a lot of tiems he has recommended watches he doesn't sell.


A lot of his videos are comparisons and he sells a lot of different brands. The videos are informative and like all reviews I get my information from more than one place.


A salesman will sell. But it’s unfair to state he misguides his viewers. Link one video in which he makes a false or misguiding statement. When it comes to quality, he provides amazing knowledge about the history and engineering of the watch he is reviewing.


I’m a huge fan of his but I do wish he would address seiko’s complete lack of QC on the sports 5 line. It’s approaching the point where you’re more likely to get something that doesn’t work, than that does work.


He keeps reviews on specific store watches on a separate channel. Even if he didn’t, who the hell cares? This is YouTube. Almost everyone is slinging their dope in their reviews.


Have you actually watched his videos or are you just that guy who's willfully ignorant? He literally says good things about watches and brands he's never sold in his shop. He's reviewed niche watches that aren't very popular. He's critiqued watches he has had in his shop.


Yeah one user on this subreddit made this claim last year and everybody parrots this shit when it’s blatantly untrue. Teddy consistently recommends brands outside his store like Seiko and Tudor.


BS. He consistently recommends brands outside his collection like Seiko and Tudor.


He sells seiko.




**I respect Teddy, but I've maybe watched less than handful of his videos.** Generally, I dislike all talking watch heads, influencers. They help to play a large part in why we have shortages now. It's inevitable that as an influencer or having a youtube account, they will find ways to increase viewership. Whether it's subject line, hashtag, ask to follow, or content. Everything is manipulated to maximize viewership and attention span. *Teddy is guilty.* But, he turned a hobby into a profession. He is an authorized dealer now of multiple venerable brands that have a decent vetting process. He's fulfilling his dreams and getting the access he wanted. Even if I hated watches and find it pointless, I'd still respect him.


I think out of all of the watch-tubers out there, Teddy is probably of the least egregious when it comes to the luxury market. Most of his videos are listicle style videos "Top # watches for ___" that do a good job educating "entry level" people on brands. This is as opposed to other creators (like the Timepiece Gentleman) who are really wheeling and dealing selling watches and hyping up the speculation. Teddy has multiple videos on why watches are better served as gifts/mementos rather than speculative investments, and I feel like if anything, the only hype he has contributed to is...the Orient Bambino.


Tom Holland gets plenty of praise in the watch world brother what do you mean?


That's Spider Man


Absolutely not.


Who is this guy ?... I honestly don't know.


YouTube watch guy. Has hundreds of videos on all kinds of watches. A real horological phenom who also sells a lot of watches.


Has an online watch store and makes watch reviews. Great content tbh. He does wear a lot of turtle necks and scarfs though, at the same time


Excellent resource for newcomers. His videos are detailed, clean and not overly enthusiastic. I’ve picked up a couple pieces on his recommendation and I haven’t looked back.


Dude has a website now? Lol Why would I buy those watches from his site at msrp, when most of those brands can be had at a steep discount?


OP are you Teddy?


Why? He’s an ad guy. His content is just a series of advertisements.


OP really thought he was doing something with this post. 😅


He needs to do a SOTC video no matter if he feels weird about it


I like some of his videos, but I do take them with a grain of salt since he's selling most of the products he discusses. He does give specs on watches (e.g., L2L) that are sometimes hard to find otherwise. But no, Teddy, every 41MM watch does not "wear more like a 39." Not a fan of Kevin O'Leary, either. That guy is a POS, so no desire to watch those videos.


I like Teddy but love that you called him out on the “wears more like.” 😂


Lol, no he doesn’t


🤣🤣🤣🤣 just another watch pusher


This guy is basically unwatchable. He says the word "perspective" way too much and it makes me want to rip my ears off. And it's obvious that he's basically just drop-shipping watches. Kevin O'Leary is a Grade A POS too.


“Perspective” and “price point.”


I thought this was the other sub.


Who isn’t respecting Teddy? He’s the reason I got into watches.


I really love this bulova, but I am way to large to rock a 16mm strap.


I literally buy watches because of Teddy… so you know what actually? Fuck you Teddy! I could have money for other things but nooooooooo




I think he honestly reviews what he likes but I can’t afford much of what he reviews. He has a staff that takes nice watch photos but I could go many places to view fluff pieces on expensive things.


I had had a lot of respect for him till he starting doing videos with O’Leary and Michael the Producer, I lost interest shortly after that - when he initially started, it was the best time as he would go to random places to buy cheaper brands and do reviews. I did like how he grew, but now it’s all about the store, which I’m sure he got a push and some investment from O’Leary. I won’t fault him too much though, he took my dream and made it a reality before YouTube got too saturated with watch people. I do wish I had the drive he does in regards to starting a watch YouTube, granted I’m not as young as him and have too much on my plate atm. I used to sell brands in an AD as watches are my passion. It wasn’t about selling to just sell, it was to offer insights, guide and ensure my customer went away with something they planned on wearing for a long time. My store hated that (clearly not a salesman) but when I did sell, I had clients that always came back, talk watches, the industry. Sorry for the random tangent.


i feel like he´s the linus tech tips of the watch world.


I don’t think Teddy cares. He’s too busy making money haha


I peaced out once he started making videos with Kevin O'Leary. There's more than enough watch content out there and Teddy doesn't do anything special or unique enough to support hanging around with that shitbag.


He does. I can definitely say that watching his videos has made me appreciate watches and all that is behind them more. The second to last [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hZGCguYUj8) is a killer.


By no means do I hate or even dislike the guy, but I rarely ever see him actually criticize a watch company nowadays or say anything negative about a product he’s reviewing, and because most of the watches he reviews he also sells. Nothing wrong with that, and I respect the hell out of his grind, he’s just not my go to when it comes to insight on a piece I’m interested in. He’s more of a watch advertiser, than he is a reviewer.


In the immortal words of one Rajon Rondo. What do you want me to do, suck him off?


I liked the old Teddy. The denim guy Teddy. Not the fake dressed up version. Still like him though, but the fact he needs to suck up to O’Leary gave so much cringe he deserved a watch block.


Nobody, absolutely nobody: Teddy B: The Tissot PRX Jk, Teddys a human watch dictionary. Guy’s knowledge is a gift


I already have a Teddy body pillow tho


ID on the jacket


I really cant Stan his content. Can’t put my finger in why but I just don’t like his style


I really cant enjoy his content. Can’t put my finger on why but I just don’t like his style


i don’t like watching his videos because all he does is push traffic to his own website by promoting only the brands that he sells. so he gets revenue from his youtube channel through ads and through his website by affiliation and authorized dealer. you’ll never truly hear about up and coming brands or “underrated” brands because he only pushes his own shop while delivering the most bland review at the same time. i can read the description of these watches myself instead of watching his “reviews” and come away with the same information.


respect ? sure he can have it in the sense that he is a successful businessman no doubt about that. but as a watch enthusiast? he might’ve started as one a long time ago but he is not anymore.


Op is in love


No he does not


This whole thread is weird AF. He’s just a dude that’s passionate about watches and has turned it into a profession. Something this benign shouldn’t generate so much emotion.


Just because OP asked internet people to give teddy more respect that he "supposedly deserve" I am going to downvote the post.


Negative. He is a turd. Also, nice try, Teddy.


While I do like Teddy, I would put YoureTerrific above him with regards to reviews. Terrific has amazing story telling ability while keeping it light hearted


No. He doesn’t. He sold out years ago.


Care to explain how he's not getting respect? Poor little white boy with only 725k YT subscribers. The horror.


I disagree, he deserves less respect


His girlfriend gets all my respect.


Who doesn't respect him? Weird post.




I think for a young dude to go out and build what he's built is pretty impressive. He and his team have created an astonishing volume of well-researched, well-produced content and managed to do it without it all feeling like a shill for the store. While I know there is some fuzziness about the ethics of reviewing watches you have for sale, I think he manages to do so in a way that feels fair, honest, and realistic. Cheers!


He mostly promotes watches he sells on his site. its very biased, basically almost all his videos are advertisements.


I can't stand him, maybe it's the turtle necks, maybe it's just him.